Infinite script kill

Chapter 404 The Chapter of Life and Death

Chapter 404 The Chapter of Life and Death

Take home?Change skin?Disguise?Or...mind control?
Xu Tong didn't know, but what was certain was that the son of the Xiang family in front of him, the future prince, was definitely not Xiang Keding himself.

Even if her skin is exactly the same as Xiang Keding, the changes in the details are absolutely unmistakable.

At the beginning of entering this script world, I reminded myself in the first task that in this script world, it is not uncommon to lose a home.

It now appears that this reminder is not without reason.

It's just that whether she is Qiao Xiaofeng or not is not important to him. What is important is that Taoist Xunlong has already sent Xiang Gongbao a long-awaited congratulatory gift.

A four-inch square jade seal with a circle of four inches, with five dragons intersected in Shangyu, and eight seal characters engraved on the front of it: "Ordered by the sky, long life and eternal prosperity".

As soon as Yuxi appeared, it naturally attracted a burst of exclamation from the crowd.

Xu Tong took a look at the Qimen through the eye of fate, and saw that the top was shining brightly, as if a cloud of rays of light shrouded it.

It's just that the light is too weak, even if he has never seen the real Chuan Guo Yuxi, he can still feel that this thing is definitely not genuine.

But who cares?
Does Xiang Gongbao care?not give a damn about.

Do these ministers present care?Hehe, the fool also knows that this stuff can't be true.

Because of this thing, Datong Chaoli appeared twice.

Once, the founding emperor of Datong destroyed the Mongolian Lindan Khan, and his descendants presented the so-called "Chuan Guoxie" of the Yuan Dynasty.

When he was Emperor Qianhuang, he started to repair the Yellow River and obtained a piece of jade seal, which was also passed down to the country.

Later, these two jade seals were confirmed as fakes.

But what about fakes, everyone has the right to take the fake as the real thing, and talk about it as a supplement, and there is no one to delve into it.

This is obviously the case at this time, who cares whether this thing is true or not.

Before Xiang Gongbao ascended the throne, the mysterious Taoist sent the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, just such a rhetoric is enough to increase the legitimacy of Xiang Gongbao's succession to the throne.

As for other things, it doesn't matter.

"Xiang Gong is now born with Yuxi, it seems that it is the destiny, I respectfully ask Xiang Gong to announce it to the world, so as to set the record straight."

"That's right, if it's too late, things will change. The sooner the better."

Xiang Gongbao's original intention was to wait a little longer, even if everyone knew that he had this intention, he still had to make three requests and three resignations.

After all, only by acting well can there be flavor, but now that everyone is talking about it, Xiang Gongbao will naturally start to mutter in his heart.

"Xiang Gong, in this eventful autumn, everything should be done with the momentum of thunder. Don't forget that the vassal kings of all states are still here."

As soon as these words came out, Xiang Gongbao's expression changed.

Immediately, people were asked to prepare documents, not only the seal of Empress Dowager Shengci, but also the Jade Seal of Chuan Guo that had just been obtained.

"Hehe, tonight's midnight, when the sun and the moon alternate, is a good time that has not been seen in thousands of years. The emperor can ascend the throne at this time, and the country's fortune can be guaranteed."

Taoist Xunlong pinched his fingers and calculated carefully: "It's just that on such a big day when the world changes, there must be some demons and evil spirits appearing, and it is necessary to arrange twelve stargazing towers in the palace. You can sit back and relax."

Xiang Gongbao's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he knew that Taoist Xunlong had great powers and was a real land god, so he hurriedly stopped Taoist Xunlong: "Thank you, Immortal Elder. Lord."

Taoist Xunlong just shook his head indifferently to this: "The poor Taoist is named Xunlong. Now that the real dragon has returned to his place, the future will be peaceful for all generations. The poor Taoist's vocation will be fulfilled from then on. The prosperity and wealth of this mortal world has nothing to do with the poor Taoist."

"Hey, old green tea."

Xu Tong stood behind and listened, thinking that you have taken the last bit of dragon spirit, what more human fireworks do you need.

"It's not too late, Pindao is going to prepare right now, but I'm not familiar with this palace, and there is still a shortage of manpower around me, so please ask Mr. Xiang and Mr. Ma to accompany me."

Taoist Dragon Xun named important people by name, whether it was Ma Qi or Xiang Gongbao, he was relieved. In their eyes, Taoist Dragon Xun was a god or a magic stick, but he was definitely a peerless master. It is always safer to be around such an expert than to be by their own side.

So Xiang Gongbao readily agreed, and summoned the two of them, repeatedly urging everyone to follow the instructions of Taoist Xunlong Yunyun.

Xu Tongming knew that Taoist Xunlong singled out him and Xiang Gongbao at this time, he must be uneasy and kind, but it is bound to be strong and he can only recognize it by pinching his nose.

It's just... when did this old thing have sex with this pretty Xiaofeng? ?
Thinking of this, he glanced at the impostor beside him, and saw that the other party was also looking at him. After the two looked at each other, they were stunned for a moment, and then they turned their heads tacitly.

With Xiang Gongbao's full support, Taoist Xunlong was immediately unimpeded in the palace. In fact, if the old thief wanted to, even if he carried away the Empress Dowager Shengci from the harem, no one would be able to stop him.


The three of them walked to a ruin, looking at the ruins in front of them, Taoist Xunlong couldn't help sighing.

This place is called Yanxi Palace, and the name sounds familiar, but when you go in and take a look, there is a Western-style building standing inside, which looks nondescript and is still in an unfinished state.

Such a good place is in vain.

Taoist Xunlong walked in, drew a circle on the ground, and signaled to the soldiers following him to build a three-meter-deep, three-meter-high, three-foot-wide stone pile in the circle, weighing 33 kilograms.

Then he took Xu Tong and Xiang Keding to continue down.

On the way, neither of them spoke, and they didn't have the intimacy of a good brother just now. Instead, they distanced each other tacitly.

Since everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, and since they know it well, it will be artificial to pretend.

"Here, the same as before, the size and weight must not be less than one star."

Walking in front of Jiaotai Hall, Taoist Xunlong glanced at him, tapped his toes, pointed to the open space in front of him and said.

The soldiers on the side hurriedly took note of the location.

Taoist Xunlong turned his head back to Xu Tong and Xiang Keding and said, "Kuai Luban Kuaixiang, the designer of the Forbidden City back then, was actually someone else. This person was called Cai Xin. Based on the five elements of yin and yang, it took several years It was designed by time, and was later taken over by Kuai Xiang, but unfortunately there are too few records about him."

The tone of Taoist Xunlong seems to be complaining for this person named Cai Xin.

But neither Xu Tong nor Xiang Keding knew what the old guy wanted to say.

Seeing the bewildered expressions of the two, Taoist Xunlong could only show an expression of playing the piano to a cow, and continued to walk down with the two helplessly.

While walking, he introduced the palace to the two of them.

For example, the Jiaotai Hall just now, the meaning of Yin and Yang Jiaotai, in plain English, is a place for the emperor to favor his wife.

There are also Kunning Palace, Qianqing Palace, Duitian Palace, Lihuo Palace and so on.

Gradually, Xu Tong realized that the entire imperial palace was composed of eight trigrams and nine palaces.

What made him even more puzzled was that Taoist Xunlong seemed to know the huge Forbidden City very well.

Until the last stop, Changyin Pavilion.

Taoist Xunlong seemed to be a little tired, he set up the last circle, and took the two of them to the top of the building.

Changyin Pavilion is the exclusive theatrical building of the imperial court in the Forbidden City. It is located on the east side of the Yangxing Hall of the Forbidden City. From the perspective of Fengshui and geography, this location is exactly the position of the character Xun in the eight trigrams.

Sunda represents the wind, and the wind transmits sound, which can help the sound to spread, and has an effect similar to that of loudspeaker.

The first official performance of the famous "Hui Troupe Entering Beijing" was held in Changyin Pavilion in the Forbidden City. It was to celebrate the birthday of Emperor Qian. Since then, this troupe has another name, Peking Opera.

It can be said that the actors in Xiajiuliu gradually flourished from this place.

Taoist Xunlong led the two of them to the top of the building, and they could see the beautiful scenery of the imperial city in front of them, the golden glazed tiles in the sun and the blue sky and white clouds.

"A country with thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and nine gates in the city. If you don't see the grandeur of the emperor's residence, you will know the dignity of the emperor."

Looking at the beautiful scenery, Taoist Xunlong couldn't help but let out a sigh, looked back at Xu Tong and said:
"The Cai Xin I mentioned just now is actually my great-grandfather. He was so talented, but in the end he became someone else. It's just who would have thought that since my great-grandfather, the Forbidden Palace would have buried a set of formations long ago. It will come in handy one day in the future, but unfortunately, he can’t see it.”

No wonder Taoist Xunlong was so melancholy just now.

It turned out that Cai Xin was his great-grandfather. His ancestors designed and built the most magnificent and glorious Forbidden City. In the end, even a single name was not mentioned. Instead, the credit fell to another person. No one would think otherwise. Comfortable.

Xu Tong couldn't help but secretly wondered if this old guy was so keen on rebelling against Xiang Gongbao, maybe it was more of a revenge mentality.

Taoist Xunlong seemed to be deliberately passing the time, chatting casually with them about his ancestors.

At this time, there was already the sound of digging downstairs. There is no doubt that the efficiency of these soldiers was really fast, and they quickly moved the stone piles requested by Taoist Xunlong and buried them in the soil.

Seeing that the soldiers below had finished their work, Taoist Xunlong waved his hand to signal them to leave, then turned around and threw a jade pendant to the fake Xiang Keding beside him: "You did a good job, this is what I promised to give you." reward."

"Thank you!"

The other party took the jade pendant, and without waiting for Xu Tong to see what it was, he quickly threw the jade pendant into the item book.

Then he glanced at Xu Tong and lowered his head: "Since this is the case, my task is considered complete. The senior is free, and the junior is resigning."

Having reaped enough benefits, he naturally didn't want to stay beside Taoist Xunlong any longer, so he turned around and planned to run away.

"Don't worry!"

But at this time, Taoist Xunlong stopped him: "I taught you the art of seizing houses, I gave you this wealth and honor in the world, and I also gave you the best divine jade in the world to help you break through the shackles. Now I still want you Look at one more thing."

Taoist Xunlong slowly took out something from his bosom, it was the picture of ascending the dragon given to him by the eldest princess.

The divine dragon emerged above, full of charm, but the empty eyes became the biggest regret of this painting.

Seeing this, Qiao Xiaofeng was suspicious for a moment, not knowing what Taoist Xunlong was going to do.

Just when he was suspicious, Taoist Xunlong looked at Xu Tong again.

"The Rising Dragon Picture is Wu Daozi's pinnacle work. It is impossible for ordinary people to point out the eyes instead of him, so there is only one way to point out the eyes."

When Taoist Xunlong said this, Xu Tong and Qiao Xiaofeng suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts.

The exchange of eyes between the two sides was fleeting, and at the same time a thought came to mind: "Escape!
But this kind of thought, Xu Tong gave up this thought at the very moment, because he saw the eldest princess coming out of the door behind them at some point.

His cold eyes were greedily staring at his neck, and the sharp fangs were slowly exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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