Infinite script kill

Chapter 405 The Chapter of Life and Death

Chapter 405 The Chapter of Life and Death


Not only the eldest princess, but also Le Rou and Fu An Ning came out together.

It seems that the three of them have been waiting here for a long time.

Le Rou looked at Xu Tong nervously, with tears in her eyes. In the eyes of others, she was the holy son of the White Lotus Sect, but in fact she had no cultivation or strength at all. When the princess sucked a living person into adulthood, the fear in Le Rou's heart could no longer be described in words.

"Fuck you!"

When she saw the eldest princess coming out from behind, Qiao Xiaofeng, even a fool, knew that things were different from what he thought. After yelling, she jumped up suddenly, holding a small pocket watch in her hand.

The bronze-colored body is already full of traces of time, and even the surface has cracks.

【Time Traveler】

It is rumored that this is a magical creation created by the creator of time with a frozen piece of time, but unfortunately, it is not authentic.

Active Skill 1: Arrow of Time
After activation, it can cause the surrounding time to produce a stagnation and slowing effect, and the specific effect needs to be based on the consumed script points.

Duration: 300 script points are divided into one second.

Cooldown: 30 days.

(Note: Even if it is not authentic, this is a magical item. Some people have used it to create miracles, but there are also some people who have used it to lift the skirts of young women.)
After Qiao Xiaofeng pressed the button on the clock with her fingers, a large amount of script minutes evaporated instantly, and at the same time, a strong light came out of her body.

Under the strong light, Xu Tong clearly felt that the speed of time and space around him seemed to be slowing down exponentially.

Even moving a finger seems to take a very long time.

It's like someone pulled the playback speed of the video to 0.5 times.

The only thing that may not be affected is his own thinking, as well as Qiao Xiaofeng herself.

A powerful item card that can be called an artifact. It is obvious that Qiao Xiaofeng is by no means a novice Xiaobai, but a top expert player.

Facing such a powerful item card, only three words flashed in Xu Tong's mind.

Ran and egg.

Sure enough, the moment Qiao Xiaofeng jumped off the attic, a strong sense of oppression instantly enveloped his head, accompanied by suffocating darkness.

Under the strong light all over Qiao Xiaofeng's body, she was actually pulled into a thread shape, and was still being squeezed and broken.

"how is this possible!!"

It is the first time that such a strange situation has appeared for the invincible trump card.

The unstoppable horror in his heart made him look back.

When he looked at him, the world in front of him was completely dark, and he could only see two pairs of red eyes shining in this dark world, standing on the attic looking at him from a distance.

"Do not!!"

The two figures seemed as tall as mountains, and I was completely shrouded in their shadow.


"Warning! [Time Traveler] suffered irreversible damage and was in a damaged state after generating a huge crack..."

Accompanied by the crisp rattling sound, the pocket watch in Qiao Xiaofeng's hand couldn't bear such strong pressure, the crack in the middle was getting bigger and bigger, and finally with the warning sound from the item book, the light on it was completely dimmed go down.

At this time, Taoist Xunlong moved.

It was the first time that Xu Tong really saw a big shot at the level of Taoist Xunlong.

I saw his hands full of calluses slowly lifted up, the fingertips were shining with streamers, and as the old man raised his fingers, the space in front of him seemed to be distorted along with his fingers.

If it is said that the grand master's virtual reality is enough to reach the level of creation out of thin air.

Then reaching the level of a dragon-hunting Taoist can already distort the rules in reality.

Accompanied by Taoist Xunlong's fingers, Qiao Xiaofeng was surprised to find that her body was actually moving backwards!

Do not!
It's not going backwards, but the time around you is going backwards.

Obviously, in terms of playing with the Goddess of Time, Taoist Dragon Xun is obviously more skilled than him.

Qiao Xiaofeng could only watch helplessly as her body maintained a jumping posture, slowly soared into the air, and finally returned to the original point.

It wasn't until Taoist Xunlong put his hand down that Qiao Xiaofeng woke up from the nightmare, her face turned pale, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

But Taoist Xunlong ignored him, instead he looked at Xu Tong, as if he wanted to see the expression of despair like a pretty little phoenix on his face.

However, Taoist Xunlong was disappointed, Xu Tong's expression fell into a state of contemplation after a short period of surprise.

This made Taoist Xunlong very regretful and curious, because he knew that the child in front of him seemed to have a talent beyond ordinary people in Yi Xue.

"What are you thinking?" He couldn't help asking.

Xu Tong raised his head and glanced at Qiao Xiaofeng, then looked back at Taoist Xunlong: "It's amazing, distorting the rules of reality?"

"Yes! When you reach this day, you will find out that some rules can be changed by people."

Until now, Taoist Xunlong still maintains the kind face of an elder.

However, what Xu Tong said next made the peace on his face instantly freeze.

"So... since I can turn back time, if I learn it, can I perform unlimited circumcisions on people??"

Before Xu Tong opened his mouth, Taoist Xunlong had already thought up many kinds of professional terms in his mind to show off his knowledge.

However, the circumcision operation obviously involved the knowledge blind spot of Taoist Xunlong.

Seeing Taoist Xunlong's stiff expression, Xu Tong explained to him helplessly: "Ahem, in fact, my greatest ideal is to be a doctor of andrology, because in this regard, I always have a little bit in my heart. sorry."

Seeing that Xu Tong seemed to want to continue talking on this topic, Taoist Xunlong immediately interrupted his nonsense with a wave of his hand.

"Okay, okay, it's a pity that this kind of thing will let him continue."

As he spoke, he slowly lifted the picture of ascending the dragon, and looked at the blank space where the dragon's eyes were.

"We don't have Wu Daozi's painting skills, but we can fill these two holes with our lives. Which one of you will come?"


Qiao Xiaofeng first pointed at Xu Tong's head: "Xianchang, the last time Xiang Keding fell off his horse, he was almost trampled to death if it wasn't for me. Last night, Prince Gong's assassins attacked at night, and Xiang Gongbao's life would have been long ago." It's gone, Xiang Gongbao was able to make up his mind to become emperor, I did it according to your order, you said that you would give me glory for the rest of my life, you shouldn't break your promise!"

Obviously, Qiao Xiaofeng has done a lot of tasks during the time she entered Xiang's house.

But Taoist Xunlong's gaze didn't seem to stay on him, he pointed to Xu Tong, and then pointed to Le Rou beside him: "You two, you choose one."

Hearing this, Qiao Xiaofeng's eyes turned red, it turned out that she was not in the so-called choice of one or the other.

"Don't worry, boy, Xiang Keding has already been crowned prince. It would be best to use your fate as an introduction. In fact, the best candidate is Xiang Kecheng, but who asked you to kill him?"

Fu Anning came over and pushed Le Rou into Xu Tong's arms.


With teardrops in her eyes, Lerou was held gently in Xu Tong's arms, so frightened that she didn't even dare to lift her head.

As soon as these words came out, Qiao Xiaofeng's face turned pale. It turned out that Gao Zhuo wanted to assassinate Xiang Keding that night, but he was only halfway there when he heard the mansion shouting that something had happened in Xiang Kecheng. Although Gao Zhuo didn't know What's going on, but seeing that the task was completed so easily, he simply put away his gun and turned around to run away.

And the person who killed Xiang Kecheng was Qiao Xiaofeng.

Qiao Xiaofeng thought that she had done these things flawlessly, but she didn't know that others had already seen clearly what he did.

Seeing that she was facing a dead end, Qiao Xiaofeng seemed to want to give it another go.

But the eldest princess obviously lost her patience, she flicked her finger lightly, a ray of black light flickered on the fingertip, and without giving Qiao Xiaofeng the slightest chance, she poked a small hole in his heart at almost lightning speed.

Instead, a drop of crystal clear blood appeared on the tip of the eldest princess' nails, and the blood rolled slowly, as if it had its own vitality.

When Qiao Xiaofeng came to her senses, she could only look at the hole in front of her chest, and looked helplessly at Xu Tong.

He could feel that his life was rapidly coming to an end, but he didn't feel any pain at all, instead he was abnormally awake.

Sober enough to just watch myself die slowly.

"NO!! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

After being dazed for a while, Qiao Xiaofeng crazily took out all kinds of medicines and swallowed them. However, these expensive healing medicines lost all their effects at this time.

Xu Tong watched coldly from the side, and he could clearly feel that all vitality in Qiao Xiaofeng was cut off in that instant.

Just like a flower whose roots have been cut off, even the best nutrient solution can't stop the process of decay and death.

It wasn't until she realized that all the medicines had lost their effect that Qiao Xiaofeng stood up slowly with a face ashamed, without resistance or complaint, the only thing she yearned for in her empty eyes was perhaps wanting to go to the hospital before dying. Find a place with fairly beautiful scenery and wait to die.

However, he obviously overestimated his vitality. Before he could go down the stairs, Xu Tong heard a rolling sound.

This undoubtedly made Le Rou even more frightened. Death is already terrible, and it is obvious that it would be painful for anyone to leave in such a sober way.

It's like drinking a bottle of paraquat, giving you time to regret, but never giving you the slightest chance of surviving.

"Don't be afraid, isn't this still mine?"

Sensing Le Rou's body trembling in his arms, Xu Tong patted her on the back lightly, comforting her in a slow voice.

Just hearing this, Lerou's hand gripped even tighter.

After finishing speaking, I felt that the back of my neck was very itchy, and when I looked up, I saw that the eldest princess had already walked behind me.

"I didn't see it, you are quite good at coaxing girls." The eldest princess teased.

Xu Tong grinned and said, "Who told you not to be a girl?"

"Hmph, when this matter is over, I will take you back and prepare a coffin for you, and let me see if you can still be so likable by then."

"That's a good relationship. I like that we can lie in the same coffin."

As Xu Tong said, he slowly pushed Lerou away, and looked at Taoist Xunlong: "Do it, since you gave me that pill, you actually didn't intend to let me live, did you?"

The corner of Xunlong Taoist's mouth twitched, and he didn't respond to this sentence, but the fact that his nature was cruel could no longer be hidden in his indifferent eyes.

"do not!"

Seeing this, Le Rou rushed forward to stop Xu Tong.

However, Xu Tong frowned, but hit Lerou on the neck with a hand knife, knocking her unconscious.

"I hope you keep your word."

As he spoke, Xu Tong walked slowly to the edge of the attic, opened his hands, and raised his head to let the sun shine on his face.

To be honest, it wasn't comfortable. The dark physique would be extremely painful under the sunlight, but he still couldn't help but greedily took a deep breath, feeling the beauty of the sun.


Suddenly, his body trembled, and he slowly lowered his head. There was already a hole in his heart. The whole process was so fast that it made people uncomfortable.

Looking back, I saw that the blood beads had gathered on the princess' fingertips.

At the same time, he could clearly feel that the vitality in his body was rapidly collapsing.

"The sun will go down in another hour, find a place where the light can't be seen, maybe you can hold on until tonight when the world is turned upside down."

Taoist Xunlong stood up, he was aware of the special nature of Xu Tong's physique, and gave a piece of conscientious advice.

It's just that everyone knows that this is not good intentions.

The process of letting people wait to die in hope will be more tormented.

"Take this girl away too, just in case."

Fu Anning stepped forward, reached out and grabbed Le Rou's hair, ready to lift him up from the ground.


Fu Anning raised his head and saw Xu Tong looking at him sideways: "Old guy, be yourself, be careful, I'll come back and settle accounts with you!"

Fu Anning originally wanted to sneer and mock this guy, what kind of uncle is a person who is dying.

But looking at Xu Tong's cold eyes, he finally swallowed the words back. After all, it is not a wise choice to compete with a dead person, not to mention that if this kid really gives up his life, Fu Anning is not sure, Taoist Dragon Xun And whether the princess will help herself.

So he slowly let go of Le Rou's hair, and slowly hugged Le Rou.

"Little guy, wait for me here!"

The eldest princess blinked at Xu Tong, and then left with Taoist Xunlong.

Xu Tong sat on the attic, watching the backs of the three leaving, his eyes gradually became expectant.

A ring was taken out of the props book, and it was lightly clasped on the finger.

Sit down quietly, as if waiting for something.

I don't know how long it has passed, Xu Tong's face became paler and paler. What the princess took away was not only the blood from his heart, but also the anger of his whole body.

Gradually, his consciousness also seemed to start to blur, and he couldn't lift any strength in his body.

Suddenly Xu Tong raised his head abruptly, his eyes fixed on the front.

"Da da da……"

I only heard the sound of crisp footsteps getting closer, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, there was also a burst of brisk singing of a girl.

It is conceivable how happy a woman in high heels and humming a song is feeling at the moment.

"finally come!"

The sound of footsteps was getting closer, but Xu Tong's vague consciousness became more and more clear. He couldn't help licking his tongue on his chapped lips. He knew that the person he was waiting for... came!
(End of this chapter)

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