Infinite script kill

Chapter 411 I'm Uneasy If You Don't Die

Chapter 411 I'm Uneasy If You Don't Die (Two Chapters in One)

As he spoke, he tentatively hugged the armor in his arms, but it was really light and weightless.

"Look for it, maybe it will be hidden in these armors."

Li Xi went to these armors and fumbled for a while, obviously not wanting to let go of a place where a possible treasure was hidden.

Baishitong went to the incense table and took a look. There were still tributes on the incense table, but it seemed that these things had not been replaced for a while.

At this time, Baishitong suddenly noticed that there were several Buddhist scriptures on the incense table, and he picked them up and flipped through them for a few times before throwing them aside. Mysterious Tong closed-mouthed Chan]

It's interesting, he has also heard of closed-mouth meditation. It is rumored that some eminent Buddhist monks have not spoken for decades, and once they speak, they have earth-shattering abilities.

But what do the words Yi Fa Xuan Tong mean? ?
After reading two pages, Beston was fascinated by the content inside.

This is not just a Zen scripture, but also a complete set of practice methods, which seems to include the opening chapter of Yi Xue's spells. If you can persist in practicing to perfection, you can even change your fate against the sky.

This thing is quite suitable for him. Thinking about his illness, it is a good thing for Best to not speak.

Thinking of this, he simply put the scripture into his arms.

"Hey, this set of armor actually has a lot of history, is it Emperor Kang's Dragon Armor?"

Standing in front of the armor, Qianshou held up the sign on the side, and after taking a closer look at it with the faint light, he was immediately delighted.

"Emperor Kang can be regarded as one of the most famous emperors in the Datong Dynasty. If Emperor Kang was in power now, how could there be so many troubles? Those foreign devils would have been beaten to the ground long ago."

Qian Shou still has a good impression of Emperor Kang, after all, he can be regarded as a wise emperor who has rarely accomplished anything in the past and present.

"Come on, what kind of feast for the elderly is this old guy and his son holding to call people to the capital in winter, not to mention the exhaustion of the car and horses on the halfway, and there are many people who die of illness on the way, and they travel thousands of miles just to eat him. I don’t think the leftovers from the two mouthfuls are good things.”

Baishitong curled his lips, and he didn't have any good impressions of the so-called Kangqian prosperous age. In his opinion, people who are not of our race must have different hearts.

Qianshou shrugged helplessly. There was no way to refute these words. Although some things were not written in history, it does not mean that they did not exist.

Just when Qianshou put down the sign on his hand, he suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck. Relying on his instinct of working hard in the arena for many years, Qianshou didn't have time to think about it, he turned sideways suddenly, and made a move. Luo Han turned over, and immediately saw an iron sword slashing at the back of his head.


The sword edge didn't hit Qianshou, but immediately after the sword edge turned to the side, the sharpened sword pointed at Qianshou's head and cut it horizontally.

"not good!!"

Qianshou's mind tightened, the long sword was at least a lot longer than the iron sword that ordinary people imagined, and even if he wanted to dodge it now, he might not escape the result of being cut in half.

It was too late to say, Qianshou's face was grim, the muscles on both arms were tense, and he slammed on the ground, using a brute force to force his body to jump one meter high, watching helplessly. He opened the shirt on his chest and scratched it close to his skin.

In just a short moment, Qianshou could even clearly see a cold light appearing behind him in the reflected light refracted on the blade.

"and also!"

Sensing the cold light coming from behind him, Qianshou's heart went cold. Now that he was exhausted, it was too late to hide, so he could only close his eyes and wait for death.


It was too late and then it was too late, a short sword was blocked behind Qianshou, almost blocking the sword that was about to strike him.

Qian Shou turned his head and saw that Bai Shitong was holding his dagger with both hands to block behind him.

But before he could thank him, there was another wind in front of his eyes, and he saw a cold light flickering in front of him, and the long sword was already slashing up, Qianshou finally saw clearly that it turned out that those who attacked him were those paper figurines.

Are these armors alive? ?
Just now Qianshou even knocked it himself, the inside is hollow paper man, how could he survive? ?

But Qianshou had no time to think about the reason, and relied on his amazing waist strength to build an iron bridge, and finally avoided the ending of being poked through his throat, but he was still drawn a long bloodstain from his neck to his chin.

Jumping up, he came first, kicking the paper figurine's chest with both legs, and at the same time clasping the paper figurine's wrist, trying to grab the sword.

But after pinching, Qianshou's face changed. He thought it was a paper figurine, so it must not be too hard, but he didn't expect the wrist of this paper figurine to be as solid as a rock. The paper man took the opportunity to stab his chest with a sword.


A cigarette rod popped out from Qianshou's sleeve. It turned out that this cigarette rod was Qianshou's unique weapon. It was forged with high-quality refined iron. It looked inconspicuous but weighed more than 20 kilograms.

He held the tobacco rod with one hand, his legs were slightly bent, and his steps burst out and rubbed against the floor with a chirping sound. His figure was like a falcon skimming the ground and rushed towards the paper man.

The paper figurine lifted its hand upwards, and the blade slashed towards Qianshou's wrist.

In this flash of lightning, Qianshou did not hide or evade, the cigarette rod was buckled down, and the cigarette holder hooked the long sword's blade: "Go to hell!"

I saw Qianshou twisted the mechanism at the end of the tobacco rod, and an inch-long blade popped out of the tobacco rod, and as the tobacco pot held the blade and slid to draw a circle in the air, in an instant, the head of the paper figurine was also crushed together. Cut fly out.

This move is Qianshou's exclusive stunt. It combines the Wudang School's move of bringing Xing Guyue to leverage strength, and cooperates with the short knife on the smoking rod. I don't know how many people died under this move.

Seeing the head rolling on the ground, Qianshou was about to secretly rejoice, but he didn't want to feel pain in his lower abdomen, and saw that the long sword pierced straight through his lower abdomen.

He killed a lot of people with this move, but Qian Shou obviously ignored one point, the person in front of him is not a human being, his head is just a decoration, without it he can kill people.


Pulling out the long sword, Qian handed his stomach and fell to the ground. Only then did he realize that the other paper figurines in armor were alive?

"What kind of sorcery is this?"

Just as Qianshou fell to the ground, looking at these paper figurines wearing armor and holding knives, he couldn't help being shocked, waiting for death in despair, Huo Wuji and Li Xi finally caught up downstairs.

"Mixed Fire!!"

Huo Wuji jumped up the stairs, looked at Qianshou who was lying on the ground, his face darkened, and he didn't care whether he would be discovered, he walked like lightning and rushed in front of Qianshou, raised his hand and hit the headless paper man hard chest.

Immediately, a hot and dark force exploded in the chest of the paper figurine, and flames spewed out from the broken neck, turning the paper figurine into a burning man in an instant, and quickly turned into a handful of paper ashes.

"Are you OK."

Li Xi rushed up to help Qianshou up from the ground.

"Can you try poking a hole in your stomach?" Qian Shou said angrily.

Li Xi glanced at his wound, quickly tore off his clothes, took out the golden sore medicine they stole from the pharmacy and sprinkled it on Qianshou's lower abdomen, after all, it was a royal product, the golden sore medicine was sprinkled on, and the bleeding stopped after a while .

Qianshou only felt that the numbness in his abdomen didn't seem to be so painful anymore, and he stood up slowly with the support of Li Xi while holding the cigarette rod in one hand.

With a glance, he saw that Beston was forced into a corner by a paper man, so he hurriedly pushed Li Xi: "Leave me alone, go and help him."

Li Xi nodded, and rushed forward with the dagger in his hand, helping Beston to save the situation.

Just like Qianshou, after only two moves, Li Xi found that the physical attacks of these paper figures were almost useless, so he simply put away the dagger, cast the soul-destroying hand, and tried to hit the paper figures hard, but it still had no effect.

Now Li Xi has also caught the melon. He knows some Maoshan secrets, but it is only useful against zombies, ghosts and monsters. To deal with paper people, they are still such invulnerable paper people. Run in circles around the pillars of the main hall.

Fortunately, Huo Wuji had already dealt with the other two paper figurines. He jumped forward, his legs slightly arched, his left hand grabbed the paper figurine's chest, but his right hand sank slightly.

The paper figurine seemed to be aware of the danger, but it didn't dodge or evade. It simply hit Huo Wuji's throat with a flat thrust, completely fighting for life.

But at this moment, Huo Wuji's figure suddenly flashed and disappeared in front of the paper figurine, and when he reappeared, he was already beside the paper figurine.

Hiding the bow and chasing the shadow, this is the kung fu of the Qingcheng School, but unfortunately no one applauds it at the moment.

The moment the figures intertwined, Huo Wuji raised both palms together, and Hunyuan Huo gathered in the palms, emitting crimson scorching heat, which instantly pierced the paper man's armor, and continued to penetrate the paper man's chest.


With a shattering sound, the paper figurine was split into two, and turned into ashes before it fell to the ground.

"Whirring whirring……"

Looking at the ashes all over the ground, the four of them looked at each other, Huo Wuji was panting heavily, his whole face was flushed and he was panting heavily, obviously exhausted.

"Let's go!!"

Although these paper figurines have been dealt with right now, such a big commotion might attract guards, so Huo Wuji shouted to leave as soon as possible.

"But...the thing hasn't been found yet!"

Li Xi's face immediately changed when he heard this, he didn't want to leave, there is something that can change his fate here, it is very important to him, there is another layer above, he wants to go up and have a look.


Huo Wuji was immediately annoyed, and grabbed Li Xi by the collar: "No baby is important."

"Yeah, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about no firewood."

Know-it-all also persuaded.

Qianshou didn't speak, but he glanced out of the window, and sure enough, he saw a fire surging in the distance, which seemed to have alarmed the guards, and was rushing towards here with a torch.

Hearing this, Li Xi seemed to hesitate, but looking at the three of Huo Wuji, suddenly a sneer appeared on his face, and he pushed Huo Wuji away.

"You keep the green hills, but I have no green hills. After the end of the Datong dynasty, there will be no dynasty anymore. What do you want me, a crippled eunuch, to do alive?"

Li Xi smiled sadly, it was hard for him to imagine that after a few years, they settled down, Huo Wuji and the others got married and had children, what about him?A lonely person struggling to live in this world is simply making life worse than death.

"You still have a way out, and the worst thing is that you will be safe for the rest of your life. If you can't change your fate against the sky, I will live a life that is worse than death."

After finishing speaking, Li Xi pushed Huo Wuji away, turned around and walked to the third floor with a stern face.

"Li Xi!!"

Qian Shou wanted to call him, but Li Xi didn't pay any attention.

Huo Wuji originally wanted to follow, but at this moment the footsteps of the officers and soldiers outside were getting closer and closer.


Even if Huo Wuji was a brotherhood, he still had to make a choice at this time, one life or three lives, Huo Wuji obviously chose the latter, gritted his teeth, turned around and rushed downstairs with Qianshou and Baishitong.

But after kicking open the door of the building, Huo Wuji glanced at the officers and soldiers approaching from a distance: "Go first!"


Seeing this, Qianshou guessed what Huo Wuji was going to do, but Huo Wuji only said: "It's easy for me to get away alone, let's go!"

"Hey! What is this called?"

Qianshou felt very uncomfortable, but still took Beston to take a step ahead.

Seeing the pursuers getting closer and closer, Huo Wuji roared: "Grandpa is here!" After saying that, he turned and went into the alley of the rockery.


Seeing Huo Wuji, these officers and soldiers immediately accelerated to catch up.

This may be the last thing Huo Wuji can do for Li Xi, but it's a pity that Li Xi doesn't know.

After climbing up to the third floor of the attic, Li Xi glanced left and right, and suddenly, he froze.

On the table in front of him stood more than a dozen paper figurines the size of a thumb. These paper figurines could not only move and dance, but even their expressions were lifelike.

Li Xi's eyes were attracted by these paper figurines, and he saw a dilapidated Taoist temple rising behind them, with the words Shangqing Palace written on it.

I saw another scene of a young man fleeing in embarrassment under the attack of a black-robed figure.

Until another old man in the Taoist temple appeared and killed the man in black with one blow.

Li Xi suddenly felt a strong uneasiness and an unspeakable sense of strangeness, as if at the moment the black-robed man died, his heart stopped suddenly.

When the picture ended, all the paper figurines disintegrated and shattered into countless shreds of paper. However, these shredded papers were quickly piled up again under the blowing of a gust of breeze, and gathered into a group of paper figurines as tall as Li Xi, floating in front of Li Xi.

Seeing this, Li Xi involuntarily took a step back, his pupils twitched slightly, and saw the paper figurine stretch out his left arm and a wooden box carved with flowers of the past appeared in the paper figurine's hand.

"This is it!!"

Seeing the box, Li Xi's heart skipped a beat, he hesitated for a moment, and slowly stretched out his palm to take it.

But before his hand had time to touch the box, the right hand of the paper figurine in front of him turned into a blade, stabbing slowly towards Li Xi's lower abdomen.

The speed of the paper figurine is not fast, and Li Xi can dodge it if he wants, but the moment the blade stabs out, the box on his left hand is also slowly retracting. Obviously, if he dodges, he will definitely not be able to get the box.

After weighing for a short moment, Li Xi gritted his teeth and stepped forward. Even if he was seriously injured by the sword, he still wanted to get the box.


The paper blade pierced into Li Xi's lower abdomen, and the pain was far more intense than he had imagined. It was completely different from the clean and sharp wound of the sword, but it felt like the whole lower abdomen was twisted.

But this didn't stop Li Xi's desire for the box. He reached out and grabbed the left hand of the paper figurine, and grabbed the box heavily in his hand.

The two are tightly together, looking like friends embracing each other.

The heavy weight caused strong waves in Li Xi's heart. After wandering for half his life, he felt that he had grasped his own destiny for the first time.

"Xiao Xizi, congratulations."

Just when Li Xi was looking at the box in his hand with fiery eyes, the paper figurine in his arms suddenly spoke. What Li Xi never expected was that the paper figurine's voice was so familiar...

"You... Brother Ma!"

Li Xi turned his head dully, looking at the gradually clear outline of the paper man's face, with a familiar smile still hanging on the corner of his mouth, Li Xi suddenly felt a strong sense of fear in his heart.

"Brother Ma! Brother Ma, you let me go. I didn't betray you on purpose, I didn't!"

Li Xi wanted to struggle, but the paper figurine was like a steel frame at this moment. Li Xi couldn't let Li Xi break free at all, and he could only hear his pleading screams.

On the roof, Xu Tong slowly put down the hookah pipe in his hand, spit out a puff of blue smoke from his mouth, stood up, looked at the attic under his feet, and nodded: "I know, won't die, I feel uneasy !"

(End of this chapter)

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