Infinite script kill

Chapter 412 Is This Sun Thief Really Alive?

Chapter 412 Is This Thief Really Alive? (two chapters in one)

Xu Tong clenched his fists slowly, and the paper figurines downstairs also clenched their fists slowly.

The paper figurine created between the virtual and the real, with the blessing of the spirit enchantment, is as strong as steel.

The screams downstairs stopped abruptly the moment Xu Tongjiang clenched his fists.

After killing Li Xi, Xu Tong didn't feel happy in his heart, because killing a guy who was weaker than him didn't give him the slightest sense of accomplishment.

But on the other hand, Li Xi had to die, even Qian Shou himself could let him go, but Li Xi couldn't.

It's not that I haven't given this guy a chance, or even given him many chances.

But each time he made the mistake of choosing a fork in the road.

Besides, don't look at this guy who is very picky now, but the fate of the partial official Heihu destined him to be more and more difficult to deal with in the future.

What's more, this guy seems to have begun to understand. If he missed this opportunity, he was afraid that if he wanted to kill him again, this guy might run out of the capital.

"Ding dong!"

Stretching out his hand to grab it, the soul restraining technique was activated, and Li Xi's soul floated out from the glazed tiles under his feet lightly, and was gently grasped by Xu Tong in the palm of his hand.

Watching Li Xi's soul shrink to the size of a glass bead, Xu Tong couldn't help thinking, should he be thrown into his own space of emptiness and reality, so that the master can have fun?
It's just that this idea was rejected by Xu Tong after it was born. On the one hand, the master would definitely not like it.

Just like killing Li Xi without any sense of accomplishment, the master can't just beat him up to vent his anger.

This is both boring and embarrassing, so why bother.

Second, if Li Xi wants to enter the Master's Palace of the Underworld, Li not worthy.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong casually threw Li Xi's soul orb into the fairy road at the entrance of the hall.

Dingling, Dingling, I saw a puff of colorful smoke coming out of the fairy furnace, which dragged Li Xi's soul into the pill furnace, and soon Da Ya jumped out of the hall holding a hot pill.

The appearance of this elixir is quite good-looking, glazed in color, I don't know what kind of elixir can be refined by the soul of a person like Li Xi? ?
Out of curiosity, Xu Tong put the pill into the item book.

【Pianguan Black Tiger Pill】

Those who eat it will get a bonus of no taboos within three hours.

Nothing is taboo:

Ignore the influence of fate, and radiate the surrounding 30 meters.

(Note: Heihu, a partial official, is doomed to be miserable for a lifetime. Those who disobey the harmony of heaven mostly end in premature death. If they can survive, they will have to pay blood debts and stir up chaos in the world)


Looking at this elixir, Xu Tong fell into deep thought silently.

He... Maybe he is also a poor man.

This elixir came at the right time. When Prince Gong rebelled, he was very impressed by the blessing of fate, almost like a god descending from the earth.

It's hard to say whether Taoist Dragon Seekers will have such a state blessing when they seize the dragon. With this elixir, they are just prepared.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong's eyes gradually darkened, he jumped off the attic and headed straight for the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

When Xu Tong arrived, he saw that the Hall of Supreme Harmony was already full of civil and military ministers, waiting here early in the morning.

It was not without reason that Xiang Gongbao chose to ascend the throne in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. This palace itself is the largest and most top-notch palace in the entire Forbidden City, and it can be called a unique work.

On the stage are displayed a sundial and a Jialiang, a pair of bronze tortoises and a pair of bronze cranes, and 18 bronze tripods.Turtles and cranes are symbols of longevity.The sundial is an ancient timer, and Jialiang is an ancient standard measuring instrument, both of which are symbols of imperial power.

On the glazed tiles, there are dragons, phoenixes, lions, celestial horses, seahorses, scorpions, scorpions, xiezhis, bullfights, Xingshi, ten mythical beasts. You must know that even a palace like the Huangji Palace only has nine.

Xu Tong quietly mingled in the crowd. He was Ma Qi's son, and everyone recognized him, so no one was surprised to see him mingling in.


Xu Tong glanced left and right, but he didn't see Taoist Xunlong and Fu Anning. He was arguing in his heart, so he heard a few old officials discussing in a low voice.

"Obviously he was enthroned in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, why did he go to the Xuanqiong Hall for the enthronement ceremony first? Isn't this nonsense?"

"You don't understand this, isn't it the same way since ancient times when emperors ascended the throne? Do you understand that the power of the king is granted by heaven?"

The Xuanqiong Palace is the only Taoist palace in the palace. It is dedicated to the Haotian God, but it has not been opened for many years. Now that the new emperor is enthroned, the enthronement ceremony should be held there first, which makes these ministers unbelievable.

"Hey, it's just suffering for us old bones. It's such a cold day at night, so we have to wait here."

Several old men whispered to each other, without noticing that Xu Tong had already jumped past them without making a sound.

Xuanqiong Palace, this is a place Xu Tong didn't expect, but when he hurried to Xuanqiong Palace.

Suddenly the pace stopped, and he tilted his head to look at the sky above his head.

A ray of golden light slowly rose into the sky, flickering faintly.

Although the light is faint, it hangs in the sky like the most shining star tonight, even ordinary people can see it.

And this is just the beginning, a steady stream of golden light began to rise from the ground, and the light became more and more brilliant.

"Dragon Qi!"

Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, he didn't expect it to start so soon.

This seems to be a bit different from what the Taoist Xunlong said. According to the Taoist Xunlong, it is a good time to draw the dragon veins when the time and the universe are turned upside down, but this time seems to be at least a quarter of an hour earlier. .

This can't help but make him smell something unusual.

It's not that he is suspicious, but that the more important it is, the more demanding the time will be, and he will never advance rashly.

It's like a rocket launch. When you agree on the time, minutes, and seconds, it is impossible for you to launch 2 minutes earlier.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong glanced at the time and began to use plum blossoms to do divination.

However, the result of the first hexagram turned out to be the upper lottery [Huo Tianda Youli Li Shang Gan Xia]

There is fire in the sky, and there is a lot; a gentleman wants to do evil and promote good, and he will die in accordance with the sky.

Looking at the hexagram, Xu Tong pouted.

I believe in you.

It was mentioned in the mission that the risk of capturing the dragon is extremely high, and you are signing me now, no matter how you look at it, it seems abnormal.

Count again.

[Gui Mei Lei Ze Gui Mei Zhen up and down]

It's wrong to be in a bad position.There is no benefit, softness takes advantage of rigidity

It looked like the same thing now, but Xu Tong still felt unreliable.

I can't tell what's wrong, but I always feel a very uncomfortable feeling all over my body.

He simply walked forward in no hurry, squatted in the corner and began to count.

He started hexagrams more than ten times in a row, starting from time to start hexagrams with things, and then using the most difficult one to start hexagrams with heart, good guy, the result was not serious once.

It seems that Xu Tong's mind has started to Muggle, but the more it is like this, the more it shows that there is a problem, so he just gritted his teeth and activated the Fate Eye Qimen at the same time.

"I don't believe it, I can't figure out why."

Xu Tong also went to the doctor in a hurry, and combined Plum Blossom Yishu and Mingyan Qimen to see what the effect would be.

But I don't want to, it's really different this time.

Under Meihua Yishu's calculations, the gray world in front of him actually showed messy colors following the calculations.

This is the first time Xu Tong has seen such a situation. Seeing this, Xu Tong simply took out a bunch of incense merits.

Suddenly, the strange door in front of him turned, and the messy lines began to gradually become orderly.

"Headmaster, this seems to be an eight trigrams formation."

Da Ya squatted at the entrance of the hall and watched, and recognized at a glance that the shape drawn by these lines was exactly the five elements and eight trigrams.

Xu Tong could also see it, but the lines were not completely regularized, and the incense merits in Xu Tong's hands had already been burned away.

Good guy, that bunch of incense seems to have little merit, but there are thousands of things to say.

It burned out in the blink of an eye, it was even better than Nazhijie.

Fortunately, Mingyan Qimen is not burning the script, but the incense and merit, I have plenty of it.

[-] records of merit are not enough, then one hundred thousand records are enough.

Xu Tong casually took out two balls of merit and continued to burn them.

Perhaps it was due to the enough merits of incense this time, and soon these messy lines quickly became orderly.

"Is it the floor plan of the Forbidden Palace??"

Xu Tong was stunned now, he didn't expect to get this thing after burning so many incense and merits.

In reality, even a dollar for this thing would be too expensive for Xu Tong.

If there is any difference, it is that a formation of eight trigrams and nine palaces is added to this floor plan.

Is that all? ?
In doubt, Xu Tong suddenly felt a heat in his nasal cavity, and he wiped blood on his hand with his hand.

Looking at the blood on his finger, Xu Tong became more excited. He felt that this must not be the final result of Fate Eye, and he wanted to continue to count, and he would definitely be able to figure it out.

But at this moment, a sound of fighting came from not far away, which forced Xu Tong to stop and continue his calculations.

Looking up at the sky, it turned out that the Forbidden Palace was already stormy, and the guys hiding in the dark also emerged with a clear outline.

I remember that before I saw through the Eye of Fate Qimen that there is not only a great master in the capital, but also many top masters hidden among the people.

Now it seems that these people can't sit still.

The sound of fighting was getting closer, Xu Tong didn't want to be troublesome, so he jumped onto a corner of the palace wall.

He saw a group of people being chased by the guards rushing past under his nose.

These people should be the group who took advantage of the fire to rob before, but as a result, Xiang Jiajun rushed into the palace, and they could only hide in the forbidden palace. They didn't expect to be discovered and chased all the way here, interrupting Xu Tong's continued calculation. .

Xu Tong had no interest in these people and was about to leave.

Suddenly, he was in a daze, and there was a sound of camel bells in his ears. He looked back suspiciously, and saw a figure approaching gradually on the dark palace road behind him. The other person walked very slowly, but every step seemed to be horizontal. The same span of more than ten meters.

"Jingle ding bell..."

The gray and autumnal little bell hung on the other party's crutches and jingled. The crisp sound was heard in the ears of the person, and it actually made people feel drowsy.

But I didn't feel this way. Michael's blessing increased my soul strength by 200% and I was immune to mental attacks. The other party's ringtone only made me feel a little dazed, but it couldn't affect me.

Just glanced at the entrance from the corner of the eye, and found that the three big girls had already fallen asleep.

As for the guards and strangers below, they have become muddled, standing in the same place in a daze, not knowing what dream they are dreaming, and the corners of their mouths are still dripping.

Seeing this, Xu Tong was not in a hurry to leave. He shook his clothes, only to see a dark brocade robe covering him.

It was in the last script world, after wearing the [Black Biao Brocade Robe] prepared for him by the master, the effect of the passive uncrowned king was activated.

It can perfectly hide its own breath, and even block tracking.

The black shadow was getting closer and closer, and when it came in front of these guards, it paused slightly, and slowly raised the black mask to reveal its true face.

This old woman probably looks very old, but the skin on her face is still rosy and plump, and a few strands of black hair can still be seen on the white hairs. In the slightly sunken eye sockets, a pair of dark brown eyes, With a kind demeanor, he is as kind and kind as his elders.

The old woman reached out and patted a guard on the shoulder: "My child, how can I get to the Xuanqiong Palace?" The kind voice gave a natural intimacy.

The guard pointed behind blankly: "Go forward, turn left at the third fork, walk another 300 meters, turn again at the intersection and fall down."

"Thank you, you are such a good boy, I have nothing to give you, so I will give you this."

As the old woman spoke, she took out a golden jade ruyi from the cloth bag at her waist, pointed it at the guard in front of her, and the guard's expression suddenly became strange. She didn't know what she was dreaming about, and she kept laughing strangely. .

Seeing this, the old woman nodded with a smile: "Sleep, sleep, there is everything in the dream."

Speaking of which, the old woman raised Ruyi and knocked on the guard's head...


The cup fell to the ground and was smashed to pieces.

Xiang Gongbao stood under the Xuanqiong Palace with a dark face and yelled at the people around him: "Why haven't you found it yet?? Are you pigs? Look again!"

Seeing that the enthronement ceremony was about to begin, but Xiang Gongbao couldn't see his son, he inevitably became a little flustered.

He is only such a son now, if something goes wrong again, what is the use of being the emperor himself.

But now, no matter whether it is Taoist Xunlong, his own son, or Ma Hongwen, the stinky boy, there is no trace, which makes Xiang Gongbao very upset.

"Your Majesty, the enthronement ceremony must not be sloppy. The time has come now. I would like to ask Your Majesty to ascend the throne first. Let me wait for the prince's affairs before sending more people."

A minister stepped forward and said.

Xiang Gongbao frowned, nodded when he heard the words, got up and walked towards the Xuanqiong Palace.

I saw that the incense table and candles had already been placed on the Xuanqiong Palace, and the two academicians were standing beside them, wearing formal attires and holding yellow incense jade plaques.

Ordinarily, this set of rituals should be the work of Qin Tianjian, but now Qin Tianjian exists in name only, so he can only temporarily find two great scholars to join the occasion.


On the corner tower of the city wall not far from the Xuanqiong Treasure Hall, Fu Anning held a pair of diorama binoculars in his hand and looked at it. When he saw that the two great scholars were holding the wrong cards, he couldn't help complaining.

The dragon-hunting Taoist on the side just smiled and said nothing, amateurs are amateurs, but this does not prevent them from seeking dragon energy.

Glancing at the gleams of light in the sky, Taoist Xunlong couldn't help sighing: "During the 200-year fortune of the Datong Dynasty, there is only such a little bit of dragon energy left in the end. It's really..."

"They were originally foreigners. The three emperors Kang, Yong and Qian entered Changbai Mountain several times. They used the dragon spirit of Changbai Mountain to enhance the national fortune of the Datong Dynasty, so that the national fortune of the Datong Dynasty increased sharply. The end may be the root cause of their Three Emperors."

Fu Anning whispered beside him.

Few outsiders know about this matter, but it is clearly recorded in the records of the Qin Tianjian. From the outsider's point of view, Changbai Mountain was banned by the imperial court just to suppress the local Han people, but it is also the root of the national destiny of the Datong Dynasty.

This matter is new to Taoist Xunlong, he nodded: "This is also an explanation."

After speaking, she turned her head and saw that the eldest princess was sitting in a daze, so she couldn't help stepping forward and said, "The princess is still thinking about Changyin Pavilion?"

"Well, he can't live, but why do I always feel that this kid is not dead."

When mentioning Xu Tong, the eldest princess always has a lingering feeling in her heart, even if she doesn't want to admit it, she still feels very guilty.

Especially thinking of the various visions that happened in Changyin Pavilion at that time, especially at a certain moment, she even felt a terrifying and magnificent aura forcibly coming to the world.

Even if the aura disappears quickly, you can't pretend it didn't happen.

So at this moment, the eldest princess concluded that Xu Tong would not survive, and she was also injecting herself with a booster.

"Actually...not necessarily."

Taoist Xunlong frowned, remembering the hexagram calculated for Ma Hongwen at that time, that he lived towards death.

This is not something he made up, but the result of a real calculation, so thinking about it now, I feel a little guilty.

"Eradicate the blood, cut off all vitality, but if there is really a god who wants to save him, it may not be impossible.


For a Ma Hongwen, are they worth fighting to save him at all costs? "

Speaking of this, Taoist Xunlong seems to have regained his confidence.

What kind of thing is Ma Hongwen? He hasn't done any bad things like rape and robbery. Throwing this little bastard into hell, he probably won't miss the treatment of any of the eighteen hells.

Are those gods full of food, or are their eyes blind, can they go against Yin and Yang at any cost, and take huge risks to save him? ?
It's ridiculous to think about.

Not to mention that he wanted to laugh, even the eldest princess unconsciously raised the corners of her mouth.

"So don't worry, what's more, even if this kid comes back to life, he can turn the world upside down in our hands."

On the side, Fu Anning joked with a smile: "That's right, I really hope that this kid comes back to life. I haven't had time to settle my debt with him, but it's a pity that he won't survive."

After Fu Anning finished speaking, he raised the binoculars in his hand and looked around: "Oh, there are really many experts here, and all the dream mothers from Jiangnan are here."

In Fu Anning's line of sight, he saw an old woman wearing a black cloak holding a cane, and she recognized the origin of this old woman at a glance.

It is said that she is a sorceress in the south of the Yangtze River. The so-called sorceress is recorded in the "Shenqi Santong Jian" in Qin Tianjian. Those who are born with divine wisdom can act as a medium to pass on the heavens and the ghosts. , for all living beings.

It means that this kind of people are born with some unique spirituality, and their consciousness can sneak into the netherworld or the heavens, and some are even born with strange magic, but there is no fixed definition of what kind of strange magic.

Meng Po is one of them. It is said that this old woman lives by eating dreams, and her methods are ruthless and weird. I didn't expect her to come this time, which is really unexpected.

"It's not surprising, of course we can't be the only ones who have the idea of ​​dragon veins."

Taoist Xunlong nodded, and completely ignored the so-called dream woman that you, Fu Anning, said.

This kind of person knows a little bit of strange magic, and it is a bit tricky to hide in a dark corner, but once he sees the light, there is nothing terrible, and he can kill him with just one finger.

"There are a few more, the real Duckweed from Luo Shengdao is also here, hey, this old guy can move his old arms and legs..."

Fu Anning held up the binoculars, looked left and right, turned his gaze, and suddenly noticed a drunk man in white appeared in his sight, stumbling as he walked, looking like he was about to fall down at any time.

It's just that Fu Anning didn't have any impression of this person, and he didn't see what happened after a glance, and he didn't take it seriously in his heart.


Suddenly, Fu Anning's expression changed, and a scream came out of his mouth.

Looking forward with doubts on his face, he exclaimed: "Impossible??" He didn't forget to rub his eyes as he spoke, wondering if he had read it wrong.

He hurriedly raised the binoculars to take another look, and suddenly his whole face became weird.

"what happened?"

Seeing Fu Anning making such a fuss, Taoist Xunlong immediately felt a little displeased. If it wasn't for this person's usefulness, he would have sent him to see the King of Hades by now.

Fu Anning had an inexplicable strange look on his face, he didn't explain anything, but just handed the binoculars to Taoist Xunlong.

"The direction of Jingyang Palace on the left!!"

Taoist Xunlong took out his binoculars and looked in the direction of Jingyang Palace suspiciously.

nothing? ?

Under the night, there was nothing in Jingyang Palace, Taoist Xunlong was speechless for a while, not knowing why Fu Anning was so excited, but at this moment, a black shadow suddenly jumped up from the wall.

It just happened to appear in Taoist Xunlong's line of sight, and Taoist Shunlong's expression froze there just by taking a quick glance.

He even raised his voice: "How is it possible???"

Putting down the binoculars in his hand blankly, he was dazed for a long time before slowly turning his head and looking at the eldest princess with a very serious expression: "Hiss~~The grandson thief is really alive?"

(End of this chapter)

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