Infinite script kill

Chapter 413 Demon Flame Vermilion

Chapter 413 Demon Flame Vermilion
The eldest princess was stunned for a moment. Although she was not surprised by the result, she was still surprised.

I knew that this kid was not simple, but I didn't expect that he could actually come back to life.

Soon the eldest princess's eyes showed a cold look: "So what if he came back alive, this time he was beaten out of his wits."

Speaking of which, the eldest princess was about to get up, but Taoist Xunlong stopped her.

"No, the formation of dragon aura is just around the corner. I need to control the drawing of the dragon, and someone must protect me."

The air of the dragon gathers in the midair. If it were another era, it would already be a real dragon appearing in the sky at this time, blessing the enthroned.

But the luck of the Datong Dynasty had declined so badly that Xiang Gongbao had already started the cumbersome enthronement ceremony, and the dragon aura hadn't yet gathered into shape. This speed was much slower than they expected.

What's more, Taoist Xunlong is even more worried because he has already estimated three times about the act of seizing the dragon.

But even if he had already made the arrangement early, the result was still not optimistic.

So he really needs the protection of the princess, an ally.

However, how can the eldest princess be easily persuaded by Taoist Dragon Xun?

"Isn't there still time, how much time can be wasted killing a small grasshopper, I will go back as soon as I go."

After the eldest princess finished speaking, she jumped off the wall and the figure disappeared without a trace after a few dodges in the dark night.


Seeing this, Taoist Xunlong could only caress his beard helplessly, a cold look flickered in his deep eyes, and said meaningfully:
"Hey, I'm afraid you won't come back once you leave!"

Fu Anning listened carefully with his ears upright, and felt suspicious for a moment, but he still had a disapproving look on his face and said: "The eldest princess reversed life and death, she still has a frank temperament."

In fact, at their stage, no grievances or hatreds are important anymore, interests are the eternal foundation.

After all, even if this person is the enemy who killed your parents, so what if you smash him into thousands of pieces, you are about to die, if you can further capture the dragon energy and perfect yourself, there is still time left to solve these grievances Resentment.

"Hey, look, there's already a fight over there."

Taoist Xunlong didn't answer, he just pointed his hand into the distance, Fu Anning raised his binoculars to take a look, and sure enough, he saw that Meng Po was already fighting with another person.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Song Kuang, you deserve to fight with me."

The dream woman waved her cane, the sound of the bell became more piercing, and black balls appeared in the surrounding void. Each black ball seemed to be wrapped in a terrible dream, and it exploded in the air, forming a strange picture and smashing forward.

Some palace guards who heard the news rushed over, but before they had time to dodge, they were immediately swallowed by dreams, and countless terrifying nightmares appeared in front of their eyes, and they raised their big knives in panic, slashing and killing their companions in a pool of blood .

"Grandma Meng, I respect you as an elder, but I am bound to gain the dragon spirit."

The middle-aged man named Song Kuang was not afraid of the black dreams in front of him. He held a flute in his hand. Shocked the minds of the guards beside him into a mess.

It's just that Xiang Gongbao has placed a large number of guards around, and the two of them, even Grandmasters, gradually began to frown, and had to join forces temporarily to open a gap in these guards.

"Hahahaha, you two are so elegant, you are so poor!"

Amidst a burst of wild laughter, a black-clothed Taoist fell through the air. When he opened his hands, he saw a swirling wind in front of him, and several skeleton heads poked out from the billowing wind.

The surrounding guards instantly turned into a pile of rotten meat in the dark wind.

"Duckweed real person! Are you still alive??"

When the dream woman saw the person coming, she raised the crutch in her hand and took a step back with a vigilant expression.

Even Song Kuang couldn't help being taken aback. Few people in the younger generation knew the name Duckweed Daoist, but no one was afraid of the masters of the older generation.

This guy is a lunatic. He used to be from the Quanzhen sect, but somehow he began to practice evil skills. He once slaughtered a county town just to practice an evil method.

Later, he was arrested by the Quanzhen sect and suppressed for many years, and then he ran out for some reason.

He has disappeared all these years, and it is rumored that he died long ago without knowing where he died. I never thought this guy was still alive.

"Hey, don't worry, I am the fairest person to do things. Although the dragon energy is small, it is enough for each of us, right, little brother!"

Taoist duckweed finished speaking, tilting his head to look at the corner of the palace wall above his head.

Seeing this, Meng Po and Song Kuang were stunned, and saw a person wearing a black robe with half of his body exposed at the corner: "Master Dao is very skilled, but I don't know how you found me."

Xu Tong jumped down from the wall, feeling very strange. He has a black biao brocade robe, which can almost perfectly hide his aura. Neither Meng Po nor Song Kuang had noticed him before. Seeing his position, he couldn't help being very surprised.

While speaking, he glanced over the heads of the three of them. All three of them were at the level of grand masters, and their luck was also different, but overall their luck showed an upward trend.

"Hehe, Pindao was born in Quanzhen Sect, and he has practiced Quanzhen Qigong for many years. Although the little brother is good at hiding, he can't hide it from my eyes."

Taoist Duckweed grinned, and his self-satisfied appearance was annoying when he spoke, but Taoist Duckweed did have such qualifications.

After all, he was born in a famous family and also practiced magic skills, so he was a master of both righteousness and evil. Judging from the cautious attitudes of Mengpo and Song Kuang, you can see how afraid they are of this guy.

"It is rumored that the head teacher of the Quanzhen sect of the Longmen sect seems to have gone down the mountain, so seniors should take care of themselves."

Song Kuang said in a low voice.

"Oh, you're talking about that little bastard Yitian, don't say he didn't come, even if he did come, it's a drunkard who gets drunk all day, I'm afraid of him."

Taoist Duckweed grinned coldly.

Xu Tong stood aside and didn't speak, but when he heard the word "drunkard", he unconsciously thought of the one from Lianshan County, and he didn't know if this guy had come.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go straight in and grab the Dragon Qi, four of us will get one, and whoever dares to come will kill the rest."

Taoist Duckweed waved his hands and said, in his opinion, it goes without saying that Mengpo and Song Kuang are already notorious in the world.

As for this young junior, looking at him with his own eyes, this kid is full of demonic energy, no matter how you look at it, he is not a gentleman of righteousness.

Meng Po and Song Kuang had no objection to this, Xu Tong was about to speak, but before he could speak, suddenly his brows tightened, and he looked aside.

The smile on the duckweed Taoist's face also froze, and his expression suddenly became serious.

At the end of the corridor, she was dressed in a Chinese dress, with a stern look on her stern face.

"The ghost doesn't go away!"

The person who came was the Eldest Princess. Although I came here to capture the dragon, I never thought that the Eldest Princess would kill her so soon.

"You don't die, I feel uneasy." The eldest princess looked at Xu Tong up and down, with a strange look in her eyes: "Great master!"

"Coincidentally, I just said what you said before, it's not new."

Facing the eldest princess, Xu Tong had no fear on his face this time. After understanding the master's real idea of ​​creating Baishankou, Xu Tong already had enough confidence in his heart.

The top three flowers, to put it bluntly, are just a little better than the great master.

"Ahem, since you two have something to say, we won't bother you."

Taoist Duckweed, who was still arrogant and domineering just now, changed his face when he saw the eldest princess. With his eyesight, he could naturally see the depth of the eldest princess. His heart skipped a beat, and he immediately wanted to keep a distance from Xu Tong. .

However, the eldest princess glanced at Taoist Duckweed and shook her head: "No need, killing one is killing, killing two is also killing. Since we have met, we will send you on the road together."

For the Eldest Princess, since they are all here to plunder the Dragon Qi, there is no difference between killing one or two.

The faces of Taoist Duckweed and the three of them sank.

After exchanging glances with each other, Taoist Duckweed suddenly raised his sleeves, a gust of wind came, and the twelve holes in the inside let out a low growl, and rushed towards the eldest princess.

Seeing this, the eldest princess laughed instead, letting the black wind skeletons circle around her, and the duckweed Taoist's Twelve Blood Transforming Gods were of no use at all.

"It's useless skills, it's thanks to you that you don't practice all the mysterious knowledge, but you have to make such a big circle."

Taoist Duckweed twitched his cheeks. He said this in exactly the same tone as his master taught him, but he just didn't like the golden alchemy taught by Quanzhen.

I thought Master would say that, but I didn't expect that even the mysterious woman in front of me would say that.

Horrified in her heart, the Eldest Princess flew forward suddenly, opened her hands, and a black light bloomed at her fingertips. She didn't know how to do it, and the wind in front of her eyes was torn apart, and the twelve skeletons were blown to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a black shadow and rushed forward.


Taoist duckweed was startled, he didn't expect the gap to be so large, and he wanted to escape when the wind rose under his feet.

Po Meng and Song Kuang were already frightened to the point that they were about to enter the Dharma-ending era. How could there be people of this level in the world.

The three ran for their lives, but at this moment, a figure walked in the opposite direction.

"Huh?? This kid is dying??"

Seeing Xu Tong jumping over them, the three of them were terrified, but their feet accelerated.

Facing a tiger, you don't need to run faster than the tiger, you just need to run faster than your companions.

Since some people sacrifice their lives for righteousness, they will not be polite.

Looking at Xu Tong who was facing her, the eldest princess's eyes shone brightly. Even if she became a grand master, she was still just an ant in front of her.

However, Xu Tong's eyes at this moment turned out to be unconvincing, and both of them had a cold and unruly expression in their eyes.

"The power of magic!"

Xu Tong punched hard, and the dark blue flame exploded in the darkness, and the terrible high temperature distorted the surrounding air.

Seeing this, the eldest princess snorted coldly, and phantoms of several black dragons rose up behind her, her slender fingers gently grabbed in front of her face, a terrifying dark storm instantly tore apart the flames in front of her eyes, and at the same time, her unfailing power Tear the figure behind the flames into pieces.


Countless broken pieces of paper turned into dust in the air. The eldest princess frowned, and when she realized that it was not Xu Tong herself, her eyes suddenly sank.

I saw Xu Tongren standing more than ten meters away.

Holding hands together, it seems to be a gesture of salute, and bows down to himself.

Faced with Xu Tong's sudden and weird behavior, the eldest princess suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

And when Xu Tong bowed down heavily, the real and the false intertwined in front of his eyes, and countless palaces and palaces appeared behind Xu Tong.

At the same time, the eldest princess felt a gust of wind blowing, as if being pulled into the underworld.

After a brief surprise, the eldest princess couldn't help but sneered: "I am a person who has neither birth nor death. Your craft is quite novel, but what use is it to me?"

After speaking, I saw the dragon chant trembling behind the eldest princess, and a black dragon came out from the fate above the eldest princess's head, swung its claws and pulled towards the nothingness in front of it.


The space in front of him was instantly torn apart with two huge openings.

"Didn't your master tell you that between the great master and the great master, it's about luck and fate. What do you use to fight with me?"

Xu Tong didn't say a word, but slowly raised his hand and bowed forward.

"Boom rumble..."

Suddenly, there was a burst of iron riding galloping in front of my eyes.

An iron cavalry rushed out of the abyss behind Xu Tong. What was different from the previous ones was that this time the iron cavalry was obviously not the light cavalry of the past. blue flame.

Seeing this, the eldest princess's face changed slightly, she frowned and said, "What about a group of lonely ghosts?"

However, when she saw Xu Tong's hand raised high above her head, ready to pray for the third time, the eldest princess finally suppressed the look of contempt on her face. A chilling illusion.

It was as if she was subconsciously telling her, don't let this kid bow down again.

"Go to hell!!"

The black dragon roared, turned into countless black dragon scales and rushed into the Yin soldier, tearing a hole in the Yin soldier in front of him.

The eldest princess walks like lightning, with black dragon scales mixed with finger shadows, pouring out violently!

The sound of sonic booms sounded one after another, and the cavalry in front of them were completely vulnerable under the fingers of the eldest princess, and they were blown away in an instant.

But at this moment, a sense of crisis that hadn't been seen for a long time made the princess's numb nerves suddenly tightened.

Looking out of the corner of the eye, the cavalry in front of him suddenly dispersed, and a black shadow rushed straight towards him. It was none other than Xu Tong himself.

It turned out that the third prostration was just a feint, but it was the real trump card. The master also said, don't use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

So Xu Tong's real surprise for the princess was at this moment.

"court death!"

The eldest princess's eyes were in a daze. She didn't know where this strong sense of crisis came from, but Xu Tong who was rushing towards her in front of her, in her eyes, such behavior was tantamount to suicide.

I saw the Eldest Princess pinching the spell with her fingers, her eyes glowing, and a strange spell was born in front of her eyes. A black thunderbolt exuding a destructive aura rose from the spell and hit Xu Tong directly.

Seeing the thunder and lightning strike, Xu Tong's eyes were as clear as a god, and the dark blue flame ignited on his body, turning into a solid armor.

Dark Lord! !

The moment the Dark Lord was activated, the darkest black mist poured out from Xu Tong's body, and his heart began to beat faster.

"Bang! Boom!"

Every time he beat, Xu Tong could feel that his strength was increasing rapidly.

This kind of power makes people feel addicted to it and cannot extricate themselves.

"Boy, as a reward, I can lend you another part of your strength, oh, this time for free."

At this time, a familiar voice came out of Xu Tong's mind, and as the voice fell, Xu Tong also received a reminder from the item book.

"You have been approved by the Dark Lord Amota, and the overall quality has been raised by one level, and the magic flame level has been increased by one level."

Accompanied by the reminder, Xu Tong's thin body suddenly grew taller, and silver veins appeared on his skin.

It was the first time Xu Tong knew the name of the Dark Lord. As for the free thing he said, hehe, whoever believes in it is a fool.


Seeing the sudden change in front of her, the eldest princess's pupils shrank slightly. She never expected that Xu Tong, who had been separated for less than three hours, would grow so much explosively when he reappeared in front of her.

This completely violated her common sense.

Even if falling into the magic way can greatly improve the strength, it is impossible to be so strong.

What's more, most of the enchanted people have incomplete minds and minds, and they only know about slaughtering wild animals.

But in front of him, Xu Tong's eyes were as clear as water, as if he hadn't been affected at all.

"Are those gods really helping him at all costs?? Why??"

Yes, why? ?

The more the eldest princess thought about it, the more difficult it was for her to accept. As early as when she was very young, she knew the fate of the dynasty's collapse. She once prayed to the gods, prayed to the gods all over the sky, as long as the luck of the dynasty could be extended, even if the spirit and soul were wiped out, she would still be there. No matter what, he could even ask his father to make a decree to erect a statue of this god and regard it as the god of the country.

But what he got was indifference.

No god is willing to take a second look at her, the God of the Country, although his status is respected, he has reaped merits from all families.

But the problem is that a national god who is about to destroy the country, who would care about it? ?I'm afraid I have to avoid it.

As for all the price in her mouth, in the eyes of the high gods, what is it? ?

Just rice pearls.

It was the attitude of the gods that made her see her own destiny clearly, and chose a way that no one would have dared to think of to become like this.

But what is this man in front of him? ?

It actually made the gods want to save him at all costs, and it also made his strength soar.

The eldest princess is jealous in her heart.

He was so jealous that he wanted to beat this guy out of his wits and see if the gods could still save him.

However, at this time, what shocked the eldest princess was that with the activation of the Dark Lord, the magic flame on Xu Tong's body turned from dark blue to vermilion.

The power of the Demon King can increase the level of the Demon Flame by one level.

The Dark Lord can not only increase his physique by two levels again, but also increase the level of the magic flame.

With the extra gift from Amota, the scarlet magic flame exudes a strange evil spirit, and a terrible storm of magic flames erupts under Xu Tong's palms interlaced.

(End of this chapter)

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