Infinite script kill

Chapter 414 Long Wei is like a prison

Chapter 414 Long Wei is like a prison

On the turret, Taoist Xunlong's complexion changed slightly, his eyes shone with fluorescence, and he looked into the distance, without the need for a telescope, he could see through reality thousands of meters away with one glance.

"How could this be??"

Not to mention him, even Fu Anning and other people in the palace could feel the violent vibration.

Fu Anning's face flickered for a while.

I regret even more in my heart, why didn't I kill this kid in Lianshan County.

At that time, he had thought that if this kid didn't die, he would become a serious disaster in the future, but he never dreamed that this future would actually be calculated according to the sky.

What's even more frightening is that a person with flowers on her head like the eldest princess has not been able to kill him until now.

Even if the eldest princess has only one flower on her head, it is also a manifestation of Dao Fruit.

It is said that killing a great master is just a snap of the fingers, but now why do you feel that the situation is getting more and more wrong? ?

"Immortal Elder, otherwise..."

Fu An Ning also wanted to suggest Taoist Xunlong to do it himself.

But Taoist Xunlong seemed to have guessed what he was going to say, and interrupted directly: "Dragon Qi is about to be completed, I can't let me go away at this time."

After finishing speaking, Taoist Xunlong glanced at Fu Anning: "Go!"


Fu Anning was stunned when he heard the words, and almost slapped himself in the face, what was he doing with such an extra slap out of thin air.

"This... my injuries haven't healed yet. Joining rashly will only drag down the princess. I think we might as well wait and see."

Fu Anning quickly confessed.

He didn't want to go. The shadow of Lianshan County was still on his head last time. At that time, this kid was only at the level of a half-step master. Now he has become a great master. It seems that he is really not sure that he can deal with him.

Thinking of the cold eyes in the abyss, Fu Anning felt a dull ache all over her body.

Taoist Xunlong didn't force him when he saw this, and he inevitably began to mutter in his heart.

"Could this kid be the reincarnation of a certain god, or is he a relative of a certain god?? And how did he break through to the Grand Master? The elixir I gave him hasn't come yet?"

A series of questions circled in Taoist Xunlong's heart.

After thinking about it for a while, and failing to come up with a reasonable explanation, Taoist Xunlong felt for the first time that Ma Hongwen, who he thought he could see clearly, had once again become mysterious.

There must be an amazing secret behind this kid.


no problem.

After today, even if he hides an earth-shattering secret, he is destined to turn into a speck of dust in history.

Thinking of this, Taoist Xunlong took out a small compass from his arms, and put the compass by his hand.

Seeing that the dragon energy in front of him was getting stronger and stronger, he slowly took out the picture of ascending the dragon from his sleeve.

Then he took out two more jade bottles, which were the brainchild of Xu Tong and that Qiao Xiaofeng.

Taoist Xunlong opened the jade bottle, raised his fingers slightly through the jade bottle, and a drop of blood flew out from inside.


The blood bead swirled in mid-air, and then landed in the golden dragon's blank eyes impartially.


"Extreme Flame Turbo!"

The vermilion flame exploded loudly, forming a large piece of fire blade and flying out.

After several upgrades, the magic flame really showed its domineering and terrifying side. After the eldest princess picked it up a few times, she found that there were dark red scorched marks on her fingers, and her skin was like ignited charcoal. From time to time there will be scarlet fire flickering.

The result of the passive effect of [embers] being triggered.

Passive Skill 2: Jhin
When the target takes damage, there is a 10% chance to trigger Bonefire.

(Note: Bone Flame is not a special item and cannot be dispelled. It will continuously burn the opponent's flesh and blood, making the wound unable to heal and worsening over time.)
What makes the eldest princess most fearful is that the magic flame will not only burn her body, but also seem to consume her luck faintly.

Now the eldest princess didn't dare to take it hard anymore, she retreated to avoid Xu Tong's offensive, and flew back.

With a little tiptoe, the figure floated backwards briskly, obviously very slowly, but the space seemed to be separated and distorted layer by layer at this moment, as if the distance was being infinitely drawn away layer by layer.

But how could Xu Tong give her a chance? When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. Fighting is not about who is strong and who will win, but who dares to fight hard.

Seeing the eldest princess flying back, Xu Tong held a dense magic flame in the palm of his left hand, but took out a small gourd from the item book in his right hand.

Started with the cold iron gourd, the energy on it was only 10 points, and he flicked the gourd plug with his thumb.

A gust of frantic cold wind gushed out from the mouth of the gourd.

hair spit knife
Consume 10 script points, pull out the gourd plug and aim at the target, you can perform a wind blade breath.

Consumes 10 energy per minute.

The magic flame and the mouth of the gourd stacked together, and the biting cold wind instantly turned into a terrifying flame storm more than ten meters long, and it expanded more and more in the water vapor evaporated by the cold wind, reaching the limit of power.

In an instant, the distorted and layered spaces in front of me were blown apart in the sea of ​​flames, revealing the real body of the eldest princess.

However, at this moment, the eldest princess patted her forehead lightly, only to see black smoke rising above her head, turning into a black pool of water behind the eldest princess.

For a while, the magic flame surged, but it disappeared as soon as it entered the pool.

Countless skeletons and skeletons appeared in the black water pool and made screams of struggling.

These skeletal ghosts were still wearing Daming's official uniforms and armor, prostrate in the black water and howling in grief.

The eldest princess stood in the black water, stepping on the heads of these skeletons.

A black lotus quietly bloomed behind the eldest princess, and strange curse patterns appeared on the black lotus, and from time to time, crystal mist droplets would drop into the black water pool.

At this time, Xu Tong noticed that the pinch of skin and flesh burned by the fire attached to the bones fell off on the eldest princess' fingers, and there was not even a scar left on the slender fingers.

This is the manifestation of Taoism.

The great master is just the beginning, when the three flowers and five qi are at the top of his head, he will truly bear the fruit of the great way.

It's just that what Xu Tong paid attention to was not these, but the black water pool at the feet of the eldest princess.

Seeing thousands of dead bones in the black water, this reminded him of the murals in the princess's room. He watched the country sinking and his family being destroyed. It turned out that the last souls of the dead were all thrown into the black water pool by her and became her. nutrient.

Seemingly noticing that Xu Tong was staring at the pool of water under his feet and meditating, the eldest princess stepped on the head of the skeleton on the sole of his foot and sneered, "The minister of the subjugated country, the soul of the subjugated country, what face do you have to meet the ancestors in the underground?"

After all, I saw the black water boiling under the eldest princess's feet, and one after another black dragons soared up from the water.

"It's the same with you. You entered my black water pool. Even if the gods come down this time, no one can save you."

Xu Tong rolled his eyes coldly, looked at the black water at the princess's feet, and asked thoughtfully: "I thought you were a zombie, but now it seems that you are not even a zombie."

The eldest princess looked indifferent, and the black dragons roared angrily, just when the two were about to strike.

Suddenly, there was a roar of the dragon, which overwhelmed the roar of the black dragon, and the two raised their heads one after another.

I saw a golden dragon bursting out of the air, with golden scales shining on the body of the dragon, leaping up into the sea of ​​clouds.

"Ascending Dragon Picture!"

I saw the golden dragon ascending, and the dragon energy gathered just now flew into the golden dragon as if attracted by something along with the appearance of the golden dragon.

The golden dragon scale armor that absorbed the dragon's energy shone with a strange light, and the mighty power of the dragon filled the air, as if a real dragon had come into the world.


The faces of Xu Tong and the Eldest Princess changed drastically, and they saw that the magic flame on Xu Tong's body began to extinguish rapidly, and even the gap between reality and reality evoked by Bai Shankou began to collapse.

And the black dragon on the princess's black water collapsed even more quickly, and the black water pool under her feet shrank into a small pool of water when she turned around.

This scene was obviously beyond the expectations of the eldest princess. Who would have thought that Wu Daozi's painting skills could reach such a level, with a little dragon energy, he could actually manifest the power of a real dragon.

"Teacher, Longwei..."

The three big girls at the entrance trembled under the dragon's power. They called themselves fairies, but in the end they were just some beasts with spirituality and some incense.

Facing the real dragon, it was like a mouse meeting a cat, lying on the ground, limp all over.

The power of the dragon is like a prison, and the grace of God is like the sea.

The golden dragon that has obtained the dragon energy is like a nine-day dragon at this moment, and the dragon's might that it radiates invisibly forms a strong sense of oppression on the creatures on the earth.

"how so??"

The whole dragon's prestige is shrouded in the forbidden palace, and it is getting stronger and stronger. Even some strange people hiding in the palace also found out at the first time that their skills have been greatly reduced, and all the strange spells have failed.

at the same time.

Xu Tong received a reminder from the item book.

"Main task, completed by historical participants."

"Submission 4: Jianghu Predator, kill at least 3 Jianghu strangers, the mission fails, and the extra time will be 6 hours."

"Submission 5: Treasure Hunting, to win treasures with a total value of more than 1000 script points.

Judging... Mission completed. "

"Because you failed the side mission, you will receive a 6-hour penalty bonus, and you will not be able to leave the world of this script within 6 hours."

"Because you can't leave the world of this script during the dragon capture period, and you are within the range of the side task to capture the dragon, you need to complete the side task to capture the dragon before you can return early."

Seeing these hints, the corners of Xu Tong's mouth twitched a few times. Sure enough, although the main task of the script is simple, there is a pitfall from the beginning.

And he's sure it's just the beginning.

Fortunately, it didn't affect him too much, but he didn't know what happened to Gao Zhuo and Wang Zheng.

Just when he was still worried about Gao Zhuo and Wang Zheng.

Seeing that the magic flame on his body had been extinguished, the eldest princess had a cold light in her eyes. The suppression of Longwei was not good for her, but it was also even more bad for Xu Tong.

With a move from her fingertips, the only black water left under her feet quickly condensed in her palm and turned into a long sword of black water. The sword's edge was like electricity, and it pierced Xu Tong's throat.

"Even if Longwei suppresses you, you will not escape death today."

The situation changed drastically, and under the shadow of Longwei, Xu Tong, who was originally in the upper hand, suddenly became a disadvantage.

Seeing the drastic change in the situation, Xu Tong waved his hand and summoned Fatty to stand in front of him, and at the same time, the Dingkong Mirror and Ghost Bell appeared in the palm of his hand.

He grinned and showed his neat white teeth: "Unfortunately, my job is to catch ghosts!"

(End of this chapter)

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