Chapter 415
As soon as the words fell, Xu Tong shook the bell in his hand, and at the same time as the bell rang, a strange light flashed on his finger.

Ability: Powerful Amplification
Consuming 20 script points, you can choose an ability (props card skills only) to enhance it, and get the first-level temporary enhancement effect.

"Jingle jingle..."

The mesmerizing voice sounded, and the voice became more and more ear-piercing.

For a moment, the eldest princess felt a dull pain on her forehead as if accompanied by the ringing of the bell.

"Listen to me, it's so annoying!"

With the sword's edge swung, the fat paper armor couldn't even bear a sword.

The sword edge condensed by the black water seemed to completely ignore the fat and thick paper.

It was as easy as cutting tofu, and the big fat belly was cut into pieces before the big fat tentacles could even touch the princess.

Fortunately, without waiting for the princess to aim at the big fat head and slash head-on, Xu Tong directly summoned the big fat back, not giving the princess a chance to kill the big fat, even if the big fat can be resurrected infinitely, but the price of each resurrection It's all blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Without the cover of Big Fatty, Xu Tong didn't intend to fight the eldest princess at all, and kept shaking the Meimei Bell while running out.

The eldest princess thought she could catch up easily, but to her surprise, this guy ran as fast as a rabbit.

Because the corridors and aisles in the palace are mostly designed in a straight line, without such complicated corners.

The active skill Leopard Strike of my [Leopard Soul Cloak] can increase the movement speed by 80.00%, but it is only limited to linear acceleration, but it is hardly affected here.

The straight-line speed increased by 80.00%, plus the leap in physique quality and the bonus of dark physique after obtaining Lilith's heart, even if Bolt came at this moment, he could only look at his back and eat ashes.

Seeing this, the eldest princess glanced at the dragon shadow above her head, and after a moment of hesitation, she decisively chose to chase and kill Xu Tong.

Dragon spirit is very important to others, but to her, it is just an accessory. As the eldest princess of the previous dynasty, she does not lack dragon spirit.

But if you let this kid run away, and you turn back disheveledly, you won't be able to keep your face. Don't forget, you have said that if you want to kill a grasshopper, you will go back.

Now the grasshopper was not killed, but he was made ashamed instead, how could he let go of his shame.

What's more, now that the dragon energy is combined with Wu Daozi's golden dragon, he actually turns into a real dragon. I have no choice but to wait for Wu Daozi's drawing power to dissipate. , It's the same when you grab it again.

After making up her mind, the eldest princess also speeded up for a while.

Xu Tong ran away all the way, but the sound of the bell in his hand never stopped, and finally when the eldest princess approached him.

A crisp ringtone caused the eldest princess a great pain in her forehead, eyebrows and heart.

It was just this short moment, as if a silver needle pierced her mind directly, and her body stiffened for a moment.

Xu Tong seemed to be waiting for this moment. At the moment when the eldest princess's body stiffened, he pointed the mirror in his hand at the eldest princess to take a picture.

Special skill 1: Freezing, consumes 50 script points, and will make the target freeze for 3 seconds after activation.

The space mirror is unable to freeze people who are stronger than themselves.

The reason why it was so easy to succeed is precisely because of the charm bell in Xu Tong's hand.

The enchanting voice is not only able to cause damage to the ghosts, but most importantly, it also has a 20% chance to make the ghosts temporarily unable to move, and a 10% chance to make the ghosts fly away.

Coupled with the addition of Star Eye Calamity's powerful amplification technique, the probability increased to 30% and 15%.

Of course, even if this is the case, if you want to deal with a guy of the princess' level, this probability will be greatly reduced.

But as long as there is a probability, there is a possibility of triggering, which is why Xu Tong has been arousing the voice of evil spirits along the way.

At this moment, there was a gap in the consciousness of the eldest princess who was temporarily stiff, and after taking a photo through the space mirror, she was instantly frozen in midair.

Seeing that the eldest princess was frozen, Xu Tong's eyes showed a cold light, and he took out the three-eyed firecracker that he had prepared earlier from the item book, pointed it at the eldest princess and pulled the trigger.


A huge shock force came from inside the firecracker, but this time Xu Tong's hands were as steady as steel and remained motionless.

In an instant, drops of blood spattered from the princess's body.


After being injured, the effect of the space mirror will be released immediately, but the body is still densely packed with wounds from the broken iron sand of the three-eyed firecracker.

Even if these wounds are not fatal, it would be hard for anyone to eat a three-eyed firecracker without defense.

"It's a pity, if I knew it, I would have filled it with golden juice!"

Seeing that he succeeded in one blow, Xu Tong shook his head in regret, because he thought it was too troublesome to inject gold juice and the taste was too strong, so Xu Tong was lazy and stuffed it with gunpowder mixed with iron sand.

Otherwise, even if it doesn't kill the eldest princess, it will still make her sick for a long time.

The eldest princess obviously didn't know what Xu Tong was thinking at the moment, otherwise she might have the heart to die with this guy at this time.

After a short period of severe pain, when the eldest princess regained her senses, she looked again and found that Xu Tong started running out again, and touched her face again, and found that her face was actually covered with dense wounds.

The difference between women and men's thinking is that men regard scars as glory, and women regard appearance as life.

Xu Tong shot the princess's proud face into a pockmarked face, one can imagine how angry the princess was.

The moment the eldest princess raised her head again, her eyes were glistening with blood, she didn't curse, but tightly clenched the black water sword in her hand.

Even though Xu Tong had already run more than ten meters away, he could still feel the terrifying murderous aura behind him. If his eyes could kill, he would have been torn to pieces by now.

The black water long sword was swung down by the eldest princess, and the blade was stretched by more than ten meters in an instant. It was thinner than paper, but its lethality was still astonishing. Make a hair-thin incision.

If it wasn't for Xu Tong hiding quickly, it is estimated that Xie Qi and Fan Ba ​​would be invited back at this time.

It's just that Xu Tong was obviously overjoyed too early. Seeing that he missed a hit, the eldest princess flicked her wrist and danced the long sword into a whip, whipping towards Xu Tong like a storm.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Xu Tong's expression froze, and his feet suddenly started to accelerate, leaving behind afterimages in the air.

Color Game Lost Track:
Consume 12 script points, after activation, you will get a color step, you can enter a semi-hidden state while moving, and leave an afterimage to confuse the opponent.

This is the active skill attached to [Master of Color Opera]. After being activated by Xu Tong at this time, the effect is really good, because the body is half hidden, and under the confusion of the afterimage behind her, the princess's whip always slows down to Xu Tong. One step, often can only be hit on the afterimage.

Just going on is obviously not the way to go.

"When will this thing go away, if it doesn't go away, it will be troublesome!"

Xu Tong raised his head and looked at the golden dragon above his head. This thing was there, but it became the amulet of the eldest princess. Now he has nothing to do with her, and it is difficult for ordinary methods to cause enough damage to her.

Just when Xu Tong was worried that his means were not enough, he suddenly slipped and seemed to be stumbling. After losing his balance, his body fell forward.

Fortunately, Xu Tong found the center of gravity in time, propped his hands on the ground and pushed hard, and made a front somersault to avoid the bad luck of dog eating shit.

Looking back, he froze immediately.

"why you??
An arm slowly protruded from the ground and waved at him: "Hey, let's have some wine."

As he spoke, he saw a drunk man reeking of alcohol staggering up from the ground and walking towards Xu Tong step by step.

"Come on some wine, some more, I didn't drink enough last time!"

The drunk was none other than the one he met in Lianshan County. Xu Tong knew that he was an expert, but when he failed to strike up a conversation, he ignored him.

But she didn't expect to meet him again in the inner palace, let alone at this unfortunate time.


Seeing the eldest princess catching up, the black water sword in her hand was thrown into the air, turning into tens of thousands of black needles as small as ox hair.

Xu Tong's pupils tightened, and he had already prepared for the worst.

Under the disheveled hair of the drunk man in front of him, a pair of cold eyes glanced over, followed by Xu Tong's ear was filled with the buzzing sound of a sword being unsheathed.


"Sir, what should we do??"

Fu Anning looked at the golden dragon above his head, and his face was filled with bitterness for a while.

Wu Daozi is worthy of the name of a saint of painting. They originally intended to use the drawing of the dragon to gather the dragon's energy into a dragon shape, and then use the scroll to draw it back.

But who knew that Wu Daozi's painting skills had already reached such a level, that the golden dragon, contaminated with dragon energy, would come to such a field with a fake one, which really caught them all by surprise.

Taoist Xunlong was not in a hurry about this, but just lamented that the painting skills of a generation of painting masters could reach such a superb level.

"I have seen Shi Tao's painting skills, which has reached a state of infinite change. I thought it would not be too far behind Wu Daozi, but I didn't expect it to be so far behind."

"The Shitao Palace you mentioned also has his paintings. Emperor Qian liked his paintings very much in his early years."

"The emperor likes it? Then it's useless."

While the two were talking, Taoist Xunlong felt his heart skip a beat suddenly, and an extremely strong uneasiness swept over his heart. Following that, he saw a straight sword light piercing through the air from the ground.

The sword's edge looked like an arc moon in the night sky. After splitting the night, it even slashed on the dragon's head.


The mournful sound of the dragon's cry reverberated above the nine heavens, and the whole world seemed to quiet down. Everyone stared blankly at the golden dragon falling from the sky. For a moment, everyone was frightened and turned pale. Even Taoist Xunlong was frightened. Out of a cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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