Infinite script kill

Chapter 416 I Might Not Lose

Chapter 416 I Might Not Lose

The sad wail resounded through the sky, as if it affected everyone's mind.

Seeing the sword glow passing by, a crack was split open in the dragon's head, and the crack continued to extend, and everyone's heartstrings were also pulled into their throats.

"Pure Yang Sword Code!! Quanzhen sect still has such a master??"

Taoist Xunlong actually had a trace of panic in his heart. The Quanzhen Sect has been in decline for many years, and the Datong Dynasty favored Buddhism far more than Taoism in the early days.

If it wasn't for Emperor Shun's becoming a monk later, which caused the Datong Dynasty to hate the relationship between Buddhism to the extreme, Emperor Kang re-adopted Taoism, which gave Quanzhen a chance to revive, but it was only a small sign of revival, which has already been on the rise in recent years. Micro decay.

Compared with the unshakable ten thousand-year elder brother like Longhushan, he is not even a little bit worse.

That Duckweed Daoist, who did not learn the orthodox Taoist sect, chose to modify the evil kung fu. In the eyes of Xunlong Taoist and others, this is already a symbol of the decline of Quanzhen Sect and its imminent withdrawal from history.

But he didn't want to, his understanding of Quanzhen Sect was instantly shattered by the shocking sword in front of him.

It is rumored that the Chunyang Sword Code was created by Chongyang Patriarch, and later passed on to Qiu Zu, but after that, no one can refine it. It is rumored that the Chunyang Sword Code has been lost long ago, but it is unbelievable that it is reappearing at this moment. In front of him, he slashed the dragon with one sword.

Could it be that the foundation of Quanzhen Sect has never disappeared, but just chose to stay dormant?
In an instant, Taoist Xunlong felt a little guilty. He thought that the heroes of the world were nothing more than that, but he suddenly bumped into a person whose strength was more terrifying than himself. The effect of this was no less than a blow to his cognitive dimensionality.


Not to mention Taoist Xunlong, the real duckweed who was hiding in the imperial garden at the moment was also frightened and shivered all over, kneeling on the ground as soon as his legs softened.

I wondered if Master had left the mountain? ?
But after thinking about it, I can't. After the master passed the position of head teacher to that young boy, he went to the closed door. How could he be here? ?
But if it is not the master, who in the world can understand the Chunyang Sword Code? ?
"Look at it!!"

Someone pointed to the golden dragon in the sky, and saw more and more cracks on the golden dragon's body, and finally it couldn't support it and fell from the sky.


There was a burst of thunder when the dragon's body shattered, and under people's watchful eyes, it turned into a little bit of gold powder and dissipated without a trace. But at this moment, six light clusters flew out of the dragon's body, scattered and flew around in a disorderly manner.

"Dragon Qi!!"

Taoist Xunlong jumped up and went straight to catch the nearest ball of dragon energy. Seeing this, Fu Anning did not join Taoist Dragon Xun, but instead chased after the farthest ball of dragon energy.

The two chased after each other, and the whole palace exploded in an instant, and those masters who had been hiding around and watching all shot out to chase.

A stranger hiding in a rockery was cursing himself for being unlucky in his heart. He was obsessed with wanting to fish in the troubled waters of the palace, but he was stuck here and had nowhere to run. When he was making complaints, he felt a flash of golden light above his head. fall in front of oneself.

"what is this?"

Looking at the golden light in front of him, I couldn't help but reach out to take it, but just as I stretched out my hand halfway, I heard a roar like thunder in my ears.


I saw a fat bald man jumping out from nowhere, his huge palm slapped the rockery in front of him to pieces, and under the huge force, the people in the rockery were instantly shaken to pieces and vomited blood to death.

But before the bald man had time to get the dragon energy, four figures killed him right next to him, and the four came out holding swords, forming a sword formation.


Even though the bald man had the power to open mountains and crack monuments, there was a cold light and rain of swords in front of him, and he was cut into human sticks under the attack of the sword formation in an instant.

But it didn't end there, because more and more people rushed towards this side, killing one followed by the second.

In an instant, the entire palace turned into a Shura purgatory.

The golden dragon was beheaded, the dragon energy was scattered, and the huge dragon power disappeared completely in an instant.

Xu Tong didn't even have time to move when he stood there, and the sword glow just now was still flashing in his mind.

He didn't even see how the Jiu Mengzi in front of him made his hand, the sword had already returned to the scabbard.

As for the Eldest Princess, her entire body was icy cold, a strand of broken hair slipped from her shoulders and fell to the ground. If it wasn't for the fact that she was not alive, she would probably be covered in cold sweat at this time.

Just now that sword has already told her with facts what is called

There are always people who better than you.

The black water, which can corrode the world's rare treasures, instantly vanished into nothingness under that sword strike just now. Fortunately, the sword was not aimed at her, otherwise he might not be able to escape the fate of being wiped out at this moment.


The drunk hiccupped, and hung his arm on Xu Tong's shoulder: "This sword is yours. Let's have some more wine from last time."

Hearing the drunk man's words, Xu Tong just woke up like a dream. Without hesitation, he took out the remaining half box of burning knives from the item book.

Half a box of fire knives and four bottles of wine.

Seeing the drunk man reaching out to get it, Xu Tong took the wine back instead: "It's not for nothing, can you kill this bitch for me?"

When the eldest princess heard the words, she stood up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. She glared at Xu Tong and wanted to greet the boy's eighteen generations of ancestors.

But the drunk man looked at her, which made the eldest princess's face stiffen for a moment, and she stood there not daring to move.

She didn't know the origin of this drunk, but he was definitely a super terrifying existence, and she couldn't afford to mess with this kind of person.


Seeing this, the drunk man smiled: "A good man doesn't fight with a woman, no, no, no, no murder."

Just as the eldest princess breathed a sigh of relief, she heard the drunk man raise his finger: "If you add two more bottles, I'll kill you!"

Good guy, how many bottles of wine can't you co-author yourself?
The eldest princess was speechless for a moment, she wanted to run away, but when she glanced at the sword in the drunk's hand, all the small calculations in her heart instantly turned into bubbles.

Just when Xu Tong was about to say something, he suddenly raised his head with a feeling in his heart, and saw two balls of dragon energy shining with crystal light flying towards him.

Some of them wanted to intercept them, but the two balls of dragon energy seemed to have identified Xu Tong, and suddenly accelerated in mid-air to avoid the interception of several people, and landed in front of him impartially.

"Dragon Qi!!"

The eldest princess stood aside with an incredulous expression on her face.

I thought to myself why this kid's luck suddenly became so good, and the dragon energy was delivered directly to the door? ?
But after a little thought in my heart, I realized that it must be because Xu Tong's blood was on the longan, which caused the two strands of dragon energy to recognize Xu Tong's breath and came over.

There is only one other person besides Xu Tong, but Qiao Xiaofeng has already turned into a corpse, and a dead corpse will not be tracked by the Dragon Qi.

Seeing that the Dragon Qi was in Xu Tong's hands, the Eldest Princess didn't dare to snatch it, she didn't even dare to move, for fear that at this time Xu Tong would take out two more bottles of wine and stuff them into the drunk man's arms, and her own life would die.

Fortunately, Xu Tong did not.

Because he really didn't have any wine, and if he had known that the wine would still have this effect, he would have bought more than a dozen boxes even if he lost his fortune.

"Boy, hand over the Dragon Qi!"

At this moment, the stranger who was chasing the Dragon Qi had already chased here. Seeing two balls of Dragon Qi floating in front of Xu Tong, he roared sharply.

Seeing this, Xu Tong directly stuffed the Dragon Qi into his arms, and handed a bottle of fire knives to the drunk man: "You have to work hard, just beat them all to the ground, no need to hurt people's lives."

"It's easy!"

The drunk took the wine with a smile, but he didn't intend to do anything at all. He just glanced at the eldest princess: "Miss, I'm in trouble."

The eldest princess was startled, and immediately understood what the drunk meant. She didn't know whether to cry or laugh. You are here to engage in second-hand contracting.

It's just that although I was upset in my heart, I didn't hesitate to start.

In a blink of an eye, the figure had already come in front of a person.

The other party is not a great master, but he can be regarded as a first-class master in the Jianghu. Facing the princess who suddenly appeared beside him, he instinctively raised his long knife and slashed at it.

In the end, everyone around was surprised. Before the blade hit the eldest princess' head, the eldest princess' fingers had already lightly poked into the opponent's chest, and the body of this strange person shrank at a speed visible to naked eyes.


With the blade falling from the skinny palm to the ground, the eldest princess has already come to the next person.

Still repeating the previous action, raising his hand, stretching out his fingers, and sucking blood, there was almost no unnecessary movement in the whole process.

To the eldest princess, killing a stranger in the world seemed as simple as killing a motionless mosquito.

The strangers who had just arrived were dumbfounded.

Finally someone reacted and turned to run away, but their speed was as slow as a snail in the eyes of the eldest princess.

The moment they leap past these people with light steps, there will be an extra corpse on the ground that has been sucked into a dry human body.

But Xu Tong also noticed that the eldest princess seemed to be taking the opportunity to heal her wounds, and the wounds on her face from the three-eyed firecracker had all healed in an instant.

"Boy, there are three bottles of wine left, how about I take you out of the palace."

The drunk man was holding the wine bottle, and in the blink of an eye, the Huo Shaodao was completely drunk by the drunk man.

Under the disheveled hair, two eyes were staring at the three bottles of wine left in Xu Tong's hand.

This proposal undoubtedly moved Xu Tong's heart.

When I got the Dragon Qi, I was reminded that as long as I hold the Dragon Qi for 10 minutes, it can be regarded as a success in winning the Dragon Qi, the penalty time is over, and I can return to reality at any time.

If the drunk is willing to take him out of the palace, then neither Taoist Dragon Xun nor the eldest princess can do anything about him.

But after thinking for a moment, Xu Tong shook his head, and handed all three bottles of fire knives to the drunk man: "Thank you for your kindness, senior, but I still have two friends who haven't left. I can't leave them behind and escape by myself."

The drunk man couldn't help laughing: "You want me to find friends with you?"

Xu Tong shook his head again: "No, I gave it to you for nothing."

This time it was the drunken man's turn to be dazed, and he looked at Xu Tong intently: "You are holding two balls of dragon energy in your hand now, I won't protect you, you may not be able to live."

How could a drunk man fail to see the depth of Xu Tong, but even a great master might not be able to leave the Forbidden City alive.

"But I can't leave my friend here and escape by myself.


I may not lose. "

Xu Tong raised his head and looked at the big princess beside him, revealing his rebellious edge.

(End of this chapter)

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