Infinite script kill

Chapter 417 The chapter of killing!

Chapter 417 The chapter of killing!
The eldest princess felt uncomfortable being stared at by Xu Tong's sharp eyes.

If it weren't for the mysterious background and unfathomable strength of the drunk man beside him, he would have rushed to fight Xu Tong at this time.

The drunk man was also taken aback when he saw this.

Looking at the unstoppable sharpness in the eyes of the young man in front of him, he seemed to see his once vigorous appearance in a trance.

"Young people don't know how to feel sad, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, hehehe, interesting, interesting."

The drunk man stood up and said, "Okay, I won't drink you for nothing. I will wait for you in Xinghualou in the capital for three days. If you come back alive, where can you find me? I will promise you a chance. If you die Now, I won’t drink your wine for nothing, tell me your name, and I’ll set up a grave for you outside the capital.”

"Grave...let's make one for my friend, his name is Li Xi."

The drunk man didn't ask who Li Xi was, and after remembering his name, he swayed away, but after taking two steps, he suddenly remembered something.

Looking back at Xu Tong: "By the way, if you meet an old guy named Duckweed Taoist, tell him a word for me."

Taoist Duckweed, Xu Tong thought about it, he had really seen this person himself, and thinking of Taoist Duckweed's words, he immediately confirmed his guess in his heart.

The drunk man in front of him is probably the head teacher of the Quanzhen Longmen sect, but who would have thought that the head teacher of a school would be such a drunkard with no practice.

"Didn't you come to catch Taoist Duckweed?"

Xu Tong asked.

The drunk man curled his lips: "What are you doing arresting him? I haven't had enough to drink. If you see him, just tell him. The master said that it's not peaceful outside. Let him go back to the mountain as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, the drunk man stumbled out with the bottle in his arms.

Seeing the drunk man walk away, the eldest princess finally felt relieved, then she became alert and looked sideways at Xu Tong.

"Do you think you are sure to defeat me??"

The eldest princess leaned forward, ready to fight Xu Tong to the end.

"You can think I don't!"

Xu Tong took out a kit from his pocket and clenched it into his fist.

Naturally, this little trick couldn't be hidden from the eyes of the princess, but it was such a trivial trick that made the princess have to be on guard.

Because the confidence displayed by Xu Tong in front of him cannot be faked.

Moreover, it seemed that after this kid was reborn, his vitality became stronger and stronger, which was completely different from his original lifeless appearance.

Seeing the fear in the eldest princess' heart, the smile on Xu Tong's face became brighter and brighter.

Right now the Dragon Qi is in his hands, but as he said, there is no news of Gao Zhuo and Wang Zheng, the most urgent task right now is to find them.

And most importantly, the words of the drunk just now vaguely reminded him that this place cannot stay for long.

The two were in a stalemate for a while, and the eldest princess seemed to have finally made a decision, so she just stared at him without making a move.

Anyway, this kid has two dragon auras on his body, and he is the most conspicuous boy wherever he goes. If he doesn't do it himself, some people will do it first.

Seeing the eldest princess's expression, Xu Tong knew what the old lady was up to, so he turned around and ran in the direction of Qin Tianjian.

If Gao Zhuo was still in Qin Tianjian, after the two reconciled, his chances of winning would be greater.

It's just that, as the princess said, wherever Xu Tong with the two dragon auras goes, he looks like an oversized light bulb, with a golden halo shining all over his body in the dark night.

Xu Tong also tried to throw the dragon energy into the item book, but the answer given by the item book was that he had to wait half an hour before receiving the item.

"Dragon Qi!!"

Such obvious features can be noticed by anyone who is not blind.


A hidden arrow shot from an unknown direction.

While Xu Tong dodged sideways, the arrow exploded with a bang.

A poisonous mist was formed to envelop Xu Tong.

Seeing that Xu Tongren was enveloped in poison, someone rushed forward impatiently.


The whistling of the long knife draws thousands of sword shadows in the air, anyone who is familiar with the sword technique can see it at a glance, this is the Xingyi sword technique. Looking at the opponent's move, the strength of the blade whistling is at least one of the best practitioners in the world. family.

But what is unexpected is that under such a heavy knife light, it was cut into nothing.

After another look, it turned out that there was a paper figure in the poisonous mist.

"over there!!"

Someone in the shadow pointed to the left direction, and everyone looked at it, only to find that Xu Tongren had jumped onto the palace wall at some point.

I saw his toes on the ground, his eyes turned blue, and five fluffy tails were faintly visible behind him.

"Eh?? Brother Ma from the Northeast?"

There are many knowledgeable people present, who can recognize that this is the method of the Xian family.

But even if they were protected by the Xian family, they would not take it seriously. After all, the Xian family did not leave the Shanhai Pass, left the Shanhai Pass and left the base camp.

"Teacher, they are all young people, otherwise you can leave it to me or make a fortune."

Da Ya clings to Xu Tong's body, knowing that the head teacher is worried about being taken advantage of by the eldest princess, so she whispers in Xu Tong's ear.

Regardless of Jixiang, the mouse spirit, she and Fa Cai can deal with these second-rate or even third-rate guys who are not considered guys, and they can be killed in an instant.


It's just that this suggestion was resolutely rejected by Xu Tong. Instead of allowing Da Ya and the others to make a move, they deliberately slowed down and walked on the high palace wall.

"What is he doing??"

Such a move is tantamount to exposing herself to the eyes of more people, and the eldest princess is also somewhat unpredictable for a while what this guy is going to do.

It's just that there must be a monster in every abnormality. Since it is unpredictable, the eldest princess simply stopped thinking about it and followed behind in a leisurely manner.

"Hey! Brother, look over there!"

The three of Huo Wuji who had just escaped from the House of Internal Affairs were hiding in a corner at the moment. In order to distract the pursuers, Huo Wuji was stabbed with three bloody holes.

Fortunately, he was strong enough to escape from the chasing soldiers abruptly.

In addition to the high-quality golden sore medicine they found in the medicine storehouse, the wounds are almost healed now, and they just need to wait for some physical strength to find a way to leave the palace.

At that time, with the gold, silver and jewelry in their hands, they will be able to enjoy themselves outside.

Hearing Qianshou's words at this moment, Huo Wuji and Bai Shitong stuck out their heads to look out at the same time, and Huo Wuji took a closer look.

"Hiss!! Brother Ma!!"

Baishitong squinted his eyelids to see clearly the running figure standing on the high wall. Isn't it the Ma Hongwen they were looking for, Brother Ma?
"Brother Ma is so shiny, could it be..."

Qianshou's eyes lit up, they also saw the golden dragon aura just now, but seeing so many masters jumping out of thin air, they immediately dismissed the idea.

At this time, seeing the golden light on Brother Ma's body, he must have won the Dragon Qi, which made Qianshou's heart moved again.

"Go help!"

Huo Wuji didn't think too much about it. Seeing Xu Tong being hunted down, his first reaction was to rush out to help.

Beside him hurriedly grabbed him: "Don't, look at the back!!"

Baishitong pointed behind Xu Tong, so that Huo Wuji and Qianshou could see more clearly, only to see black shadows criss-crossing behind him from time to time, obviously the number of people chasing and killing was not limited to those that could be seen behind Xu Tong.

I'm afraid there are still many people waiting for the praying mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole.

Now even Huo Wuji has no idea, one-on-one, he claims to be a first-class expert in the Jianghu, few people can fight him.

But it's obviously not as simple as one-on-one. If they really rushed out, they would probably be able to chop them into meat paste with a single knife.

"Then let's just watch it like this?"

Huo Wuji clenched his fists, hating himself for not being strong enough, not only for not being able to protect Li Xi, but also for not being able to save Brother Ma. Suddenly he felt that his own abilities were useless.

Baishitong frowned, but kept holding Huo Wuji tightly with both hands in case he would run out to die.

"Let's follow up to see the situation first. If there is a chance, maybe we can sneak attack and help Brother Ma share some pressure."

Seeing the golden light on Xu Tong's body fading away, Qianshou couldn't help but speak.

Huo Wuji thought that this was nothing to do, nodded and agreed, only Pepsitone was unwilling, and there was a bag of gold, silver and jewelry at his feet. As long as he left the palace, he would have nothing to worry about in his next life, so why would he take such a risk? .

But seeing that Huo Wuji and Qianshou both agreed, he could only bite the bullet and agree.

There were more and more people following Xu Tong, and because of Hei Biao's brocade robe, most of them had no way of knowing that they were chasing and killing a great master.

Just seeing Xu Tong running forward constantly, I thought about it and thought it might be a soft persimmon.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." All kinds of strange hidden weapons and sorcerers continuously appeared from behind Xu Tong, causing Xu Tong to dodge in a panic, and almost fell off the high wall several times.

This scene undoubtedly confirmed the conjectures in everyone's hearts, and they tried their best to catch up for a while.

Except for the eldest princess who has been watching coldly, no one knows that whether these so-called curses or hidden weapons of sorcery, they can't do any harm to Xu Tong at all.

Seeing that the direction of Qin Tianjian is getting closer and closer.

Xu Tong suddenly turned around and jumped off a courtyard.

"Hahahaha, it's a dead end ahead!! He's finished!!"

Someone was familiar with the route of the palace, and burst out laughing when he saw this, knowing that the courtyard was an abandoned palace, which was a dead end, so it was impossible to escape.

Sure enough, after everyone chased after him, they saw Xu Tongren stop abruptly, looked at the high wall with nowhere to go, and turned around slowly.

"Hand over the Dragon Qi, we won't embarrass you."

Everyone jumped down from the high wall and followed Xu Tong's footsteps, filling the entire courtyard to the brim.

Xu Tong looked around at everyone with his eyes, silently counting something in his mouth, as if he was counting, he frowned and said: "It's still a little less."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the eldest princess who was hiding behind the crowd, and a smile slowly rose on that angular face: "I'm ready!"

After all, Xu Tong's eyes gradually began to glow red.

Title skill, Chapter of Slaughter is activated!
(End of this chapter)

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