Infinite script kill

Chapter 418 Come here, what should I bring?

Chapter 418 Come here, what should I bring?
When they saw the red light in Xu Tong's eyes, everyone felt a bad feeling in their hearts.

"This kid is wrong, kill him!"

A strange man raised his sword and stabbed at him. Before the man arrived, an invisible sword energy was already close at hand.

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't dodge or dodge, and let the long sword stab himself, but the sword edge only pierced a little bit, as if it had touched a stone, and couldn't penetrate at all.

"Heng Lian Taibao?"

Seeing this, everyone suddenly became calm and relaxed.

It sounds very domineering to refine the Taibao.

But it is the most inferior method of the martial arts.

The so-called martial arts has three exercises, literary training is the top, martial arts is the bottom, and horizontal training is the last.

The so-called literary practice, the writer, the style.Warrior, use it.

Knowing strength, ranks and gods is for literary success, and then comparing skills can be used in martial arts. In time, you can reach the pinnacle of kung fu art.

Martial arts practice method: Hitting objects can be used for quick martial arts, but without the merit of style, it cannot make kung fu perfect.

Horizontal training method: Although it can control the enemy, it is difficult to achieve positive results in the end if it is not the true essence of boxing attack and defense.

To put it bluntly, horizontal practice is to hold your breath and exhale hard, fight against each other, such as hard qigong and muay thai.

Young people can practice this quickly, and it is easy to practice strength and resistance in a short period of time. It is not a problem to break bricks and stones, but it is not good for the body, and it is easy to be paralyzed when you are old.

It is said that Huo Yuanjia, the master of Tianjin, was called the yellow-faced tiger because he vomited blood because of improper iron sand palm training in his early years.

So seeing Xu Tongying carrying a sword in front of him without getting hurt, everyone didn't take it seriously. Even if you are a man of iron and bronze, you will only be beaten in the end. There are ways to deal with this kind of horizontal refining method.

I saw a smile slowly showing from the corners of Xu Tong's mouth, raising his hands as if saluting, which made everyone startled, thinking that this kid is quite polite, but who the fuck tells you the rules at this time, are you afraid? What a dumbass.

Facing everyone's weird eyes, Xu Tong smiled back and said softly: "Everyone, have a good journey!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Tong Bai Shankou had already fallen towards the people in front of him.

Maybe some people are still wondering what this kid is talking nonsense, but suddenly there is a blur in front of his eyes, and he can vaguely see white snow falling from the sky...

No, that's not Snow White.


Paper money?

But before they realized that when all the paper money was sprinkled in the palace, their minds were spinning for a while, accompanied by a huge pain like being torn apart, and they completely lost consciousness in an instant.

Suddenly, the large figures in front of him fell to the ground like cutting wheat.

There were only a few figures left, covering their heads and howling in pain, finally recovering from the pain, and opened their eyes to have a look.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, he was completely speechless for a moment, time seemed to freeze, and the silence reached the extreme, but the huge courtyard was dead silent, everyone held their breath.

"What kind of sorcery is this!!"

A figure in a black night suit got up from the ground holding his forehead. When he saw that all his companions around him had fallen to the ground, his heart was turbulent for a moment.

There are many murderous sorcery circulating in the rivers and lakes, and there are many of them who kill people invisible.

But no one has ever seen such a horrific sorcery, killing so many people silently and instantly.

In horror, he raised his head and looked in Xu Tong's direction,

When I saw the young man who I regarded as a stunned young man, I felt a chill in my heart.The biting cold air penetrated into the body.

"You... you are a human... a demon!"

Everyone's eyes were filled with coldness and fear, and they saw Xu Tong standing in front of everyone, but his body was covered by blood mist.

The scarlet chapter of killing showed two mutilated swords crossed together, and blood kept flowing along the blades, turning into a blood-colored mist and surrounding Xu Tong's body.

"It feels so powerful! It is indeed a title skill!"

Xu Tong ignored the panic around him, and slowly clenched his fists. An unprecedented feeling filled every cell in his body. He even felt that in this state, he was enough to despise the world.

Title Skill: Chapter of Slaughter (Enhanced Version)
After activation, it is immune to 80% mental damage and 30% physical damage. At the same time, every time an enemy is killed, it will gain 5 points of strength increase, up to a hundred layers.

This is the title skill of the Retrograde Title series, and it is also a trump card in Xu Tong's hand.

Sacrifice a hundred human lives in exchange for a short-term increase in strength.

It looks like a good deal, after all, life belongs to someone else.

But this is also a double-edged sword. If the timing and conditions of the choice are not mature, it is likely to cause the repulsion effect of the space.

For example, in Lianshan County, I sacrificed the villagers of a village in order to escape. The consequence of that may be that I can escape successfully, but it will inevitably lead to huge turmoil.

Even if you are unlucky, a hero with a strong sense of justice may pop out from nowhere, and kill yourself in seconds with a sword.

So Xu Tong never thought of using this title skill since he entered the script world, until now.

Since these aliens are all thieves who broke into the palace, it is logical to kill one or a hundred.

Don't forget, I still have an official, even though I am a fake bachelor granted by the false emperor Xiang Gongbao, but it is only natural for officials to kill thieves.

Xu Tong squinted at these people who were not killed by Baishankou, and glanced at the number of floors of his Killing Chapter, 84 floors, which is a little short of [-] floors.

But it doesn't matter, after these people are killed, I believe the number is almost enough.


Sensing the cold light in Xu Tong's eyes, everyone immediately felt cold all over, and turned around to run for their lives.

However, the rapid sound of horseshoes came from nowhere, and I felt that the sound of horseshoes was getting closer and closer. When I looked back, I was suddenly frightened, and a cavalry appeared behind me from nothing.

Seeing this, a strange person leaped into the air, intending to escape with his own lightness, but a flashing spear point was like a flash of lightning, piercing the sky, dazzling, and instantly nailing them to the palace wall .

Yiren raised his head to the sky and yelled, blood flowed profusely, but it was difficult for him to move.

The blood dripped down the vermilion palace wall and dripped on the ground, the noise was not loud.But it was so shocking that everyone was speechless and terrified.


Xu Tong jumped into the cavalry and rode on a war horse.

Stepping into the grand master, there is already a qualitative change between the virtual and the real. The iron cavalry in the past was still an illusion, so now it has become a reality.

This is exactly the terrible thing about the Great Master, creating things out of thin air.

Xu Tong rode on the horse, and led the roaring heavy cavalry, and rushed straight to the princess. As for the strangers in front of him, they naturally became the targets of harvesting along the way.

Seeing Xu Tong galloping towards him, a strange man saw that he could not escape, so he turned around and wanted to fight to the death. He jumped up with a long sword in mid-air, changing ever-changingly, showing layers of sword light like drizzle.

If anyone was watching the battle at this moment, they would definitely recognize the identity of this strange person. It was Zhang Chen, the president of the Tianjin Sword Association, because the sword Yu Feihua was his famous skill, and there was no other.

The sword energy was like rain, ever-changing, and shrouded Xu Tong's head.

Xu Tong only used one move, raised his hand and punched it.

Suddenly, the blood mist surrounding Xu Tong rolled up, and under the blessing of terrifying power, the simple and unpretentious fist became extremely terrifying.

As soon as the fist was punched out, a terrifying gust of wind shattered the sword rain in an instant. Before the sword could touch Xu Tong's fist, it shattered and exploded under the terrible pressure.

As Xu Tong punched the opponent's chest, a cloud of blood exploded in the air. The president of the Tianjin Sword Club died on the spot without even a chance to catch his breath. Outside of the Chapter of Slaughter, there is no contribution.

The look of the eldest princess also changed.

Seeing that Xu Tong's blood was burning like a flame, charging towards him like an ancient god of war, even she was shocked by the strong sense of oppression on Xu Tong's body.


The war horse arrived in no time, and Fa Cai appeared in Xu Tong's hands. His golden body transformed into a sledgehammer. With Xu Tong's arms swinging, a terrible sonic boom erupted.

The eldest princess had no expression on her face. She didn't believe that just killing a group of mobs could make this guy reborn. He saw black water floating under his feet, and two black dragons flew out of the black water and hit each other head-on with the sledgehammer.

"Boom rumble..."

In an instant, the entire Forbidden Palace was shaken by thunder.

The eldest princess's heart beat violently, and she had to dodge quickly as she watched her black dragon fall apart under the sledgehammer.

The golden sledgehammer fell like a meteor along with Xu Tong and hit the ground.


Under the huge impact, the palace wall on the ground cracked and smashed countless gravels in all directions, as if the entire Forbidden City was shaking.

The eldest princess looked at the collapsed palace walls and palaces in front of her, and her hands couldn't help shaking.

This level of strength was unheard of. At this time, Xu Tong's legs were slightly bent, and when he kicked hard, the gold bricks under his feet were cracked.

Seeing Xu Tong rushing towards him like a cannonball.

The eldest princess panicked, she had never seen such a barbaric style of play, she was at a loss for a while.

Not daring to be careless, he crossed his hands in front of his chest, and the lotus behind him trembled, only to see the continuous black water rolling in front of him, turning into a wave and hitting Xu Tong.

But is it just barbarism?
Looking at the black water covering the sky in front of him, Xu Tong's black and white eyes revealed a touch of cunning, and he bowed forward with both hands.

The void in front of his eyes was torn open, and in an instant, endless black water flowed into the underworld created by Xu Tong.

"you wanna die!!"

Seeing this, the eldest princess showed a sneer on her face. After all, she had just been promoted to a grand master. She really didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and she actually wanted to use her own reality to forcefully carry her own Dao fruit. It will kill him.

Strictly speaking, the things created between the virtual and the real, although they appear to be entities, are still nothingness in essence.

On the contrary, the eldest princess has already formed the Dao fruit. This corrosive water that can corrode everything in the world can already affect reality, and it is a real thing.

To use nothingness to carry the truth is to seek death.

So instead of pulling back the force, the eldest princess summoned a steady stream of corrosive water to flow into Xu Tong's void and reality.

Sure enough, Xu Tong's complexion became ugly soon, as if he couldn't bear it anymore, he covered his chest with his hands, and his expression became more and more painful.

"Fool, wait for your reality to break later, so you can take a good bath."

A smile gradually appeared on the corner of the eldest princess's mouth, as if she could already foresee that Xu Tong would be submerged in endless water of corrosion, and eventually become the fertilizer of his Dao fruit, and his soul would be scattered forever.

Thinking of this result, the eldest princess finally let out a lot of anger in her heart, and at that time, she will put away the two balls of dragon energy on him, and it will be considered a success.

"This Forbidden City, I'm finally leaving this ghostly place."

The eldest princess still has time to look around at the huge Miyagi in front of her. From now on, the sky and the earth will be big, and she will let herself soar, no one is her opponent.

She can't help but look forward to her future.


With the passage of time, the eldest princess gradually became confused, and saw that Xu Tong was already on the verge of collapse, but why did the Nether World behind him show no signs of collapse after so long passed.

Instead, his own corrosive water has been continuously flowing into the abyss behind him for so long without hearing a single sound? ? ?
"Work harder!"

The eldest princess, who didn't know the truth, became anxious and wanted to add more strength to completely defeat Xu Tong in one go.

Ever since, the eldest princess shook the lotus flower behind her with her fingers, arousing a bigger wave, overwhelming the mountains and seas, trying to create a devastating effect to give Xu Tong a fatal blow.


Xu Tong's body trembled, and his limbs began to tremble. A large amount of corrosive water poured into his nether world. For a while, many palace buildings on both sides of the abyss festered and decayed under the corrosive water.

Some of the ghosts in the palace buildings even had no time to scream and then disappeared.

Everything is developing in the direction expected by the eldest princess.

It's just... the picture of the big collapse she was expecting, but it has not appeared for a long time.

When this wave passed, the black water under the eldest princess's feet had already dried up, exposing endless corpses.

But Xu Tong is still lingering on his last breath, like a branch with two-thirds of his body hanging on the edge of the cliff, as long as he takes another breath, he will roll off the cliff and be smashed to pieces.

But at this time, the eldest princess is more like a gambler who has already gambled red-eyed, and has no way out. If Xu Tong can't be destroyed, even if he kills this guy, his own corrosive water can't do anything. Taking it back is no less than fatal to her, but it is enough to shake the foundation.

"Why are you still not dead!!"

Xu Tong's face was trembling, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak at all, the veins on his face were tense, and he glared at her with red eyes.

Seeing this, the eldest princess flew forward: "If you want to despair, I will give it to you!"

As she spoke, she saw the black lotus trembling behind her.

A terrifying corrosive atmosphere poured into Xu Tong's reality, and now she was determined to completely destroy the world behind Xu Tong.

I saw the Eldest Princess holding a black lotus and aiming at the abyss in front of her. Terrible corrosive power diffused from the lotus, but at this moment, the ferocious expression on Xu Tong's face faded away.

I only heard a deep and long sigh coming from under the abyss: "For those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, come as soon as you come, what else do you bring?"

The eldest princess was startled, as if she still didn't understand what the words meant.

I saw a big hand suddenly protruded from the abyss, and grabbed the princess's black lotus, and even forcibly dragged the princess's black lotus into the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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