Chapter 419

Seeing Dao Guo who was forcibly dragged into the abyss, the eldest princess was dumbfounded.

I didn't come to pay New Year's greetings, what gift should I give? ?

No, that is my Dao Fruit? ?
You took my Dao fruit away, what should I do?
No, isn't this between fiction and reality? ?Why are there other people inside? ?
The eldest princess froze for a second, her mind was so messed up that she couldn't turn around.

This doesn't fit her cognition at all? ?

But Xu Tong didn't intend to give her time to recover. The moment she was stunned, Xu Tong raised his fist and slammed it heavily on the princess's face.

"Don't think I won't beat you up if you give me a gift!!"

In an instant, the princess's delicate cheeks were gradually deformed by Xu Tong's fist, and then she was blown away by a punch.


The eldest princess's body flew upside down, and flew straight upside down, knocking out a huge hole in the palace wall behind her, and then rolled around on the ground before stopping.

Dark black blood dripped down her forehead, this was the first time in her life that she dripped blood.

As soon as he looked up, he noticed that he had returned to Qin Tianjian.

The scarlet door behind him had been opened at some point, but the strange thing was that it was empty inside, and his little sister and zombies were all gone.

"Could they have left already?" Before the eldest princess could think about it, Xu Tong walked out of the hole in the broken wall, shaking his wrist.

The eldest princess shook her head and got up, her delicate face was blackened by Xu Tong's punch. Seeing Xu Tong approaching, she actually smiled.

Yes, the dao fruit was taken away, the first reaction of the eldest princess was not anger, but a smile.

She was laughing at herself, at how stupid she was.

Obviously, he could suck the man in front of him many times, but he didn't do it every time. The most ridiculous thing is that he has already taken his blood and cut off all his vitality, so why didn't he give him another knife.

She was laughing, but she was also hating, hating that she hadn't cut the mess quickly and sucked this kid dry, threw him into the coffin, turned him into a zombie, and became her real slave.

"I lost!!"

The eldest princess admitted her failure generously, and she didn't even have the desire to fight again.

Dao fruit is taken away, even she is equivalent to a useless person.

And without the support of Daoguo, even if Xu Tong didn't kill her, she would soon be unable to control the yin energy in her body due to the loss of her source of strength, and she would be completely reduced to a walking dead monster.

That was not the result she wanted to see.

If she had a choice, she hoped that Xu Tong would kill her now, at least let her die decently enough.

After all, death is not scary to him.

It's just that the eldest princess gave up resistance like this, but Xu Tong felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

This is the same as playing a game, turning the game against the wind by yourself, betting three stars and five mana, but before it's time to have a good time, the others all directly surrender, even though they win, they lose.

"Why don't you resist and resist again, I like to be more exciting?"

Xu Tong looked at the eldest princess who was already lying flat, and couldn't help but tentatively said.


The eldest princess curled her lips and said with a contemptuous smile: "It's not necessary, the winner and the loser, maybe 200 years ago, I should have been destroyed along with that decadent dynasty."

People destined to be tragic, no matter how hard they struggle, they still cannot escape tragedy in the end.

This seems to be the same as fate.

She clearly escaped the ending of a subjugated daughter, but fell at the end of another era.

People who say good things will win the sky, and good things depend on human effort. In the eyes of the eldest princess, these words are tantamount to full of irony.

"I'll give you a piece of advice, you may not survive tonight, the time is coming soon."

The eldest princess seemed to remember something, raised her head and sneered at Xu Tong.

Xu Tong frowned when he heard the words. From the additional punishment time for the failure of the side mission, it is not difficult to guess that this script will cause more troubles as time goes by.

I just never figured out where the trouble came from.

After hearing what the eldest princess said at this moment, Xu Tong looked at her for a while, hoping that the eldest princess could give him some advice.

Facing Xu Tong's gaze, the eldest princess raised her head as if I know, but I won't tell you, and she didn't intend to continue talking at all.


Xu Tong lowered his head slightly and sighed. Facing the eldest princess who was lying flat to death, Xu Tong had absolutely no desire to fight. It was not because of kindness, but to continue beating a person who gave up resistance completely. This in itself was a blow to his own personality. insult.

and so……

"Let's go!"

After saying that, Xu Tong raised his head abruptly, only to see a thin paper knife appearing in his hand, quickly slashing across the princess's slender neck.

I am very kind, and I am willing to extend my kind hands to others.

But never waste kindness on a person who has tried to kill himself several times.

Even if she has a sad background, even if she looks beautiful, even if she already has absolute advantage and dominance.

But this is not an excuse for him to forgive her, because if he is a little careless, he will be the one who dies.

Looking at the eldest princess who fell on the ground, Xu Tong did not dare to relax his vigilance, because he did not forget that the eldest princess is a corpse. Although he cut off her head, there is no guarantee that she will not be resurrected quietly.

Qi Meiling appeared in her hand, and she aimed at the princess's chest with both hands and grabbed it from the air.

"Soul arrest!!"

Grabbing with both hands, a cloud of black mist flew out from the princess's body, as if she was still struggling to escape from Xu Tong's grasp.

I can even hear the princess's angry growl: "Are you going to kill them all?"

Xu Tong didn't pay attention to this. A person who has already died as an equal has no right to say this to himself.

Pulling hard, a soul orb the size of a baby's fist appeared in his hand.

Xu Tong thought about it, and directly chose to throw it into the fairy furnace at the entrance of the hall.

In fact, I planned to give her to the master. After all, the master's Hades Palace has just opened, and there is no serious soldier to serve her alone.

But after thinking about it, this girl is too evil. What all ascetics seek in the end is a consummation, but she does the opposite. Even if I cut off her head, I dare not say that she is really dead.

What if she is thrown in, and this bitch will not die? ?

Furthermore, the master took all the Dao fruits from other people, how can people still have the nerve to accept them? ?
I think the master must be embarrassed. Since the master is embarrassed, I will not cause trouble for the master as my disciple. I will find someone who is more caring for the master in the future.

I saw the eldest princess's soul orb spinning back and forth on the entrance of the hall, as if she still wanted to break free and escape.

Ji Xiang and Daya directly guarded the door and blocked the soul beads back, only to hear the eldest princess cursing from inside.

You see, this really is a wicked heart, I'm afraid I was pretending to be pitiful before.

At this time, Jixiang picked up the fairy furnace, aimed at the soul orbs, and suddenly a puff of colorful smoke rose from the fairy stove, rolled up the princess's soul beads, and sucked them into the fairy stove.

Just hearing the "boom, bang, bang..." sound inside, the eldest princess seemed to want to open the furnace cover and rush out.

Seeing this, Da Ya glanced left and right, there was nothing at hand, so she hugged the meaty Ji Xiang, aimed at the top cover of the fairy furnace and pressed it up.

"Squeak squeak..."

Jixiang's white hair stood on end, why...

you try.

This furnace cover is pointed!
However, Jixiang's fat body was not in vain, as soon as she sat down on her buttocks, the eldest princess couldn't move anymore.

It's just that in the past, the alchemy furnace was made and shipped at the same time, but today the alchemy furnace seems to be slow, and it seems that the princess is not so difficult to refine.

Fortunately, Xu Tong is not in a hurry for a while.

He is still thinking about what the princess said just now.

Time is running out.

Just as he was thinking, Xu Tong suddenly noticed something, turned around and saw Ma Qi standing behind him, looking at him with reddish eyes.



Taoist Xunlong stopped suddenly, tilted his head and looked in the direction of Qin Tianjian. After counting with his fingers, he couldn't help sighing: "Sure enough, I'm still dead. I told you not to go, why don't you go?" Listen to advice."

After all, Taoist Xunlong held a ball of dragon energy in his hand, and said with a bitter face: "Man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation after all. Who knew that killing a drunk lunatic halfway would ruin my good deed."

In the original plan, the dragon energy was divided into three parts, and he and the eldest princess would take the lead, and the remaining part would be given to Fu Anning, who would use a trick to divert disaster to the east and help them avoid disaster.

But who would have thought that there was a problem with the drawing of the rising dragon first, and Wu Daozi's painting skills far exceeded their expectations.

Even after so many years, the Golden Dragon that was summoned can actually confuse the real one.

What's more, he didn't expect that a wine lunatic who was killed halfway could kill the dragon with a single sword. The dragon's energy scattered all over the place, and it took him a lot of effort to catch such a cloud of dragon's energy.

At least three balls of dragon energy are still short of his goal.

Now that the eldest princess is dead, one of his allies is missing, including the little guy who came back from the dead. Unhappy things happen one after another, making Taoist Dragon Xun vaguely feel that his luck seems to have begun. heading in the direction of decline.

"Sure enough, I still can't escape this catastrophe."

Taoist Xunlong sighed, but after calculation, the time was almost up, so he flew back to the small building where he was hiding, opened the door, and saw Lerou curled up in the corner looking at him in horror.

"Son, I'm sorry, you are an anomaly. If you were born a few hundred years earlier, you might be able to leap into the dragon's gate. Now... no, the end of the Dharma era is about to begin. It's ridiculous that some people are still fighting for the future. Life and death count."

Le Rou listened with her eyes wide open. She couldn't understand these things, but she always felt that the look on the old man's face was getting more ferocious.

Taoist Dragon Xun slowly took out a yellow talisman from his sleeve. The yellow talisman seemed to have been around for some years, and there were already many deep folds on it, so that Taoist Dragon Xun had to be careful when taking it out.

Unfolding the yellow talisman, I saw that the cinnabar imprint on it was still as clear as new.

"It's up to you tonight!"

After Taoist Xunlong finished speaking, he touched the yellow talisman with his fingertips, and saw that the yellow talisman was instantly ignited, and then turned into a red light, hitting Lerou's forehead...

(End of this chapter)

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