Infinite script kill

Chapter 420 Heaven and Earth Reverse the Sun and Moon Army

Chapter 420 Heaven and Earth Reverse the Sun and Moon Army
"Stinky boy, if someone hadn't told me that I had seen you, I would have thought you were dead."

Ma Qi patted Xu Tong on the head and cursed.

Xu Tong restrained the blood on his body, although facing Ma Qi's father's love, he could not bear it, but he still accepted it obediently.

There is no way, you eat other people's food, use other people's money, and even use other people's banner to commit crimes. All kinds of conveniences are all because of that sound, my father Ma Qi.

Now that you have recognized it, then take the attitude of being a son.

After all, March is really kind to his filial son.

"Father, why are you here?"

Seeing that Ma Qi's anger had almost subsided, Xu Tong asked.

Ma Qi glared at Xu Tong: "You bastard, you don't know how long you'll be messing around here if I don't come."


At this moment, Wang Zheng quietly walked out from behind the team.

Seeing Wang Zheng take off the mask on his face, Xu Tong noticed that this guy was in Ma Qi's team.

It turned out that after Wang Zheng and Xu Tong dispersed, they could no longer follow Prince Gong's team into the palace. Fortunately, there was a mess in the back, and a large number of strangers rushed into the palace to give Wang Zheng a chance.

After Wang Zheng entered the palace, he headed straight for the arsenal, intending to seize the basic martial arts classics by taking advantage of the chaos, but instead of succeeding, he was besieged by a group of strangers, and only later did he meet Ma Qi.

Because Wang Zheng made a deep impression on Ma Qi when he was in Ma's house, he naturally joined Ma Qi's guards.

After Wang Zheng's general explanation, although Xu Tong was dubious about Wang Zheng's words in his heart, he still had a look of enlightenment on his face. He patted Wang Zheng's arm and said, "It's fine, you said just now that you killed Jianghuyi People, so your side missions are up to standard?"

"One of the standards was met, but the item of plundering property was not up to the standard, and an additional six hours of punishment time was added."

Wang Zheng explained.

At this time, Ma Qi took Xu Tong's arm and walked aside, pointing to the collapsed Qin Tianjian: "You ordered this building?? You don't want to be an apprentice, so tell me, you can't set fire. If you want your father to pay for it, I can't afford it."

Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, and wanted to complain about being wronged, but when he thought about it, it seemed that he had really started the fire, so he was at a loss for words.

"Ahem, Dad, the palace is in such a mess, why don't you care about it?"

If you talk about chaos in the palace, it's like jumping up and down, just now when the dragon energy dispersed, I don't know how many people in the world fought, and everyone was jealous.

At this time, Ma Qi didn't go to destroy those strangers, but appeared here instead, which made Xu Tong very puzzled.

"Let's be chaotic. Outside the gate of the palace, there are [-] soldiers and horses guarding, and none of them can escape. You Xiang... The emperor means to let them be chaotic. It would be best if the chaos reaches Qianqing Palace."

Xu Tong raised his brows when he heard the words, it was indeed the most ruthless emperor's family, and he had already started to eradicate dissidents before he officially took office.

In fact, Xiang Gongbao's top position is not peaceful, there are too many potential problems hidden below, like a time bomb, which may explode at any time.

The new emperor Xiang Gongbao came to power, he could only be kind and start killing people without raising his sword, so not only the bannerman would rebel, but Ma Qi would also rebel against him.

At that time, the buttocks have not yet sat in the hot mountains and rivers, and they will fall apart in an instant.

On the contrary, it was the turmoil that made Xiang Gongbao aware of the opportunity. Ma Qi would not support Xiang Gongbao's thoughts, but he would not object either.

Compared with directly raising the knife, although this method is disgraceful, it bleeds the least amount of blood. As long as there is more comfort afterwards and the bannermen are satisfied, the matter will pass.

Xu Tong knew that although Ma Qi was a Han Chinese, but as the admiral of the Nine Gates, he was also in charge of the Eight Banners Barracks, and he actually didn't want a large-scale bloodshed in his heart.

"By the way, where is Xiang Keding?"

Ma Qi suddenly grabbed Xu Tong's arm and asked.


Xu Tong did not hide it, after all, Xiang Keding's body would be discovered sooner or later.


Ma Qi was startled, and then a haze was cast on his face.

"Come here, take the young master away from the palace!"

"Father, why don't you ask him how he died?"

"It doesn't make sense, the important thing is that you're still alive after he's dead!" March shook his head, and it's completely meaningless to say these things now.

The Xiang family has only two children, one Xiang Kecheng and the other Xiang Keding. Xiang Keding has just been canonized as a prince.

Now that Xiang Keding is dead, God knows what Xiang Gongbao will do when he hears the news.

If you want to say that Xiang Gongbao is still old and strong, that's okay, but he is already 46 now, and it's not easy to want another child.

If you want him to be a half-buried man and give birth to a child, it is no different from letting him eat a catty of arsenic.

The most important thing is that Xiang Keding is dead, Ma Hongwen is still alive, and the two went out together, Xiang Gongbao couldn't do anything about that old Taoist priest, how could he let him go.

In terms of emotion and reason, you have to be buried with the prince.

That's why Ma Qi asked people to send Xu Tong out of the palace first, in case there was any trouble, the kid would still have a chance to escape.

Xu Tong watched the two soldiers walking up, one left and one right, and was about to tell Ma Qi that he didn't need this trick.

Its daybreak! !

The dark night in front of him suddenly became brighter and brighter at an extremely fast speed, as if someone in the sky turned on a light to illuminate the dark night.

"Huh?? Who turned on the light??"

March was still wondering why the lights in the palace were turned off a long time ago, and why they suddenly turned on.

"It's not a lamp, it's the moon!!"

Xu Tong raised his head, only to see that the full moon above his head became more and more moonlike, shining light on the earth like a small sun.

Immediately, the winter snow melted, and it was like daylight before their eyes. Everyone could even feel the scorching heat of summer rushing towards their faces.

At this time, Xu Tong was surprised to find that the power in his body was disappearing rapidly.

Not only him, even Wang Zheng beside him also felt something was wrong. When the two of them looked at the item book, they were immediately dumbfounded. All the item cards in the item book turned gray and white.

Not even task reminders.

"No wonder!!"

When Xu Tong saw this, he suddenly realized, no wonder Taoist Xunlong said when he gave him the Haoran Zhengqi pill, he must wait until this time before taking the pill.

It turned out that at this time, yin and yang were reversed, and all the strength in his body was dissipated. When he took the Haoran Zhengqi Pill, he would naturally not suffer backlash.

He checked himself carefully and found a good news and a bad news.

The bad news is that although the dragon energy in my arms is still there, it has been half an hour, but I can't put it into the item book, and the item book seems to be broken at this moment.

But there is also good news.

The effect of the Chapter of Slaughter is still there, and the increase in strength has not been weakened.

With the addition of Baishankou, his current combat effectiveness is still not affected much.

On the other hand, Wang Zheng felt as if his energy and spirit had been lowered to a new level.

After Xu Tong asked, he found out that the direction Wang Zheng had chosen belonged to a small side door, and most of the item cards in the item book were passive effects that enhanced physical fitness and increased strength.

There are two advantages to doing this. First, it can save the consumption of script points. Second, you don’t need to pursue the combination of item cards too much.

But the disadvantage is also unacceptable to most people, that is, the active skills are pitifully small, almost negligible, and it is entirely necessary for Wang Zheng to work hard to kill the enemy with his martial arts attainments.

In general, facing this situation, it is good and bad.

"I don't know what happened to Gao Zhuo."

Xu Tong glanced back at the opened vermilion gate. It was empty inside. It is said that the zombies and ghosts inside would never pose a threat to Gao Zhuo, which is why he let Gao Zhuo hide inside.

It's just that this guy is obviously not here now, where did he go? ?It's a headache.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

At this moment, there was a strange sound of gongs and drums outside.

Immediately after, a guard rushed in from the outside in a panic: "My lord... big... people are not good, outside... outside... the Ming army has entered the capital!"

"Ming Army??"

When Ma Qi heard this, he thought about which camp the Ming army was in.

"Yes, they have already passed the Meridian Gate, they are alive, those people are all alive."

The guard said tremblingly, but his words were completely incoherent.

Ma Qi was even more confused now. Seeing the guards squeaked and unable to speak, he stepped forward angrily and slapped two big ears: "What nonsense, what Ming army, Ming Dynasty has been subjugated for a hundred years, and the three people outside Ten thousand defenders are here, do you think they are dead??"

On the side, Xu Tong and Wang Zheng looked at each other, just when Xu Tong was about to ask to see what was going on.


There was a slight trembling sound from the ruins of Qin Tianjian, followed by a piece of scorched earth slowly wriggling.

Now March and the others quieted down, looking sideways at the wriggling mounds of ruins.

Suddenly there was a sound of "bang!", and a large piece of gray-black dust suddenly rose up in front of him and covered Ma Qi head-on. Xu Tong's face changed suddenly, and he pushed Ma Qi away with one hand, while the other hand turned into a fist. Facing the ashes in front of him, he smashed it down.

Even though the unpretentious fist didn't have any terrifying abilities attached to it, under the blessing of the chapter of killing, it still erupted with a terrifying whistling sound.

Immediately, the dust in front of him was shaken away under the shadow of Xu Tong's fist, and a black, coke-like hand protruded from the mound, grabbed Xu Tong's wrist, twisted his fingers down, and skillfully moved the two hands together. One finger was locked on Xu Tong's pulse gate.

With a seemingly light buckle, Xu Tong's mighty strength suddenly froze in his muscles, unable to move.

Fortunately, Wang Zheng followed closely behind him on tiptoe, and was kicking the opponent's arm, kicking the hand away.

Black dust was sprinkled on the ground, and when everyone saw clearly the figure standing in front of them, some guards spit it out on the spot.

It was a disgusting face, and the body looked like a charred steak, with the flesh and fat curled up in a ball.

Looking at the figure in front of him, Xu Tong asked incredulously, "Are you... the leader of Bailian??"

 I'm sorry, that's the only update tonight. I've been insomniacs all over the place lately, and I have to adjust back. So I haven't dared to close my eyes until now. I'm going to sleep. Good night, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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