Infinite script kill

Chapter 421: Retrograde Mission

Chapter 421: Retrograde Mission

Xu Tong didn't know how the Bailian leader died. After all, he had already hid in the coffin at that time, so he naturally didn't know how wronged the Bailian leader died.

However, judging from the fight just now and the fact that the opponent has no skin at all, Xu Tong can probably guess in his heart that the person in front of him is the dead leader of the White Lotus Sect.


Faced with the questioning, the leader of Bailian only let out a mournful cry, and then quickly attacked Xu Tong.

"Be careful!!"

Seeing someone attacking his son, Ma Qi drew out his long knife and stood in front of Xu Tong without thinking.

Although Ma Qi's martial arts is not outstanding, he is also from a family of serious practitioners, and he is even a martial arts champion... the second best martial arts champion.

In addition, following the Xiang family to quell the turmoil in all directions, the sword skills honed by killing enemies on the battlefield are always much stronger than the second-rate masters in the world.

With a sneer, he slashed over, but the leader Bailian raised his hand to block the "poof!", Ma Qixing clearly felt that he had slashed straight, but the hand felt hard and astringent, not the feeling of cutting into flesh and blood.

Excitement and bloodthirsty were in the eyes of the leader of Bailian. He grasped the blade with his fingers and twisted it, and a soft force hit along the spine of the blade. Ma Qi's face suddenly changed, and his hands tightly grasped the handle of the blade, but the other party followed him again. With a shake of his wrist, Ma Qi's long knife was chopped into pieces all over the sky with a "snap"!
Seeing the long knife shattered, Ma Qi knew it was not good, but years of fighting on the battlefield made Ma Qi bloody in his bones, holding the broken blade and stabbing straight at the opponent's chest.

The eyes of the leader Bailian were full of bloodthirsty splendor, he reached out and grabbed the broken blade in the air, ignoring Ma Qi raised the knife and stabbed the blade into Ma Qi's eye socket.

It is obvious that the ending that will hurt both sides is about to be staged, and everyone who followed Ma Qi raised their hearts in their throats.

Unexpectedly, what surprised these people even more was that a pair of hands with golden gloves appeared between the two, inserted in as if lightning, and first punched Hierarch Bailian's face hard, the huge force made Hierarch Bailian's face Zhang even couldn't see clearly his facial features, and his face was squeezed into a ball.

Immediately after pushing Ma Qi away with the other hand, he kicked Master Bailian away.

Ma Qi was startled, he didn't expect that there was such a master, but he became confused after raising his head, because this master was none other than his own precious son, Ma Hongwen.

Not only was Ma Qi dumbfounded, even the guards behind Ma Qi were shocked.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that his jaw dropped.

Ma Qi's personal guards knew what Ma Hongwen was. This young master had been Ma Qi's heart since he was a child, and it was not that he had never thought of letting him practice martial arts.

But Ma Hongwen has been afraid of suffering since he was a child, and even if he cries a little, he will arouse the distress of his grandmother, so Ma Hongwen is completely useless in his martial arts journey.

In addition, the Western steam guns, steam cannons, musket battalions and other lethal weapons became more and more perfect. March also realized that being a martial artist would not go far, so he didn't insist, and planned to let him study literature.

Uh... Who knew that he would simply become a rotten person who can't do anything.

But now that Ma Hongwen has changed suddenly, he has such a kung fu, his strength is simply boundless, anyone will be shocked.

March was also dumbfounded for a few seconds, is this still his son? ?Didn't give high incense to the ancestors recently?

At this time, Xu Tong didn't bother to explain to Ma Qi that the Chapter of Slaughter has a time limit, and when the time limit expires, his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, so he must kill the leader of Bailian as soon as possible.


The leader of Bailian, who got up from the ground, desperately opened his mouth, revealing a terrifying mouth full of blood, and let out a deep roar towards Xu Tong.

This guy seems to have lost his original rationality, but his body still retains the instinct of a great master's method. With both hands, he squeezed the flower fingers, and a lotus shadow appeared on the fingertips. This should be the unique skill of the White Lotus Sect.

However, the current Bailian leader has no thinking at all, and everything is based on instinct, so he can't exert real lethality at all.

"You're not an eunuch, why are you pinching your fingers? It's disgusting!"

Xu Tong's iron fist was like a hammer, and he hit Hierarch Bailian's finger heavily, and everyone could even clearly hear the sound of bones breaking from Hierarch Bailian's finger.

With a set of melee combat techniques, Xu Tong's elbows, knees, fists, and feet seemed to be like weapons all over his body, crackling and crackling on Bailian's leader.

Everyone only heard the muffled sound like chopping meat, and they thought of making beef balls by hand in their minds.

Under a seemingly disorderly old punch, the leader of Bailian was paralyzed on the ground like mud.

It's just that even at this level, the leader of Bailian still showed tenacious vitality. Xu Tong now wondered whether this guy would not die even if his head was chopped off.

So he tried to take out the bell, and after activating the soul restraint, he grabbed the body of Hierarch Bailian. Accompanied by a ball of soul balls, Hierarch Bailian completely lost his movement on the ground.

Xu Tong directly threw the soul orb of the leader of Bailian into the entrance of the hall, and Da Ya took the soul orb, with a happy expression as if seeing a golden golden pill, and slapped away Ji Xiang who was sitting on the furnace cover, and put the Throw a soul orb into it and refine it with the princess' soul.

As soon as the furnace mouth was opened, the eldest princess screamed at Xu Tong: "Boy, let me out, and I can still keep you alive. The old Xunlong will definitely not let you go, you... "

Before the eldest princess could finish speaking, she saw Da Ya lift up Jixiang who was about to run away, and put it heavily on the furnace lid again.



Ma Qi frowned and walked up, examining Xu Tong up and down.

Seeing Ma Qi's serious expression, Xu Tong had to make up an excuse in his mind, but suddenly Ma Qi slapped Xu Tong on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, you have all seen it, my son is born with supernatural powers, he deserves to be my son."

Xu Tong was stunned, he didn't have time to say anything, only to hear Ma Qi whispering on his shoulder: "If you have any questions, we'll talk about it when we go home."

Ma Qi is not a big Maha, but compared to his son's abnormality, the troubles in front of him are more serious, and the dead can be resurrected, so the Ming army that the guards are talking about may be true.

At this time, it is not the time to worry about the son's problem.

Xu Tong didn't expect Ma Qi to be so open-minded, but since Ma Qi didn't ask more questions, he saved himself a lot of trouble.

At this time, bursts of golden light suddenly flickered on Xu Tong's body.

It's the two balls of dragon energy in his arms.

The dragon energy seemed to be shaking uncomfortably in Xu Tong's hands, as if he had been summoned by something, and was instinctively resisting.

At this time, the tool book suddenly issued a reminder.

"Ding: You have met the triggering conditions for the sudden mission, and you will be punished for the sudden mission. If you don't accept it, you can choose to ignore this mission.

Main Mission 4: Rebels!
Mission objective: prevent all dragon energy from converging, and prevent Taoist Dragon Xun from completing the ceremony.

Task time: 3 hours
Mission failure: no penalty
Mission completed: You can obtain the title of Retrograde Sequence. "

Xu Tong, who received the task reminder, couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and looked at Wang Zheng aside: "Have you received the task?"

"No, haven't we finished all the main tasks?"

Wang Zheng shook his head, expressing that he didn't receive anything.

It seems that this task is specially prepared for him. Although he can choose to ignore it, he has to say that the reward of this task is really not something he can refuse.

The title of the retrograde sequence, I have already synthesized one, and if I get the second one together, I can form a bond.

Remember to achieve the effect of the second bond, it seems to be all skills +1, just for this point, there is no reason to refuse.

"Let's go, go out and see the situation first."

After Ma Qi finished speaking, he called his personal guards: "You protect the young master!"

Personal guard: ...

A group of people carefully walked out along the palace road to have a look, and were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them.

I saw the huge guard of honor in front of me marching along the main road of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, composed of cavalry and six-line infantry.

Xu Tong took a closer look and was immediately envious.

Even if these cavalrymen and warriors were not living people, their bodies were as dark as wind, and they looked like masters of a hundred battles, much more powerful than their own cavalrymen.

What's more, there are six rows of warriors holding shields and scimitars, all of them have crimson blood in their eye sockets, and their uniform steps make Xu Tong like it more and more. up.

Followed by 12 dragon flags held by soldiers, divided into two rows.

Nine shirtless men behind were carrying a dragon chair.

However, there is nothing on the dragon chair, but the strange thing is that there are nine skulls placed under the dragon chair.

Further on, there are two neat rows of bands. The instruments are mainly various drums, mainly drums, big drums, cymbal drums, festival drums, snare drums, Yubao drums and so on.

This standard is definitely the standard for the emperor to travel, but the clothes, hairstyles and crowns on their bodies have nothing to do with the Datong Dynasty.

"Hiss, it's really the Ming army!"

Ma Qi retracted his head, looked up at the sky and cursed: "What's the matter with this mother, the world is chaotic enough, come again? Isn't it chaotic enough?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at the guards behind him: "Follow me to pick up the emperor in Qiongtian Hall, and the others will take the young master out of the palace."

When Xu Tong heard this, he hurriedly said: "Father, I really can't leave. There are only so few people around you. If you want to save the emperor, you have to allocate a part to protect me. It must be a bad thing. Besides, one more person can do more. "


Ma Qi doesn't like this, just like parents all over the world, no matter how successful the child is outside, he is still just a child in the eyes of the parents.

"Father, even if you want to send me out, at least give me a safe way. In this situation, there is no movement from the [-] army outside. Are you sure you can send me there?"

Hearing this, Ma Qi frowned and thought about it. Normally, there must be such a big movement, how could there be no news from the [-] army outside? If there is news, why is there no movement now? ?

"So, it's safer for me to be by your side than to go out. What's more, I think it's not easy to go out in this situation."

Xu Tong looked at the sky, and there was chaos above his eyes.

The celestial phenomenon seems to be one aspect, but just the celestial phenomenon is not enough. Xu Tong suddenly remembered one thing, the formations arranged by Taoist Dragon Xun before.

Yes, that's right!
Thinking of this, Xu Tong thought of this, and suddenly remembered the formations that Taoist Xunlong had arranged before, and also recalled that Taoist Xunlong once said that the Forbidden City was originally built by his ancestors, maybe there is something related to it in the first place .

"Okay! But don't be brave!"

After thinking about it for a while, Ma Qi felt that what Xu Tong said was a bit reasonable, so he reluctantly agreed and agreed to take him with him.

After making up his mind, Ma Qi took Xu Tong and the others along the side door path to the direction of the Qiongtian Hall.

But when they arrived at Qiongtian Hall, they found that the outside of the hall was already in a mess, and there was nothing left except for the corpses all over the floor.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Ma Qi was in a turmoil. He and Xiang Gongbao have now reached the point where they seem to be inseparable, but Xiang Gongbao must not have any good or bad.

Ma Qi has followed Xiang Gongbao for so many years, and knows that the reason why Xiang Gongbao can sit on the world's soldiers and horses is precisely because the generals under him are all picked up by him, Xiang Gongbao is still alive, if he If he dies, the frontier troops stationed there will immediately rebel, and at that time the princes will be in chaos.

Immediately Ma Qi rushed into the Qiongtian Hall with his people, Xu Tong and Wang Zheng were following behind and were about to move forward.


A light call made Xu Tong stop, and when he looked back, he saw Le Rou standing in the corner.

Xu Tong was overjoyed when he saw Le Rou's expression, and he insisted on coming back. Apart from the sudden mission, there was another reason for Le Rou.

I promised her to keep her safe, if I just pat my ass and leave like this, I will inevitably leave a hurdle in my heart.

However, at this time, the fairy stove on the hallway behind Xu Tong made a "boom, bang, bang" sound, and following Xu Tong, he heard the scream of the eldest princess: "Boy, run away if you don't want to die!!"

(End of this chapter)

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