Chapter 422
As soon as the eldest princess finished speaking, Le Rou stretched out her palm, aimed at Xu Tong and grabbed it.

There was a distance of more than ten meters between the two, but the moment Le Rou stretched out her palm, Xu Tong's throat tightened and that small palm was already on his throat, before Xu Tong could resist.

Le Rou's body actually exudes bursts of dragon pressure, making Xu Tong unable to move for a moment.

Long Ya was shocked, and even Da Ya and Ji Xiang, who wanted to rush out to help, were stunned, lying on the ground and trembling all over.

"Be careful!!"

Wang Zheng wanted to help, but Lerou swung a backhand, a palm appeared out of thin air, and immediately slapped Wang Zheng away.

"Between fiction and reality!!"

Xu Tong was taken aback, Lerou would never have such a means.

At this moment, Le Rou let out a hoarse and familiar sneer: "Mr. Ma, Pindao has been looking for you for a long time."

"Dragon-hunting Taoist!!"

Xu Tong will never forget the familiar voice, but he doesn't understand how Taoist Dragon Xun is in Le Rou's body. Could it be that this old thing took Le Rou away?

As if knowing what Xu Tong was thinking, Le Rou let out a hoarse laugh.

"Don't think of me so nasty, just borrow this little girl's skin, Pindao is not crazy enough to take away a girl."

"Oh, I don't believe it!"

Xu Tong and Taoist Xunlong didn't deal with each other once or twice. This old guy's face was fair, but his heart was already dark.

He didn't seize Le Rou, but it was not when it was necessary. If he really had a conscience, he would have released the little girl Le Rou, so how could he borrow her body.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me."

Said that Taoist Xunlong put his palm on Xu Tong's chest, and saw that the two balls of dragon energy in his arms seemed to be sucked into Le Rou's body under some guidance.

After two balls of dragon energy were absorbed into Lerou's body, Taoist Xunlong looked behind Xu Tong.

There was a greedy look in his eyes: "I didn't expect that the rumored fetish is also on you, haha, princess, thank you, if you don't open your mouth, I really can't find out. There is such a god hidden in it.”

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, wanting to try to pull out the fairy furnace in the entrance of the hall.

Jixiang saw that hand was about to grab the alchemy stove, his eyes were red, he stepped forward and opened his mouth to bite, but he couldn't even think of clenching his teeth until the pain caused his teeth to collapse.

After a second look, it was discovered that there were dense dragon scales growing on that slender hand.

Taoist Xunlong didn't take it seriously, and knocked Ji Xiang unconscious with just one finger. Seeing this, Daya wanted to pounce on Xu Tong's body as soon as she saw it, but was also slapped on the ground by Taoist Xunlong, unable to move anymore.

After solving these two, Taoist Xunlong reached out to the fairy furnace, trying to pull the fairy stove out.

But no matter how he pulled it, the fairy furnace remained motionless.

Seeing this, Taoist Xunlong pondered in his heart, the reason why the immortal stove didn't move was probably because the little girl's physical strength was too weak, and when his primordial spirit returned to his place, there would naturally be ways to take out the immortal stove.

Thinking of this, Taoist Xunlong put Xu Tong on his shoulders: "Let's go! Just show you the glory of the Ming Dynasty."

"Nie Zhan, let my son go!!"

At this time, Ma Qi and others wanted to chase them out, but Taoist Xunlong just waved his hand, and a high wall was formed on the ground in front of him, blocking Ma Qi and others on the other side of the wall.

After Le Rou was possessed by Taoist Dragon Xun, she seemed to possess the supernatural powers of Taoist Dragon Xun completely. When she stepped over with one foot, the space in front of her eyes also became disordered. It kept shrinking under Le Rou's feet, and in the next second, she appeared in the East Palace. Your Majesty.

Looking around, I saw several figures wrapped in white cloth appearing out of thin air on the ground. These figures were completely floating and walking forward.

The face was also covered with a white cloth, and a large inscription was written on it with vermilion ink.

A few unlucky maids ran out from the side door in a panic, and bumped into these white cloth men head-on, touched by a gust of cool wind, these white cloth men stopped one after another, but in the next second they appeared on the backs of these palace ladies superior.

It seems to be possessed by these maids, controlling them to walk into the well not far away one by one.

"Clang clang clang..."

A sound of gongs and drums came from the end of the road. It was a young eunuch, but judging from the clothes, it was already the clothes of the previous dynasty. The little eunuch walked forward holding the gong, looking around from time to time while walking.

After realizing that there was no one around, there were bursts of weird sniggering on his face, then he opened his mouth, stuck out a long and thin tongue, and hung himself in an inconspicuous corner.

The performance art of the little eunuch is hard to understand, but soon some unlucky guy ran past the little eunuch in a panic, before the unlucky guy found the little eunuch's trace, the little eunuch suddenly opened his mouth and sucked the unlucky man The egg's soul was sucked out of the body and swallowed directly.

Soon there was another cold corpse on the ground.

And ghosts with strange abilities like this are everywhere in the palace at this moment.

"Don't be surprised, there are too many people who die unexpectedly in this palace every year. Over time, all kinds of strange and dirty things have accumulated."

Taoist Shunlong explained with a smile on his face.

"Then why are they all the ghosts of the previous dynasty, but not the ghosts of the current dynasty?"

Xu Tong looked around and saw that these weird things were basically the costumes of the previous dynasty, and he had never seen the yin and yang heads of the Datong Dynasty.

"You have to ask the eldest princess about this."

After Taoist Xunlong finished speaking, his figure brought Xu Tong to the front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony in a flash.

All the civil and military personnel of the Manchu Dynasty were standing outside the hall, quietly and deadly, and it even made people feel that this place was as quiet as a cemetery.

When Taoist Xunlong came from below with Xu Tong on his shoulders, he glanced at the face of a minister from the corner of his eye, and found that these ministers stood there with a dull expression, as if they were demented.

"Xunlong, you are playing with fire, aren't you afraid that God will chop you to death?"

It seemed that without the auspicious suppression, the eldest princess could even peep at the scene outside, and immediately understood what Taoist Xunlong was going to do.

"Hit me?"

There was a look of disdain on Lerou's face: "I just arranged a formation for gathering blessings for this huge Forbidden City. Who knew that when the heavens and the earth were intertwined, the five elements were reversed, the blessing formation turned into a fierce formation, and it became a double-dragon formation. , it has nothing to do with me, if you want to blame it, you can't blame me."

"Old man, if you want to achieve consummation, I'm afraid you will lose that life!"

"Hahaha, I don't know if Pindao has that life, but you definitely don't have that life. Originally, I wanted to help you, but now, when you are refined into a pill, Pindao will definitely find it for you." A good place to stay."

In the main hall, I saw Xiang Gongbao sitting upright on the dragon chair, but there was no expression in his empty eyes, like a marionette.

Taoist Xunlong's true self was sitting under the dragon chair, with his knees crossed, his hands in mudra, and his expression seemed to be asleep.

At this moment, Xu Tong discovered that Fu Anning was also there.

This guy even changed into a uniform, stood among the ministers, and stared at him eagerly.

It seems that like Xu Tong, there is no way to act.

It's just that Fu Anning obviously couldn't speak, and his eyes were full of helplessness.

He was also unlucky, he had just won the Dragon Qi, and before he had time to run, he was caught by Taoist Dragon Xun.

I thought Taoist Xunlong would kill him, but now it seems that it is not as simple as just killing him.

Taoist Xunlong threw Xu Tong casually on the ground, tapped Xu Tong's joints a few times, and pointed to his nose: "I'll deal with you later."

After saying that, he walked out of the hall, not knowing what to do.

Xu Tong tried to struggle a few times, but found that he couldn't move at all.

Then I looked up at Da Ya and Ji Xiang above my head, they were still in a coma, Xu Tong couldn't wake up after calling a few times.

"Don't waste your time, boy, find a way to let me out, let me get on your body, how about I help you escape."

The fairy furnace was shaking, and heard the voice of the eldest princess coming from inside.

Xu Tongcai didn't believe the eldest princess's tricks, if she really let her out, maybe she would be the first person to kill this bitch.

"Tell me first, what is Shuanglongsha!"

Xu Tong asked back.

At the same time, he flicked his wrist, and saw Fa Cai coming out of Xu Tong's wrist like a small snake. It turned out that when Xu Tong noticed something was wrong, he immediately let Fa Cai hide in his sleeve, and was not found by Taoist Xunlong. .

At this time, after Fa Cai got out, he changed into an adult-like appearance, groping around Xu Tong, trying to find a way to release his control.

This is also the reason why Xu Tong is not panicking. If it is really a last resort, he will give up the task at worst and let Fa Cai activate the blood shield technique, and he can escape with himself.

Seeing this, the eldest princess hurriedly said: "You let me out first, the old thief must be looking for other dragon qi, and when he finds all the dragon qi, we will all die."

"No, first tell me what Shuanglongsha is."

Seeing Xu Tong's appearance of not seeing the rabbit and not acting wild, the eldest princess was helpless, so she could only make a long story short:
"It's actually the Red and White Sha, but the Red and White Clashing Sha is a common folk, and the Shuanglong Sha is more advanced than it. Some demons use this technique to transform into ghosts, and this old thief wants to break the seal."

(End of this chapter)

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