Infinite script kill

Chapter 424 Daocheng

Chapter 424 Daocheng
I found Gao Zhuo for a long time, who would have thought that this guy would bring a group of zombies to the band of the Ming Army.

Just looking at this guy's state, Xu Tong will be really not sure whether he is also under control for a while.

"The decree has arrived!"

At this time, an eunuch came out holding the imperial decree. The imperial decree unfolded and he recited aloud. Although the voice was not loud, it was sharp and loud, and it was still clearly audible in the noisy ceremony.

It's just that Xu Tong glanced at the blood froth coughed up from the corner of the eunuch's mouth and knew that the eunuch might only have this voice in his life.

"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the edict said, the country is in turmoil, foreigners are banned, and the integrity of China is in the autumn of great changes. The new emperor ascends the throne, and wants to turn the world around, calm the turmoil, and appease the world..."

The emperor's imperial decrees often start for half an hour, and they basically belong to the standard template, all of which are a set of nonsense praising the emperor.

It's just that when the eunuch was chanting the imperial decree, the ghost cavalry below with long knives also moved.

"Da da da da..."

The sound of the horse's iron hooves echoed in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and with the swing of the blade, neat human heads flew up one after another.

It turned out to use the orders of these ministers to go to the blood sacrifice. The blood was splashed in the air, but it didn't come down. Instead, it seemed that there was an invisible force that was using blood as ink to write down the content of the eunuch's recitation in the air. .

"hurry up!!"

Seeing the eyes of Taoist Xunlong gradually become hot, he has waited for a lifetime, and finally waited until today, and finally he will be rewarded.

"Conferment, Taoyuan Temple, Taoist Dragon Seeker, Great Master Protecting the Country, conferring a god position, and the great sage of Shangling Tianqiong Baoyu Tianzun."

After the eunuch finished chanting, the imperial decree in his hand slowly floated up with a gust of wind blowing towards the sky, and the eunuch who had just read the imperial decree rolled his eyes and fell straight to the ground with a plop.

Xu Tong looked sideways, and found that the eunuch was not only dead, but also emitted a little fluorescent light from the body, which was a sign of being lost.

It seems that there is a price for reading such an edict.

Not only is there a price for reading the imperial decree, but the people who participate in it also have a price.

tick tock...

Blood dripped out from under Fu Anning's mask, and he couldn't see his face clearly at the moment, but Xu Tong could feel that the guy's body was shaking unnaturally, it wasn't controlled, it was more like it was caused by too much pain Muscle twitches.

The killing was still going on, and an imperial decree formed of blood characters had already floated in the sky, and accompanied by a gust of wind, it turned into a pool of blood and sprinkled on the ground.

Along with the rain of blood, Taoist Dragon Xun's body was lifted onto the dragon chair.

The upper part shows the blue sky, the sun and the moon, and the lower part leads to the nine secluded yellow springs.

At this time, Lerou's face suddenly became ferocious, and a cloud of celebration rose above her head, rushing into the air quickly.

At the same time, the world that was originally like daytime also began to dim rapidly, leaving only a beam of light shining on this celebration cloud.

In Qingyun, two lotus flowers were crumbling, but right after Taoist Xunlong slapped his chest, he opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of dragon energy to hit Qingyun.

Qingyun, who was tainted with dragon aura, actually emitted a little bit of golden light at this moment, and a golden lotus blossomed from it.

Seeing this, Xu Tong immediately remembered what the eldest princess said just now.

The three lotus flowers are obviously transformed by Taoist Xunlong's fate. If he can survive, he will be able to complete his merits and virtues. If he can't, there will be a thunderbolt in an instant, splitting his body into ashes.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong's mood also tensed up.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Taoist Xunlong suddenly turned around and looked at him.

"Don't think I don't know what you did!"

The unreasonable sentence made Xu Tong's heart skip a beat.

Oops, has it been discovered? ?

"Eldest princess, do you think you can stop me if you are willing to help this kid? You underestimate me too much. There is absolutely no room for me to stand up for the poor."

As he spoke, Taoist Xunlong pulled out a piece of dragon scale from Lerou's body and threw it towards the entrance of Xu Tong's hall. As soon as the dragon scale entered the entrance of the hall, it immediately grew in the wind, turning into a big mountain, completely covering the entrance of the hall. blocked.

"Hmph! Now the Heavenly King and I can't save you, just wait obediently."

Taoist Xunlong looked at Xu Tong with a sneer on his face, and blocked the last straw.

After today, everything will become history dust, and no one can stop himself.

Xu Tong's face was pale, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead. His eyes were full of despair, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "May God strike you to death with a thunderstorm!"

As soon as the words fell, a thunder-like roar was heard above his head.

Unexpectedly, a thunderbolt actually descended and struck on the three golden lotuses, Taoist Dragon Seeker's body immediately swayed, but the thunderbolt continuously shot down the three lotus flowers, not even a single leaf was knocked off Come.

Seeing this scene, Taoist Xunlong immediately burst out laughing, with the blessing of dragon energy, even the sky can't help him, besides, at this time, the universe is upside down, the five elements are in disorder, what he did is not against the sky, but to conform God, no matter how reluctant God is, he can't help me.

After the thunder and lightning came the sky fire, but the three lotus flowers hanging in the sky remained motionless. It was obvious that his fate had already exceeded the number of days, and no one could stop him.

Daoist Xunlong is fine, but the other participants are out of luck.

Especially Fu An Ning, Xu Tong looked through the eyes of his fate, and found that this guy's spirit was instantly degraded to the bottom, and blood continued to ooze from his body.

But at this moment, he could only continue jumping, jumping and jumping, the original layer of skin on his body began to dry and crack, constantly falling off his flesh and blood.

There is also Xiang Gongbao, who was originally blessed with deep blessings, but at this moment, the fortunes also began to turn into bad luck, even though the backlash was not as strong as that of Fu Anning, but Xu Tong looked at the expression on his face, only I am afraid that after this incident, Xiang Gongbao will not live for half a year.

Tian seemed to have also noticed the maniacal laughter of Taoist Xunlong, but just as he said, maybe another time, Taoist Xunlong would have been smashed into scum by Tianlei long ago, but he couldn't do it at this moment.

In a burst of impotent thunder, the thunder above the sky finally disappeared invisible.

A gleam of light slowly fell through the thick clouds, and in the twilight, the three golden lotuses shone with a strange halo, as if they were the only colors in this world.


Seeing this, Taoist Xunlong let out a loud roar, followed by a blue light flying out from Lerou's Tianling Gai, and merged with the three golden lotuses in the sky.

The avenue was just completed, exuding a dazzling light.

Hovering around the Forbidden City for a while, as if going to any corner of the world at will in the next second.

At this moment, far away in the Taoist temple on Longhu Mountain, an old man slowly closed his eyes, and sighed silently: "Infinite Heavenly Venerable!"

A young boy in Chunyang Palace raised his head as if feeling something, and saw his master looking seriously into the distance.

"Master, what's wrong with you."

Hearing the words, the old Taoist didn't speak, but just patted the boy's head: "Yuqing, from now on there will be no dragons in the world, and people of your generation will have no future after the master."

The boy named Yuqing looked at the master half-understood, and asked, "What about the little uncle?"

The old Taoist shook his head: "I don't know, it's just that the world will be in chaos, and there will be no peace from now on. Since he can cultivate the Chunyang Sword Code, he is destined to have a great mission in the future."

All of a sudden, people in the world looked sideways, but it was unknown how many people envied her and how many people resented her.

At this time, Taoist Xunlong sensed that the time was coming, and soon this unique celestial phenomenon once in a thousand years would end. At that time, the Yin and Yang of the heavens and the earth will sort out the chaos, and he only waits for the return of the primordial spirit, that is, he will prove the Supreme Dao Fruit day.

Thinking of this, Taoist Xunlong's primordial spirit shone with blue light, pointed at the three golden flowers on his head, and quickly flew into the body on the dragon chair.

However, the moment his primordial spirit flew into the physical body, a strong sense of repulsion hit him, causing Taoist Xunlong to change his mind: "That's not right!"

He said it was wrong, but Taoist Xunlong didn't have time to change direction, the primordial spirit had already merged into the flesh body, but what he never expected was that it merged into the flesh body at the same time.

The fleshy body on the dragon chair suddenly swelled into a big golden meat ball...

(End of this chapter)

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