Infinite script kill

Chapter 425 Life is bigger than the sky, I am stronger than you

Chapter 425 Fate is greater than the sky, I am stronger than you (two chapters combined in the middle of the night)

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Under the mask, Fu Anning's laughter was particularly ear-piercing, like a broken trumpet, with a strong and uncomfortable noise.

But this is the only sound Fu Anning can make.

Even though every laugh would tear his lungs apart, he still couldn't help laughing wildly.

Because it was the funniest and funniest thing he had ever seen in his life.

When he saw that golden thing with his own eyes, he pulled the body of Taoist Dragon Xun to the corner behind the hall, and then he became Taoist Dragon Xun himself.

Fu Anning was still thinking in his mind, this is really a stupid idea, even if the changes are perfect, as long as Taoist Xunlong checks carefully, he will definitely find something wrong.

However... no.

Taoist Xunlong didn't even look at his own body.

Then this old fox, who can even calculate with God, became like this.


You have won the world, you have won the heavens, but in the end you were tricked by an inconspicuous little ant

If Taoist Xunlong's fate is not strong enough, and the shackle fails in the end, or a peerless master makes a move, he kills Taoist Xunlong's dog's life with a single knife.

Then Fu Anning would never feel happy, at most he would curse secretly in his heart: "You deserve it!"

But he was tricked by this little bastard, Ma Hongwen, with such indecent means.

Fu Anning turned her head and looked at the dragon chair. The big golden meat ball was like a hemp ball that just came out of the frying pan.

Round and round, with a golden appearance, there is a special sense of joy.


A distorted human face was writhing crazily on the surface of the hemp ball.

It seems to be looking for an exit, whether it is eyes, nose, ears, mouth, or chrysanthemums, Taoist Dragon Xun is frantically looking for an exit.

As the saying goes, it’s easy to get in and hard to get out. Fa Cai is now swollen into a ball, not to mention a chrysanthemum, not even a single pore.


Tears overflowed from the corners of Fu Anning's eyes. He didn't know whether he was crying from pain, laughing, or both, but he still wanted to laugh. He couldn't open his mouth, so he simply laughed out of his chest.

Even if it just made him die a little faster, it was okay because it was the only way he could get revenge, and the only way he could be happy.

I was the one who had the last laugh.

Even though I'm going to die soon, I still have to laugh because it's funny.

It's hard to imagine how intense Fu Anning's physical pain is at the moment, but how intense the physical pain is, how happy he is in his heart.

I have lived my whole life and watched such a good show.

Worth it, so worth it.

This life is not in vain.

In fact, Taoist Xunlong did not check his physical body, which is completely a psychological element of darkness under the lamp.

With an absolute advantage, Taoist Xunlong didn't think that someone could hurt his body, and he didn't expect that Fa Cai could actually change into his own appearance.

So psychologically, he put more attention on the process of Ssangyongsha.

This is like letting the dead person preside over his funeral in the way of the soul, and he will arrange every detail properly.

Like kissing your lover goodbye.

Or tell your own children and grandchildren.

Or clear your phone memory...

As for his own corpse, he didn't even bother to look at it.


It's worth it, it's worth it! !
Fu Anning's eyes were spinning for a while, and finally he didn't have to jump. He didn't feel pain when his body fell on the ground, but a kind of comfort from the pain. Until death came, he still couldn't stop smiling. .


He is straight!
Fu Anning was straightforward, Fa Cai was still soft at the moment.

Taoist Xunlong kept trying to get out of Fa Cai's body, but in terms of soft and hard, Fa Cai is definitely a model for men.

Well... I mean temper.

When it should be hard, it is as hard as steel, and when it is soft, it is soft like water.

Taoist Xunlong now feels that he is surrounded by sweet words from all directions, unable to use his arms and legs, and starts cursing in frustration.

It's a pity, compared to his unfathomable strength, in terms of cursing, any dog ​​caught in the streets of the capital can beat him completely.


Here, Lerou has gradually come to her senses. When she saw Xu Tong who was slumped on the ground, she immediately rushed forward and tried to support him.

It's just that Lerou's strength is too weak, and she really can't help Xu Tong up.

"It's okay, it will be fine later."

The vision in the sky is still going on, but it has reached the point of continuous decline, and Xu Tong can even feel that strange power in his body is fading little by little.

He looked at Taoist Xunlong, and his brows could not help but knit tightly.

Taoist Dragon Xun is still struggling, and obviously this old guy also realizes that the vision of the universe upside down is fading. Once everyone regains consciousness, his result can be imagined.

It only needs to destroy his physical body, even if he has truly cultivated into a god, he will still be incomplete. If he has not merged with the physical body, the last step will not be considered complete.

Seeing that he couldn't use brute force to rush out of Fa Cai's body, Taoist Xunlong gritted his teeth and shook the luck above his head, a little bit of golden light immediately scattered, falling into Fa Cai's body and instantly exploding a little bit of thunder.

Instant Fat Cai's body trembled violently for a moment, and ripples began to appear on the originally radiant surface.

"hold onto!!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong knew something was wrong, but he couldn't move his body at all.

Immediately, he could only look at Gao Zhuo, this idiot.

In the end, what made him desperate was that this simple-minded man didn't know if he had taken some wrong medicine, but at this time he was actually holding the sound of the suona, and those who didn't know thought it was the death of the Chou family.

It seems that he should have been affected in the same way as those ministers.


The electric light flickered in Fa Cai's body again, and the golden electric current briefly transformed Fa Cai into an oversized light bulb.


The screams did not come from Fa Cai but Taoist Xunlong.

After all, even if it is an immortal, the primordial spirit is very fragile. Only after completing the last step, merging with the physical body, and becoming a fairy, can the primordial spirit reshape the physical body.

But before that, his primordial spirit was no different from ordinary primordial spirits, and the electric current hitting Fa Cai's body would also bring strong harm to himself.

It's just that he believes that he is in pain, but this monster will definitely be in more pain. As long as he yells, even if he yells, he can rush out of this guy's mouth.

"Scream, scream, scream out when it hurts!!"


Electricity kept flickering in Fa Cai's body, and the item book even issued a warning sound.

"Warning, your pet Wraith is suffering irreversible damage, please rescue it as soon as possible..."

"Warning, your pet wraith has suffered great damage, and its level has dropped by 1 level."

Hearing the prompt from the item book, Xu Tong frowned. He knew that this process would be extremely painful for Fa Cai, but he couldn't do anything at this time.

He tried to get up again, but as long as he moved a little, there would be bursts of intense pain in his heart, and he drained all the strength in his body, and fell to the ground again, as if something had squeezed the blood vessels near his heart. It's like being blocked.

Seeing Xu Tong trying to get up several times, but finally falling heavily on the ground, Lerou was so anxious that she didn't know what to do.

"Le Rou!"


Xu Tong raised his head and looked at Le Rou's slender hands: "Hit me!"

"What??" Le Rou wondered if she heard it wrong.

"Hit me, hit me to the heart, the harder the better."

Right now, I can't think of any other way, but if there is really some force blocking my heart acupuncture point, maybe it would be better to stimulate it with external force.

"But...young master..."

"Hit me, hit me with all your might!"

Xu Tonghua's voice fell, and there was a sound of "crackling..." in the distance. Taoist Xunlong obviously increased the battery this time.

Fa Cai's body also began to twist irregularly, and it was obviously a matter of time before he was broken through.

"Hit me!! Quick!"

Le Rou was stunned for a moment, then clenched her fist tightly and hit Xu Tong's chest lightly.

It's just that such a fist obviously has no effect.


Le Rou gritted her teeth: "Master, I'm sorry!"

After finishing speaking, Lerou turned around and ran back, and Xu Tong froze when he saw this, with a wry smile on his face.

However, after running more than ten meters, Lerou suddenly stopped, turned around, fixed her eyes on Xu Tong's chest, and began to rush towards Xu Tong with all her strength.

Xu Tong never thought that an ordinary little girl could run so fast, but after Le Rou took a stride, she kicked Xu Tong one meter away with a heart-warming kick.

As if stimulated by this kick, Xu Tong could feel his heart beating faster suddenly, and there was a bang in his ears, and something broke through first.

Then there was a violent churning in his stomach, which made him retch uncontrollably.


Le Rou ran forward in a hurry, but Xu Tong stood up first, with bright red blood overflowing from his nose and ears, Xu Tong rushed out without wiping it off: "Wait here for me."


The golden light continuously burned Fa Cai's body.

I saw that Fa Cai's body was also shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Warning, your pet wraith has suffered great damage, and its level has dropped by 1 level."

"Warning, your pet wraith has suffered great damage, and its level has dropped by 1 level."

With continuous warnings, the level of finally making a fortune dropped from the original LV6 to LV2 in an instant, and a tiny hole gradually cracked from the skin.

"It's finally out!!"

With the opening of the small hole, Taoist Dragon Xun poked his head out first, just as he was about to rush out.

Xu Tong rushed up with a stride, crossed his hands, worshiped Shankou and bowed down to Taoist Xunlong in front of him.

"Go back to me!"

Accompanied by gusts of biting cold wind, blowing on Taoist Dragon Xun's primordial spirit, he recoiled from the momentum, followed by Fa Cai, and countless sticky tentacles wanted to pull him back again.

"Don't think about it!!"

Dao Xunlong was heartbroken, knowing that at this time it was either you or me, Qingyun flew up above his head, three golden golden lotuses flashed, and suddenly a lot of thunder and lightning hit Xu Tong.

Without the protection of the dark physique, Xu Tong felt his whole body go numb in an instant, followed by countless silver needles piercing his bones.

But it was this strong stimulation that actually made Xu Tong's heart beat faster, and a pure dark force swept across Xu Tong's limbs. Although it could not disperse the lightning from his body, it greatly strengthened Xu Tong's defense, keeping his body's Discomfort is gone.

Lilith's heart has great potential, and the thing she is most afraid of is stimulation.

With more and more demon energy, Xu Tong's body has been able to stand up from the thunder and lightning bombardment. Even in a short moment, he has been shocked to pieces, but only the flesh is injured. Although it hurts, as long as Lilith's heart is still alive If you jump, you won't die easily.

"Boy, you are such a trouble!"

Seeing this scene, Xunlong Daoist will inevitably set off a turbulent wave in his heart, even if only relying on the power of the primordial spirit, it is far better to strike at his own body, but this thunder and lightning is the fruit of his enlightenment, and the thunder and lightning are the seeds of the sky thunder, this kid insists on it With a set of thunder and lightning, he can still survive? ?

"Second goodbye!"

Another mountain worship button fell, and a cracked abyss emerged around Xu Tong, and on both sides of the abyss were countless staggered pavilions and palaces.

However, these images constructed between reality and reality quietly disappeared without a trace when they approached Taoist Dragon Xun, as if a hole had been burnt out of a painting.

Seeing this, Xu Tong did not hesitate, and was about to bow the third time, and he was going to call his master for help.

But it was at this time that he realized that no matter how hard he tried to pray this time, he couldn't make it.

Seeing this, Taoist Xunlong couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hey hey, first life, second luck, third feng shui, my life is older than yours, how can you accept me? If you can really accept me, those old things would have rushed over to kill me as soon as possible, so it's your turn , there is God's will in the dark, and no one can do anything to me!"

Taoist Xunlong laughed wildly and was about to get out of Fa Cai's body.

Suddenly, a pair of gray arms held Fa Cai tightly in his arms from behind. The muscles on the arms were bulging, as if two steels that had been tempered for thousands of years, tightly hugged Fa Cai, and kept tightening little by little, while the arms The owner is Gao Zhuo who woke up from the hallucination.

Gao Zhuo didn't know what happened when he woke up, but he saw at a glance that Taoist Xunlong was constantly sending out lightning to hit Xu Tong. He didn't know what to do for a short time, but when he saw Taoist Xunlong struggling When he was about to get out of Fa Cai's body, he rushed forward and hugged the meat ball tightly in his arms.

"court death!!"

Now Taoist Xunlong was in a hurry, he was about to get out, why did Cheng Yaojin come out halfway.

"Could it be!"

Thinking of this Taoist Xunlong, he hurriedly looked up, and when he saw that the sky and night had begun to return to normal, his face instantly became hard to see the freezing point.

The time when the universe is turned upside down is about to pass, that is to say, Ma Hongwen's strength will soon recover. Thinking of this, Taoist Xunlong's mentality is about to explode.

If it was an ordinary time, let alone recovering, even if Ma Hongwen was in his prime, he would be able to crush him to death. He is not such a waste as the eldest princess.

But right now, he is just a wisp of primordial spirit, still in a state of no body, and his strength is greatly reduced. Once this kid recovers his strength, he will undoubtedly die.

Thinking about what kind of thing Ma Hongwen is, how could he die at the hands of such a scumbag, if so, then he would really become a big joke.

It is not an exaggeration to believe that Fu Anning under the Nine Springs should be able to laugh and come back to life again.

Immediately, the three golden lotuses above his head shook wildly, and more golden lightning burst out.

It's just that the target of the lightning this time is not Xu Tong, but Gao Zhuo behind him.


The electric light hit Gao Zhuo's body. There is no doubt that this peculiar golden lightning has a great lethality on Gao Zhuo's zombie body.

However, Gao Zhuo found that he could gradually get used to it. He only raised his head with a feeling in his heart, only to find that Xu Tong also had the same burnt smell floating on his body. Come out sparks.

It turned out that at this time, Xu Tongguo disconnected [Guardian]'s active skill 1: righteousness

Consumes 30 script points. After activation, when there are more than 30 teammates within 2 meters around you, the damage received will be shared equally.

"Old guy, you say... your fate is greater than the sky, then I must be your nemesis!"

Xu Tong called out the item book, and most of the item cards in the item book were in a black state, but the item items were not subject to any restrictions.

For example... this [Partial Official Black Tiger Pill]!
【Pianguan Black Tiger Pill】

Those who eat it will get a bonus of no taboos within three hours.

Nothing is taboo:

Ignore the influence of fate, and radiate the surrounding 30 meters.

(Note: Heihu, a partial official, is doomed to be miserable for a lifetime. Those who disobey the harmony of heaven mostly end in premature death. If they can survive, they will have to pay blood debts and stir up chaos in the world)

 Go to sleep, wake up and continue to update, and finish writing this book today.

(End of this chapter)

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