Infinite script kill

Chapter 426: Baishankou Matryoshka Version

Chapter 426: Baishankou Matryoshka Version
"what is that??"

The moment Taoist Xunlong saw this dark elixir, his primordial spirit trembled uneasily, especially the three golden lotuses in the clouds above his head. The golden lotus trembled slightly, as if he had discovered some terrible natural enemy. A golden electric glow flickered.

This caused Taoist Xunlong to stir up a storm in his heart. It was not until Xu Tong ate the elixir that he finally realized what the elixir was.


The dragon rides the cloud, the tiger rides the wind, a gust of wind blows towards his face, a thick black claw protrudes from the top of Xu Tong's head, and lands lightly on Xu Tong's shoulder.

Then a huge black tiger slowly revealed its figure from behind Xu Tong. Its black shiny fur did not have the usual tiger stripes, but was full of wounds and scars, but this did not affect the black tiger's terrifying aura.

On the contrary, these scars seem to be more like badges, highlighting Heihu's previous achievements.

The elegant body and the well-defined muscle outline filled the black tiger with an explosive sense of deterrence. When the two animal pupils glanced at him, it made people shudder all over.

"Official Black Tiger!!"

Taoist Xunlong's voice does not feel trembling, this is the real fate of the black tiger, the real fate of great success, swallowing the world with anger, stirring up the wind and clouds, and the gods retreat wherever they pass.

It's not Li Xi's castrated thin tiger, which is limp and lacks the majesty of a king.

If Li Xi didn't choose to enter the palace, but continued to flee, as long as he survived the troubled times, perhaps he would have such a day.

Li Xi always thought that Maoshan Zong stopped chasing and killing him because of the protection of the court, but in fact this was not the case. Apart from the protection of the court, castrated eunuchs did not pose any threat at all.

This is also the reason why the eldest princess scoffed at Li Xi back then.

The black claws fluttered lightly, and then slapped heavily on the three golden lotuses of Taoist Xunlong. The golden lotus immediately became depressed, and turned into Qingyun in despair, and was slapped away by this slap.

At the same time, Xu Tong's mountain worship button finally fell.

The first worship hurts human life, the second worship invites ghosts and gods, and the third worship knocks on the gate of Hades.

"Old guy, didn't you say that you want to meet the seniors of my family? I will send you to meet today."

After Xu Tong finished speaking, the abyss trembled behind him, and an ancient door slowly opened.

Taoist Dragon Xun's pupils tightened, and on the dragon chair in the dark hall, a figure sitting upright revived with the dim light of the door opening. The black dragon robe shone brightly in the darkness, and his eyes under the bead curtain slowly opened , with indifferent eyes staring down at himself.


Horrified, Taoist Xunlong tensed up, but soon he discovered that the figure in front of him was not the King of Hades, because he didn't have the mark of Godhead that is unique to righteous gods.

"Not Hades??"

Taoist Xunlong's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he became energetic immediately: "I am not the king of Hades, and you can't do anything to me. My primordial spirit is already perfect, and ghosts and gods can't do anything to me."

After finishing speaking, Taoist Xunlong glanced sideways at Xu Tong and said with a sneer, "Even if you have the life of a partial official and black tiger, I don't believe how long you can hold on."


The master sitting on the dragon chair slowly showed a smile. Taoist Xunlong's words are correct, his soul is already perfect, and it is useless to really detain him. When Xu Tong's partial official Heihuming disappears, Taoist Xunlong will still You can break free from here by force.

But is the Baishan button created by the master just like that? ?
I saw Xu Tong raised his hands again, but what was different this time was that the figure of the master behind Xu Tong was also making the same movement with him.

Double Baishan button!
Double the power, but more than double the happiness.

"Baishan buckle!"

The moment the two hands bowed down at almost the same time, the world in front of Taoist Xunlong was distorted, and he felt that his soul seemed to be ruthlessly smashed into pieces by an eighty-pound sledgehammer.

In an instant, there was only a "bang" sound similar to the cracking of tempered glass, and Taoist Dragon Xun's primordial spirit suddenly disintegrated and turned into countless crystal fragments.

The broken primordial spirit quickly took the opportunity to fly out of Fa Cai's body, reshape into a ball of fluorescent light, and immediately rushed to the sky, trying to find the physical body.

However, how could the master give him such a chance? I saw the master slowly stretch out his palm, and saw that the black mist turned into a big hand. After pulling into the main hall, he slapped the ground heavily.


Immediately, the primordial spirit that had been condensed just now shattered again. This time, the master didn't give him a chance to reassemble the primordial spirit, so he grabbed it with his palm, and forcibly grabbed a large piece from countless fragments and pinched it in the palm of his hand.

The soul of Taoist Xunlong reunited, but compared with just now, the soul was much smaller. What was even more hateful was that a fragment of his soul fell into the palm of the master, which was equivalent to being dragged by the tail by the master. in a moment.

"From now on, enter my banner to listen to orders. If you dare not obey, your soul will be scattered and you will not be reborn!" After the master said, he saw the shattered soul of Taoist Xunlong transform into a piece with a pinch of his fingertips. The spirit pole flag was casually thrown into the flag basket on the table case.

Knowing that he was doomed, but he didn't want to become someone else's slave. Taoist Dragon Xun glared at the figure in the hall and screamed:
"I don't agree, what kind of thing are you? Why do you restrain my primordial spirit? Even if I go to the underworld, I will sue Yan Luo, so that you can't eat and walk around!!"

The master sneered when he heard this, and took something out of his sleeve.

It was a dark red paper stamp filled with strange hieroglyphs, the content of which was incomprehensible, but there was a big square seal on the lower left corner of the paper stamp.

As soon as this thing appeared, it exuded a majesty that could not tolerate doubts. Taoist Dragon Xun could only crawl on the ground obediently in an instant, and he couldn't even move a finger.

"The ghost emperor's document?? Who are you? Why is there a ghost emperor's document!!"

Everyone in the world knows that there are ten kings of hell in Yincao, but they don’t know that the ten kings of hell are not the supreme rulers of the underworld. out a lot.

But this is just the beginning. Above the ghost king, there are still some yin gods such as the ghost king Zongzi. Although there is a ghost king in his name, his authority is not ordinary.

In addition, there are five ghost emperors counting nine people, commanding the five parties of the underworld.

The ghost emperors of the five directions go further up, of course they still have great powers, but let's not show them here, let's just say that the master has this ghost emperor document in his hand.

That is a document issued by one of the five ghost emperors. With this document, although master Xue Gui is not in the priesthood of Yincao, he has other convenient duties.

In other words, even if Taoist Xunlong finds an opportunity in the future and makes a fuss in the Hall of Yama, you can see that the King of Yama in the Ten Halls will not care about this matter.

Unless Taoist Dragon Xun can find an existence one level higher than Wufang Ghost Emperor to sue, it's existence of that level is not something that small Taoist Dragon Xun can see.

Immediately, Taoist Xunlong was completely desperate.

The ghost emperor's documents can't be fake, and he hasn't become a fairy yet, even if he is, he will kneel down and pay homage to the five ghost emperors when he sees the five directions.

It's not just the two streets that are poor in grades. For a while, they can only kneel on the ground in despair and choose to accept their fate.

"If you finish the errand in the future, you will have your own good results. If you fail to do it well, you will fall into the endless hell and retreat!"

The master squinted at Xu Tong, cast him a satisfied look, patted the gavel on the table, the door closed in front of him, and the boiling abyss gradually calmed down.


The celestial phenomenon is not over yet, but Taoist Xunlong has completely disappeared in this world. Xu Tong's feet feel weak, especially the dull pain in his heart. He didn't feel it just now, but now after he relaxes, he feels the pain. stronger.

Fortunately, Gao Zhuo supported him on the arm, and his face was very embarrassed: "Actually, I wanted to help..."

"Let's talk about it later!!"

Xu Tong patted Gao Zhuo's arm, this guy has completely entered the state of corpse now, his whole body has become icy.

Gao Zhuo was still hesitating before, but now he has completely turned into a corpse, and the reason for this can be understood without explanation.

It's just that right now, it's not the time for the two to sit down and enjoy the results of the battle.

There is a mess everywhere, and the sky is getting darker and darker. I believe that this vision will end soon. If you don’t hurry up at this time, when the ministers wake up, they will find dead, wounded, and chicken feathers all over the place. What's the trouble again.

Picking up Fa Cai on the ground, this poor little guy was originally at level LV6 with great difficulty, but now he was beaten back to his original shape.

"I'll find something delicious later, and I'll eat it for you first!"

Getting rich this time is a great achievement, if it wasn't for its stubborn support, I am afraid Taoist Xunlong would have returned to his original position and ascended to the throne. At that time, let alone knocking on the door of the master, even if the master knocked on the door of the king of Hades, It is also difficult to save your own life.

But the master still has a lot of questions, Xu Tong vaguely felt that the master seemed to have some things that he didn't tell him, and it seemed that he wanted to find a time to have a good chat with the master.

Before leaving, Xu Tong didn't forget to enter the Hall of Supreme Harmony and ran to the dragon chair, only to see Xiang Gongbao and others' eyelids trembling slightly, as if they were about to wake up.

Seeing this, Xu Tong was not polite, picked up a brush and wrote a new copy of the imperial decree sealed by Taoist Xunlong just now, then picked up the jade seal on the table, and covered it heavily.

Only then did Le Rou and Gao Zhuo quickly find Ma Qi.

Fortunately, Ma Qi and the others didn't cause any trouble when they were trapped in the Tianqiong Palace. Only Wang Zheng was more miserable. He was slapped on the wall by Taoist Long Xun, and several bones on his body were broken.

If he wasn't a player, he would recover from his injuries soon after returning to reality, and he might have to lie in bed for the rest of his life.

After learning that the matter was over, Ma Qi didn't ask any more questions, and asked Xu Tong and the others to leave from the west gate.

It wasn't until they left the palace that Xu Tong and the others realized that the army outside didn't know the situation in the imperial city at all, they just said that they didn't know when, but they didn't hear any sound in the gray city.

Xu Tong estimated that it should have something to do with the array designed by Taoist Xunlong.

It is a bit difficult for others to set up formations in the palace, but Cai Xin, the designer of the palace, is the ancestor of Taoist Dragon Xun, so it is not unreasonable for Taoist Dragon Xun to focus on this change of power early on.

At this time, they also received a reminder from the item book that the mission has been completed and the punishment time is over, and they can return to reality at any time. If they do not want to return, they can stay in the script world for about ten days.

"That... I won't stay any longer, it's meaningless to stay here."

Wang Zheng called Xu Tong and said that he was going to return as soon as possible. He is no different from a disabled person now, and it is meaningless to stay.

Xu Tong nodded to express his understanding. In fact, he had a good impression of Wang Zheng. The two sides exchanged phone numbers, expressing that they can continue to contact after their return.

Next time they can get into the script together if they want.

"By the way! I still have a task to complete!"

Wang Zheng thought for a while and said to Xu Tong: "Master asked me to kill someone."

 And tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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