Chapter 427 No result on the plate (this is the third change, continue tomorrow)

"Dangdang... the new emperor ascends the throne, the world will be prosperous, midnight, watch out for candles!"

There was a knocking sound outside the door.

A whole day has passed since Xiang Gongbao's ascension to the throne.

In front of the houses of several officials in the capital, a piece of white cloth was pasted up, which means that there is a funeral at home.

It's just that it's inconvenient to hold a funeral in the face of the new emperor's enthronement, so we can only paste a white cloth.

Similar to what Xu Tong thought, Xiang Gongbao has been in a very bad physical condition since he became the throne. According to Ma Qi, Xiang Gongbao had a high fever that night and almost woke up.

Fortunately, several doctors in the Taiyuan Hospital rejuvenated, and finally saved Xiang Gongbao's life, but it's just his condition... it should be able to last until autumn.

"Boss, when are we going back? I'm a little homesick." Gao Zhuo found himself a black cloth and made a veil, covering his head.

After completing the task, they can stay in the script world for 10 days

After being turned into a corpse, his face became paler, and there seemed to be some sequelae, that is, he always had a bloodthirsty impulse. He planned to think of a way after going back, and see if there was any corresponding way in the ancient books at home.

Of course, apart from being homesick, he also wants to eat fried bacon...

"What's the hurry, I've been waiting for so many days, why don't you worry about it for a while, don't think I don't know what you're thinking, you may not be able to handle the body of Taoist Dragon Xun."

Xu Tong picked up a pastry on the table and stuffed it into his mouth.

When he left, Xu Tong saw it for real. This guy ran straight to the body of Taoist Xunlong. At that time, that guy's expression seemed to be the body of Taoist Xunlong, who was closer than his wife.

It's just that Taoist Xunlong lost his primordial spirit, but his physical body did not die, and he still maintained normal breathing no different from a living person.

Coupled with the spells that Taoist Xunlong blessed the body, Xu Tong doubted whether Gao Zhuo could handle it.

"Hey, it's not difficult, the living can't beat it, but I can't beat the immortal one."

Gao Zhuo was said to be the center of the matter, so he couldn't help but patted his chest and assured Xu Tong. After speaking, he remembered something again: "By the way, what do you do with that Wu Guodong? Do you want me to give him now..."

Gao Zhuo waved his hand and made a beheading gesture. After being turned into a corpse, he was equivalent to a half-step master, and it was more than enough to kill a cripple.

He blushed when he said it. Originally, he let go of his scruples and tried his best to transform into corpses. After killing the little sister of the eldest princess, he rounded up all the zombies under the eldest princess's group.

Originally, he was going to rush out to help Xu Tong, but as soon as he went out, it would be dawn.

Then I heard a strange sound of gongs beating in my ears, and I stumbled into the ranks of the Ming army, and even became a guard of honor. I can't hold on anymore.

Xu Tong just grinned at this, and didn't mean to blame Gao Zhuo. If he hadn't hugged Fa Cai at the last moment, Taoist Xunlong might have broken free first.

"No need, I promised Wang Zheng to come."

Before Wang Zheng leaves, he tells Xu Tong that his last mission is to kill Ma Qi.

The person who issued this task was his master Wu Guodong.

Speaking of which, Wu Guodong and Ma Qi made an appointment in the martial arts test back then, and whoever won would marry the eldest grandma.

As a result, Wu Guodong won the No. [-] Scholar, so Ma Qi played tricks, and while Wu Guodong was drunk, he had one of Wu Guodong's legs broken.

Since then, Wu Zhuangyuan has become an inconspicuous old carpenter, completely out of people's sight.

Wu Guodong has waited for this hatred for so many years, and it is not so easy to let go.

Wang Zheng was also unlucky. He had the opportunity to strike twice, but he didn't make it in time.

Until the bone was broken by Taoist Xunlong's slap, and there was no hope at all. Otherwise, with Wang Zheng's strength, if he wanted to complete the task, Xu Tong would definitely not be able to guard against it.


Gao Zhuo nodded to express his understanding, then he picked up a piece of snack and stuffed it into his mouth, and lay down on the chair with his hands on his head: "That's okay, I'm free if I'm free, I'll go to Panjiayuan tomorrow, it's right Traveling."

Speaking of this, Gao Zhuo couldn't help laughing at himself. He had never been to the capital since he was a child, but this time he has been in the capital for so long, and he has visited the imperial palace, but he has never even entered the gate of Panjiayuan, so he should relax. .

"Okay, let's go together."

I really need to go out, because the drunkard said last time that he is still waiting for me in the tavern for two days, counting the time, it will be tomorrow night at the latest.

I don't know what chance this alcoholic will give me.

After the two chatted for a while, Gao Zhuo went to wash and rest, while Xu Tong continued to sit in the yard and wait.

"Got to go?"

After a while, a voice came from behind Xu Tong, it was Mr. Wen Yuan.

I saw the old gentleman sitting on the side just now, with a broken arm, but his spirit was particularly good, and his face even had a golden glow.

This is the performance of righteous gods.

It turned out that he left too hastily that day, but Xu Tong still did not forget to write down a written imperial edict on Xiang Gongbao's dragon table.

The content is similar to the content of the seal of Taoist Xunlong, except that the seal character was changed to Mr. Fuxian Wenyuan by him.

When Xiang Gongbao woke up in a daze, it was like having a big dream. In the dream, it seemed that he had canonized some kind of god, but he couldn't remember clearly.

Looking at it again, when I found that the imperial decree had been written, I wanted to throw away the imperial decree first, but after thinking about it, I thought of Fuxian, a recently emerging god, who seemed to have a good reputation. Send it out.

It happened to be to accumulate some merit for him.

Ever since, the old Mr. Wenyuan, who received the bestowal, transformed from a house god to a sun god.

This can be regarded as Xu Tong's little repayment to his old man.

It's just that even if he becomes the Yang God, the lost arm can't be found, so from now on, the statues of Fuxian Temple in the capital will be missing an arm.

"Yes, I have to leave. My father has already said that in two days, I will take my mother with me and go to Wuxi for a job."

Ma Qi was transferred to Wuxi to serve as the prefect, and he can be regarded as a great official in the frontier, but anyone who understands knows that this is an obvious ups and downs.

But Ma Qi also knew that Xiang Gongbao was already taking care of his old feelings.

It just so happened that he didn't want to stay in the capital, a place of right and wrong, so two days later he planned to take his family and his disciples to Wuxi.

However, upon hearing this, Mr. Wen Yuan put down the book in his hand and said, "That's not what I'm talking about. If you want to leave, you don't want to go to Wuxi."

Xu Tong was startled when he heard this.

Mr. Wen Yuan continued: "I didn't teach this child Hongwen well, I was not strict in teaching, I was lazy in teaching, I am an old bone, I have taught him for so long, but I have not taught him how to be a human being."

Speaking of this, Mr. Wenyuan looked a little sad. As a scholar, he failed to obtain any merits in ten years of poverty. For the sake of the country and the people, as a student taught by the teacher himself, he turned out to be a scum who committed all kinds of crimes, raped and plundered.

He became a god of good fortune in a daze, which inevitably made Mr. Wen Yuan sigh, whether it was God who treated him kindly, or God was really blind.

Xu Tong didn't speak, just ate the cakes on the table silently.

It seemed that the old man had been aware of his identity a long time ago, but he didn't point it out until he confirmed that he was going to leave, so he pierced the window paper himself.

"Son, as a human being, I am ashamed of my parents and teachers, but as a god, I dare not let the people down. I came today to say goodbye and to ask you for one thing."

Xu Tong silently finished the pastry in his mouth and waved his hand: "I understand what the old man means, it's like this empty fruit plate, right?"

Wen Yuan glanced at the empty fruit plate and frowned: "That's not what I meant."

"It's all the same. That's what I mean. It's just that this walk will lead to a long road. When it's hard to see you again, old man, take care of yourself."

Xu Tong stood up and bid farewell to Mr. Wenyuan.

In all honesty, this old gentleman treats me pretty well. If it weren't for him, I don't know how long I would have to wait to complete the in-depth appraisal.

Seeing Xu Tong getting up to say goodbye, Mr. Wen Yuan could only sigh. After bowing with one hand, his figure disappeared without a trace with a gust of breeze.

Early the next morning, Xu Tong took Gao Zhuo and Le Rou out for shopping.

The three tasted the traditional breakfast in the capital again at the morning market.

Hmm... still can't get used to it.

Then he went to Panjiayuan with Gao Zhuo, but to Gao Zhuo's disappointment, there were a few antique shops, but they were not like in reality. There were small stalls everywhere, all kinds of rare jewelry and other things.

This made Gao Zhuo feel that the journey of this trip was not complete at all.

Xu Tong didn't care, he just took out some silver and gave it to Gao Zhuo, and it would be over if he just bought some, since it would be an antique no matter what he brought back.

"That's boring."

Gao Zhuo refused. In fact, money doesn't mean much to the two of them.

It’s not easy to really want any antiques. There are many in the ghost market. It doesn’t matter whether it’s from Shang and Zhou or last week. As long as you are willing to spend script points, you can find them for you.

After the three of them strolled around, Xu Tong took them to the foreigners' area.

It seems that because Xiang Gongbao has not officially issued any decent decrees after he ascended the throne, the foreigner's district still maintains the prosperity of singing and dancing.

And the largest church in the foreigner's district already has some outlines.

In this regard, Anritat was very happy, and he could start preaching only after the church was completed.

The Holy See has already brought him news that he needs to dedicate another ten years to the Holy See, and he will be recalled after ten years. name.

At this moment, Anritat suddenly noticed the commotion in the crowd, and when he looked back, he saw Xu Tong walking towards him.

Even though Xu Tong had acted in front of Fuxian before, the common people still saw him as if they saw a terrible devil.

"Oh God, my dearest friend, it's an honor to have you here."

This time, Anritat suddenly changed his previous attitude towards Xu Tong, with a friendly smile on his face, he rushed forward and gave Xu Tong a big bear hug.

Anritat's enthusiasm made Xu Tong a little overwhelmed for a while, but he knew very well that the reason for Anritat's enthusiasm was probably because of his current reputation in the Holy See.

In this way, Xu Tong felt relieved, took Anritat's arm and said, "Dear Bishop, I am here today to ask you to do me a favor."

 I'm afraid I can't finish writing today, so I will write more tonight and continue to add more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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