Infinite script kill

Chapter 428 Pure Yang Sword Soul

Chapter 428 Pure Yang Sword Soul

If it were just one person, Anritat would definitely reject the other party directly.

Because he is really busy.

In this land rich in products, in a backward and barbaric country, there are lambs everywhere who need God's guidance.

Especially in the recent period, he has felt a strong obstruction, a local force called Fuxian is quickly occupying the empty hearts of those lambs.

But this Fuxian seems to be very rich and powerful, and those businessmen who are eager for money are not stingy in donating to Fuxian.

But in the church, he was so indifferent, this incident had already annoyed him very much, and now he was naturally not in the mood to meddle in other people's affairs.

But the one in front of him was very different. This young man who had been despised by him was actually blessed by an angel, which showed that his pure and loyal soul had an unshakable loyalty to God.

If it is placed in the West or Europe, such a person must be exceptionally promoted to be a local bishop, and may even be trained as the spokesperson of the Holy See in the future.

That's why Anritat is so enthusiastic about Xu Tong.

Even if necessary, Anritat can put down all the problems at hand and serve Xu Tong with all his strength.

"You are so polite, our relationship is like brothers, if you need anything, please just ask."

To be honest, Xu Tong is really not used to Anritat's hospitality.

But since people said so, there was no need for me to hide it, so I said it straight to the point.

"I hope you can help me take care of a person and take him away from here when needed in the future.

I mean leaving the country together. "

As he spoke, Xu Tong pointed to Lerou who was standing beside him.

This move made Le Rou turn pale in shock, as if she had never expected that the young master would send her away at this time.

Gao Zhuo on the side heard the words, but nodded instead, thinking that this arrangement is actually not bad.

During the chat last night, Xu Tong had already told him that Xiang Gongbao's original good luck had turned into bad luck because of this bastard Mr. Xunlong Laodao.

In addition, Xiang Gongbao hadn't been blessed with dragon energy in the first place, and was a false emperor who forcibly enthroned. Sitting on the throne of the Ninth Five-Year Lord, he couldn't bear this blessing at all.

Therefore, he concluded that it would be difficult for Xiang Gongbao to survive for a few months.

Once Xiang Gongbao is finished, as March said, the people under him will rise up immediately, and by that time, chaos in the world will be the inevitable end.

So if Xu Tong wanted to help Lerou at this time, he could only give her two choices. The first one was to follow Ma Qi, but Xu Tong dared not say what the future would look like.

After all, this world is not the real world, and no one can know whether it will usher in an unprecedented catastrophe like in reality.

The second is to hand him over to Anritat. With his protection, as long as he is brought to the relatively safe and prosperous West, then everything can sit back and relax.

I believe Anritat will not treat a girl harshly.


Le Rou grabbed Xu Tong's arm, and looked at Xu Tong beggingly, hoping that Xu Tong could keep her.

Xu Tong could only hold Le Rou's little hand patiently, and walked aside to explain to her.

"I'm leaving. I won't be by your side in the future, and no one can protect you. If you want to stay, you can only go to Wuxi with my father and the others. They will definitely treat you well, but... this rotten ship It will sink soon, I can't save that many people, but I can guarantee that you will not be buried with this broken ship."

Lerou panicked for a moment, although she couldn't understand why the young master didn't go to Wuxi with the master and grandma.

But her intuition told her that the young master was really thinking about her.

"Choose, either stay here, or leave the capital tomorrow, and go to Wuxi as soon as possible after reuniting with grandma in the village in the suburbs."

Xu Tong didn't give her much time to think, and his voice gradually became stiff.


After hesitating for a while, Le Rou finally lowered her head: "I will go to Wuxi with the master and the others."

"So decide."

Xu Tong sighed, this was a choice he didn't want.

After all, with Le Rou's special physique, it is hard to guarantee that she will not attract any evil spirits.

He walked up to Anritat helplessly, and after explaining the matter briefly, Anritat thought for a while, and hung a special silver cross on Lerou's neck.

"Beautiful girl, if one day you change your mind, you can use this cross to go to any church. They will try their best to take you on the boat to the Holy See. May God be with you."

"Thank you!"

Le Rou nodded with a smile.

"Oh, Mr. Ma, don't you really think about going to the other side of the ocean? It will definitely open your eyes."

Before leaving, Anritat still did not forget to recommend the West World to Xu Tong.

"Hmm... I'd check it out if I had the chance, but not right now."

Xu Tong kept a smile on his face, and he couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart: "The devil went to your place."

He didn't forget that Lilith was eagerly waiting to throw herself into the frying pan.

After bidding farewell to Anritat, Xu Tong asked Gao Zhuo to take Lerou back to pack his luggage, then called out Jixiang, and handed him a letter he had prepared earlier.

After Jixiang got the envelope, he disappeared on the street in a flash.

Xinghualou is a small restaurant in Bada Hutong.

The scale of the restaurant is small, but its advantage is that it is of good quality and low price, and the food is relatively affordable. Often, those men who have emptied their pockets at Yaojie'er will choose to come here to have a meal to fill their stomachs after a night of romance.

In addition, the owner of Xinghualou is said to be the owner of a kiln, so even if the restaurant's business is not very good, it can contract the wine and food of several kilns nearby every day, and it will still make a lot of money.

Of course, those who can do this business have strong backing behind them. I haven't seen how many people dare to make trouble here in so many years.

But today there is one.

"Shopkeeper, the table above has been there for three days, and the bill has not been settled for so long..."

The guy went up to the counter and complained to the boss.

However, the shopkeeper just sneered and flipped his abacus a few times: "What are you afraid of, let him eat and drink, have you seen the piece of jade inlaid on his scabbard? Take the sword down, you just ask someone to throw him into the alley outside."

"But... shopkeeper, isn't it good to do this?"

The man understood what the shopkeeper was thinking, and asked in a low voice.

"Da da da……"

I saw the abacus beating under the shopkeeper's hand, and said with a cold smile: "What's wrong, in this messy world, he wanders around with a broken sword, and he will be chopped down sooner or later. We are doing this for his own good, and he will thank us when he wakes up."

After hearing what the shopkeeper said, the clerk couldn't help cursing secretly: "You are wicked."

Seeing the clerk's reluctance, the shopkeeper's face darkened, he put down his abacus, walked upstairs, and scolded: "Idiot, why did you raise a fool like you for nothing."

The clerk was cursed by the shopkeeper, so he could only walk away dejectedly with his head down, cursing in his heart that the shopkeeper hadn't given birth to a child, and just as he walked to the door, he saw someone coming in, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Please come inside the guest officer!"

The man went to the door to meet him, but when he looked up, his heart skipped a beat.


Get to know each other.

Admiral of the Nine Gates' precious son, Ma Hongwen, whoever dares to say that he doesn't know this master, don't mess around in the capital.

The guy felt uncomfortable immediately. This master doesn't usually come to this place. He doesn't like to play with the pheasants and rotten ducks in Bada Hutong. Why did he come from home today? If the service is not good...

Thinking of Ma Hongwen's reputation before, the guy's expression became ugly.

Xu Tong glanced at the boy, knowing what the boy was thinking, and said with a sneer, "Why, are you welcome here?"

After finishing speaking, he stepped into the restaurant, and the waiter hurriedly followed: "No, no, it's an honor to come to the restaurant. Please go upstairs, there is a private room upstairs."

But Xu Tong ignored him. He looked around and didn't see the drunk man, so he went upstairs to have a look. As soon as he went upstairs, he saw the shopkeeper sneaking down with a long sword in his arms.

Xu Tong looked at the long sword, grinned, and stretched out his hand to snatch the sword from the shopkeeper.

"Hey, who are you~~"

Seeing the treasure being taken away, the shopkeeper was about to scold the street, but before he could finish speaking, he slapped the shopkeeper so hard that he rolled down the stairs.

"I am your uncle."

The shopkeeper fell down the stairs at one end, his head was bleeding, and when he heard this, he raised his head and was about to curse in a daze. Seeing this, the clerk hurried down and covered his mouth.

"The shopkeeper, it's Mr. Ma!"

The shopkeeper lost his head and pushed the waiter away: "What kind of young man, he..."

As soon as he raised his head in the middle of the sentence, the shopkeeper's head stopped dizzy for an instant, and he swallowed the words sharply: "This is my uncle."

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to give Xu Tong a big salute.

Xu Tong played with the sword in his hand, only felt that although the sword was ordinary, it was full of masculinity, holding it in his hand, he felt hot.

Immediately, he took out a piece of silver from his sleeve and threw it in front of the shopkeeper: "Three days' worth of wine, plus two jugs of good wine, and a table of wine and food."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the inconspicuous wine table in the corner of the second floor.

A drunken man was lying on the table, reeking of alcohol, Xu Tong sat down and put the sword on the table.

The drunk man's eyelids slightly opened, and he patted his sword with a silly smile: "Look, no one will accept you except me."

After speaking, he turned his gaze to Xu Tong: "I already had someone prepare a tombstone for you, why did you come back alive?"

"Yan Wangye didn't want me, so he let me back."

"Hehe, another related household."

The drunk man waved his hands disapprovingly, then patted the table and said, "Wine, buddy, where's the wine!"

"Come on."

The waiter downstairs hurriedly brought up two bottles of wine, and the drunk didn't wait for the waiter to pour the wine, he picked up the bottle and poured it into his mouth.

After gulping down a bottle of wine, he looked much more comfortable.

The clerk watched from the side, and murmured in his heart. In order to please Ma Hongwen, the shopkeeper took out all the 30-year-old wines he had collected. Why is this guy still drinking plain water?

Putting the remaining bottle of wine on the table, the man hurriedly went downstairs with his head down to prepare the food and drinks.

Only then did the drunk point to Xu Tong: "I respect you as a magnanimous person, and you are lucky enough to survive. Bring it here."


Xu Tong was startled, not understanding what the drunk man was referring to.

"Pure Yang Sword Qi, don't say you don't have it, I can already smell it."

When Xu Tong heard this, he understood, and took out a kit from the item book, which was originally given to him by Shu Yuqing.

At that time, because of Da Ya's affairs, Shu Yuqing unintentionally made Xu Tong recite the cause and effect, felt sorry, and gave him the kit.

He said that if one day he went to the Northeast and met people from the five Northeast families who wanted to settle accounts with him, he would open this kit to save his life.

When fighting the eldest princess before, Xu Tong also took out this object in case of emergency, but it didn't come in handy.

At this time, when he said it, Xu Tong also remembered, it seemed that Shu Yuqing was also from Quanzhen's lineage.

The drunk man took out the kit and put it in his hand to have a look, and said with a smile: "Your boy and I have a certain fate, but this ray of sword energy is too weak, and the person who gave you the sword energy is too stingy." It’s true, it’s really embarrassing me.”

Xu Tong felt a little embarrassed when he heard the words.

In fact, when Shu Yuqing gave him this sword energy, he was not even a half-step master. Maybe in Shu Yuqing's heart, according to his strength at that time, he estimated that every two or thirty years, he would not even think about it. To the threshold of the Grand Master.

Besides, it was the Dharma-ending era at that time, and great masters were rare, so this sword energy was considered a good life-saving talisman at that time.

I saw the drunk man talking, and opened the kit casually.


A ray of white light like a grain of rice flew up, but before it flew into the air, the drunk man stretched out his hand and pinched this ray of white light on his fingertips, unable to move.

Taking a closer look, the white light like a grain of rice is exactly a flying sword as small as a needle.

At this moment, it is hanging on the fingertips of the drunk man, emitting a slight fluorescence.

Even with Xu Tong's current strength as a stable Grandmaster, he can still feel a strong sense of crisis when facing this ray of sword energy.

The drunk man pinched his fingers, his eyes suddenly widened, and he saw the rice grain-like sword energy suddenly increase three feet like an inflated balloon.

It was as if a pure white divine sword was hanging in front of Xu Tong, and the sword was clanging, making one's mind tense. Xu Tong felt even more creepy, as if the sword was struck down, and he could not escape the feeling of death.

Then the drunk man threw the Excalibur into the kit, drew a spell with his fingers, sealed the kit again, and handed it to Xu Tong: "This is a pure Yang sword soul, if one day you can find a suitable sword embryo , you can forge a pure Yang sword."

 There are two more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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