Infinite script kill

Chapter 429 Closing

Chapter 429 is over

Early the next morning.

There are already several carriages waiting outside the Ma's house.

"Family, now that you're gone, the little girl's marriage..."

Member Chen looked at Ma Qi with a mournful face.

Originally, the two families had made an agreement, and they were just one auspicious day away from getting married, but now the Ma family was going to move to Wuxi, and this incident made the Chen family feel uncomfortable.

Although Ma Qi is a fool, he is still particular about his work. Hearing this, he took Yuanwai Chen's hand and said:

"Don't worry my in-laws, Ma will not break his promise, but Ma dare not disobey the imperial edict. When we settle down in Wuxi, we will send someone to marry Ms. Chen."

After speaking, he also took out a document that he had written earlier and handed it to Yuanwai Chen.

The document not only guarantees the relationship between the two families, but also states that the Ma family will never disappoint the Chen family at any time.

Seeing this, Yuanwai Chen was very reluctant, but he also knew that this matter could not be stopped, so he could only reluctantly agree.

I didn't forget to take out the 3 taels of silver notes I prepared early as a farewell to Ma Qi.

Standing aside, Xu Tong took out a small kit from the item book and handed it to Yuanwai Chen.

"It's a long way to go, this thing is given to Miss, I hope Miss is safe and healthy."

In the kit that Xu Tong sent, there is a small charm.

This amulet was an amulet given to each of them by Fu Anning when they were in Lianshan Temple.

It can expel evil spirits, but this thing is of no use to him, so Xu Tong gave it to the young lady of the Chen family as a gift.

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for Chen Yuanwai's full support, he would not have been able to make Mingyan Qimen break through the shackles so smoothly.

So no matter what, I have to thank Yuanwai Chen.

In addition to this amulet, he also gave Yuanwai a copy of Wuyan Lingzhi ointment.

Hmm...Actually, Jixiang has a bit of diarrhea recently.

But things are good things. Internal injuries from swords and swords can be recovered quickly, and it is also a life-saving thing at critical moments.

Then the family got into the carriage, and under the watchful eyes of Chen Yuanwai, the carriage drove out of the gate of the capital.

"Father, you go to Wuxi first, I plan to go out and have a look."

On the carriage, Xu Tong said to Ma Qi.

March is naturally not happy, he still has a lot of things to ask this kid.

"Father, not long ago I ran into the immortal elder, and the immortal elder said that my bones were amazing, and I was a once-in-a-hundred-year-old wizard who cultivated Taoism. At this age, you should let me go out and have a chance to see the world."

"No, you kid is causing trouble, what should you do if you go out and cause trouble?"

Ma Qi shook his head, resolutely rejected Xu Tong, and wanted to bring this kid with him no matter what.

Xu Tong could only persuade him patiently: "But you have seen my abilities now. If I am not careful, I will leave. I just left without saying goodbye. It is not the son of man who will hurt my mother at that time." Heart."

Ma Qi can't deny this, his son's skill is not inferior to his own back then, and he can't do things like this bastard boy's willful temper, and he can't tie him to his own. body.

"Don't worry, I'll just go out and have a look. How can a man hide at home and live a meager life? If you come and tell my mother about this, my mother can still accept it. When you settle down in Wuxi, I'll go back to you." to find you."

Xu Tong talked about it, and finally nodded to save Ma Qi from the trouble.

It's just that Ma Qi grabbed Xu Tong's wrist suddenly, and fixed his eyes on Xu Tong: "Son, I just want to ask you something."

Ma Qi suddenly became so serious that Xu Tong instinctively wanted to cover his head. This may be Ma Hongwen's deep-rooted psychological reaction to Ma Qi's fear.

Seeing this little action, Ma Qi smiled instead, and let go of Xu Tong's wrist again: "Forget it, don't ask, let's go, get out of here, remember to go home two years at the latest, your mother and I will be together Home is waiting for you."

Xu Tong was stunned, and vaguely saw the tears in the corner of Ma Qi's eyes, and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart: "Father, take care!"

Saying take care, Xu Tong jumped out of the carriage with one stride, and Gao Zhuo was sitting on the back of the carriage, seeing Xu Tong get off the carriage, he also jumped off like this.

The convoy slowly drove towards Wangzhuang, Xu Tong couldn't help sighing, took out a mirror from the props book, pointed to Ma Hongwen in the mirror and said: "You are really enviable, except for not doing human affairs, other aspects of me Not as strong as you."

"Head, are we going back now?"

Gao Zhuo was still thinking about going home early and studying how to kill Taoist Dragon Xun's body.

"You go back first, I almost have something to do."

Xu Tong indicated that Gao Zhuo could go back first, although strictly speaking, all the affairs on his side were over.

But there is still a little tail left here.

Singing must have a beginning and an end, leaving a bunch of tails, and thinking about it later will make me feel nervous.

"Then I'll wait a little longer. Anyway, it's not too late. If you need me, I can help you."

Upon hearing this, Gao Zhuo said that he could stay.

"No, for this kind of thing, it's better to have fewer people."

Xu Tong smiled and patted Gao Zhuo on the shoulder; "Anyway, you go back now, go back with us, there is almost no difference in time in reality."

Gao Zhuo thought about it, so he stopped being polite: "Okay, I'll go back first."

After Gao Zhuo finished speaking, he took a step back and silently said back, his figure gradually disappeared from Xu Tong's sight.

Watching Gao Zhuo leave, Xu Tong took out the Jack mask and put it on his face. After changing his appearance, he turned and went straight to the ferry.

The pier is the place that can best reflect the prosperity of a city. The lively streets are crowded with snack vendors.

Some workers can be seen carrying goods back and forth to carry things to the ship.

Xu Tong came to the pier early and waited.

Sitting casually in front of a small stall, without ordering food or drink, just throwing money on the table casually, the owner of the vendor naturally warmly entertained him.

Just such a piece of broken silver is enough for him to have a good year this year.

After sitting down, Xu Tong shook his palm, and two paper figurines quietly appeared beside him, and quickly left with the crowd.

Then he activated the Fate Eye Qimen, and tried to calculate seriously to see when this little tail would come to the door.

At the same time, he was thinking about how he should end Ma Hongwen's sinful life.

At this time, I heard the chatter of several businessmen behind me.

"I heard that there is going to be trouble in the south again."

A few businessmen at the table in the back sat together drinking a bowl of hot mutton soup to warm up their bodies, and at the same time talked about some things in the south with a sad face.

The latest reformists are said to be the result of the Xinxue gang.

And in those places in Shanghai, what kind of equal rights movement for men and women is going on, anyway, it's a mess.

Xu Tong sat in the front and listened with gusto. He knew that these actions, which are currently underestimated, might set off a wave of the times in the future.

"Hey, have you heard, it is said that the fifth sword king is dead."

At this time, a piece of news made Xu Tong stunned.

Several businessmen sighed when they heard the words. It is said that they were to protect the students of the new school. They were surrounded and killed in the end. Unfortunately, their heads were hung on the city wall. It seemed that a master could not see them at night, so they quietly Wang Wu's head was retrieved.

"It's a pity. From then on, there is one less hero in the world. It's a pity, respectable."

"For our cup, we might as well offer a toast to this hero. May the hero's spirit in the sky protect my China."

After the businessmen finished speaking, they raised their wine glasses above their heads and silently spilled them on the ground.

After drinking for three rounds, several people were about to get up and leave when the boss came over and said, "Someone just settled the bill."


Several businessmen looked at each other, and someone asked, "Who is it?"

"I don't know, I left in a hurry after paying the bill."

The boss recalled the weird man just now, and casually threw another ingot of silver, saying that he had settled the bill for them, and before he could change the money, he hurriedly disappeared into the crowd.

"He must be a hero. After hearing what we said, he settled the bill for us."

"Unfortunately, it would be nice if we could make some friends."

Several people saw this and said, but Xu Tong had no chance to make friends with them. He left in a hurry because he had already found the figure of the little tail...


Beside the river bank of Gushui, a man quietly poked his head out of the water, saw no one left and right, and immediately walked out along the reeds.

It was very cold in winter, but the man was shirtless at the moment, as if he was not afraid of the cold at all. After limping out of the water, he found his familiar clothes in the grass.

However, after looking around, I couldn't find it.

"Are you looking for this?"

At this time, a hand suddenly came out and put a set of clothes in front of him.


When Wu Guodong looked up, he saw Xu Tong's face.

"why you!!"

After seeing Xu Tong, Wu Guodong's expression changed and he couldn't help being surprised. Immediately, he looked around vigilantly, and after making sure that Xu Tong was the only one around, he couldn't help but slightly lowered his head and put a hand behind him.

"Of course it's me. I remember I really wanted to promise you that I would let you meet my mother."

Xu Tong ignored Wu Guodong's small movements and said thoughtfully.

Hearing this, Wu Guodong's expression changed drastically: "You wrote that letter?"

"Otherwise, apart from me, who can know so clearly, even which boat my father will take??"

"Where's Wang Zheng?"

"Oh, it's dead, don't look at me like that, I didn't kill it."

Xu Tong said and motioned Wu Guodong to put on his clothes and go with him.

Although Wu Guodong was skeptical, he also wanted to know what kind of medicine was sold in this kid's gourd.

So he hurriedly put on his clothes and followed.

The two came to a small high slope on the other side of the pier, where there was a pavilion called Songqing Pavilion.

This small pavilion stands there alone, few people will come here.

It is said that the name of the pavilion is Songqing Pavilion. In fact, it is a homonym of the word "send off relatives", because this pavilion faces the pier, and passing ships have to pass under the pavilion. Standing here, you can watch your relatives off.

And this place was originally chosen by Wu Guodong, but he didn't expect Ma Hongwen to know this place.

It seems that his plan has been exposed.

"What did you bring me here for?"

Wu Guodong asked tentatively.

"See my mother!"

Xu Tong blinked and replied innocently.

Wu Guodong glanced around from the corner of his eye, and there was a powerful crossbow hidden behind him.

The crossbow was slowly raised and aimed at Xu Tong's back, but Xu Tong seemed to be completely unaware, looking at the boat approaching in the distance: "Look, it's coming!"

Hearing this, Wu Guodong frowned slightly, and leaned forward to take a look, and sure enough, he saw a familiar merchant ship going down the river.

The merchant ship was not big, but its speed was very fast. However, at this moment, the ship suddenly became restless. It turned out that the ship had just left the dock, and water had already started to seep from the bottom of the ship.

Now things are going to be troublesome, but fortunately, they just got out of the pier, so it's not a big deal, just let the pier call in another boat to support it.

At this time, the passengers in the ship came to the deck one after another.

Wu Guodong took a closer look, and sure enough, he saw the figure of the eldest grandma. Although it has been many years, the little girl next door has become rich under the years.

But Wu Guodong still recognized her at a glance.


Wu Guodong opened his mouth, wanting to call out Grandma's name, but before he could say it, another person came up behind Grandma, and put his hand on Grandma's waist very easily.

Seeing the man's figure, Wu Guodong's eyes turned red, and he slowly raised the crossbow in his hand.

You only need to pull the trigger in your hand, and this distance is enough to kill the man with one blow.

It all went exactly as he had planned, except...

Seeing the scene of Yulan leaning affectionately in the man's arms, Wu Guodong's face turned red for a moment, and even the hand holding the crossbow began to tremble.

"Actually, you know very well in your heart that even if you kill my father, you can't get my mother, because you don't even dare to appear in front of my mother because of your current appearance."

On the gazebo, Xu Tong held a water pipe cigarette and smoked it slowly.

Seeing the misty clouds drifting away with the breeze, Xu Tong looked at Wu Guodong in front of him with a relaxed expression: "Actually, you still have a way to take revenge."

Hearing this, Wu Guodong looked at Xu Tong, and at the same time pointed the crossbow in his hand at Xu Tong's head: "Yes, I can't kill Ma Qi, but I can kill you bastard."

Facing the crossbow arrow pointing to his forehead, Xu Tong nodded, seeming to agree with this plan:
"Of course, it's best to send my head to my father quietly. I believe my father will feel guilty all his life. The best thing is that he still dare not tell my mother the news, so he can only keep it from her, and then live in the In guilt and pain, just like you."


Hearing this, Wu Guodong froze for a moment: "What are you going to do!!"

"Please die!"

Xu Tong smoked a hookah pipe, and shook his head after speaking: "No, after you kill me, you can still give a part of my body to my father every other month.

Think about it, my father buried my head just now, and then buried my legs, and the next day, he also buried my arms. Toss this old thing to death. "

Speaking of this, Xu Tong raised his head slowly, and said with a half-smile on his face: "Look, living is actually a kind of torture, isn't it?"

Wu Guodong's face froze. Hearing such a terrifying thought, he wondered if Ma Hongwen in front of him was crazy. This was the first time he saw such a filial son. Throw them on the ground together.

"Why, why are you so cowardly at this time, I sent it to you by myself, and you still don't do it??"

Looking at the crossbow arrows that fell on the ground, Xu Tong became displeased.

"I have a grudge against March, but I will not kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

Wu Guodong took two steps back, arguing for himself.

"If you don't kill him, I will kill him. If Ma Hongwen is innocent, there will be no innocent people in the world."

Seeing this, Xu Tong couldn't help but be very disappointed. He was very upset that Wu Guodong confessed so quickly. He had already designed Ma Hongwen's ending, but he didn't expect to have to do it by himself in the end.

I saw him put away the hookah pipe in his hand, and casually hugged the heavy and large stone on the ground in his arms.

"What are you doing!!"

Seeing Xu Tong walking to the river with the stone in his arms, Wu Guodong's expression changed, and he was about to pull him, but before he stretched out his hand, Xu Tong suddenly turned around and smiled evilly at him, and jumped up Jump into the river.


Wu Guodong looked at Xu Tong who disappeared on the water with a dull expression, and his face was as white as paper for a moment: "Crazy, crazy, you crazy, your family is crazy, you are all crazy."

As he said that, Wu Guodong ran away, cursing while running: "Crazy, they are all crazy."


In the cabin, the eldest grandma suddenly frowned.

Le Rou hurriedly put down the work she was doing and stepped forward to take a look, only to see that the grandma had pricked her finger.

Seeing this, Le Rou hurriedly took out a handkerchief and wiped it a few times and said, "Grandma, this boat is on the water, so don't be too busy, I didn't see you resting last night."

The grandma sighed when she heard the words, and put down the clothes on her hands: "This was originally made for Hongwen's big wedding, but for the children... it's not easy to worry about."

"Young Master Ji Ren has his own appearance. He came back after going out for two years. Don't worry too much."

Lerou comforted the grandma.

Hearing that the grandma also relaxed a lot, she just said reproachfully: "It's all my fault, sir. I just said, go from Gushui Wharf, and take this brat to Wuxi. He insists on getting on the boat at Jinhe Ferry." , now it’s too late to find that brat.”

After finishing speaking, Grandma inevitably scolded Ma Qi.

After finishing the scolding, the grandma looked at Lerou by the candlelight, sighed and said, "My son is a sinner. When you arrive in Wuxi, no one will recognize you. I said you are my daughter-in-law. Find a good family for you." .”


Hearing this, Le Rou rejected the grandma without thinking, "I'll wait for the young master to come back."

Seeing this, the grandma sighed, stroked Lerou's forehead and said: "Who knows when the child will come back, if you don't come back in ten or eight years, you will be delayed."

Le Rou looked outside the door, and there was a look of expectation in her black and white eyes: "Then I will wait for him for ten or eight years, until he comes back..."

(End of this chapter)

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