Chapter 430 Returning Inventory

The water in winter was very cold, and the big rock in his arms made him sink faster and faster. The water surface that could still be seen before became dark gradually, until it was completely surrounded by darkness, and Xu Tong read those two words with confidence.


In an instant, the world in front of him quickly turned into darkness.

The body also became lighter.

Along with dots of light flashing in the darkness, a line of text appeared in front of him.

Datong 1916, June 6th.

The new emperor, Xiang Gongbao, died of uremia and only reigned for 83 days. After Xiang Gongbao passed away, warlords from all over the world set off the first chapter of the catastrophe of the end of the law.

Then the text disappears.

A yellowed photo emerged, and the subject of the photo was March.

Dressed in a neat military uniform, his usually honest and honest face now showed a bit more of a hero's ruthlessness.

There is also a line of text below the photo.

[Great warlord Ma Qi, the fastest-rising warlord in the Xiang family faction, relied on Wuxi's geographical location to quickly annex the entire Jiangnan. After 12 years, he joined the Northern Expedition Army and took the rank of general. Later, he was hit by a stray bullet during the defense of the war of aggression against China. , aged 64 at the end of the year. 】

After the picture was frozen for a short time, the photo was burned to ashes with a flame.

Followed by a familiar face.

The owner of this face is Mr. Li, who was originally a good brother with Xiang Keding and Ma Hongwen, but he left the capital resolutely after receiving the warning from Taoist Xunlong who had divination for him.

Later when Xiang Gongbao ascended the throne, his father refused to submit a congratulatory form, and even publicly accused Xiang Gongbao of being a thief in troubled times and a thief of the country, so Xiang Gongbao was dismissed from office and sent to prison, where he died the next month.

Mr. Li fled overseas, and later spent his later years in the West.

Scenes of characters flashed in front of Xu Tong, including familiar people and unfamiliar people.

Xu Yuanwai did not leave the capital in the end. Xu Xiao was later married to another merchant's family, but because of her marriage contract with Ma Hongwen, her life in her in-law's family was not easy.

Later, when Xu Yuanwai was out shopping, he was shot by a robber and died.

The property of the Xu family was also annexed, until three years later, Miss Xu couldn't bear being bullied by her husband's family every day, and at the New Year's Eve dinner, she threw a pack of arsenic into the pot...

This incident made Xu Tong feel a little guilty, but he didn't expect this to be the result.

Just when he was sighing, Xu Tong soon saw the three of Huo Wuji.

The three of them did not change their fate as they thought.

When the three of them escaped from the palace, carrying a large amount of gold, silver and jewels, and were about to go far away, they happened to meet a very unexpected person.

This person is Taoist Duckweed, Taoist Duckweed was moved when he saw the three of them carrying a lot of treasures, but after the three fought, Huo Wuji died in the hands of Taoist Duckweed in order to hold Taoist Duckweed back.

Baishitong and Qianshou were seriously injured and escaped, but there was no news from them.

This result is regrettable, Xu Tong still has a good impression of Huo Wuji, but he did not expect that he still failed to survive in the end, as if he was destined to have such an ending early.

At this time, the screen is turning...

When Xu Tong saw the grandmother was still calling Ma Hongwen's name when she left behind, he felt a little sad for a moment.

When I saw Le Rou once, she had changed from a little girl to a heroic woman.

Perhaps because of following Ma Qi in the early years, Lerou's character has also become straightforward and tough. When the grandmother passed away, she joined the Northern Expedition with Ma Qi. An became a nun and was known as Master Longxuan.

Thirty years later, Master Long Xuan died without a cause.

The screen fades away...

Xu Tong's ear also began to hear the reminder of the item book.

[Congratulations to the player, the reward for completing a big script exploration mission is being settled...]

"Script branch 1 [player], the task is completed, get 70 script points."

"The script's main mission 1 [Going out of Beijing] is completed, and you get 60 script points."

"Script Branch 2: [Capture the Dragon], the task is completed, and you will get 70 script points."

"Script main line 2: [Participants in history], the task is completed, and 60 script points are obtained."

"Sub-quest 3: [Treasure Hunting], the task is completed, and you will get 70 script points."

"Script trigger task: [Retrograde Mission], completed, get 70 script points."...

A large number of task lists jumped in front of Xu Tong, followed by the exciting moment of rewards.

"You have completed the Retrograde series of missions and obtained a Retrograde badge. The item has been included in the item book, please check it yourself."

"You have obtained the item card, [Official Lord] Please inquire for details."

"You have obtained the item card, [Chuanwu] Please check the details yourself."

"You got the item card, [Holy See advisor] please inquire for details."

"You have obtained an item card. [Bagua Tianji Compass] Please inquire for details."

"Congratulations on obtaining the special achievement [Blessing of Fortune] Please inquire for details.

"You have obtained a special achievement [Great Men's Wine and Meat], please check it yourself."

A list of rewards appeared on Xu Tong's props book, and when the prompts from the props book faded away, the last message came belatedly.

"Congratulations, you have obtained the player certification qualification. The next script world will start the player certification assessment. After completion, you can become a certified player and enjoy the super privileged treatment of a certified player.

But at the same time, please note that team members and modern technology products are not allowed to be brought into the player certification assessment, and it is not allowed to disclose the content and method of the assessment to other players.

The risk of this assessment is very high. If you are not sure, you can apply to give up this assessment, but in the next script world, the difficulty will increase by two levels, and after three highly difficult script worlds, the assessment will be conducted again, and you must not give up. "

Looking at this message, Xu Tong was not surprised. He had already become a grand master. The gap between ordinary players and himself was so large that it could no longer be made up by the number of players. It was inevitable to become a certified player.

When he gradually regained consciousness, he found that Gao Zhuo was already sitting on a chair waiting for him, and the dilapidated shopping mall was still in front of him.

Gao Zhuo sat beside him in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking about.

After seeing Xu Tong, he said with a mournful face, "I'm out of luck."

It turned out that after he came out of the script world, he got a reminder that the process of turning into a corpse cannot be reversed, that is to say, from today onwards, he is no longer a living person.

This reminder completely shattered the last bit of luck in his heart.

It's not that he cares much about the status of a living person, it's just that... his daughter-in-law's belly is not big yet, and he has turned into a corpse first, so can his wife still be pregnant? ?
Hearing this, Xu Tong patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "Don't worry, turning into a corpse doesn't necessarily mean you are a dead person. Don't forget, isn't the eldest princess a dead person? But she walked out of another way instead. Maybe this bitch has a way to help you." You can't tell either."

Speaking of the Eldest Princess, this girl is still in the fairy furnace. After refining the fairy furnace for so long, she still hasn't been able to refine her.

On the contrary, the soul of the leader of Bailian has already turned into a white lotus pill.

Xu Tong planned to go to see the master after returning home, and then leave this girl to the master.

After all, she also takes up a lot of space, and she will want to refine it for a while, which is really not an easy task.

"That's a good idea."

When Gao Zhuo heard this, he immediately felt relieved. He was still very interested in the way the princess practiced life and death. If he could practice life and death himself, then with his corpse fusion technique, maybe he would go further. possible.

"Let's find a place to eat first, I kind of miss fried small crabs."

Xu Tong said.

It's true that there is no good food in the capital, it all depends on being poor.

If you want to talk about what to eat in the huge city of Beijing, there are a lot of tricks, but there are really not many truly unique local delicacies.

"Hey, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot about the deliciousness of my family. Let's go, let's take you to try our Xiangxi specialty, deep-fried water centipede"

When it comes to eating, Gao Zhuo immediately becomes energetic.

The two walked down the dilapidated building, stopped a taxi at the end of the road, and quickly disappeared into the night.



The dark red door was slowly pushed open, and Amei walked out of the room rubbing her neck, although as the host, she didn't need to intervene in the changes in the script world.

But it takes a lot of energy to maintain the balance of the world and ensure that no one exploits a certain loophole, or some external force forcibly interferes with the operation of the world, which itself is a very energy-consuming thing.

"Oh, it came out so soon!"

As soon as he walked out the door, he heard mocking voices from the side.

A-mei didn't need to turn her head to know that it must be that bitch, she snorted coldly, turned around and left.


Seeing that Amei was about to leave, the woman's face changed slightly, and she stopped her back, her expression gradually becoming serious.

"I advise you to give up your expectations, because the boss will personally help you crush this expectation under your feet and completely crush it to pieces."

A-mei turned her head and looked at her in a daze: "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting, I'm just warning you, don't set your expectations so high, the next round, the boss will host it himself, you know, this guy always doesn't play cards according to common sense!"

When she heard that the boss would personally host, A-mei's pupils tightened slightly. She was too aware of her boss's weird tastes, and could come up with any weird scripts.

Thinking of this, she stepped forward, grabbed the woman's hand, lowered her head and said with a gloomy expression, "What do you only know?"

"I don't know anything, but I saw a new script on the boss's desk, a script we haven't seen before... It's a Western script called Demon Hunter..."


After drinking a bottle of cold beer, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo are eating and drinking to their fullest.

The fried small crabs on the table have already been eaten by Xu Tong for three plates, and the fourth plate is still in the pot. As for the plate of fried water scorpions, Xu Tong is really... Xie Jing is insensitive.

While eating, the two compared the results.

Xu Tong's item cards were shown to Gao Zhuo one by one, so that Gao Zhuo's eyes almost popped out.


All martial arts skills of the holder will be increased by one level, and physical strength will be increased by 10%
Passive Skill 1: Mastery

The more martial arts skills the carrier learns, the higher the trigger probability. After triggering, there will be ten seconds to enter the epiphany state, and a large amount of skill proficiency can be obtained.

Active Skill 1: Master of Chuanwu

Consumes 30% of his own script points to temporarily increase his own strength by a level.

Duration: 20 minutes
Cooldown: 4 hours.

(Note: The highest stop grand master)

This item card is of little significance to Xu Tong. After all, he is not taking this route. He plans to call Wang Zheng during this time. If Wang Zheng is willing to join the team, he can give him this card. Become his core prop card.

Of course...not for nothing, if Wang Zheng can take out the corresponding item card, that's fine, if not, he can exchange it with the script, if he doesn't have enough, he owes it.

In short, Xu Tong has no habit of being a good person.

The next item card【Guanjue】

This item card, in fact, is of little significance to him.

Simply put, every time you enter the script world, if there is an official system in this world, you can get an official position.

It belongs to the auxiliary function item card, the kind that is dispensable, but it cannot be denied that if in some specific script worlds, there is an official body, then everything will be much more convenient.

If you are lucky and encounter a dynasty in its heyday, the effect will be even greater.

Take this scripted world as an example.

If it was during the peak period of the Datong Dynasty, with this item card, he could obtain a half-official position, and just relying on his official position and title, he would be able to virtually enhance his luck.

Even the official body has a certain degree of special ability, which has been verified when Fu Anning fought against the eldest princess.

It's a pity that the Datong dynasty had declined so badly that it had rotted to the bone long ago, which made Fu Anning's official status almost ineffective. Otherwise, according to the princess' wishes, he would have the qualifications to suppress her with his official uniform.

Xu Tong intends to keep this item card for now, and use it whenever he needs it, and find a chance to sell it for a good price if he doesn't need it.

The remaining two prop cards are relatively strong.

【Holy See advisor】

The holder will receive extremely high authority blessings from the Holy See at any time.

Active Skill 1: Holy Word.

Consumes 10 script points. After activation, it can release holy words to cause holy damage to the target.

Cooldown: Three seconds.

Active Skill 2: Retribution Aura.

Consume 10 script points, after activation, you will get a disciplinary aura, which radiates to teammates within 20 meters and increases the strength of teammates by 30%.

Duration: Consumes 5 script points every 10 minutes.

Cooling time: 2 hours.

(Note: Believe in the light!)
This is a very powerful sacred-type prop card. What is rare is that it also has active attack skills. You must know that in the sacred-type, most prop cards are biased towards auxiliary effects.

Item cards with attack effects are really rare, and the disciplinary aura of this item card is still a large-scale group boost, and the effect is not usually strong after activation at a critical moment.

"Hey, the increase of the halo category, just this item card, if you get it at the exhibition, you will lose [-] script points if you don't sell it."

Gao Zhuo looked envious. Although his words were exaggerated, this item card is definitely the kind that has a price but no market.

Xu Tong nodded. This prop card made up for his shortcoming of having no corresponding means of attack once he changed his attributes through the Formless Force.

【Gossip Tianji Compass】

This item card is really an item.

A compass, and how to use it needs to be figured out by yourself. The entry given in the item book is only one sentence.

"If the sky is not counted, I will count. If the sky does not fight, I will fight. Gentlemen will fight if they don't fight. Villains will fight everywhere."

This thing should have something to do with Taoist Xunlong. Although it is such a simple entry, it is definitely not ordinary stuff.

As for how to use it, it's not easy, and I should find a chance to pay my respects to my master. When the time comes, I will call Taoist Dragon Xun over, and I will naturally know how this thing works. ,

The above are the props I got this time.

In addition, there are two other titles, namely [Zhumen Wine and Meat] and [Fuxian's Blessing].

After the Blessing of Fortune is activated, you can get luck bonus for a certain period of time.

Needless to say, this is of course a good thing.

And the title [Zhumen Wine and Meat] is very strange

After activating this title, he can choose a player to conduct financial PK and compete for the number of script points.

The loser, according to the disparity between the two parties, will temporarily deduct a part of their own physique.

But again, if the opponent wins, the person who is suppressed is himself.

This method is too tricky, and it only works for players. It can't be said to be good, nor can it be said to be bad. Xu Tong plans to find a chance to dissolve and synthesize this thing.

Ordinarily, the script world this time is a small script, and the two of them can have fun secretly if they can give such a generous reward.

But if the punishment mechanism and risks of the script world are taken out this time, this reward is obviously not enough.

But Xu Tong didn't care, because the real reward was still on him.

A big princess and a dragon-hunting Taoist, these two rewards are enough to defy the sky, not to mention that I have a big sword called Pure Yang Sword Soul, which can be said to be bloody money.

But the real big head is another reward, the reward from the retrograde mission, the retrograde badge! !

 Well, there will be an update tonight, I need to replay the plot, don't wait, everyone, I will add an update tomorrow to make it up.

(End of this chapter)

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