Chapter 434

The master was startled and almost choked to death by this sentence.

The figure flew down from the dragon chair, raised his hand, and hit Xu Tong's forehead with a brain.

Xu Tong instinctively wanted to dodge, but he didn't know that the master's hand knocked down, but it seemed to have some special magic power, as if he couldn't dodge it no matter how he tried to dodge, in the end he could only watch helplessly as the master's hand fell gently on the ground. on his own forehead.

"Stinky boy, learn to make fun of me!"

Xu Tong covered his head and hurriedly said he didn't dare.

At this time, the master's voice changed: "Forget about my wife, but I need a girl who brings tea and water."

"Hey, isn't this brought to you?"

As Xu Tong said, he stretched out his hand to grab from the top of his head, grabbed the eldest princess's soul orb from the fairy furnace, and threw it forward casually.

Immediately, the soul orb shattered, and a cloud of black mist flew up from it, and then rushed straight towards Xu Tong.

There was a gust of wind in front of him, but Xu Tong didn't panic at all.

The master at the side raised his hand lightly: "Kneel down!"


Immediately, the black mist crawled to the ground in an instant, condensing the figure of the eldest princess, kneeling on the ground with a confused face and unable to move.

"It's you!!"

After being stunned for a few seconds, the eldest princess was startled and angry in her heart, she suddenly raised her head and glared at the old guy in front of her, screaming: "You stole my Dao fruit!!"

"Oh, so this thing is yours."

Master narrowed his eyelids and took out a black lotus from his sleeve.

Seeing that her Dao fruit was right in front of her eyes, the eldest princess couldn't restrain herself and wanted to pounce on her and take it back.

But she knelt on the ground, no matter how she bared her teeth and claws, her legs just knelt on the ground without moving.

Seeing this, the master played with the lotus in his hand, and suddenly threw it away: "Give it back to you!"

Seeing the flying Dao fruit, the eldest princess stared wide-eyed, and was about to reach out to catch it, but the moment she grabbed the lotus with both hands, the master's face suddenly turned cold, and his figure flashed like electricity in front of the eldest princess.

The moment the eyes of the two met, the eldest princess suddenly felt a chill in her heart, and it was too late to fight back. In the blink of an eye, the master stuck out his finger and poked the eldest princess hard on the forehead.


There was a shattering sound like glass, and the eldest princess had a cobweb-like crack on her forehead, and she vaguely felt that something was taken from her by this old thief.

But at this moment, the eldest princess had already held the black lotus with both hands. As soon as the black lotus touched her hands, it immediately dissolved into black water and re-integrated into the eldest princess' body.

The Dao fruit returned to its place, and the familiar power flowed into the body again.

In an instant, billowing black mist surged around the body of the eldest princess.

"came back!!!"

The eldest princess took a deep breath, never had such a longing for power for a moment, but only when the eldest princess opened her eyes again did she realize...

I am still kneeling.


She tried to stand up vigorously, but the result was beyond her expectation, no matter how hard she tried her legs, she couldn't stand up from the ground.

While in doubt, he heard a cold snort from behind.

"Prisoner Kunyi, you reversed yin and yang, imprisoned living souls, and sneaked into the palace for a hundred years to cause countless troubles. You are guilty!"

The eldest princess looked back, and saw that the old thief had sat on the dragon chair again, staring at her coldly. What shocked the eldest princess even more was how this guy knew his name.

Seeing the shocked expression of the eldest princess, the master pinched his fingers, and a crystal clear black crystal appeared on the fingertip of the master.

The black crystal is the soul fragment of the eldest princess.

Seeing this fragment, the eldest princess panicked instantly: "Who the hell are you!!"

"According to the order of the Southern Ghost Emperor, I am the special inspector of the Yin Cao, to supervise the yin and yang ghosts and eliminate all ghosts and evil spirits."

Master Xue Gui reached out and took out a piece of yellow paper, only to see that it was full of inscriptions, and there was a big bright red seal on the lower left corner, as soon as this thing came out, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo fell to their knees uncontrollably on the ground.

Xu Tong squinted at the edict in the master's hand, only felt that the big red seal on it was bright red and glaring, exuding a natural sense of oppression, and felt dizzy and wanted to vomit after looking at it for a while.

The master seemed to be aware of this, and quickly put away the order.

Now Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo felt relaxed.

The two stood up, only to see that the eldest princess was already dumbfounded, as if she had never expected such a thing to happen to herself.

But after all, she was the princess of a previous dynasty, and her grandfather, Emperor Jiajing, was a great power in practice and passed down many secrets, so the eldest princess soon calmed down.

It's just that the tone is no longer as tough as before, and he said in a low voice: "So it's the god of the underworld, but I'm afraid it's not enough for you to convict me. , condemn me, besides..."

Speaking of this, the Eldest Princess suddenly sneered: "After all, I am Princess Daming. My great-grandfather Shizong of the Ming Dynasty made five sacrifices to Mount Tai. Even if you send me down, I'm afraid you won't get any benefits."

Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty opened an altar to pray to Mount Tai five times. Although he did not climb Mount Tai in person, a large number of tributes were offered every time he made a sacrifice.

It is also indispensable for the gods below Taishan God to have their own filial piety.

The eldest princess does not believe in the cause and effect of so many gifts piled up. Even if Daming is dead, how can she be bullied by a little ghost and god just by becoming a princess of a subjugated country?

Seeing that the eldest princess was speaking stiffly, the master narrowed his eyelids and looked at Xu Tong with a half-smile.

Xu Tong really understood and walked to the side of the eldest princess.


The eldest princess turned her head, and suddenly Xu Tong slapped the eldest princess on the face.

The loud applause made the eldest princess' eyes turn red instantly. Although her appearance had changed, she could still recognize that the person in front of her was the brat who made her fall into such a state.

However, before he could make a move, Xu Tong was already lying on the ground, clutching his arms and twitching all over, his exaggerated acting skills were simply perfunctory.

"She did it, I saw it, and I testify!" Gao Zhuo said, pointing at the eldest princess.

"Above the court, murdering living souls, the emperor broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. Even if I don't wear this crown of pearls, I still have to rectify the name of Yin and Yang in the world."

The master nodded, with a majestic expression, and said righteously.

The eldest princess is stupid, she is a princess of a country, even after death, it is life and death against the law, aloof.

In terms of cruelty and scheming, she has seen many people.

Only I have never seen such a rascal.

Isn't this brightly touching porcelain? ?

The eldest princess became impatient, and pointed at Xue Gui with trembling fingers: "You are perverting the law for personal gain, I... will never let you go!"

The Eldest Princess pointed at Xue Gui, then pointed at Gao Zhuo, but the corner of Gao Zhuo's mouth twitched: "Oh, I was scared to death, Mr. Xue is threatening witnesses."

"To intimidate witnesses is an extra crime of yelling at the court!"

The master added two more crimes with a blank face, and the soul fragment on his fingertips shook slightly, which immediately made the eldest princess feel as if she was struck by lightning, and she felt like she was about to be knocked out of her wits.

"Because of the love of Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty, I will punish you lightly. From now on, I will be a servant here. If you dare to be presumptuous, you will definitely die out of your wits."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the princess's shocked gaze, and lightly tossed the soul fragment, which turned into a command flag and landed in the flag basket on the table.

Xu Tong noticed that besides the eldest princess's command flag, there was another one in the flag basket, presumably it belonged to the old guy Xunlong Taoist.

"You... you are deceiving people too much!"

The eldest princess wanted to cry without tears, and escaped the slavery of the Datong Dynasty, but she didn't expect that in the end... she still couldn't escape the fate of a maid.

"Go on, your good friend is waiting for you behind, let him teach you the rules."

The master waved his hand impatiently, and the eldest princess had no choice but to disappear into the hall in a gust of dark wind.

After accepting a good subordinate, the master seemed to be in a good mood. He stepped down and kicked Xu Tong's ass on the ground: "Get up, you have a lot to ask, let's talk later."

Xu Tong patted his buttocks and stood up, followed the master out of the hall with Gao Zhuo.

As soon as he left the hall, he saw a small house in front of him.

Seeing the dilapidated house in front of him, Xu Tong was stunned. Isn't this the old house that was burned down by himself in L city?

Xu Tong's mood was agitated by the familiar house, and his eyes immediately turned to the door of the main house.

Seeing Xu Tong's expression changing, Xue Gui patted his arm: "Go, your master is waiting for you."

Hearing this, Xu Tong's body shook, and his steps became brisk for a while.

The trembling palm gently pushed forward, and the moment the door was pushed open, it was just like the old old house in front of him.

Even the tables and chairs are brand new.

The old man sitting on the chair raised his head with a smile, showing a loving smile on his face.


Seeing Mr. Song, Xu Tong's eyes became moist.

The master's kindness to him is very heavy, but more seriously, it is a feeling of inheritance, and it is the support of the elders of the master to the younger generations.

But Mr. Song is completely different. In the true sense, the person who brought Xu Tong into the door lived together and gave him the care and love of a relative.

Master, master, as a teacher as a father.

Until Song Lao passed away, he left everything he had to him. This emotion cannot be expressed in words.

"Silly boy, why are you crying!"

Elder Song took Xu Tong's hand and motioned him to sit down.

The master and Gao Zhuo followed closely into the room, and the master walked beside Mr. Song casually, but Gao Zhuo didn't dare to sit anymore and stood obediently.

In terms of age, he and Xu Tong are of the same generation, but in terms of seniority, he is considered the youngest in the room, and Xu Tong is a generation older than him.

I saw the master took the cigarette pouch from Song Lao's hand, and then stuffed the shredded tobacco in a leisurely manner under Gao Zhuo's attention: "Last time you came in a hurry, this time you have any questions, you can just ask."

The master and the master are all in front of me. Normally, normal people are already content at this time, so why ask so many questions.

But Xu Tong couldn't do it. This was related to his own practice, and it was also a means for him to gain a foothold among certified players in the future. He had to ask the matter clearly.

At least not confused.

After Xu Tongping regained his composure and thought for a while, he asked, "Is it true that the time of Yincao never changes no matter where I am?"

(End of this chapter)

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