Infinite script kill

Chapter 435 Break the past

Chapter 435 Break the past
Surprisingly, I thought that when Xu Tong opened his mouth, he would first ask himself why he appeared in his fictional space, but what he didn't expect was that Xu Tong's first question went straight to Yincao, the key place.

Although Xue Gui was surprised, he felt a little relieved, which showed that his disciple's thinking was still very clear, and his thoughts were not disturbed by his own problems.

"Yes, the order and time of Yin Cao will never change."

Master nodded and acknowledged Xu Tong's point of view.

This explanation basically explains everything clearly.

But immediately he turned his eyes and looked at Master: "Since the time of Yin Cao will not change, then... Master, you..."

If this is the case, the master has passed away in reality, and his soul should have entered the underworld, so is the master in front of him the real master or the master in the script world? ?
For this question, the master did not explain, but just waved his hand: "I can't say it!"

can not say……

Xu Tong lowered his head and thought, if he doesn't want to say it, the master will definitely give him a reason, but since he can't say it, then he can't say it.

Seeing this, Xu Tong continued to ask: "After paying homage to Shankou for the third time, he should have knocked on the gate of Yama to go directly to Yincao, but now it is in front of you...Master, do you replace him?"

At the end, Xu Tong lowered his voice because it was a guess.

It was based on guesses about Master's character.

Ordinarily, the last step of Baishankou technique is to communicate with ghosts and gods, but the master suddenly got stuck in this place, which is tantamount to setting up an obstacle for his own practice.

This is like, when you enter the factory to work, you should have applied directly to the factory, but now it has become an intermediary company to send you to the factory.

These two have changed dramatically in nature.

If it's someone else, I really have to doubt the other person's intentions.

But this person is a master, an old man whose heart is higher than the sky, even if he knows that he has accepted the fate that he is doomed to die, he still faces it calmly.

Such a person, he doesn't bother to play those little tricks to deceive his disciples and grandchildren.

What's more, Master Bai Shan Kou Sutra has changed from a magic technique to a family heirloom technique like the Northeast Xian'er.

Just imagine, if the master can do this, can't I not, and pass it on from generation to generation, and then it will not be double worshiping the mountain button, but multiple mountain worshiping buttons.

After thinking about it for many years, my great-grandson waved his hand, knocked on the door of his grandfather, and invited his [-]th generation ancestors out. That power is not as powerful as gods blocking gods, and Buddhas blocking Buddhas.

But does Master really think so?

Xu Tong felt that this was not like the generous temper of the master.

So after seeing the master forcibly subduing Taoist Xunlong and the eldest princess, Xu Tong came up with another idea, maybe the master wanted to replace them.

Seeing that Xu Tong finally asked the key point, Xue Gui didn't answer him directly.

Sit on a chair, put the mouthpiece to your mouth and take a deep breath.


The green smoke spit out along Xue Gui, turned into a cloud of smoke and hovered in the room, those black and white eyes flashed brightly from time to time, as if recalling the past, finally Master Xue Gui slowly opened his mouth to explain to Xu Tong .

"The original design of Baishankou was like this. After the first generation of door knockers reached a contract with Yan Luo, we helped them clean up ghosts and evil spirits in exchange for yin virtues, and passed them down from generation to generation. After ten generations, we gathered ten generations to work hard to open the door Tianmen, immediately become a fairy."

Speaking of this, the master couldn't help but smiled wryly, and put the edict on the table: "But the plan always failed to keep up with the changes, and finally got an edict."

Xu Tong understands, this is like, you originally worked for the company to earn commissions, but the company cheated and swallowed all the commissions, and then gave you a license to start your own business as compensation.

This is typical hooliganism.

"Later, I took over the Mandate of Heaven, but I also saw the current situation clearly. The end of Dharma is already the general trend, and this kind of dross can't be tolerated in the new era. Coupled with some special reasons, I didn't pass this on to your master."

Xu Tong nodded, saying that it cannot be passed on to Master.

After all, the master dragged the old guys of an era to be buried with him, and he almost hated the master to death. .

In addition to the matter of the shards of the fairy treasure, the life of the master himself will be difficult. If people learn the secret of Baishankou again, even the three religions will be unable to sit still.

After all, the example of the Northeast Xian family is right in front of us. This kind of power that can be passed down from generation to generation can completely control one side once it accumulates to a certain level.

Fortunately, the Xian family in Northeast China once made an oath that the Xian family would not leave Shanhaiguan. With this sentence, the Three Sects could barely feel at ease.

What's more, it's the end of the Dharma era, and our Taoist orthodox sects are all living a miserable life. Your meager yin deeds are going to rise steadily. What can you do if you don't die?
So the master's choice at that time was definitely a wise move.

"Then why did you find me again?" Xu Tong asked with a smile, knocking on the melon seeds.

After saying this, Xu Tong stopped immediately.

I saw the master curled his lips, and the master Song Lao also smiled and said nothing.

Sitting at the side, Gao Zhuo saw the strange expressions of the three of them, and asked curiously: "Yes? Could it be that the old man discovered that you are a talent?"

Master Xue Gui laughed, and master Song Lao also laughed together.

Only Xu Tong covered his forehead and said in a low voice: "It's not that the master came to me, but I found the master myself."

If you think about it carefully, you will understand that what the master left behind in those years is the idea of ​​recording the cultivation method of Baishankou.

This thought is like a seed.

Not only let myself learn to worship the mountain button, but even a part of the spirit of the master is deeply rooted in the depths of my mind.

So it's not that the master changed his attention, but he cleaned it up and delivered it to the door.

In other words, no matter who it is, the master will become the master behind the third gate after practicing Baishankou.

It's just that the miracle of fate is that Xu Tong, the disciple and grandson, has naturally become the successor of the second generation of Baishankou.

After making such a big detour, the problem was created by myself, and I was so stupid to ask the master, no wonder Xu Tong's thick skin couldn't stand it anymore.

As soon as this matter was revealed, the three masters burst into laughter together.

Although Xu Tong's face was hot, his heart was very comfortable.

The four of them kowtowed melon seeds and chatted, just like a family playing cards and chatting in front of the TV during Chinese New Year.

Gao Zhuo also asked about the Yinyang Cave at this time.

Hearing the word Yinyang Cave, the smile on Xue Gui's face gradually subsided, and he sighed solemnly: "The cause and effect of this matter lies with me. I never thought that I couldn't bring back your grandpa's lost soul in the end."

"It doesn't matter, my grandfather said when he was still alive that this incident was his doom."

Xue Gui shook his head, it was his responsibility after all.

If he hadn't been eager for quick success, the two of them would not have found the Yin-Yang Cave, and ended up suffering a big loss.

"It's not impossible for you to go to Yinyang Cave with your current strength, but that place is very evil, so you must be careful."

Master briefly told them about the situation in Yinyang Cave.

At first they just thought that this place was an environment similar to a ghost market.

As a result, after entering, they found that this place was completely different from what they thought.

The inside is completely a ghost country tomb.

Not only are there ghost soldiers, there are even ghost king level things, and anyone who doesn't pay attention will stay inside.

If it wasn't for the fact that I was able to use the majesty of the king of Hades to tear off the tiger's skin back then, I am afraid that the two of them would have stayed in it in the first place.

The current strength of Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo is almost the same as that of Xue Gui and the old man of the Gao family, even worse, but no one dares to say what is hidden in the deepest part.

"When we found out that something was wrong and wanted to leave, there was a sudden chaos down below, and then we heard someone calling someone's name. Your grandfather was called by his name back then, and his soul was almost taken away.

It's a pity that something is wrong and you struggled to save your life. You must pay attention to this when you go. If you encounter trouble, feel free to call me. I also want to see what is under there. "

When it came to the latter part, Master Xue Gui's eyes were full of murderous intent. He was a man who would take revenge. He was forced to go back to XX because of the situation, and he didn't want to bring trouble to the Gao family.

But now 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, he is no longer the Xue Gui of the past, it is the gentleman's revenge, and it is not too late in ten years!

With the strong support of the master, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo's confidence naturally increased greatly.

At this moment, Gao Zhuo suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and whispered to the teacher coyly: "Master, can you let that princess come over and have a chat with me?"

The master looked back at him, and joked: "Why, you still have a crush on him?"

"No, no, no... I already have a daughter-in-law, but I'm in a special situation now, and I want to ask her for advice."

Gao Zhuo didn't hide anything, and simply explained his current situation. Of course, he ignored the issue of item cards and player identities.

The master frowned when he heard the words, and after taking Gao Zhuo's hand to feel his pulse, his expression became even weirder.

"Strange, how do you toss yourself like this, do you have any children?"

"Uh... working hard!"

"Hmph, if your grandpa knew, he would probably beat your ass to pieces."

Gao Zhuo smiled awkwardly. He knew how violent his grandfather was. It seemed that everyone in his family paid special attention to the issue of heirs. If he wanted to let his grandfather know about this, he would have to hang him upstairs and beat him.

"You are poisoned by a corpse, I will write you a prescription and you take it first, as for you want to learn how to practice life and death, wait a minute, that girl allows me to train and train you, so as not to trip you up! "

After saying this, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo saw a cold light in the master's eyes, and couldn't help silently mourning for the princess' future for three seconds...

 It's gone tonight, don't wait...

(End of this chapter)

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