Infinite script kill

Chapter 436 Reaching 2 Bonds

Chapter 436 Reaching the Second Bond

After coming out from the master, Gao Zhuo was very excited.

"From now on, we have a backer behind us. Whoever challenges us one-on-one, we will compete with him in group fights."

After talking, Gao Zhuo began to count with his fingers.

I still have a lot of zombies in my hands, plus the body of Taoist Xunlong, if I add Xu Tong's paper man, and Master Baishankouli, the eldest princess, Taoist Xunlong...

Good guy, just the two of them can make up a small army in a short time.

Among the players, there are naturally players who mainly attack the summoning system.

However, the price of summoning system item cards is often not cheap, and it is quite difficult to find a core item card, and there are very few summoning system players who are really successful.

Although the two are not mainly in the summoning system, but the general summoning system players are really inferior to them.

Just imagine, if Master's Palace of Hades is fully developed in the future, then Xu Tong will be the prince, wouldn't he be able to walk sideways among many players.

Seeing Gao Zhuo's triumphant appearance, Xu Tong couldn't help pouring cold water on him.

"Don't take things for granted. Your zombies and my paper man are both rubbish in terms of quality. The only ones you can handle are the two half-step masters and the dragon-seeking Taoist. body, it’s okay to bully players who are not strong, but it will be troublesome if you really meet a master.”

The so-called master in Xu Tong's mouth refers to certified players.

In the master's script world before, the certified player left a deep impression on Xu Tong.

Every inch of muscle can be decomposed into independent individuals, not only able to swallow all damage and attacks, but even by decomposing flesh and blood to expel all negative effects from the body.

This kind of ability can be described as quite against the sky.

If it wasn't for the old monk of the White Horse Temple to take action later, he would never have survived to this day.

So Xu Tong compared his current strength and asked himself ideally. If he wants to win, he may be [-]% sure, but if he wants to kill the opponent, his winning rate may only be [-]%.

This is only possible with the help of the master.

But now, not to mention the master's side, which path should he go for in the future, Xu Tong also began to fall into deep thought.

He felt that he might need to take a break and make a new plan for his future.

"Go back and rest first, I will stay here by myself for a while."

The clean place in the backyard is more suitable for retreat. Gao Zhuo also understood what Xu Tong wanted to do, so he nodded and led him to the door.

After Gao Zhuo left, Xu Tong called out the item book and took out all the item cards for him one by one. I feel that my item book is almost full.

Dark props cards headed by [Dark Physique], four props cards including [Magic Power], [Embers], and [Papermaker's Book].

Among them, the power of magic and embers, plus the special bonus of dark physique, can burst out extremely powerful lethality, which belongs to the kind of high consumption and high return.

These four prop cards are the foundation of Xu Tong's life, they can be called the core prop cards, if he lacks one of them, his strength will be greatly damaged.

Followed by auxiliary props card.

[Master of Color Play] [Guardian] [Five Birds Capture Hand] [God Imperial] [Phaseless Power] [Holy See Adviser] [Source] (Original Eye of Life) [Official Noble].

The probability of these prop cards appearing is not high, but their auxiliary nature brings great convenience to oneself.

The rest are props. This item has the most and most miscellaneous items. Xu Tong threw away some irrelevant items, and after discarding those consumable items, he sorted out the following list.

[Magic Bell] [Star Eye Tribulation] [Cold Iron Gourd] [Fixed Space Mirror] [Black Biao Brocade Robe] [Yuanyang Taishan Essence] [Pure Yang Sword Soul] [Bagua Tianji Compass] [Angel Preaching Ring] [Taunting baby】.

These are all crucial props, especially the prop cards like 【魑鬼铃铃】 are very crucial.

There are also some items that need him to find someone to appraise them carefully.

For example, in the script world this time, the box used to hold the imperial jade seal, and the jade plaque that Li Xi and the others were looking for from the Zhenbao Building, these are all without entries, and you need to find a way to find them yourself. firm.

It's not that Xu Tong didn't want to go to the master. I believe that with his erudition, he must be able to guess the origin of these two things. But before that, Xu Tong planned to go to the exhibition to try his luck, and then trouble the master if he couldn't.

But it doesn't end there, there's one last part...

Xu Tong looked at the item book, and there were five item cards on it, namely...

[Retrograde Sequence [-]. Seeker] [Retrograde Emblem] [Blessing of Fortune] [Great Door Wine and Meat] These four title cards cannot be taken out for trading, and there is one item card that cannot be taken out, which is to give him the ability of the eye of life. 【source】

At the moment, except for those miscellaneous consumable item cards, all the item cards that can be taken out have been placed in front of him.

In addition to some prop cards, such as [Archangel Michael's Blessing] [Lilith's Heart] blessings that have completely become part of his body, he can't take them out

Xu Tong sat on the ground, resting one hand on his chin, staring at these prop cards and meditating.

With a perspective like looking in a mirror, I re-examined every item card in front of me, and then the information of this item card appeared in my mind, and the purpose flashed through my mind to ensure that I was familiar with each item. Cards have been re-understood and sorted out again.

And this combing also gave Xu Tong a new understanding of himself.

Baishankou can be used as one's own trump card, and it should not be used as a routine method, otherwise the lethality of this move will be greatly reduced if others are prepared in the future.

The power of the paper craftsman's book, combined with [Master of Colored Opera], [Star-Eyed Tribulation] and [Shen Yu], he can regard himself as a second-rate summoning system.

[Dark Physique] [Magic Power] and [Ember] [Five Birds Grabbing Hand] cooperate with each other, it will bring you a good burst of damage, as well as a strong resistance to darkness.

When he activates the Dark Lord himself, he can completely transform into a warrior with astonishing lethality and explosive defense.

But the disadvantages are also great. On the one hand, it is too heavy on the body, the duration is short, and the consumption is particularly huge.

What's more troublesome is that if it's during the day, your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

So when necessary, I can use [Formless Power] and [Angel Preaching Ring] to change my own attributes, and add [Guardian] to temporarily become a pure support.

Of course, at this time, with his own set of summoning flow, I believe it is enough to carry the lead anywhere.

Xu Tong had already begun to reorganize the collocations between tactics and item cards. Suddenly, some strange collocations gradually appeared in his mind.

It's just that these collocations obviously need a certain amount of time to ponder and try.

So Xu Tong dragged the [Retrograde Emblem] with his finger to bind this badge to the title [Blessing of Fortune].

The reason for this title card is nothing more than two words, luck.

Ever since breaking through to the Grand Master, Xu Tong can feel the importance of that kind of luck in the dark.

As Fu Anning said, the fight between the great masters is about a long life. Whoever has a strong fate and strong luck will have the last laugh.

"Whether to bind the badge of the retrograde to the blessing title of Fuxian? Warning, once bound, a special method is required to remove the badge."

With Xu Tong's confirmation, the badge in front of him shone with dark red light and merged into [Fuxian's Blessing]. After a while, Xu Tong saw a dark red title card appearing in front of him.

Retrograde Sequence (None) Lucky One

This title is the title of the Retrograde Sequence. After carrying this title, your physique will temporarily increase by 15%, and you will get a special luck bonus.

Title Skill 1: Immortal Blessing (Passive)

Somewhere, your luck will be greatly improved.

Title Skill 2: Fate Dice.

Consume 30 script points. After activation, you can summon a fate dice. After throwing the dice, according to the number you throw, you will get a fairy to sublimate your fate.

Duration: 30 minutes.

Cooling time: 8 hours.

(Note: This title is full-time badge, which can be regarded as an arbitrary order of the sequence.)
Seeing the attributes of the title in front of him, Xu Tong finally showed a gratified smile on his face. This is exactly what he wanted.

At the same time, Xu Tong also received a prompt from the item book.

"Ding! Your Retrograde series title fetters are activated, gaining all skills +1 (only active skills, excluding title skills and passive skills)"

After the reminder was over, Xu Tong's eyes revealed a look of secret joy.

The second bond of the retrograde series is all skills +1.

This is definitely the most valuable thing in the Retrograde series.

At least without knowing what the ultimate skill of this series is, this is definitely the most cost-effective state.

Because the effect of the three fetters is only to increase the total resistance by 30%.

If you want to unlock the ultimate title skills, you must reach the five fetters, then you will get a 200% increase in overall quality and unlock the effect of the ultimate skills of the retrograde series.

It's just that Xu Tong felt that it was not easy and not worthwhile.

Sequence skill titles are not so easy to obtain, and a large part of luck is required. Even if the strange altar can synthesize titles, the titles synthesized each time are completely random.

Even if you have a retrograde badge in your hand, you must get enough four retrograde series titles. Unless you have more badges, it will not be easy to get them together.

After all, title cards are not allowed to be traded, and the only way to obtain a title is to keep exploring in the script world.

Once the title bond is achieved, there is no doubt that his combat effectiveness will rise to another level.

But before that, Xu Tong had one more thing to do.

I saw that he took all the prop cards back into the prop book, leaving only one prop card, 【Magic Power】

Playing with this prop card on the fingertips, I can clearly feel the unique texture of this prop card, even with a strong dark atmosphere.

"It's time for us to settle the score!"

A thought flashed through his mind, Xu Tong threw the item card into the item book, and at the same time he said silently: "Dark Lord, it's time to pay the rent!"

(End of this chapter)

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