Chapter 442

"Hey, old man, wait a little longer, anyway, you are not short of a day or two."

As soon as Xu Tong left, Gao Zhuo kowtowed the melon seeds and said to himself.

"Huh? How do you know I'm not short of two days??"

The old man at the side was stunned for a moment, and looked at Gao Zhuo with a strange expression.

Gao Zhuo hurriedly waved his hands and explained, "No, I'm talking about something else. By the way, old man, can I ask you something?"

The old man nodded, he had grown up here half his life, nothing else, but if you asked about anything, whether it was the love story between Grandma Li and Uncle Wang, or the birthmark on the buttocks of the old Zhang's daughter-in-law, the old man knew it very well.

"Do you know about this place, Black Wind Pool?"

"Black Wind Pool??"

The old man was stunned for a second, as if he was thinking about the name: "No... I think I've heard of it, but I still think it's not here. Did you find the wrong place?"

Gao Zhuo was startled, he was just asking casually, but he didn't expect the old man to really know, so he immediately regained his energy: "You know, that's great, Black Wind Pool isn't here, so where is it?"

"Heifengtan is a place you don't know if you ask others. Older people know about this place. Back then when Xiangxi was plagued by bandits, the bandit leader occupied a hill that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. That hill was called Heifengling. It is said that every summer there is a black wind everywhere.

As long as the black wind blows on people, they will peel off their skin if they don't die. If the black wind is stronger, people and animals will die wherever it passes. Some people say that it is the territory of the black wind king.

Later, when the bandits were suppressed above, they also encountered this black wind. At that time, I heard that it was quite serious.

It is said that a passing Taoist cast a spell and dispersed the black wind.

Before leaving, the Taoist priest left some words.

Immortals are no more than Heifengling, outside the Yin and Yang passes and inside the pass.

There are thousands of Gu in the human world, which are not as dangerous as the three inches of the human heart.

Self-proclaimed prince and marquis on behalf of Yama, but you don't know that Mo Yuzhen is the king of Yama.

Don't be fooled that there are no ghosts and gods today, and there will be retribution in the future. "

Strange to say, since the Taoist priest finished reading this passage, Heifeng Ridge can no longer see Heifeng Ridge, so the Black Water Pool that Gao Zhuo mentioned is just under Heifeng Ridge.

"Great, then can you tell me, where is Heifeng Ridge?"

Gao Zhuo hit the snake with a stick, hurriedly poured a cup of tea for the old man, and chased after him to ask where Heifengling was.

The old man waved his hands when he heard the words: "You can go anywhere, what kind of Heifengling, don't go, don't go."

"But we really have to go to Heifengling, old man, you must help us."

Gao Zhuo was really in a hurry. Although the "Lingling Yin-Yang Fengshui Map" in his hand had corresponding blueprints, times have changed, and even modern high-definition maps have to be updated once a year, let alone a completely hand-painted map. Maps, many places cannot stand scrutiny.

The two could only find a vague direction based on the map. After entering the mountain, it might not be easy to find this location.

"No, no, boy, I can't go there."

The old Chinese said earnestly: "When the bandits were suppressed, there were too many bandits who died in Heifengling. They were very evil. Those who went there would never come back."

Just when Gao Zhuo wanted to continue persuading him, he heard a voice outside the door: "Boss, is there anything to eat?"

While talking, a young man wearing sunglasses pushed the door and walked in.

Gao Zhuo glanced sideways, and his heart skipped a beat. He didn't recognize the young man, but in such a cold day, the young man was wearing a summer suit, and he didn't care about the cold outside, but his physique didn't seem particularly strong either.

So when he first saw the young man, two words flashed in Gao Zhuo's mind: "Player!"

"Yes, yes, the young man is not afraid of the cold, he wears so little."

The old man stepped forward and glanced at the young man, exclaiming.

"I'm naturally hot and I'm not afraid of the cold. Boss, please bring me something to eat. I'm very hungry."

The young man said with a smile, he looked sideways at Gao Zhuo who was sitting on the side, the two looked at each other and were startled at the same time, the young man grinned and nodded towards Gao Zhuo with a smile.

Although the probability of encounters between players in reality is not low, Gao Zhuo inevitably felt vigilant when they met in such a remote place. Coupled with what Xu Tong said last night, he immediately became more vigilant stand up.

Seeing the young man nodding and smiling towards him, Gao Zhuo reluctantly nodded.

The old man didn't pay attention to these details, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, you came at the right time. I just made a special dish, and I will share it with you later, so you can eat earlier."

After speaking, the old man walked into the kitchen, ready to have lunch for the two of them first. As for Xu Tong's share, he said that he could keep a separate one for him.

When the old man walked into the kitchen, the young man sat directly opposite Gao Zhuo.

"Hello, I'm buried, what's your name?"

"Hiding the corpse!"

Gao Zhuo casually announced a title with a cold face.

No one among the players will tell each other their real names. If they are used by someone with a heart, they will be in big trouble.

But as soon as Gao Zhuo finished speaking, the old man poked his head out from the kitchen and said, "Xiao Gao, do you eat rice or noodles?"

The corner of Gao Zhuo's mouth twitched, but he still pretended to be relaxed and replied: "Eat noodles."

"Eat noodles, I'll roll some noodles for you later, young man."

The funeral man Yu raised his head and said with a smile, "I like to eat rice."

"Okay, it will be ready in a while." The old man nodded, and then got into the kitchen and started to work again.

"Actually, I think you should eat rice."

The burial man Yu looked at Gao Zhuo with a smile.

Gao Zhuo also sneered when he heard the words, looked outside the door thoughtfully, raised his brows slightly and said with a sneer, "Yes, longevity noodles, rice with broken heads, I think it's better for me to eat noodles."

"You think I can't kill you."

The funeral man looked in the direction of the kitchen: "But I think I can."

Sensing Burenyu's gaze, his face turned cold immediately, a cold murderous aura surged from his body, and Gao Zhuo's nails could be seen rapidly growing and turning black.

Burial Yu seemed to be aware of this too, but he was even more excited about it. He put his palms in the satchel on his waist and fumbled, while keeping his eyes on Gao Zhuo's buttocks.

At this moment, the old man put a bowl of steaming rice and a stack of cooked noodles on the table.

"Serve the staple food first, and the dishes will be served later."

"Don't worry." The buried man kept a smile on his face all the time: "Master, the wind is relatively strong here, can you close the door first?"

"Okay, you can close it." The old man didn't care, and handed a bottle of wine on the cabinet to the table: "I made rice wine, you drink some to drive away the cold, I just said, you wear this Too little."


Yu Renyu always behaved like a good baby, harmless to humans and animals.

He stood up and walked slowly to the door, closing the courtyard door.

Gao Zhuo originally wanted to take advantage of the moment the door was closed to make a move, but Burial Yu seemed to be on guard, and before Gao Zhuo could make a move, he pointed in the direction of the kitchen.

The subconscious meaning is to say, if you dare to do something, I will kill the old man first.

Gao Zhuo squinted at the kitchen when he heard this.

Seeing through the kitchen glass that the old man was rummaging through the cabinet, he frowned and could only sit down temporarily.

He regards human life as grass, and the old man's life is not important to him.

But this is the real world after all, if someone dies, it can't always be like the world of the script. The big deal is to pat his ass and leave, and the subsequent impact will involve his family.

Furthermore, I hadn't gotten the location of the Black Wind Pool from the old man yet, so I had no choice but to hold back the anger in my heart and sit down again.

Seeing this, the funeral director Yu nodded with satisfaction and sat back on the chair.

Then he changed the position of the rice noodles on the table, and the smile on the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "I've changed my mind, you should eat the rice with severed head."


The iron pot was lifted, and with the steaming white mist rising, a strong fragrance began to permeate.

I saw that the meat in the pot was already ruddy and translucent, exuding an attractive luster and fragrance.

However, the old man didn't seem to be very satisfied with this.

Slowly, a small square wooden box came out from the cabinet.

Carefully wiped off the dust on the box with a rag, walked to the stove and opened the box, only to find a big shriveled toad in the box.

The toad has been dry-stirred until there is only one skin left, but even so, the size of the toad can be estimated from the toad skin.

At least even a fat bullfrog might not be one-third the size of the toad in the box.

What's weird is that the toad's back is covered with dense pearls the size of a grain of rice.

The old man flicked his fingers, and suddenly beads-like things spilled from the toad's back and fell into the pot.

Looking at this delicious meal, the old man finally showed a kind smile on his face: "Occasionally, the village director won't know..."

(End of this chapter)

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