Chapter 443

At one end of the village, there are three small buildings of private houses.

The building is beautifully done, with particularly large floor-to-ceiling windows facing east, and a glass light well on the roof. From a distance, you can see all kinds of green plants planted on it, and even the chrysanthemums that bloom in this season.

Outside the yard is a row of straight green bamboos, and a path paved with goose warm stones, which brings a poetic and picturesque mood to this small building.

It also makes the three small buildings look out of place with the traditional stilted buildings in the surrounding villages.

"Good Feng Shui."

Standing on Banpo, Xu Tong looked around at the building in front of him. Although he didn't know much about Fengshui, in the final analysis, he couldn't escape four words.

Store the wind and accept the air.

Because Xiangxi is a mountainous area, the land is humid and complicated, so stilted buildings are more popular to cope with the uneven mountain environment. In addition, stilted buildings can also be used to raise livestock downstairs or store sundries and so on.

The location of the three buildings in front of us is very good, not only occupying a high position in the terrain, but also a rare flat land.

The terrain faces east, gathering yang energy, and the surrounding bamboo forests seem to have been carefully planted to avoid evil spirits and gather qi.

Xu Tong took a look at it with his eyesight, and found that this location actually echoes the Fenjing Mountain behind, and it really looks like it was arranged by an expert.

This also made him more certain in his heart that this clicker team did have a legacy.

Stepping over, I heard the sound of rubbing mahjong from a distance.

Looking sideways, four old people were sitting in a bamboo pavilion playing mahjong. Xu Tong walked over and saw that these four old people, three men and one woman, were all in their early seventies.

Except for the old man in the middle and south, the auras of the other three old men are not weak, and they can be seen as some practitioners.

"I'm confused, big four happy, hahahaha!"

At this time, the old lady sitting on the right pushed the mahjong and couldn't help laughing triumphantly.

"Oh, it's you again!"

The old man sitting in the south slapped his head when he saw this, took out the last two yuan in his pocket and threw it on the table, got up and left: "I won't play anymore, go home and eat."

"Hey, don't go, Lao Yao, we agreed to eat here at noon."

Seeing that the old man was about to leave, the other three old men hurriedly shouted, but the old man seemed determined to leave, and the three of them didn't stop him.

"Hey, what kind of petty temper do you have when you're old?"

The old woman pursed her lips, then turned her gaze, and noticed the young man who was standing beside her at an unknown time, she froze for a moment: "Who are you?"

The other two old people also turned their heads to look at Xu Tong, and their expressions were a little surprised.

I don't know if it was because they were too focused on playing cards, but suddenly a young man appeared behind them, but they didn't notice it.

"Passing by, do you want to play mahjong with you, can you take care of your meal?"

Xu Tong looked at the vacant space and asked.

The three old people couldn't help looking at each other when they heard the words, thinking to themselves, where did this fool come from.

But there is no reason not to welcome someone to play cards.

An old man smiled and said, "Okay, we don't play big cards. It costs [-] yuan a round. Come or not. If you come, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose, it's up to you."

"Then I'll sit on the west side."

Xu Tong pointed to the position of the old woman, and the old woman grinned when she heard the words, got up and moved away.

The three of them are famous for playing mahjong. Even if they change positions, they can still kill the Quartet.

Xu Tong sat down, took out three copper coins from his pocket, and put them on the corner of his desk.

The three of them were a little surprised when they saw this, and the old man who spoke just now smiled and said: "Western master gold, you put three copper plates to change Feng Shui, you can't see it, you understand it, but I don't think your way of placing it is very good. Correct."

"It's just the form, the sincerity is the spirit."

Xu Tong said with a smile on his face, and glanced at the big girl behind him from the corner of the eye, only to see that the big girl was already gearing up.

It turned out that the reason why Xu Tong was so calm and relaxed was precisely because Da Ya just patted his chest and assured him that when it comes to playing mahjong, even if Sparrow God is alive, he is not her opponent.

After Xu Tong sat down, he tapped his toes, and the big girl behind him landed lightly on Xu Tong.

"Teacher, don't worry, as long as the three of them fight, they are not my opponent."

Da Ya really didn't brag. In the Northeast, she has played everything from Pai Gow to Mahjong, and she has never met an opponent.

While shuffling the cards with both hands, the universe has long been moved under the fingers, and the arrangements are clearly made.

Xu Tong also felt relieved, and asked the names of the three old men while he was drawing cards.

"You can call me Jiugu. The one with the beard is named Luo, and the one on the left is named Yang. Where did you come from, young man?"

Aunt Mei Jiu asked.

"People from Luoyang, here to travel."

Xu Tong replied.

When Mei Jiugu heard the word Luoyang, she was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't take it to heart immediately.

After a round of cards, Mr. Yang played a red one, and Xu Tong gently pushed the card: "It's muddled!"


The three old men froze for a moment, then looked at Xu Tong's cards, seven pairs, single fishing.

"Hey, the young man is interesting, come again!"

Old Yang's eyes widened, thinking how this kid was so lucky, he exchanged glances with the other two, and the three continued to fight after understanding each other.

In the end, as Da Ya said, she has never lost in mahjong.

"Yi Dui Hu, Qing Yi Se, Double Open Bars, Da Si Xi, Nine Lotus Lanterns, Thirteen Yao..."

Good guy, after two hours of fighting, the three old men lost everything, Mei Jiugu's face turned green, and Luo Ying was so angry that he wanted to lift the table.

On the other hand, the old man Yang was very appreciative, and joked: "The three of us played cards, and it was the first time we were beaten so badly, hahaha..."

"Old man, I want to ask you something. Are you from the Sun family's chime class? I want to find Sun Shaohu."

As Xu Tong said, he threw out the two cakes in his hand, and Mr. Yang sat down at his house, waiting for this card. He was a little surprised when he heard Xu Tong's inquiry, but when he saw the two cakes thrown out, he immediately fell in love with him. Happy.

"It's awesome!"

Then he looked at Xu Tong again and said, "What are you looking for with Sun Shaohu?"

"Oh, I really like folk culture, so I want to ask why people here use red coffins."

"It's a custom, you can find it after a hundred searches on the Internet."

Mei Jiugu, who was sitting opposite Xu Tong, said casually.

"You can also believe the ones above. The top ten messages are all advertisements. They are obviously made of boots. If you insist on saying that they are a hospital, they make up things out of nothing. Whoever believes it is a Muggle."

"The matter of the red coffin is a custom in our place. I can't tell you the details. I can only say that it is an entrance ticket. It is rumored that the dead souls buried in the red coffin can enter Yinyang Mountain and become subjects of the mountain god. "

Mr. Yang didn't have so many taboos, so he explained.

Xu Tong kept his expression on his face, but he couldn't help but think of another place, the Yin-Yang Cave.

"Yin Yang Mountain? Shouldn't it be entering the Nether Yin Cao?"

Xu Tong pretended to be puzzled and asked.

Old Yang was about to say something, but Luo Ying, who was sitting on the other side of Xu Tong, coughed heavily, interrupting Old Yang's thoughts.

"Play cards as long as you play, what do you say, it's bad luck!"

After Luo Ying finished speaking, he pushed the cards down with his hand and stood up: "I'm hungry, go eat and stop playing."

"Hey, then stop playing, getting old and tired."

Mei Jiugu also stood up.

At this moment, Xu Tong noticed that there were two cymbals hanging behind Luo Ying, and two drumsticks pinned to Mei Jiugu's back waist.

It seems that the two are indeed from the ringer class.

Old Yang stood up with a smile and stretched his waist: "Let's go, let's have a meal together."

After speaking, he took Xu Tong inside.

It can be seen that Mr. Yang is very fond of young people. After entering the yard, a few young people saw Mr. Yang and greeted him warmly.

"Look, this is our ringer team. In the past, there were more than 60 people in our team. Now with these boys and us old bones, there are only a dozen people."

Old Yang seemed to be sighing, but when he changed his voice, he looked at Xu Tong holding his beard and said earnestly:
"Children, times have changed, and folk tales are left on paper.

It doesn't matter if you write nonsense or scribble, as long as it doesn't harm people, it doesn't matter whether it is the truth or not.

There are many ways to promote traditional culture, but there are some things that are no pity if they are gone. "

Xu Tong didn't expect Mr. Yang to say these words, and he was a little surprised.

Let myself have to re-examine the mentality of the old man in front of me is really generous, and when he speaks again, he will inevitably change his tone.

"Your words have been said before, smashing the real Buddha and getting rid of the demons in the heart. I was just curious before, but what you said just now seems to be related to another matter related to me, so I have to ask understand."

Xu Tong didn't tell a lie this time.

I came here simply to know about the red coffin, but I didn't expect that the red coffin seemed to be related to the Yin-Yang Cave, so I needed to ask one more question, so I could understand.

"Let's chat while we eat."

Seeing Xu Tong's firm attitude, Mr. Yang nodded in agreement.

It's just that the two of them had just entered the hall when an old man with a crew cut was blocking their way. Luo Ying and Mei Jiugu stood behind the old man.

The old man also looks about eighty, but his energy is not lost to those young people who are working.

With thick eyebrows and big eyes, high nose and wide lips, there is a sharpness in the eyes that repels others.

"I am Sun Shaohu, what do you want from me?"

As the saying goes, a person lives up to his name, and the old man's appearance does have the demeanor of a forest overlord.

It's just that this kind of aura can calm down ordinary people, but it doesn't make sense to Xu Tong. Compared with Ma Qi's usual smile, but he feels vigorous and resolute when he is focused, Sun Shaohu's aura is at best a little cat.

"It was Sanqizai who introduced me. I want to ask the old man about the red coffin and rumors."

Sun Shaohu didn't reply when he heard the words. After looking at Xu Tong up and down, he frowned and said, "Have you passed the threshold side by side on the line?"

This is a slang word in the Jianghu. Xu Tong naturally has a clear background, which means that he is a friend of a local snake and declares himself to be his family.

Xu Tong hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should play dumb.

Just listen to Sun Shaohu continue: "Ya'er is an old Kuan, just talk about it." (Young man, if you are a layman, you can go.)
Hearing this, Xu Tong knew that this step could not be avoided, so he could only arrange his clothes, crossed his hands in respect, and showed two thumbs: "The seventh store on Dongmen Street, the new one on the springboard, sold at the tip Chicken, you can only turn on the plate if you are awakened!"

(The junior headed family members of Qimen pass by here to have a meal and pay homage to the threshold. They don't want to be found out, so they can only explain their words.)
Sun Shaohu and the others were stunned when they heard the words, Mei Jiugu and Luo Ying stared at Xu Tong with cold eyes and said: "You just said that you are from Luoyang, so you are from Luoyang Qimen!"

(End of this chapter)

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