Chapter 444
Suddenly Sun Shaohu's face changed drastically, and everyone in the yard seemed to freeze there instantly.

Mr. Yang, who was talking to Xu Tong just now, tugged at the corner of Xu Tong's clothes, and looked at him anxiously: "Why are you from the Seven Sects? You killed me."

When Xu Tong saw this, he immediately understood what was going on.

In the end, it was the master who killed too hard back then, dragging the old guys of the entire era to be buried with him, resulting in the severance of many inheritances.

All the people in Jiuliu Bamen were offended. When the master was buried, no matter how much money Mr. Song paid, no sounder team would come.

I thought that after so many years and the place is so remote, the things of the early years have long since disappeared with the passage of time, but I didn't expect that people would still remember this grudge.

It's not to blame for others, it's not like you can forget it if you forget it.

I am not qualified to let others let go of the grievances of the past. ,
So facing Sun Shaohu's cold face, Xu Tong didn't feel embarrassed at all, instead he nodded and admitted: "Exactly."

As he spoke, he took out the Meimei Bell in his hand.

With a slight sway, the sound of the empty soul-stirring bell immediately changed the faces of everyone present. All of them were masters of musical instruments, and their ears could tell whether the enchanting bell was real or not.

Seeing this, Sun Shaohu frowned and said, "Are you from the Wang family?"

"Both are, Xue Gui is my master."

In fact, he could say that he inherited the inheritance of the Wang family, but Xu Tong didn't bother to do so.

Now that I have worshiped Mr. Song and recognized my master, I am the direct descendant of the seven sects of the Zhengbajing. I don't even want to say that I am now the speaker of the seven sects of Zhengmiaohong.

Sure enough, Sun Shaohu said with a smile when he heard this: "Okay, there were three branches of paper-making techniques in Meihuazhuang back then, and you monopolized two of them. Now you are still holding the charm bell, and Qimen can be regarded as a follow-up." .”

After finishing speaking, Sun Shaohu walked slowly to the table stand, picked up the suona on the table stand, pointed at Xu Tong and said angrily: "Since you are the speaker of the Seven Schools, tell me about the account of your master Xue Gui back then. , how to count!"

"Oh, what is this? It's been a matter of years. You and him are young people." Old Yang hurriedly stepped forward to stop between the two, turned to Xu Tong and said, "Go, don't come again. Come on, let's go."

But neither Sun Shaohu nor Xu Tong paid any attention to Old Yang's remarks. At the same time, several young people in the family stood up with uneasy expressions and closed the door silently.

Seeing this, Elder Yang became even more anxious. He pointed at the boys who closed the door and cursed: "You bastards are rebellious. Who told you to close the door and open it? It's not a big deal."

At this time, Old Aunt Mei stepped forward, grabbed Old Yang's arm and dragged him back.

"Old Yang! There is always an explanation for things. The old grandpa is still buried on Beiman Mountain. After so many years, the Three Sects came forward to prevent us from going to Qimen to settle accounts. Now the people from Qimen came to the door. This matter Always have to talk."

"That's right, Mr. Yang, Jianghu is a matter of Jianghu, and it's time for Qimen to give our family an explanation."

The bearded man took the cymbals from his waist.

"Luo Ying, Aunt Mei, you..." Old Yang stared angrily. After so many years, people are almost in the coffin. What seven sects, what hatred, how many years have passed.

When they kicked their legs, they didn't know if the ringing team was still there. It was really not worth it to go to war over this matter.

"Old Yang!"

Seeing Elder Yang's angry face, Xu Tong comforted him, "Old Yang, I've come all the time, so I'm not afraid of anything. Sit down and rest, and we'll talk later."

As he said that, Xu Tong put away the Meiling, and looked at Sun Shaohu in front of him: "What do you want to explain."

"Back then, your master let my old grandpa die in another country. Now it is the era of the rule of law and I don't want your life. Let me keep my hands. I will give you 500 million, which is enough for you to live comfortably for the rest of your life. How about it?"

Sun Shaohu stared at Xu Tong's hands, and craftsmen would point to these two hands when eating. Even though Qimen has long existed in name only and paper makers have been eliminated by the times, the unique skills of these hands are still reserved. .

Leaving these hands and placing them in front of the old grandpa's tomb, it is considered that Qimen has given their family an explanation.

Xu Tong looked at his hands, raised his head and said casually: "That's not okay, the ancestral craftsmanship cannot be lost."

"Then it's up to you, send him on his way!"

After Sun Shaohu finished speaking, the bearded Luo Ying and Mei Jiugu rushed towards Xu Tong at the same time.

The two cymbals seemed to be two blades, and they made a sharp whistling sound when they were swung, but Xu Tong seemed too naive, he didn't know much about martial arts, he only knew a five-bird capture hand and close combat skills, But his superhuman physique itself has a special bonus.

In the eyes of others, Luo Ying's cymbal swings are fierce and fierce, but even in the last script world, Luo Ying's strength is barely at the level of a third-rate practitioner.

Not even the boxers in those martial arts gyms.

Xu Tong didn't even dodge, saw the opportunity and kicked Luo Ying lightly, directly kicking Luo Ying to the ground.

At this time, Old Aunt Mei kicked Xu Tong, but Xu Tong just turned away and pinched his nose in disdain: "Grandma, you should wash your feet."

"Tongue dry!"

After missing a single hit, several young people around quickly pushed the two-sided cowhide drum to Old Aunt Mei.

As soon as the two drumsticks were struck, there was a roar of thunder.

"Boom blah blah..."

"Clang~" The drums sounded, and Luo Ying followed closely by beating the cymbals in his hands.

Xu Tong stood there watching, wanting to see in his heart how much magical power there is still in the world today, which still retains the inherited ringer team.

However he was disappointed.

No matter how hard Mei Jiugu and Luo Ying tried, the sound was already deafening, and some young people around couldn't bear it anymore and covered their ears, but he just felt that the noise was a little too loud.

Other than that there was no discomfort.

"Could it be that there is only such a little ability to play drums and drums left in the previous inheritance?"

Xu Tong smiled, and looked at Sun Shaohu: "If it's just that, I don't think it's your family's account to settle, and it's not your family's turn to settle it."


Sun Shaohu and the others turned their faces upside down. They wanted to test the depth of this kid first, but they didn't want to add to the laughing stock. They were shocked and angry in their hearts. They couldn't see through the depth of this young man. They only felt that Luo Ying and Mei Jiugu's two Human temptation is like a stone thrown under a cliff without even hearing a sound.

The anger is that this kid is too crazy, even if he is Xue Gui's disciple, is he also Xue Gui? ?

I saw Sun Shaohu squinting at Old Yang: "Everyone is calling at the door, do you really want me to take off the signboard of our Sun family's music class?"

Old Yang's fingers trembled involuntarily when he heard the words, and he looked at the large-character signboard hanging on the living room: "Qi Ming Nine Heavens"

This is a plaque kept by Tai Shigong back then.

It is said that at that time, in order to compete for this plaque, the nine sounding instrument teams took turns to take the stage, and the Taishigong played to the end, and the suona was stained red with blood.

Now that Sun Shaohu said he was going to take off the signboard, he was going to smash the plaque and break up the Sun family class.


Mr. Yang gave Xu Tong an apologetic look, and took Chang Sheng from his apprentice.

Seeing this, Sun Shaohu showed satisfaction on his face, and then looked at Xu Tong: "Don't say that we bully you, this funeral song must be praised by someone with high morals and prestige, and it is a price increase for you to send you today."


Xu Tong looked forward to it when he heard the words: "Okay, but if you can't send me away, I want the suona in your hand."

Sun Shaohu was stunned for a moment, this suona was passed down from his family, and it had extraordinary meaning, but after thinking about it, he found it ridiculous, if the four of them couldn't even deal with a young man, what's the use of this thing.

"Young man, it's still too late to keep your hands." Mei Jiugu reminded that the funeral music is to open the way for the Yin God to send the souls of the dead to the burial. It appeared that the coffin could not be lifted no matter what, even if it was buried in the soil, it would crack from the soil.

At this time, the sounder class is needed, and the funeral music is used to forcefully send him to the burial.

If it weren't for the unusual generation of fierce and good, I'm afraid it would be impossible to escape death.

After all, Mei Jiugu didn't want to kill people, and she spoke at this time in the hope that Xu Tong would retreat in spite of the difficulties.

However, facing Mei Jiugu's persuasion, Xu Tong lifted a bench beside him and took out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket: "Please start your performance."

"court death!"

Seeing that this kid didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, Aunt Mei Jiu's heart sank, and she slammed two drumsticks on the cowhide drum in front of her.

The sound of the drum was heavy, and with the sound of the drum, a gust of wind visible to the naked eye rolled up the leaves on the ground.

"Clang~di~!" The cymbals and Changsheng sounded at the same time.

Accompanied by the sound of playing music, Xu Tong was surprised to find a familiar breath blowing towards his face.

"Between fiction and reality!"

He tensed up, he didn't expect that the patent of a grand master could be presented in such a way.


This is not a complete illusion, it's more like a counterfeit... It's just a little better than the half-step master's illusion technique.

So does it mean that even if you are not a great master, you can use other means to show the gap between reality and fiction?

For example, arrays?
Just when Xu Tong's thoughts were tossing and thoughts were floating in his mind.

When Sun Shaohu's suona sounded, this sense of picture became more real.

The mournful suona sound seems to lead the rhythm of the whole piece.

Great sorrow and great joy, great prosperity and great decline, great joy and great mourning, in an instant in the world, thousands of years can be seen in one eye, but when you turn your head, it is just a pinch of loess, right and wrong are nothing but death.

A gray breath of death rushed over.

It was still noon, when the sky was bright, but people only felt that the wind was biting at the moment, and the whole body was icy cold. Those young apprentices who were guarding the side had already fled out the door early.

But there were also a few disobedient ones who wanted to peek at the wall, but at the moment, they were all blue-skinned from the cold, and felt powerless even if they wanted to escape.

"Ding bell... ding bell..."

At this time, Xu Tong suddenly heard the sound of chains colliding, and when he turned his head, he saw two goblins with mischievous eyebrows, who were holding the chains and came out from nowhere, running towards him.

As he walked, he sang in his mouth.

"Gold ingots, silver ingots, and thin paper money are not too little. When you close your eyes, kick your legs, and the sound of the suona, you can remember half your life."

The two little ghosts were singing happily, and someone interrupted: "Red umbrella, white pole, let's lie down together after eating."

I didn't come back to my senses for a while, so I sang along.

"Lie on the board, sleep in the coffin, and then bury the mountains together...

Huh? ?Wrong song?
Who changed it? ? "

The two little ghosts took a closer look and saw Xu Tong squinting at the two of them, and they didn't forget to wave to them.

Seeing this, the two little ghosts walked over suspiciously.

Just as he was about to speak, Xu Tong took out a thick stack of guide money, waved his hand and sprinkled it out: "For you."

The large flakes of guiding money immediately made the eyes of the two little ghosts shine, and they ignored Suona's command for a while, and began to throw themselves on the ground to pick up the guiding money on the ground.

Sun Shaohu blew vigorously, and the veins on his forehead bulged out, as if he wanted to remind the two brats what they were here for.

But the kid only had money in his eyes, and he ignored Sun Shaohu's instructions at all.

If he could still swear at this moment, Sun Shaohu would have personally greeted the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of these two brats.

I was even more surprised in my heart, I didn't expect that the young man in front of me was really a paper maker.

I saw stacks of money being poured out by Xu Tong.

Like snowflakes that don’t need money, let the two little ghosts crawl on the ground, like puppies begging for food, Xu Tong even only needs to take out a stack of guide money and put it in his hand, the two little ghosts are already like It was like casting a holding spell, staring at Xu Tong with wide eyes, waiting for him to spill the money.

Xu Tong squinted at Sun Shaohu, his contemptuous gaze made Sun Shaohu gnash his teeth in anger, and his eyes turned red.

This time, I just heard the tune suddenly changed, from the original joy and sorrow, it suddenly became brisk and sharp.

As soon as the tune changed, the surrounding temperature unexpectedly dropped again, and I saw a huge ghost figure walking out of the darkness, opening its big hand towards Xu Tong and grabbing it head-on...

(End of this chapter)

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