Chapter 445
"Mountain ghost!" Xu Tong raised his head and said in surprise.

The so-called mountain ghosts are considered lonely ghosts, but they are not counted. Strictly speaking, there are even individuals independent from the ghost system.

He died in the mountains in vain and by chance got the essence of the world from this mountain, blended with the atmosphere of this mountain forest, and became a ghost.

It’s hard to explain this thing clearly. If you have villagers living nearby, you see him and enshrine him as a mountain god. In a few years, he will really become a god.

But if the villagers don't believe him and think that this is a gorilla, he will look like this, and he will be like this for a lifetime of cultivation.

The ghost in front of me is the so-called mountain ghost.

The figure is like a mountain, with a humanoid ape face and black hair all over. At first glance, it looks like an oversized monkey. With a sharp laugh, the big hand came down, covering the entire yard in a shadow.

Xu Tong was a little surprised, but he was not surprised by the huge ghost in front of him, but wondered why the mountain ghost could appear in the human world unscrupulously in broad daylight.

You know, even the big devil Amota is very disgusted with Xu Tong calling him during the day.

In my impression, except for the Taoist Yang God, who can roam around in nothingness during the day.

As for the other elves and ghosts, they are like Da Ya and the other old fairies, who are on the human body.

Either there must be special treasures for body protection.

Without these two specific conditions, people in broad daylight generally stay somewhere cool.

In front of him, this is just a mere mountain ghost, who has not yet become a god, yet appears in broad daylight, isn't he afraid that the sunlight will blow his soul away?

Could it be... Xu Tong squinted at the suona in Sun Shaohu's hand in front of him, and saw the strange light flashing on the suona, Xu Tong immediately understood, and thought: "So it is like this."

I think the reason why the mountain ghost can appear should be the credit of that suona.

"Money can turn ghosts around, but now I'm afraid you won't be able to spend that much money!"

Sun Shaohu's face was gloomy, and his heart was already ruthless. Even if he tried his best to shorten his life, he would have to give an explanation to his old grandpa today.

"Old Sun, that's too much!"

Seeing this, Mr. Yang's face turned livid: "Killing for life, you are breaking the rules."

"Times have changed, and the sounder class will be disbanded sooner or later. If I can exchange the life of the speaker of the seven schools for a statement, I will be considered complete."

Sun Shaohu's face remained unchanged, but his heart was already boiling with murderous intent.

However, Xu Tong looked at the big hand attacking above his head, and finally raised his hands slowly. After all, the ability of the item card cannot be easily used in reality, otherwise the witness must be killed.

As for Sun Shaohu's determination, he can only respond with one sentence.

"It's not worth the money."

After all, Xu Tong lowered his hands slightly. When he saw this action, Sun Shaohu and others were all shocked, because the lethality of Baishankou back then was so amazing that they, the older generation, had heard of Xue Gui's attack afterwards. time screen.

But Sun Shaohu didn't believe it, the young man in front of him would also worship Shankou.

After all, after Xue Gui's death, people from all schools and schools have confirmed that Xue Gui's only apprentice has not received the inheritance of Baishankou.

This is also one of the reasons why they allowed Xue Gui's successor to live.

Since the apprentice doesn't know how to do it, how can the disciple know how to worship the mountain buckle?

But soon Sun Shaohu and others were shocked by the scene before them.

The moment Xu Tong clasped his hands and bowed gently towards the mountain ghost, the palm of the mountain ghost split and shattered, and disappeared in the astonished eyes of Sun Shaohu and others.

Before the mountain ghost let out a scream, the world in front of him suddenly changed. A crack was torn from behind Xu Tong, and the crack expanded rapidly, engulfing the entire courtyard.

Under a huge abyss, on both sides are palaces of countless ages.

The terrifying aura made the mountain ghost feel like an enemy.

"Boom rumble..."

Immediately following the crack, a Yin soldier roared out, forming a sharp arrow and heading straight for the mountain ghost.

Although the mountain ghost is big, it is completely vulnerable to this Yin soldier. With the spear swung, the mountain ghost's chest was cut into pieces in an instant.

The mountain ghost struggled to resist a few times, but in the end, he didn't even touch a single finger of the Yin soldier. Instead, he was hooked by the iron chain thrown by the Yin soldier to his shoulders and fell down behind him involuntarily.

"Hey, what a pity!" Xu Tong couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he saw the number of Yin soldiers.

In the last script, Taoist Xunlong created a pair of dragons. At that time, the iron cavalry wearing the armor of the Ming army seemed to be the elite of the elite.

But at that time, I was only focused on dealing with Taoist Dragon Xun, and I didn't have time to get this cavalry into my pocket, so I missed the opportunity.

Otherwise, the Yin soldiers under his command should be even stronger now.

"how can that be??"

Seeing the Yin soldiers rushing out in front of him, Sun Shaohu fell to the ground with a plop as if struck by lightning, his face as pale as paper.

Mei Jiugu, Luo Ying and even Yang Lao were also frightened.

He stared blankly at the roar of the Yin soldiers in front of him, throwing iron chains and dragging the mountain ghost to the ground repeatedly trampled on the ground. The two little ghosts on the side were already trembling with fright. If it weren't for ghosts who can't pee, I'm afraid they would have peed their pants by this time .

Even though Xu Tong didn't intend to kill anyone, the piercing wind made Yanglao and the others feel that a catastrophe was imminent, and he and the others were like ants pinched on the fingertips of a giant, even if the giant inadvertently A light pinch between them is enough to make them shatter their bones and ashes, and they will never be reborn.

"Big... big... great master!!"

The Changsheng in Old Yang's hand fell to the ground, and the three words seemed to be shouted out with all his strength.

Mei Jiugu and Luo Ying were trembling all over, swallowing a mouthful of foam dryly.

Ever since that year, on Beiman Mountain, Xue Gui guarded Beiman alone, relying on a move to worship the mountain buckle, he killed all the people in the world with fear, even Li Xi, one of the masterminds of the incident, was shot to death.

The fragments of the fairy treasure also fell into Xue Gui's hands, and Xue Gui was soon conspired by the rumored sorcerer's immortal post, and finally died tragically in Luoyang.

Later, it was said that several great masters of the Three Religions also passed away one after another.

Since then, there are no masters in the world.

Even half a grandmaster is rare.

A few years ago, the 70-year-old Taoist priest Hongqing of Wudang Mountain was struck by lightning and died, which caused considerable turmoil in the circle.

It is said that before his death, the Taoist priest climbed to the Golden Summit of Wudang in the middle of the night and practiced sword on the top of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

At the end of the practice, full of grief, anger and anger, he shouted and complained about the injustice of the heavens, but the natural spiritual bones were born in the wrong era, pointed his sword at the sky, and cursed that the sky has no eyes.

It may be that the scolding was a little too harsh, and God felt that he couldn't save face, so he happened to send a thunderbolt and struck him to death.

There are two completely different attitudes towards this matter in the circle.

One is to feel sad from the bottom of my heart that even a Taoist family like Wudang, which has been passed down for thousands of years, could not break the curse of the times in the end.

Not to mention other strangers.

The other is to sneer completely, thinking that the old guy is just whimsical and delusional.

It's this era, and people are still so superstitious. The so-called great master is just a cover. Regarding the ending of this Taoist priest, there is a bit of ridicule in addition to lamentation.

Unfortunately, Sun Shaohu is the latter. He feels that people have to accept their fate. Times have changed, so they should adapt to the times. The great master is just a legend.

But what he never imagined was that the young man in front of him, who was inherited from Yin Xing, actually broke the curse of this doomed age.

For a while, any revenge or settlement was a joke.

Just like what Sun Shaohu said just now, this kid is so arrogant, do you think he is Xue Gui?

The slap in the face of reality now has made them realize clearly that perhaps Xue Gui is gone, but he is not a follow-up.

In horror, I saw a Yin soldier suddenly fixed his eyes on the suona in Sun Shaohu's hand, waved the rein, and galloped towards him.

The black-gray horse was blown up by a biting wind, and it came to the top of Sun Shaohu's head in an instant, and the horse's hooves stood up and kicked towards Sun Shaohu's head.

"do not want!"

Seeing this, the three young men screamed sharply. Fortunately, the horse's hooves stopped, and Sun Shaohu could even clearly see the glowing bones under the rotten flesh of the war horse in front of him, as well as the rotten stench, as if telling the process of dying.

"Don't kill people, there is something to discuss!"

Old Yang's heart was about to jump into his throat, and as for Mei Jiugu and Luo Ying, they had completely become dumb, no longer had the domineering demeanor just now, they were more like cats in the water, hiding aside in embarrassment.

They know that even the laws of the world cannot control a great master who is like a land god.

Xu Tong nodded. Xu Tong stepped forward and under Sun Shaohu's horrified gaze, stretched out his hand, as if picking off a flower, and gently lifted the suona in his hand to the palm of his hand.

"I'm afraid you're not qualified to settle this account!"

Xu Tong played with the suona in his hands, and looked at the ashen-faced Sun Shaohu with a half-smile.

Immediately with a wave of his hand, the Yin soldiers in front of him turned back immediately, and of course the mountain ghost who was dragged on the ground was also dragged back into the abyss.

Judging by its size, it might be no problem to guard the courtyard for the master.

For a moment, the haze in front of them dissipated, and everyone warmed up. They never felt that the winter sun could be so warm.

"Oh, I'm hungry. Mr. Yang, you said you have to take care of the food. Let's eat first."

Xu Tong turned his head and looked at Old Yang with a smile.

"Ah... yes, eat, eat, please, this way please..."

Old Yang was startled, his mind was still confused, he remembered Xu Tong's words, he nodded quickly, unconsciously used honorifics while speaking, and led Xu Tong to the restaurant.

After Mr. Yang and Xu Tong left, the three of them, Sun Shaohu and Sun Shaohu, fell to the ground. They were already old and covered in cold sweat.

Sun Shaohu stared blankly at the plaque above his head, with a complex expression on his face for a while.

Who would have thought that in this era, there is actually a great master, and he is still so young.

At this moment, Sun Shaohu can finally realize how suffocating and desperate the feeling of grief, indignation and aggrieved feeling in Daoist Wudang Hongqing's heart is: " are so unfair!!"

(End of this chapter)

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