Chapter 447
"Oh, the chat was so pleasant that I forgot the time, don't bother, I have eaten at their house."

Xu Tong had a smile on his face, looking really happy.

It's just that after he inadvertently saw the screwdriver under the table, his eyelids twitched slightly.

Walking to the table, he picked up the screwdriver and played with it in his hand.

Looking left and right: "Huh? Where's my friend?"

"He, I haven't told you yet. As soon as you left, a man came from behind, saying that he knew you as your friend. They went out after eating, saying they were going for a walk on the back mountain.

Xiao Xu, that friend of yours is too. In such a cold day, I would feel cold in a padded jacket.

He's still wearing a short-sleeved shirt...

I see that your friend doesn't like to be persuaded, so it's not good to tell him. When they come back, you can talk about it, so don't get sick. "

Xu Tong played with the screwdriver in his hand, and slapped his thigh when he heard the old man's words:
"Certainly, my friend, who grew up wearing crotch pants with me when I was a child, told him that he would not listen to persuasion, and advised him not to stab others, but he would not listen, guess what..."

"What's the matter?"

"The broken!"


"Interrupted by his father, he didn't get out of bed for three months."

Xu Tong raised three fingers and said exaggeratedly.

"But how can I see that his legs and feet are quite neat, as if they are broken? Don't lie to me, kid."

"It was the third leg that was broken, of course you couldn't see it."

Hearing the old man subconsciously tighten his thigh: "Hiss, his father is a ruthless man, is this even possible?"

Xu Tong sighed: "That can't be helped, who told him to stab others with that thing, I tried to persuade him, but he didn't listen."

"Well, this...isn't a big deal, after all, pigs like to push cabbages, interrupting...the third too much."

The old man muttered.

At this time Xu Tong leaned forward and took the uncle's arm.

The smile on his face gradually faded, and he said in a low voice: "Master, I advise you, will you listen?"

Hearing this, the old man's wrist suddenly tightened, and it turned out that it was held tightly by Xu Tong, unable to move.

For a while, the old man stared coldly at Xu Tong's face, but he no longer saw the kind and friendly smile of the past, only the strange eyes.

"Did I say something wrong, or did your friend leave some traces on you?"

Xu Tong shook his head, just took the screwdriver in his hand: "You are an excellent liar, I almost even believed your words, shouldn't appear here."

"This screwdriver!"

The old man was a little surprised. He didn't expect that it was just a humble screwdriver that exposed his lie? ?
"Yes! I am also surprised that he will find this place, but I am even more surprised that this screwdriver will be left in this place."

From the moment I entered the door, I recognized this thing at a glance.

The old man's words were almost completely logical, and he didn't even find any flaws.

According to normal reasoning, Gao Zhuo found that something was wrong with the other party, so he made an appointment with the other party to go out to solve it.

There is no problem with this statement.

But... this screwdriver shouldn't be here.

He knows better than anyone else the special nature of this screwdriver, so it must have its meaning to stay here.

For example... it's giving yourself a warning!
It's just that the only thing he doesn't understand is that whether it's his good brother or Gao Zhuo, even if the two of them are facing a special forces team, they can still be calm.

And the old man in front of him, who was nearly seventy years old, didn't look like a stranger, let alone a player.

How did he subdue the two of Gao Zhuo, and even forced his good brother to leave his precious lump here to warn himself? ?


The old man snorted coldly, and waved his hand to push Xu Tong away, but Xu Tong didn't make things difficult for him, so he let go of his hand.

The old man turned around and walked into the kitchen, and extinguished the charcoal fire in the stove.

As for the bowl of warm deliciousness in the pot, Xu Tong is naturally not lucky enough to enjoy it.

After turning off the stove, the old man changed his clothes and said, "I wanted to wait a few more days until my granddaughter got married before leaving. Now I have to leave early."

Hearing this, Xu Tong looked suspiciously at the top of the old man's head, and found that the fate above the old man's head had also begun to change, from a bloody disaster to a thick fog. It was not difficult to find that there were reefs hidden in the fog.

This is a sign of danger ahead.

"You said departure, where are you going?"

"Go where you want to go!" The old man's eyes were full of vigilance and vigilance.

"Yin Yang Cave!"

I don't know why, when the old man said this, Xu Tong suddenly thought of the story that Yang Lao said.

Every few years, a chieftain will bring sacrifices and go to the Shiwan Dashan to sacrifice.

It is said that every successful person can achieve what he wants.

Could it be that the reason why I first saw the old man's fate in a state of pine on the tile was because he was going to sacrifice in the mountain, and the location happened to be the Yinyang Cave.

"Ask the question knowingly, young man, I actually like you guys quite a bit, but you shouldn't be thinking about my clan's Holy Land!"

Xu Tong knew that the old man might have misunderstood, but at this moment no explanation would be effective, so he could only wait and see what happened, and first figure out what happened to Gao Zhuo and the others.

The old man took out a small box from the cupboard, opened the box, and inside was all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, as well as the green book of the real estate, and an envelope that had been written long ago.

These are properties he intends to leave to his granddaughter.

It's a pity that in the current situation, it is no longer possible to hand it over to her.

The old man held the box and put the things on the table in the living room.

Then he took out a set of clothes and put them on his body. The clothes looked similar to ordinary Miao people's clothes, but there were many differences in details.

A seedling knife was hung on the back of the waist, and there was also a silver horn hanging from the waist, which was inlaid with many gemstones that had been around for a long time. It was not a modern product at first glance.

This is the clothing of the old man's own clan.

"Old man, there are twelve branches of the Miao people in Xiangxi, which branch are you?"

Xu Tong leaned against the doorpost and asked curiously.

Mentioning this matter, the old man was full of disdain, and patted the horn on his waist. He looked too lazy to explain to Xu Tong, and just sneered: "I am not a member of the Twelve Branches, but you may not know if I tell you. Let's go, your two brothers are still waiting in the back mountain."

The old man casually threw a satchel to Xu Tong, which was full of dry food that had been prepared long ago.

The old man carried a machete on his back and led him out through the back door.

Along a small road, heading straight towards the back of the mountain, there would occasionally be some villagers on the road. They wanted to greet the old man warmly, but when they saw the horn on the old man's waist and the clothes on his body, their expressions suddenly became strange.

Xu Tong could see the expressions of awe and horror in their eyes, but it was strange that there was a bit of disgust hidden under this emotion.

The old man ignored these people and took Xu Tong straight up the mountain.

At this time, the sky was already getting dark, and the mountain road at night was extremely difficult to walk. Even the hunters in the village would not continue to enter the mountain at this time.

But the old man seemed to be very familiar with the environment here, and the night did not disturb his steps at all. As for Xu Tong, he had dark vision, so naturally it would not be affected.

Not long after the two passed through a forest, Xu Tong took a closer look and saw a fire flickering deep in the forest.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a cabin in the woods.

The old man led Xu Tong to the front of the house, pushed the door open, and the warm heat from the room rushed towards Xu Tong's face.

I saw a charcoal fire burning in an iron stove in the room.

And the two figures in the room were squatting in front of the bonfire. When they heard the movement behind them, they turned their heads at the same time.


As soon as Gao Zhuo finished speaking, the figure beside him picked up the shovel in his hand and rushed towards Xu Tong.

"Xu Tong!!!"

Accompanied by the deafening roar, the sharp-edged face was exposed under the firelight, isn't it just the good brother I think about day and night, Chang Wuzhi.

At this moment, he didn't wear sunglasses in his eyes, revealing a pair of scarlet animal pupils, with a murderous aura, wishing to tear Xu Tong's body to pieces.

It's just that he just rushed forward, but fell to the ground with a plop, covering his lower abdomen with his hands, twitching from the pain and breaking out in cold sweat.

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo didn't dare to move at all. After he had tasted that taste once, he didn't want to try it a second time.

Even a cadaverized body can't stand someone messing around in your stomach.

Xu Tong glanced at the young man on the ground, took out a screwdriver from his pocket and threw it to him, but said to the old man beside him, "Look, I just said that this guy won't listen to advice."


Even though the pain was terribly painful, Burial Yu still bared his teeth and claws at Xu Tong, as if the guy in front of him had revenge for killing his father.

Xu Tong squatted down, looked at the distorted face of the young man, and with a growing smile on his face, he put his hand on the guy's head kindly, and looked up and down the young man's face with concern.

"Wuzhi, you've lost weight, you're still the same as when you were a child, playful!"

After speaking, a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he punched this guy in the face. Xu Tong's punch directly deformed Chang Wuzhi's face. He rolled his eyes and fell into a coma. .

Gao Zhuo squinted at the two, and muttered in his heart: "What are these two crazy people doing?"

Seeing this, the old man on the side held the knife handle with one hand, and said to Xu Tong in a cold voice, "Let's go in and talk about it."

After Xu Tong obediently walked in, Gao Zhuo couldn't wait to ask in a low voice, "You ate too?"

Xu Tong rolled his eyes at him: "If I eat it, none of the three of us will want to live now."

Xu Tong didn't know what the old man's method was, but judging from Chang Wuzhi's state, it was more like the rumored Gu insect, and it was not an ordinary Gu insect. Otherwise, with Gao Zhuo's strength, he could kill the old man with one move. , not afraid of the old man urging the Gu worms at all.

Xu Tong generously sat down and wiped his hands by the campfire a few times before asking the old man, "Old man, please make a condition."


The old man actually sat down next to Gao Zhuo, not worried at all that Gao Zhuo would take the opportunity to resist him, looked at Xu Tong and said, "On one condition, let me enter the mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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