Chapter 448
"Go to the Yin Yang Cave?"

Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo looked at each other.

The old man's proposal did not conflict with their goals, but Xu Tong still had to think it over.

Gao Zhuo tentatively said: "Old man, you are going to Yinyang Cave, we can actually cooperate, we are not trying to do anything, just go inside..."

He was interrupted by the old man's sneer before he finished speaking: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't know what you are thinking, after so many years, how many foreigners want to compete for the position of high priest, don't think I don't know, the few people who entered the mountain before Regarding the disappearance, didn't they go to our family's holy place?"

"Oh, you mean, there are other people besides us?"

Xu Tong frowned slightly, pretending to be surprised and said.

The old man smiled but said nothing with a look on his face that he had seen them through.

"We can protect you from entering the mountain, but... the Gu on our body..."

Gao Zhuo pointed to his belly.

The old man seemed to be waiting for Gao Zhuo's words, and took out a boxy box from the satchel behind him. After opening it, he saw a dried toad inside, and the toad's skin was still There is a large piece of something that looks like a pearl.

When Gao Zhuo saw this, his face and mouth twitched a few times, and his eyebrows were all twisted into a ball: "We eat this stuff!"

When I think about the taste of this thing, it is juicy and juicy, and it tastes sweet.

When I ate it by myself, I picked these little pearls to eat. At that time, I just thought it was a delicacy in the world.

Now that he knew that this thing was actually on Toad's back, he couldn't help but pushed open the door and poked his head out, lying on the door and throwing up.

The old man pointed to the toad, and explained to the two proudly: "Although our family was defeated, the things passed down from our ancestors are still there. This is the Gu mother. I have been raising it since I was a child, and I feed it with blood every day. After 30 years, an egg is born on the back, and the thing dies."

After speaking, he pulled back his clothes, exposing his chest.

Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo were surprised to find that the skin on the old man's chest was wrinkled and sticky like toad skin.

"You eat this egg, and our lives are interlinked. If I die, the contents of your stomach will eat up all your internal organs, leaving nothing behind."

Gao Zhuo was stunned for a second, and was about to rush forward to fight the old man desperately: "Old man, believe it or not, I will make your life worse than death~~Aw~~Master, I was wrong."

After only a second of harsh words, Gao Zhuo rushed to the street in an instant.

Obviously, there are many ways to make the old man's life worse than death, but before that, he can also make Gao Zhuo's life worse than death.

The old man squinted his eyes, ignored Gao Zhuo who was lying on the ground, clutching his stomach and rolling, and took out a small chimney pipe to his mouth.

Xu Tong had already rubbed the shredded tobacco, stuffed it into the smoke pot, and casually took out a piece of red-hot charcoal from the iron stove and lit it for the old man.

The shredded tobacco in the smoke pot flickered, and the old man took a deep puff before saying to Xu Tong:

"Xiao Xu, I know that you are not ordinary people. I am not your opponent, sir. I don't care what you ask for. Just protect me and go into the mountains. I will naturally give you the antidote when things are done."

"Yeah, Jiang is still old and spicy. We're scared, and I guarantee you that it's okay to enter the mountain. I also hope that you will keep your word."

Xu Tong obediently confessed, which made the old man very satisfied, but Xu Tong's next words made the old man's face change suddenly.

He casually threw the charcoal in his hand into the iron stove, his face was flickering under the firelight, and the half-smile expression made the old man feel a little terrified. Xu Tong smiled unhurriedly and said, "If you don't get it by then, For the antidote, I will ask your granddaughter for it."

As soon as these words came out, the smile on the old man's face gradually froze.

The two looked at each other silently for a moment, and suddenly burst into laughter at the same time.

They are all smart people, and only by restricting and cooperating with each other can we continue to move forward.

The old man did not see any movement, and Gao Zhuo's stomach pain did not hurt so much when he was lying on the ground.

Sitting on the side with a face of resentment, not to mention how depressed he was, he could be regarded as a half-step master, but he was beaten to death by an ordinary old man, and his mentality was about to explode.

Seeing his gloomy expression, Xu Tong sneered and said, "You deserve it, let me remind you that there are still too many things in this world that we don't know about."

This is actually for himself, although he doesn't understand the principle of Gu worms, but they easily handle Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi, so it can be seen that even if they are great masters, they are not invincible in reality.

"What about him, who is this guy??"

Gao Zhuo kicked Chang Wuzhi who was crawling on the ground and asked Xu Tong.

Xu Tong looked at Chang Wuzhi, who was lying on the ground with dark circles under his eyes, and couldn't help but smirked, "It's my brother!"

After finishing speaking, he sat by the campfire, found a comfortable position, and took a nap while smoking a hookah, as if he had no intention of helping this 'brother' up from the ground at all.

In the end, it was actually the old man who was really worried that this guy would be lying on the ground and get sick from the cold, which would affect their speed of entering the mountain, so Gao Zhuo helped him up and threw him on the small table beside him to crawl.

Early the next morning, before dawn, there was a rustling sound of footsteps in the forest.

Even if the mountains and forests in winter have not yet snowed, they are already so cold that people are shivering all over.

Xu Tong and the others were fine, but the old man had to tighten his clothes.

"Old man, there is one thing I don't understand. Isn't it said that Gu can't be passed on to men? How can you know how to do Gu?"

Xu Tong recalled the old saying in the world of scripts that Gu skills were passed on from women to men, and couldn't help asking the old man.

The old man did not deny this, holding a crutch in one hand, and walked carefully along the footsteps of Xu Tong, while the other hand was supported by Gao Zhuo.

As for Chang Wuzhi, he followed behind with the lipstick coffin on his back, with a face full of resentment, the reason why he was carrying this heavy and heavy coffin was precisely because of Xu Tong's words: "My brother, born with supernatural power! "

So this glorious task naturally fell on Chang Wuzhi.

Every time Chang Wuju took a step, he never forgot to give Xu Tong a hard look. If eyes could kill, Xu Tong must have been torn to pieces at this moment.

"Hmph, you know a lot, but do you know why it's passed on from female to male?"

"I don't know that."

The old man was in a good mood, so he explained it to Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo.

Because the Gu art is passed on to women, women will eventually marry out and marry out from generation to generation. Become bigger and stronger, and even use Gu to control everyone, just like Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi who are enslaved at this moment.

The four of them didn't talk much on the road, and by noon, they had already turned over two hills.

The old man felt more and more guilty as he walked, he knew that Xu Tong and the others were not ordinary people.

But after walking so far, even an old Orion like himself has lost his legs, and the three of them didn't even have a breath.

What's more, the one behind was carrying a coffin full of sacrifices.

"What monsters are these three guys?"

However, although the old man felt guilty, he was still very confident in his Gu technique. This was a Gu technique passed down from his ancestors, and no matter how powerful he was, he would be controlled.



Just as he was thinking about it, Chang Wuzhi behind him suddenly put down the coffin, and said with a displeased face: "I'm not leaving, I'm tired, I want to eat!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong casually took out a sesame seed cake and threw it to him, but Chang Wuzhi slapped him and flew him away.

"Sooner or later, I will use this screwdriver to stab you to death with my own hands!"

Chang Wuzhi didn't know when he took out the screwdriver again, wishing he could use this thing to poke a few holes in Xu Tong's body right now.

Gao Zhuo looked at Xu Tong speechlessly, but found that Xu Tong had a face full of indifference, completely ignoring the threat of perversion.

"Okay, let's take a break. Our speed is good today. At this speed, we will be able to reach the place tomorrow afternoon."

The old man watched his words and gestures, and signaled everyone to rest.

The four found a place to leeward, Gao Zhuo was in charge of building a temporary hut with trees, Xu Tong was in charge of lighting the fire, as for Chang Wuzhi, after putting down the coffin, he rushed into the woods with the speed of an ape. Go find your prey tonight.

As for the old man, he was so tired that he lay down to rest, and he could still hear the old man's snoring after a while.

"Head, is this really your brother??"

Gao Zhuo took advantage of the fact that he was always at home, and asked Xu Tong.

"Yes, a good brother who played together since childhood."

Xu Tong lit a bonfire, nodded and said.

Gao Zhuo looked at a loss: "Then you put a hat on him, or did you have revenge against him for killing his father, why does this kid want to cramp you up?"

Xu Tong raised his head and looked at the sky, and seemed to think for a while before explaining: "The revenge of killing the father is not counted, and he didn't have time to find a girlfriend. Where did the green hat come from... um... oh, it should be regarded as the revenge of killing the son." Revenge."

"Oh, you killed his son, eh?? No, doesn't he have a wife?"

Gao Zhuo wanted to ask again, but Xu Tong suddenly covered his mouth, pricked up his ears to listen carefully, and squinted at the woods not far away.

"Someone, hide!"

As he said that, he waved casually, rolled up a piece of soil on the ground and put out the charcoal fire directly, picked up the coffin and jumped into the bushes.

Gao Zhuo didn't wait for the old man to wake up, he carried the old man on his shoulders, and hid in the grass after him.

After a while, I saw a group of people coming out of the woods, men and women, with baskets full of things on their backs.

Strangely, they were also carrying a big red coffin.

At this time, Xu Tong noticed that there were a few Han people in ordinary clothes in the back. Judging from the way they walked, as well as their energy and appearance, Xu Tong could basically conclude that these people were all aliens with abilities.

It seems that what the old man said is correct, it seems that they are indeed not the only ones who entered the mountain this time.

Xu Tong was thinking in his heart, could it be that they didn't read the almanac when they went out, how could they go to the yin and yang cave, and still encounter such a bunch of bad things.

Suddenly, he saw a figure behind him, his eyes popped out instantly, and he couldn't help but swear in his heart: "Why are these old women here to join in the fun??"

(End of this chapter)

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