Infinite script kill

Chapter 449 The God of Wealth is here

Chapter 449 The God of Wealth is here

I saw a few Miao women walking behind talking and laughing. Xu Tong didn't know anyone else, but the one walking in the middle was wearing Miao clothes with a silver ring on her head and laughed. Xu Tong recognized the graceful figure with a strand of broken hair floating across his forehead at a glance.

This is not my lost wife, who could it be.

Speaking of which, this teacher's wife is also the fault of my master Song Lao.

I wanted to make a paper doll to revive my mistress, but my mistress didn't come back to life, and a monster of unknown origin was resurrected.

Fortunately, this monster is quite trustworthy, and has guarded Mr. Song for a long time, otherwise Mr. Song would have been forcibly taken away by the errand before he could become a teacher.

Besides, speaking of it, I have to thank her.

If she hadn't taken the empty box left by her master to lure away those strangers from Fenglailou, she might be haunted by people from Fenglailou again.

But why did this old woman come to this place? ?

Seeing that everyone was gone, Gao Zhuo came up and saw Xu Tong looking at those little girls in a daze, and he couldn't help laughing wickedly: "Why, the spring heart is rippling?"

Xu Tong didn't explain, but just patted Gao Zhuo's buttocks, raised his eyelids slightly, and looked Gao Zhuo up and down lewdly: "Why don't we make do with each other?? I don't think I'm at a disadvantage."


Gao Zhuo had goosebumps all over his body, and almost smashed the sleeping old man behind him as a weapon.

Seeing Gao Zhuo's fearful look, Xu Tong couldn't help sighing and said, "Hey, you can't help being funny."

After speaking, he stood up, looked at the backs of the group of people going away, and couldn't help thinking in his heart, if the wife of the teacher came, there was no guarantee that the people who came to the building would not come.

Speaking of Fenglailou, Xu Tong felt a sudden chill in his heart.

Whether in reality or in the world of the script, Feng Lai Lou annoys him.

He betrayed the news several times, and every time he was very passive, but such an enemy, he will not fight you openly, but will only hide in the dark to trip you up.

If the people from Fenglailou really came, I should think about it myself, and take some free time to go back to Luoyang City, and learn from the masters in the script world to level this ghost place.

When the people left, Xu Tong and the others stopped camping here and changed places again.

During the period, the old man was still sleeping soundly. When he woke up, he would only find that the place had changed, so he asked Xu Tong about it.

"There are too many people in that place and it is not safe, so I changed the place."

"A lot of people?"

The old man clearly grasped the key words in Xu's fairy tale.

"Yes, when you were always asleep, a group of people passed by just now. There were quite a few of them. They all carried a big red coffin like you."

Xu Tong did not hide this matter, told the truth, and at the same time observed the change of expression on the old man's face.

"Hmph, don't worry about them, without me, those people will never be able to find the secret of the Holy Land."

The old man said with confidence.

Xu Tong noticed that when the old man was speaking, his hand would inadvertently wipe the silver horn on his waist.

"Old man, we've come to this point, so don't hide it. What is that holy place? The Yin-Yang Cave we're looking for is not your holy place."

Gao Zhuo also tried to explain their purpose to the old man, and even took out the [Lingling Yin-Yang Fengshui Map].

But the old man glanced at the position on the Feng Shui map, and instead sneered, "You guys are quite prepared."

The implication is that I still don't believe them.

"Okay, then tell me, why are there so many people here, and who are they?"

Seeing that Xu Tong couldn't explain it clearly, he simply stopped letting Gao Zhuo waste his words in vain, and just asked about the origins of the people he saw yesterday.

"Hmph, they're all a bunch of thieves, they're nothing special."

When mentioning those who went to the Holy Land, the old man was full of contempt, and only under Xu Tong's gaze, he let go and explained: "They are the patriarchs of those families, just like you, want to enter the Holy Land."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help sneering: "But how do they know that they can enter the Holy Land?"

When Xu Tong heard this, he couldn't help thinking about it.

Could it be that my cheap wife is also paying attention to the Holy Land? ?
Just thinking about it, the old man looked around suspiciously, but he didn't see Chang Wuzhi's figure, worried that this guy might lose his way, but Xu Tong said indifferently: "Don't worry, my Brother is born with a dog's nose, and will find it."

The old man is skeptical about this. The depth of the mountain is no better than other places. Even if you take a map, entering the mountain will be a smear. If there is no acquaintance to guide the way, many people will be trapped in this mountain for the rest of their lives.

However, when night fell, Chang Wuzhi got out from the woods, and saw that this guy was carrying two wild boars, and he didn't look tired at all.

He went to the bonfire and threw the wild boar on the ground, then leaned against a tree beside him, but looked at Xu Tong from time to time, like a poisonous snake that might rush up to bite you at any time, let Gao Zhuo felt uncomfortable all over.

The old man walked up to the wild boar's corpse to have a closer look, turned the corpse up and down, and couldn't help being surprised.

No scars were found on the two wild boars, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a hole in the eyes of the two wild boars.

It shows that Chang Wuzhi hunted and killed these wild boars all by piercing the eyes of the wild boars and killing the wild boars directly.

Although I don't know exactly how Chang Wuzhi did it, but among the people I know, I'm afraid no one can do this step.

The old man dragged the chimney, looked at Chang Wuzhi, then at Xu Tong, wondering what he was thinking.

At this time, Xu Tong had already started to roast the pork on the campfire with a knife.

The old man thought it was impossible to finish eating the two wild boars, but before he could finish eating the trotters in his hand, the roast pork on the grill was already snatched up by Xu Tong and the three without even giving him a pig's tail. The old man remains.

After eating and drinking enough, the four of them rested in the grass shed early for the night.

Xu Tong slept soundly that night, but Gao Zhuo didn't sleep so comfortably. On the one hand, it was the old man's snoring. I don't know if it was because of his old age or some respiratory disease.

The snoring sound was very loud. If you want to say that he snored loudly, let it be fine, but when he was snoring, he suddenly stopped, as if he was suddenly stuck. Gao Zhuo trembled in fright, and was awakened instantly.

Fortunately, after such a jam lasted only a few seconds, the deafening snoring sound resumed.

On the other hand, it was also because of the old man, after he was suddenly awakened, what made him even more horrified was that he inadvertently discovered that Chang Wuzhi was lying on the haystack behind them without sleeping.

The bloody eyeballs stared motionlessly at Xu Tong's back, and the resentful and stern eyes looked more like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity in the dark night.

Who can bear this change.

So Gao Zhuo was doomed to not sleep well that night, so that when he was on his way in the morning, he seemed to be in a trance, and he looked absent-minded when he walked.

"Boss, if you have any grudge against this kid, we might as well kill him right now!"

Gao Zhuo whispered to Xu Tong while leaning on his arm.

Thinking of the look in this guy's eyes last night, I felt uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, he doesn't dare to fight us."

Xu Tong patted Gao Zhuo on the shoulder with a smile on his face. Although this guy is a beast when he is crazy, the beast also has brains, otherwise why would he drop the screwdriver to remind himself.

Right now, I am the only one who can check and balance the old man. If there is no threat of myself, the old man will truly control his life and death.

So even if Chang Wuzhi wanted to tear himself into pieces, he had to wait until the old man got rid of the Gu worms in his body.

Gao Zhuo pondered for a while, but this is the reason.

But when he asked Xu Tong about the deep hatred between him and Chang Wuzhi, Xu Tong just smiled mysteriously and said, "A minor operation!"

After finishing speaking, he did not give Gao Zhuo a chance to ask any more questions, and walked forward at a faster pace.

After the four of them climbed over a small hill along the route, the surrounding air also began to become gloomy and cold.

Some dilapidated statues and steps carved out of the stone can be seen on the road. It seems that everything shows that there were traces of human life here.

At this moment, Xu Tong noticed that some stone statues still had bullet holes.

"That was left behind by the bandits."

Seeing Xu Tong staring at the bullet hole, the old man stepped forward and explained to him.

I don't know how many people died when they went into the mountains to suppress bandits.

It is said that the gangsters have a village at five steps, and a post at three steps. In addition to the complex environment here, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is difficult to move the cannons in. Every time they capture a place, it will bring huge casualties.

It wasn't until those bandits retreated to Heifeng Mountain that they could not retreat, and they were all wiped out.

While speaking, a piece of ruins appeared in front of the four of them. Even though the ruins were only broken walls, it was still possible to see how glorious this place was.

Gao Zhuo picked up a piece of wood casually, put it under the bridge of his nose and sniffed it gently, he was surprised for a moment and said: "I'll go, this is high-quality nanmu!!"

Because of his preference for collecting coffins, Gao Zhuo is also very sensitive to wood.

Looking at the wood fragments scattered on the ground, it can be said that they are everywhere, and I can't help being a little surprised: "Could it be that this village was all made of nanmu back then? This is too extravagant."

"It's rare and strange. This is just the gate of the village. There are still a few houses on the back hill. If the houses have not been destroyed, they should still be there now. They are made of yew."

The old man sneered aside.

Gao Zhuo's eyes went straight when he heard this, and he wondered if he should take some away and make a coffin back home.

Wild yews are now under national key protection.

But for a wealthy family that has stood on this land for thousands of years, it is really not a rare thing.

"Master, you are so familiar with this place, did your family live here before?" Gao Zhuo asked tentatively.

He doesn't know what the old man's origin is, but he once heard from his old man that there used to be such a chieftain family that has been passed down for thousands of years in a hundred thousand mountains.

That is a real wealthy family, all Miao people dare not disobey the order of this family, it can be called a country within a country.

But then I don't know what happened, a fire caused the family to disappear without a trace.

It is said that it was attacked by bandits, and it is also said that it was punished by the gods.

In short, since then, few people have mentioned this family.

Now seeing that the old man is so familiar with this place, Gao Zhuo couldn't help but suspect the old man's real identity.

The old man lowered his head and did not explain. He just put his rough hand on the stone pillar in front of him and groped down the stone pillar for about one meter. He found a deep scratch.

Even though more than half a century has passed, when he touches this scratch, the old man can still clearly flash his father in his mind, compared to the time when his own size scratched a knife mark on the stone. The remarks.

"Azi, you have grown taller again. From now on, Dad will cut you a knife on this rock every year. When you grow so tall one day, you will be the master of our family."

"Okay, okay, when the time comes, I will also become the patron saint of our family just like Dad."

The words of that year echoed clearly in my mind at this moment.

But the knife marks used to measure his height stayed at this height forever.

Thinking that the old man's eyes were slightly red as if sand had entered them, he wiped them with his sleeve a few times before saying to Xu Tong and the others: "Let's go, after passing here, there is Heifeng Mountain behind."

At the foot of Heifeng Mountain, a group of people were sitting under a tree, warming up by the fire and eating dry food.

I still couldn't help complaining: "What are we doing here? It's really hard work. If I knew it was so difficult in the mountains, I shouldn't have come."

"This makes you feel uncomfortable. Let me tell you, it's winter. If you go into the mountains in summer, hey, those mosquitoes in the mountains alone are enough for you to drink a pot."

When mentioning these insects in the mountains, everyone couldn't help but feel a little bit anxious. Although the Miao people gave them an insect repellent, the medicine was not 100% effective.

When someone was sleeping last night, he was bitten by some kind of bug.

As a result, the next morning, the person had already turned into a puddle of thick blood.

Thinking about that scene, I felt that the back of my neck was cold, and I inevitably regretted it, but it was too late to regret it now.

A man gnawed on the biscuit in his hand and said in an envious tone: "Hey, I envy those who were not selected by those seedlings. They should have withdrawn from Xiangxi by now."

"Why don't you withdraw and wait for death? We have so many people who died recently. The last time seven people died, they were found by the police before they could collect their bodies. Now there is a lot of trouble. If I didn't have a murder case on me, I would have withdrawn a long time ago. , why follow you into the mountains."

As soon as the murder case happened, there were all kinds of investigations at the major exits and highways. Only the road into the mountain had no police, and those with criminal records could only drill into the mountain.

"It's not because the information given by Fenglailou is inaccurate. He said that the person is in Jishou. Who knew that Jishou suddenly jumped out so many aborigines. What kind of boy do you call Xu Tong? He is really capable. So many aborigines protect him." He, we can only watch this God of Wealth standing there, and no one dares to do anything."

A few people were talking about something, and suddenly one of them raised his head and said, "Another person is here."

Several people turned their heads and saw four figures, a huge red coffin was already in their line of sight, gnawing sesame seed cakes in their mouths, and they didn't take it seriously.

However, at this moment, someone suddenly rubbed his eyes and stared carefully at the face of one of them, and immediately the pancake in his hand fell to the ground.

"Fuck, the God of Wealth is here!!"

 I'm sorry, I seem to be a little bit cold today, I don't feel well, I originally planned to ask for leave, but thinking that the 31st of this month is my daughter's birthday, and I want to ask for leave on the 31st, I dare not ask for leave, so I can only write a chapter first, sorry , sorry ha.

(End of this chapter)

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