Infinite script kill

Chapter 450 Cause and Effect

Chapter 450 Cause and Effect
This place, Heifeng Mountain, is not tall or majestic among the [-] mountains.

Except for the legend about the black wind, there is almost nothing here, poor mountains and bad waters.

But when people go up the mountain, they will find that the place has been shrouded in mist for many years, and the mountain is bitingly cold. Even if the sun shines on their bodies, they will feel that the sun is cold.

An old gentleman from Jinzimen walked up the ridge, looked at the forest in front of him, and already felt withdrawn in his heart: "It's so fierce, this place is not an ordinary place, with dangerous peaks intertwined, fierce and evil, it looks like a ghost's shadowy mountain , it doesn’t look like a holy place.”

"I heard that when we went to the mountain to suppress the bandits, three thousand bandits gathered here and refused to surrender. In the end, they even killed all the villagers and children who were robbed. So many people's lives were buried here. The focus of resentment is natural."

Beside the old man, a young man wearing glasses talked eloquently, obviously doing some homework before going up the mountain.

Everyone looked at the young man, and saw that the young man had a light demeanor. Although he looked a little delicate, he did not appear stingy in his gestures, especially his eyes, which were clear and bright. Looking at the equipment on his body, he knew that this young man was from a wealthy family. That is expensive.

Seeing this, the old man couldn't help hesitating for a moment, and bowed his hands to the young man: "The cliffs and cypresses look at the river, and the sparks burn the ground. One foot is in the door and the other is outside the door. Little brother, can you enlighten me on what to choose."

The old man's opening rhymed quite well, and the young man naturally heard it clearly. The first two sentences are self-reported, and the five elements are short of gold, so it is the beginning of gold.

One foot in the door and one foot outside, surnamed Li.

What to choose, is to ask yourself who is the name of the master.

Although the young man could understand, he didn't wander the rivers and lakes, so he didn't have any dirty words with the old man, and said bluntly: "Just passing by, come here to see clearly."

Hearing this, the eyes of several people present were a little unkind.

Especially this old Mr. Jinzimen surnamed Li, his face was a little bit embarrassing.

Reporting your age to you by yourself is to flatter you, and if you pass by with an understatement, you are slapping someone in the face.

Immediately, he tapped his toes calmly, and a gust of cool wind came, and anyone with a discerning eye could feel the changes in the surrounding aura.

"Young man, you have to see it clearly, but it made us confused."

As the old man said, he stretched out his hand and patted the young man on the shoulder. Patting on the shoulder is itself a taboo in Jianghu.

What's more, there was a blue light on the old man's fingertips, which was obviously not a good thing, but the young man didn't dodge it, and let the old man pat his shoulder.

Looking at the old gentleman with a smile on his face: "Senior, you are pretending to be ignorant while you are understanding."

The old man stared blankly at his hand for a moment, and when he looked carefully, he found that his palm had stopped within a finger gap of the young man's shoulder.

It's not that he wants to stop, but that this hand can't continue at all.


The old man's face changed drastically, but the young man said with a smile: "Old man, there were three sentences handed down by Master Chu Zhao, the general leader of Jin Dian back then. Remember."

The old man's body shook violently, his eyes stared at the young man like copper bells, and he said in surprise: "You must not be reminded of the blessing!"

After speaking, he hurriedly wanted to let go, but it was too late. The young man shook his shoulders, and the old man's hand hanging on his shoulder immediately burst into two holes, as if his hand had been pierced by some invisible thing. The old man had bulging veins on his forehead, and he kept backing away while covering his hands.

Seeing this, the few people with the old gentleman turned cold and wanted to do something, but the old gentleman hurriedly stopped them, and then bowed his hands to the young man and bowed deeply: "Young old man is reckless."

"Hey!" The young man bared his teeth and raised his head to continue walking forward.

After the young man left, other people gathered around and asked the old man what was going on.

The old man wiped off the blood on his hands, and when he saw this, he hurriedly signaled everyone to lower their voices, and said in a low voice: "That guy is from Plum Blossom Village, let's not provoke him."

"Plum Blossom Village!"

The crowd was horrified, and all of them felt a huge wave in their hearts for a moment, and they dared not speak any more.

It seems to be particularly afraid of these three words.

A group of people hurriedly continued to climb the mountain. As a result, they had just taken two steps when they heard hurried footsteps behind them. Looking back, they saw a person rushing from the bottom of the mountain.

Seeing that the expression on this man's face was not normal, someone stopped him and asked what was going on.

The other party refused to stop, and only said: "The God of Wealth is here." After speaking, he continued to run forward.

"God of Wealth??"

Several people looked at each other, before realizing who is the God of Wealth.

I saw a group of people behind carrying a coffin up the mountain. These people were the ones who had eaten cakes at the foot of the mountain just now, but now they were carrying the red coffin with bruises and faces, and they bravely climbed up the mountain.

And on top of the coffin, a chair was actually placed, on which sat a young man with his legs crossed, looking leisurely and contented.

"It's him!!"

When they saw the young man's face clearly, the old gentleman and the others were startled, and immediately recognized that the person sitting on the coffin was none other than the God of Wealth they were looking for, Xu Tong!
As the saying goes, if you break through the iron shoes, you will find nowhere to find it, and it will take no effort to get it.

For a while, several people looked at the figure on the chair, it was like a golden mountain placed on it.

But before they could make a move, the old man squinted, and quickly stretched out his hand to grab the companions beside him: "Don't move!! Something's wrong!"

Several people knew the origin of the old man. Although he was not the general leader of Jin Dian, his seniority was quite high. Strictly speaking, Master Chu Zhao, who had been dead for many years, and him could be regarded as brothers in the same school.

Seeing him stop them, they looked sideways for a while.

"Don't do anything, the four people who carried the coffin were just a few people who were at the bottom of the mountain just now. Look at them, they don't seem to be taking advantage of it."

When the old man said this, others would see it, right?

The four people had bruised noses and swollen faces. If the old gentleman hadn't reminded them so much, they wouldn't have recognized them.

Take the one who just ran away, the five of them are collectively known as the Five Ghosts of Xiangxi, they are good at ghost skills, and they can be regarded as aliens with good strength, but at this moment, four of them can only carry the coffin honestly.

When the four of them saw them, they were stunned for a moment, and then quickly lowered their heads, as if they were afraid of being recognized.

Speaking of which, they were also unlucky. After seeing Xu Tong, they were so happy that they didn't even eat the pancakes, and rushed forward to chop him up.

According to the information given by Fenglailou, this kid has only been a teacher for a few months, and he was a patient who escaped from the madhouse a few months ago.

Who would take a mental illness to heart.

However, after they rushed over, they realized that things were completely different from what they thought.

Xu Tong didn't even make a move, a black shadow pounced on him, it was none other than Gao Zhuo.

Gao Zhuo's strikes were quite measured, and he didn't kill them, but he punched five people on the ground without any rules.

What Xiangxi five ghosts, Xiangxi tofu dregs are almost the same.

In comparison, in the last scenario world, those rookies who had practiced martial arts for three years were better than them.

As for the skeleton magic they released, it can deal with ordinary people like the old man, but when facing Gao Zhuo, it can be smashed with one punch, and it doesn't work at all.

After the fight, Gao Zhuo didn't kill them, but simply asked about the situation.

Only after asking this question did I know, good guy, it turns out that things are more complicated than they thought.


Three months ago, Fenglailou dispatched 30 people to flood into Xiangxi. In the same month, there were rumors in the rivers and lakes that a mysterious force surfaced in Xiangxi, and 30 people from Fenglailou disappeared overnight.

No one knew who this mysterious force was, and even Feng Lai Lou couldn't find out the origin of the other party.

Soon, the four top masters from Fenglailou entered Hunan, but there was no news about the four of them, and it was suspected that they were once again poisoned by the mysterious force.

Immediately after January, Fenglailou issued wanted arrest warrants in Jianghu.

The maximum reward amount is 500 million, plus one of the 24 ancient martial arts classics collected by Fenglailou over the years, and a Linglong Pill.

Instantly ignited the entire alien circle.

A large number of aliens began to pour into Xiangxi, not only for the 500 million, 24 classics and a Linglong pill, it was enough to make many aliens want to move.

And all this is just for one person, Xu Tong.

Just to say the name of this guy, no one in Jianghu knows, and no one in the alien circle has heard of it.

Even his master is a little-known little man.

When many people got the information, they immediately wondered if this kid had blown up Fenglailou's toilet, so that Fenglailou could kill him at any cost.

But wait for them to look down at this kid's teacher.

Luoyang Qimen, under the tutelage of Xue Gui.

After seeing these eight characters, most people understand it. Even if they don't understand it, they can know what kind of nightmare these two characters Xue Gui are in the hearts of the older generation.

Even some old seniors have to do it, not for the reward of Feng Lailou, but for killing Xue Gui's disciple and grandson to vent their anger on their teacher.

It's just that after the vast majority of people entered Hunan, seven murders broke out on the street before they had time to do anything.

It doesn't matter who killed the seven people, but the bodies were thrown on the ground, and the officials were not alarmed now.

In a small city like Jishou, seven people died on the streets. This is a big enough case to hit the hot searches. Now Jishou is being searched everywhere, and some unlucky people with criminal records are directly arrested.

Even if there is no criminal record, it is difficult to explain why so many people suddenly poured into Xiangxi.

In short, the official action was faster than they imagined. At this time, a group of Miao people came to the door and invited them to enter the mountain to participate in their 44-year-old god sacrifice.

Those who participate in the sacrifice will receive a generous gift, but the premise is that the safety of the clan leaders must be protected.

This is the right time, and it's not bad to go into the mountains to hide, and by the way, you can also see the magical power of the legendary seedlings with witchcraft.

Of course, at this juncture, such a thing suddenly appeared, and it would be a lie to say that there was no doubt.

It's just that since they're all here, it doesn't matter if it's a rush into the dragon's pond and tiger's den.

As a result, most of those aliens who were chasing and killing Xu Tong went up the mountain, and the rest of the things were just like this moment.

The five Xiangxi Five Ghosts who wanted to eat crabs were the first to be rubbed against the ground by the crabs.

Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo were also surprised.

The two always thought that after they hid in Gao's house, Fenglailou should give up.

But Fenglailou kept sending people here, they didn't know that it was because someone helped them stop them.

It's just... who has been secretly helping them? ?
Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo were puzzled as to who was helping them.

And as far as Gao Zhuo knew, it was extraordinary for Xiangxi to have such a powerful person. Although their Gao family had some ability and influence, they definitely could not reach this level.

The two of them didn't think too much about it. Since there are so many masters on the mountain now, Xu Tong also wanted to see how many masters of the world are left after the master's blood stained Beimang.

So one of the five ghosts in western Hunan was sent up the mountain to report the news, and the remaining four just happened to carry the coffin for them.

On the other hand, he took out a small stool and sat on the coffin, and wanted to settle the old score between Qimen and them with these strangers in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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