Infinite script kill

Chapter 453 One way to kill the past

Chapter 453 Kill all the way (two chapters in one, add more for Brother Qiu)


With the sound of corpses falling on the water, everyone woke up like a dream.

His eyes widened and he looked at the water pool under the cliff. This water pool was as black as ink, and the corpse sank into the water quickly after falling into it, without even a single trace of blood.

If it weren't for the turbulent waves on the water, everyone would have wondered if they were hallucinating.

It takes two years to smelt iron sand palms, two years to fry grains, three years to fry chestnuts, and five years to fry sand. It takes 20 years to be as good as that man.

Among them, it is necessary to learn boxing techniques, palm techniques, and practice hard day after day.

Combined with countless drugs.

Once the palm is mastered, it will be a real killing machine. Few people present dare say that they can take this palm forcefully.

But such a master was slapped to death with a slap, which is too shocking and unacceptable.

What made it even more difficult for them to accept was that Fenglailou's information was completely different from the Xu Tong in front of them.

Didn't you just get started for a few months? ?
What about neuropathy? ?

Slap to death a master, you tell me he is a rookie? ?

For a moment, everyone was silent, no one spoke, and they didn't even dare to vent their anger. They all paid attention nervously.

A woman in the crowd stared at Xu Tong intently, her big watery eyes glowing brightly.

Secretly pondering in his heart: "This old thing, didn't he keep a hand?"

"it is good!"

The young man squatting in the corner stood up excitedly, clenched his hands into fists, and stared at Xu Tong intently, as if watching the excitement was not a big deal.

"If you want to go up together, let's settle the accounts today. After today, my seven accounts will be cancelled."

With his hands behind his back, Xu Tong looked at Zhou Hun and the other elders expressionlessly. He knew that these old bones who were about to enter the coffin came to this place definitely not for some kind of reward. On the head.

For a moment, the few people standing around Xu Tong felt chills and retreated tremblingly, really frightened.

"Why, the seniors don't plan to come to me to settle accounts? Or, suddenly found that your family's accounts are not that important."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone felt their teeth itch with hatred. These words were too hurtful.

"Feng Lai Lou is too damaged. This kid's basic skills are so solid, it looks like he started practicing when he was young."

Seeing this, the Taoist next to Zhou Hun couldn't help cursing.

Zhou Hun squinted at the Taoist, snorted coldly, disdaining to talk to the Taoist, walked forward, and was about to speak.

But I saw one person taking the first step.

"I come!"

The visitor passed through the crowd and went straight to Xu Tong with a long gun on his back. With a shake of his back, the long gun flew out of the holster and was held in his hand.

"It's Little Spear King, Wu Zheng!"

Someone saw the black spear and immediately recognized the origin of this person.

At that time, Hebei Spear King Wu Shaocheng was famous in Hebei. At Beiman Mountain, Wu Shaocheng lost to Xue Gui and was smashed by a palm.

Wu Zheng in front of him was Wu Shaocheng's youngest son. Although he hadn't learned the Overlord Spear, his pear blossom marksmanship was unrivaled in martial arts.

Wu Zheng waited for many years for the bloody enmity. After seeing Xu Tong, he didn't plan to do anything.

I feel that killing an ordinary person who has no power to restrain a chicken is too shameful.

But seeing that Xu Tong is not an ordinary person, there is no psychological burden at all when he makes a move, and Wu Zheng doesn't say much, rushing towards Xu Tong, raising his hand and stabbing him out with a single shot.

The gun made a clanging sound, and there was a force surrounding the gun's edge, causing everyone's hearts to tremble.

In this era when half-step masters are rare, to be able to cultivate such a spear, the strength has already surpassed Wu Shaocheng, the spear king of the year.

Seeing this, Xu Tong raised his hand and used the five-bird grasping hand, facing the gun body and grabbing it with his big hand.

"court death!"

Seeing that Xu Tong dared to reach out to grab the tip of the gun, Wu Zhenghu's eyes widened. With a flick of his wrist, there were gun shadows all over the sky. Ignoring those dazzling shadows, he grabbed the gun head.

Wu Zheng was startled, and subconsciously wanted to stab forward with force, but at this moment, Xu Tong's fingertips twisted lightly.


With the sound of breaking, I saw Xu Tong's arm moved forward, and the sub-black gun head was reflected in Wu Zheng's pupils.


The blood burst out, and a shrill scream came out, making everyone terrified.

I saw Wu Zheng holding a headless spear, standing in place, but the end of the gun was stuck in his chest, looking at Xu Tong himself with an expression of disbelief.

"Death pays off, the next one!"

With a blank face, Xu Tong raised his hand and slapped Wu Zheng off the cliff.

"Plop!" The water splashed.

At this moment, there was complete silence, and everyone was sweating profusely. They did not expect that Wu Zheng, the little gun king, would encounter such an end without even passing a round.

Xu Tong didn't wait any longer, and started to walk towards the crowd on his own initiative.

Seeing Xu Tong approaching, everyone unconsciously moved out of the way.

At this time, a middle-aged man, seeing Xu Tong's back exposed in front of him, suddenly stabbed a dagger, and went straight to Xu Tong's back.

The knife was sharp and fast, but Xu Tong seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, before the dagger stabbed him, he turned around and punched the man in the chest.

For a moment, everyone could hear the cracking of bones.

Looking at it again, the person had already fallen to the ground, spitting blood and not breathing. Xu Tong walked up to the corpse, kicked the corpse off the cliff with a hook of his toes.

Blood rained down, and the corpse flew straight into the pool, but the angle was not right.

He hit his head on a raised rock below first, and then splashed a large amount of blood on the rock before falling into the pool. This is a very unseemly way of dying, but no one dared to object to it.

Xu Tong continued to move forward, and everyone could only make way.

It wasn't until Xu Tong came in front of Zhou Hun and the other old people that he stopped: "Few old men, let's continue to settle the bill!"

Xu Tong's voice was very soft, but every word carried a strong sense of oppression.

That condescending look made the blood stagnate in Zhou Hun and the others.

"Seven Gates... Xue Gui..."

Zhou Hun gritted his teeth tightly, and his heart was already in turmoil. He was not shocked by Xu Tong's strength, but felt unwilling because of Xu Tong's strength.

A person who has been dead for so many years, how can he still find a successor, such an excellent successor.

Could it be that the crime committed by the Qimen should not be the death of children and grandchildren?
Zhou Hun settled down and stared at Xu Tong: "Like, you really look like your master Xue Gui. Back then in Beimang Mountain, your master Xue Gui started killing people. My uncle Zhou Yaosheng and his disciples all died tragically." In the hands of your master, how dare I forget this account!"

"Zhou Yaosheng!"

Xu Tong was taken aback, he still had a little impression of the name, and after thinking about it, he remembered it.

In the script world, his position was exposed, and he was chased to the freight station by those strangers. Among them was a blind old man, Zhou Yaosheng.

At that time, his apprentice killed him, but he used his big fat self-explosion to kill him alive. Then the master came, and Zhou Yaosheng was determined to take revenge, so he was sent away directly by the master.

But in reality, Zhou Yaosheng and his apprentice died at the hands of the master.

The master had warned these people before the massacre on Beiman Mountain, telling them to go down the mountain, and those who didn't go down the mountain would be killed.

It was they who refused to listen to persuasion and were all killed in the end.

It is also self-inflicted to say the least.

Now hearing that Zhou Hun wanted to settle the account, Xu Tong raised his eyebrows: "You are an elder, you can draw a way."

"Hey, kid, you're so crazy, I want to see the methods of your seven sects too!"

Before Zhou Hun could speak, a Taoist came up holding his beard, obviously planning to fight with Zhou Hun.

It's just that Zhou Hun obviously doesn't want to get entangled with this Taoist.

Hearing the words, he didn't speak, but distanced himself from the Taoist.

This made the Taoist look a little embarrassed.

Xu Tong looked at the Taoist, and he could tell at a glance that this Taoist was not low in strength, and his energy was concentrated and persistent. Although he was not a master, he already had the aura of a half-step master.

"Are you here to settle accounts, or to settle accounts?"

Xu Tong squinted his eyes and asked.

Unexpectedly, the smile on the man's face was very wretched, he squeezed his beard and said, "Guess!"

The Taoist wanted to use his wits to alleviate the embarrassment of being dodged by Zhou Hun, but just as he finished speaking, Xu Tong suddenly slapped him.

The slap was urgent and fast, and when the Taoist realized it, he was already close at hand.

Although Xu Tong was suspected of a sneak attack, the Taoist didn't expect the slap to come so quickly. In a hurry, he saw a strong wind burst out from the Taoist, and a gleaming silver pearl flew out of his sleeve robe, turning into a slap. Make a barrier in front of yourself.

"magic weapon!"

Zhou Hun and other old people couldn't help being surprised when they saw this, they didn't expect this Taoist to have the legendary magic weapon in his hands.

The so-called magic treasure is naturally a treasure produced by using the treasures of heaven, material and earth, combined with a unique method of continuous sacrifice.

But this kind of thing has been extinct since the Ming Dynasty, and now it is the age of the end of the Dharma, and the treasures of heaven and earth have long since disappeared, and they cannot be found at all.

Only one or two of the great religions that have been passed down for thousands of years, such as Longhu Mountain and Quanzhen Sect, may still exist.

I didn't expect this Taoist to come up with the legendary magic weapon, no wonder he has such confidence.

What they don't know is that this magic weapon was also obtained by accident from a large Yuan Dynasty tomb stolen by Taoists.

When I got it, it was almost damaged, and I had been hiding it on my body for so many sacrifices all these years, but I couldn't fully restore it.

At this time, Xu Tong slapped it, and the Taoist could only use this object to block it in a hurry, but what they didn't know was that when Xu Tong slapped, the palm had already used the power between reality and reality.

The so-called magic weapon in front of him, under the squeeze between the virtual and the real, not only did not have the effect of defense, but instead interrupted the connection with the Taoist all at once, and lost its strength all at once.

Immediately after this slap, it was still slapped on the Taoist's face under the surprised eyes of everyone.


Accompanied by loud applause, the Taoist flew out immediately.

Xu Tong spat coldly: "It's just a matter of killing people for money, let me guess? Bah, what a joke."

The Taoist didn't report his background, obviously he didn't come here for revenge, since it wasn't for revenge, he was for Fenglailou's bounty.

For old guys like Zhou Hun, Xu Tong still needs to be polite.

But when dealing with this kind of person who came to kill him for money, Xu Tong didn't even bother to be polite, and showed no mercy.

The Taoist slapped Xu Tong forcefully. Although he didn't die, half of his face was smashed into pieces. He cried out in pain. When they got up, everyone saw that the Taoist's face was crooked.

She was already obscene, but now her mouth is crooked, which makes her look even more ridiculous.

It caused everyone to laugh unknowingly, even if the voice was very low, but with so many people laughing together, the voice naturally couldn't be suppressed.

For a moment, the Taoist's eyes were red, and he stared at Xu Tong like an enraged beast.

He already hated Xu Tong to the extreme in his heart, but he hated it, but he didn't dare to do it rashly, the slap just now gave him an illusion.

That strange feeling, as if some force interrupted the connection between himself and the magic weapon.

This can't help but make the crooked Taoist think of the words that have disappeared, which is also the realm he can't ask for.

It's just that he just thought about it, and he didn't really take it seriously. After all, in the Dharma-ending era, it is impossible for great masters to appear again.

Right now, he couldn't figure out what was going on, so the Taoist with a crooked mouth only dared to hide aside, not daring to act rashly.

Xu Tong didn't bother to pay attention to this thing, and turned his gaze to Zhou Hun in front of him again: "The annoying fly goes away, old man, do you pay this debt!"


Zhou Hun took a deep breath and walked up to meet Xu Tong. The whisks in his hands shook, and each whisk gradually floated as if it had lost gravity.

Accompanied by Zhou Hun's footsteps, there was a sound of waves around him.

In this place, apart from the black water pool under the cliff, there is no other water source, so how could there be waves?

However, the sound of the waves was getting louder and louder at this moment.

For a while, several seedling girls sitting in the distance raised their heads and looked at Zhou Hun intently. Even in the thatched hut not far away, a pair of eyelids opened slightly, showing a dignified expression.

"Half-step master!"

Gao Zhuo who was standing behind the old man was the first to notice Zhou Hun's aura.

It's just that there is no worry in the words.

As both half-step masters, Gao Zhuo knew in his heart that half-step masters were not at the same level as grand masters at all, so there was nothing to worry about.

Besides... Zhou Hun's half-step master is obviously sloppy.

Sure enough, with the surge of Zhou Hun's breath, Xu Tong also found that the old man's blood was also rapidly evaporating.

Originally, it was obviously a long-lived fate, but at this moment, it suddenly lost its strength. It seems that it must have been caused by some special method to force a breakthrough.

"You, be punished"

Zhou Hun's eyeballs were bloodshot, even if he risked his life today, he would take Xue Gui, his disciple, away.

Xu Tong's expression was cold, and he said: "The debt of death is eliminated, and the old man is gone!"

"Let's go together and kill this monster!"

At this time, the crowd behind was commotion, and someone shouted to bring the rhythm.

However, many people chose to watch, did not move, and did not dare to step forward.

Xu Tong's performance just now was really astonishing. Most of the people were stunned, and no one dared to act rashly.

The people who really stepped forward were naturally those who had blood feuds with the Qimen. These people gathered together and rushed towards Xu Tong.


With a long howl, Zhou Hun's breath was urged to the extreme, and he waved the whisk in his hand to sweep towards Xu Tong's chest.

All of a sudden, tens of millions of silver threads were covered in the dust fly, turning into silver flowers in the sea of ​​waves, and the scene of the turbulent waves rising to cover the sky and covering the sun made everyone shocked, and even screamed with excitement.

But Xu Tong was very calm. Instead of retreating, he walked towards the waves. What was even more strange was that the overwhelming waves fell in front of Xu Tong, and he calmed down instantly, allowing him to walk on the waves.

While walking, he said: "Old man, when the truth is false, the false is also true. In the depths of inaction, there is or is not. What is false is ultimately false. It cannot be true."

While speaking, Xu Tong raised his palm, pinched a thin paper knife between his fingers, and waved it towards the stormy sea in front of him.


In an instant, the waves in front of his eyes dissipated, and countless vaginas fell from the midair like fluff.

The whisk in Zhou Hun's hand was still held in the air, but the whisk had already been cut in half, and what was also cut was the hair-like bloodstain on Zhou Hun's throat.


Zhou Hun stared straight at Xu Tong's finger, and when he saw the small paper blade on his finger, everything became clear in an instant.

For a moment, his eyes became extremely complicated. Regardless of the information given by Fenglailou, even if this guy is a peerless genius, he has become an insurmountable mountain at such a young age...

Xue Gui... You are so poisonous, you killed so many people, and now you want your disciple to kill again, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost!

"Kill, kill this kid together!"

The people who were rushing towards Xu Tong saw that neither Xu Tong nor Zhou Hun moved, so they wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to shoot Xu Tong to death.

Naturally, that crooked Taoist was also included.

Facing the figures coming from behind, Zhou Hun's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, as if he was trying his best to tell them something.

But the moment the blade crossed his throat, Xu Tong's life had already been put to rest.

He could only watch helplessly as they charged forward to die.

Xu Tong squinted at those angry faces, and for a moment he understood the mood of the master when he was surrounded by so many strangers.

There was no anger, no murderous intent, and only the picture of life passing by at the end was seen in the indifferent eyes.

In a trance, Xu Tong raised his hand slightly, and bowed to the crowd with both hands.

"Bai Shan button!"

In an instant, whether it was that crooked Taoist or those strangers who wanted to take the opportunity to kill Xu Tong, with Xu Tong's obeisance falling, the world in front of him instantly turned into darkness.

"how is this possible!!"

The young man who was hiding in the distance stood up abruptly, looking at the picture in front of him in horror.

The dozen or so people rushing forward died instantly.

Even the Taoist with the crooked mouth fell to the ground and died in an instant, bleeding from seven holes.

Such a weird scene is exactly the same as the sorcery recorded in the rivers and lakes, Luoyang Seven Gates, Baishankou!

But since Xue Gui's death, this sorcery has long been lost.

In the thatched hut in the distance, an old woman opened her eyes, and there was a brilliant light in her eyes: "Brother Xue has a descendant!"

 It was originally two chapters, but everyone said they wanted to finish writing in one go, so they finished this paragraph in one go and posted it together

(End of this chapter)

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