Chapter 454 Convinced (first update)
No screams, no pain, corpses without souls, more than a dozen people fell to the ground heavily like chopped wheat.

All of a sudden, there was complete silence all around, no one dared to speak, and everyone was petrified by this scene.

The man was still standing there with his hands down, but in the eyes of everyone, he was no less terrifying than a devil. Even the leaders of the seedlings in the distance also stood up, shocked by the strange sorcery in front of them.

It was just a single move to kill more than ten people. After so many years, this scene has already become a legend in history, but now it actually happened in front of him.

And the one who shot the murderer was Xu Tong who was ridiculed by them as the God of Wealth.

This huge contrast is like a dream.


In the crowd, someone swallowed hard and almost suffocated. The aura pervading from this godlike and demonic man made people feel deeply desperate.

"Yes!! It's you!! It's you!! He lived, he lived!!!"

A shrill scream woke everyone up, the sound seemed crazy and silly, and Li Kanglai, who was already seventy years old, stumbled out of the crowd.

Pointing at Xu Tong tremblingly, he screamed tremblingly: "He's alive, he's alive!!"

When Li Kanglai was young, he followed his grandfather to Beimang and witnessed the bloody battle that year.

From that day on, the word Xue Gui became a nightmare in his heart.

From the moment he saw Xu Tong, Li Kanglai had an illusion...

Xue Gui is not dead, he will still be alive.

Now seeing the familiar scene reappear in front of him, the frail spirit of this ancient old man finally couldn't hold it anymore, he stumbled and hid, like a lunatic, repeating the sentence in his mouth: "He is still alive still alive..."

Everyone watched the old man leave, and everyone's expressions were extremely complicated.

Xu Tong's expression was very calm, and he didn't say anything. Wherever his eyes swept, everyone present dared not look directly at it, and lowered their heads involuntarily.

Only a few people gritted their teeth. Although they didn't say anything, their eyes were full of despair. The scene just now made them feel deeply desperate. Their hearts were filled with three words, but they didn't dare and didn't want to admit it.


Someone finally opened his mouth and said the sentence that everyone least wanted to admit.

"Qimen, a small household with a paper-made family is actually a master of two generations, Xue Gui, Xue Gui, God really treats your family well."

The exclamation confirmed everyone's guess.

For a moment, everyone felt an unprecedented sense of absurdity.

A guy who escaped from a mental hospital became a grand master in just a few months. This speed is probably beyond the imagination of those sects that have been passed down for thousands of years.

But what followed was despair like falling into an abyss.

"This guy!!"

Standing behind the old man, Chang Wuzhi's face was gloomy, and his eyes were icily staring at Xu Tong's back. Instead of feeling hopeless like ordinary people, his inner fighting spirit became even more fanatical.

Everyone followed the direction of the voice and looked back, only to see that the speaker was the old man from the family who had been interceding for Xu Tong before.

The old man of Xun's family came out holding a cane, his face was bitter, and the wrinkles on his face increased a lot in an instant.

"The old man also has to settle accounts."

Xu Tong slowed down and looked at the old man's face.

The old man of the Xun family admitted it frankly: "Back then, your master killed my grandfather Xunyi, causing our Xun family to lose the inheritance of Caixi. If you dare to pass it on, please raise your hand high and let us forget about each other from now on."

After the old man of Xun's family finished saying this, he looked at Xu Tong intently.

It was unbelievable that the young man in front of him turned out to be a great master. In the age of desolation, even half-step masters were rare, but now a living great master was standing in front of him.

What qualifications do I have to seek revenge from him, even if the Xun family goes down three generations, they don't have the ability to take revenge.

Shocked in his heart, the old man of the Xun family sighed that Qimen's luck is so terrible, and Xue Gui's methods have reached the level of being able to play tricks on ghosts and gods.

Obviously, the old man of the Xun family attributed Xu Tong's strength to his master Xue Gui.

In the Jianghu, there are many miraculous secret techniques that can save people and pass on their skills. It is very likely that Xue Gui's left behind was able to create such a young master in such a short period of time.

This is also a more reasonable explanation that everyone can accept.

Facing Elder Xun's gaze, Xu Tong cupped his hands and bowed slightly towards Xun's family, as a tribute to the former deceased.

Seeing this, the old man of Xun's family finally let go of the stone that was weighing on his heart.

After so many years, I am already a person who is about to enter the earth. It is a blessing I have cultivated in this life to be able to pass this bloody hatred to the next generation before I die.

"Thank you!"

The old man of Xun's family raised his cane to thank Xu Tong, then turned and left without looking back.

"Everyone, do you have anything else to settle? Let's come together!"

As Xu Tong said, he turned his eyes to the old men on the other side. They were stared at by Xu Tong, and suddenly they felt a biting cold all over their bodies. After they looked at each other, they sighed.

They knew that Xu Tong was giving them a chance.

Whether they like it or not, they have to give Xu Tong an explanation.

Just like what the old man of the Xun family said, they dare not and cannot pass on this enmity, otherwise it will be the disaster of destroying the family.

So even if they were sorry to their ancestors, they could only admit their cowardice and walk up to Xu Tong obediently.

"We are convinced." After hesitating for a moment, he finally said this sentence.

When the old men finished saying this sentence, their spirits seemed to collapse.

But so what, they have to obey. There are two generations of masters in one school, and there is still a generation in between. On this point, no one in the world dares to refuse.

"From today onwards, our family will withdraw from the Jianghu, and any family members who are involved in the Jianghu grievances will surely die a bad death."

An old man took the lead in taking the oath.

The other old people also expressed their views.

It has always been said that the world is a matter, the world is over, and the hatred of quitting the world is over.

Xu Tong didn't say anything, just made a respectful gesture with both hands, and bowed to these old people to thank the dead souls.

This is the attitude he should show as the speaker of the Seven Gates, and it is also a summary of the end of the Seven Gates of Karma.

Invisibly, Xu Tong felt something vaguely. The invisible and intangible oppressive feeling in his body seemed to disappear a lot at once.

At the same time, he even noticed that his cultivation base had improved a little, even if it wasn't much, but he was indeed still in the state of improvement.

"No wonder!"

After thinking about it in his heart, Xu Tong understood why Taoist Dragon Seeker and the eldest princess both wanted to capture the dragon, but they still refused to do it themselves in the first place.

Obviously karma, even if you can't see it or touch it, it will not only affect your practice if you put it on your body, but it will even start to crush your own Dao fruit because of the weight of karma.

Everyone saw these old seniors leave one after another, their eyes rolled around, and they wanted to leave too.

After all, they came here to kill Xu Tong, but who would have thought that Fenglailou would make them miserable this time.

What just got out of the hospital with mental illness?

How many months have you been studying with a teacher? ?

In the eyes of the vast majority of strangers, this is pure nonsense, and it is clearly a great master pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Those masters in Fenglailou were probably killed by this guy. Damn Fenglailou, in order to avenge the masters they kept in captivity, tricked them into killing people. If they go back, they will have to demolish Fenglailou.

The more people thought about it, the more angry they became, and they were about to make up their minds to forcibly demolish Fenglailou.

Gao Zhuo took advantage of this time to trot all the way to Xu Tong's side: "Aren't you going to kill these people?"

According to Gao Zhuo's understanding, none of these people can leave alive today.

Xu Tong rolled his eyes: "I'm not a murderer."

After speaking, he gave Chang Wuzhi a meaningful look at standing behind the old man.

Chang Wuzhi was staring at him with squinted eyes, and when Xu Tong turned his head suddenly, he felt guilty and turned his head away.

Killing people is not Xu Tong's pleasure, and he can't poke his G-spot. It's not unnecessary for Ruge, he won't kill old guys like Zhou Hun.

But who let me play the role of the speaker of the seven sects just now? If I don't kill these people to the point of fear, and don't use thunderous means, when will the revenge of this generation after generation end.

However, just as everyone was leaving, someone called these strangers who were about to leave.

"Wait everyone!"

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw two young girls walking out of the thatched shed with the help of a figure in the distance.

When Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo saw this figure, they were all startled, their eyes met, and a thought came to their hearts at the same time: "Grand Master!!"

(End of this chapter)

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