Chapter 455 Meidu (Second Change)

How rare are grand masters?
According to the eldest princess, before the Yuan Dynasty, a carpenter with little practice, who had been playing with wood for 30 years, became a great master perhaps intentionally or unintentionally.

After the Yuan Dynasty, the number of great masters began to decline.
By the time of the Datong Dynasty, the Grand Master had basically become the exclusive property of those sects that had been passed down for thousands of years.

Until now, the Iron City and the Desert of Dharma.

The word "great master" has become history, not to mention "great master", even half-step masters are rare, and they are all old bones like Zhou Hun.

Going to the next generation, let alone half-step masters, you may not be able to find a few who practice boxing seriously.

If it wasn't for this reason, how could those old guys quit the arena lightly. After all, the arena is still there, but the times have changed.

To be precise, it is not that they have withdrawn from the arena, but that the arena that belongs to them is almost finished.

I just gave them a reason that they couldn't refuse. After all, I was doing good deeds.

Otherwise, so what if you lose your life? Aren’t there few revenge stories about traveling to famous mountains and learning art from teachers?

However, Xu Tong originally thought that he was already the brightest boy in the audience...

Not to mention Xu Tong was very surprised that another great master popped up, Gao Zhuo was also a little inconceivable.

The two of them have made rapid progress because they have gained a lot of benefits in the script world.

If a grand master pops up suddenly in reality, the two have to wonder whether the other party is also a player.

If it's fine, if it's not, it's kind of scary.

I saw the person walking out of the thatched hut, with the support of two young girls, gradually revealing his face.

The only disappointment was that the other party was wearing a strange mask, which completely covered the entire face, and even the eyes were also covered, so that no one had the slightest chance to observe the other party.

"The High Priest!"

The chiefs of the Shengmiao clan stood up one after another, even the old man who came with Xu Tong and the others was no exception.

And looking at the solemn expression on the old man's face, it seemed that he respected the high priest very much.

When Xu Tong tried to observe the opponent's fate with the help of the eye of fate, he found strangely that the opponent's fate was completely invisible.

"Hey, just like Grandma Li, you can't see your destiny??"

Xu Tong was very surprised, now there are things that he can't see through?Thinking of Xu Tong throwing two balls of incense merits directly, he didn't believe in this evil.

The merits and virtues of the two incense sticks, at least three thousand people.

If it were an ordinary little god, Xiaoxian would be salivating, but Xu Tong threw it out without blinking. With the incense and merit burning, the strange door in front of him turned, and the world seemed to be uncovered rice paper. Layer after layer is stripped of color.

And what was stripped off at the same time was the smog above the high priest's head.

As the smog was swept away, what came into view was a huge golden-headed centipede.

"What fate is this??"

Xu Tong has never seen such a fate, so weird and strange, he saw the golden head of the centipede, and the two long beards twisted with the wind, as if he had discovered his own peeping, the long beards trembled violently A piercing hum.

The high priest seemed to have noticed the peep from Xu Tong, and the mask slowly turned his head to look at Xu Tong, and then continued to speak.

"Every 44 years, we have to come here to hold a god sacrifice. You are all my guests. Feel free to stay. After the god sacrifice is over, those who participate in the god sacrifice will be grateful."

After finishing speaking, several Miao leaders stood up with smiles on their faces, and took the box from the hands of the attendants beside them.

Then two of the boxes were opened and revealed to everyone.

In an instant, everyone's eyeballs were straightened.

"Really, such a big ginseng can't be bought from the wholesale market?"

Someone looked at the ginseng in the box and dropped their jaws in shock.

"What is the origin of that bead, and why do I see something inside the bead, like a living fish?"

Some people stared wide-eyed at the black orb in another box, and saw that the orb was pitch black, but from time to time there was a silver light swimming around the orb, as if it were a small fish.

It's a pity that there are so many people present, but no one recognizes the origin of this thing.

"Yu Muzhu, Tiangong Kaiwu, Yuzhu Chapter, ten volumes 36, it is recorded that the pearl contains water, its color is like the water of ink, and the energy of Yin and Yang is hidden inside. The earth dragon turns over and comes out with the water, and the night can condense water It turns into frost, and eye drops can produce fish eyes."

When everyone was still thinking about the origin of this bead, they only heard a loud recitation coming from the corner behind.

Looking back, I saw a thin young man wearing sportswear coming out of the corner, explaining to everyone as he walked:
"This object is mentioned in Tiangong Kaiwu. It is said that this object is made of yin and yang. It is squeezed out when the earth veins move. When it is placed at night, a layer of water mist can be condensed, and the water mist is dripped on the ground. After the eyes are fixed, you can have fish-like eyes, and you can see clearly even in dark places underwater."

"Where did this kid jump out, he can't be a player?"

Gao Zhuo poked his head and stared at the young man in front of him for a while.

I don't know if it's the player Xu Tong, but being able to recite such an unorthodox book so fluently shows that it is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"After talking for a long time, it turned out to be eye drops? It made me happy for nothing."

Someone listened to the young man talk about it for a long time, and after thinking about it, he realized that this thing is a tasteless thing. Why do you need this thing because you can see things underwater.

Everyone thought it made sense when they heard it. Even if it was dark underwater, it would be a big deal to take a flashlight. Anyway, modern technology is so advanced that this problem can always be solved.

The young man just smiled lightly and said not to argue, and looked at the big ginseng that everyone saw before:
"The reed bowls are close and thick at the top and thin at the bottom. There are horizontal stripes stacked on the shoulders. The fibrous roots are twisted and twisted like dragons. It looks like a real thousand-year-old ginseng. I saw it in my grandfather's wine jar before. I didn't expect there to be more. The one that is bigger than it is considered an eye-opener today."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up. The real thousand-year-old ginseng is a priceless treasure.

The young man was already handsome, discerning and knowledgeable, which naturally attracted the attention of the Miao leaders, and they opened the remaining boxes one after another.

Suddenly, the jewels are shining like clouds.

The crowd was dazzled for a while.

Seeing the situation, the young man commented one by one, each of which made everyone's heart beat faster and their mouths dry.

When talking about the unremarkable copper bottle in the box at the back, the young man paused, observed carefully for a while and said, "Can you let me take a closer look."

The Miao patriarch holding the box let out a giggle and waved to him with his slender fingers.

The young man was not shy either. He walked up boldly and spoke abruptly before taking the box from the other party. However, when he was taking the box, the female patriarch touched his little hand, and his face turned red instantly.

I don’t know how many people envied this scene. Gao Zhuo even smashed his mouth and whispered in Xu Tong’s ear: “Hey, these little girls are so beautiful, even if they cover their faces with a veil, look at that. The figure, those small hands... hey!!"

Hearing this, Xu Tong couldn't help but sneered and said, "Go back and bring Fengxia a veil for a try, and I'll make sure you turn into a soft-legged shrimp overnight."

Gao Zhuo grinned foolishly, he had to admit that although Fengxia's face was ugly, her figure was much hotter than these Miao patriarchs.

"By the way, have you seen Grandma Li before we go out?"

Xu Tong suddenly remembered something and asked Gao Zhuo.

When Grandma Li was mentioned, the smile on Gao Zhuo's face immediately collapsed: "No, what did the old lady see her for?"

Gao Zhuo didn't feel any kinship with Grandma Li at all, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that she was an enemy.

Xu Tong never asked about the reason, after all, it was a family matter, no matter how hard the brother was, he couldn't take the initiative to ask.

At this moment, Xu Tong couldn't ask any more questions, so he could only keep his doubts in his heart.

"This thing... should be a magic weapon."

After observing the copper bottle for a while, the young man finally said firmly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately fell silent.

"The intact magic weapon, you only need to take it back and sacrifice it for a few months to use it. It's a real treasure."

Suddenly there was a commotion below, the magic weapon is too rare, it is almost an extinct product, and it is also a complete magic weapon, who would not be tempted by it.

The exceptions were Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo, who didn't have much feeling for the so-called magic weapon. To be honest, Xu Tong's bell was just one, and the props in the prop card were all magic weapons.

But for the vast majority of aliens, this thing is like a magic weapon, which makes people crazy.

"Your Excellency has good eyesight."

In front of the thatched hut, the masked man who was honored as the high priest began to praise, but his voice changed: "It's rare for people from Plum Blossom Village to go out and walk around after so many years."

Plum Blossom Village!
Everyone was shocked when they heard these three words, and when they looked at the young man, their faces were full of shock.

Even Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo were very surprised.

If one considers those big pope sects that have been passed down for thousands of years in the world, they are regarded as first-class universities, such as 985, 211, Tsinghua University and Peking University.

Then Meihuazhuang belongs to a technical academy like New Oriental and Lanxiang Technical School.

In the rivers and lakes, there are many yin and slant gates, most of which come from Plum Blossom Village.

Take Xu Tong's Qimen and Gao Zhuo's Exorcising Corpse as examples, which were handed down from Plum Blossom Village.

It is said that the profession of mortician also originated from Plum Blossom Village.

It’s just that compared with New Oriental and Lanxiang Technical School, Plum Blossom Village is a semi-open model. It doesn’t mean that anyone can get in if they want to, and it’s not that anyone can get out if they want to.

It has never been involved in the affairs of the Jianghu. It is rumored that the people in Meihuazhuang are very evil, and they often avoid them.

Unexpectedly, this young man actually came from Plum Blossom Manor. Speaking of which, he, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo can be regarded as having the same roots.

The young man's identity was exposed, and he looked a little embarrassed for a while, so he could only say to the high priest: "The descendant of Meizhuang, Meidu, bowed to the senior."

When the few Miao girls who were around the young man just heard the name, they immediately hid away. Obviously, even the Miao family who are good at using poison have no feeling for the word syphilis.

Everyone even wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, they could only suppress their smiles, but even if it was just a slight laughter, with so many people together, it would be difficult to hide it.

I don't know if the high priest deliberately concealed his smile, so he could only say loudly:
"Everyone, the god sacrifice will start soon, as long as the patriarchs selected by you can successfully complete the clan sacrifice, the treasures in their hands will be available.

Even if you fail, you will still be rewarded with a great gift. There is only one chance, everyone... Hurry up!

(End of this chapter)

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