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Chapter 456 Insect Swarm

Chapter 456 Insect Swarm
"What do you think!" Xu Tong pulled Gao Zhuo towards the direction of the old man, and asked Gao Zhuo's opinion as he walked.

"It's hard to say, these seedlings are not in contact with the outside world, who knows what's going on."

Gao Zhuo was also a native of Xiangxi, but he was a Han Chinese after all, and he didn't know anything about the Miao people, especially the habits of raising seedlings.

So I don't know what happened to the sacrifice of the gods.

What Xu Tong meant was not the same: "Don't you think it's too coincidental?
"I just think... Is it too coincidental? Why didn't the god sacrifice come sooner and later, so we caught up with it?"

"Hiss~~ It's a bit of a coincidence."

Gao Zhuo scratched his head, it was fine if Xu Tong didn't say it, but he thought it was a bit of a coincidence when he said it.

It's as if everything is squeezed together.

The arrest warrant issued by Fenglailou led to a large number of aliens entering Hunan, followed by the murder of seven people on the street, so that these aliens had no time to attack the Gao family, so they had to avoid the limelight and were invited to participate This god sacrifice.

But Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo also chose to enter the mountain at this juncture, just in time to catch up with everything.

"what do you mean……"

Gao Zhuo looked at Xu Tong.

"Let's just wait and see, there's no choice now, look at the old man's calm manner, it's clear that he's decided for us."

Xu Tong didn't say any more, and pointed to the old man sitting on the chair.

Other Miao patriarchs have already begun to try their best to attract people for themselves, and some even took out a few more treasures to increase their bargaining chips.

But the old man is as stable as an old dog.

Sitting there drinking tea and chatting with Chang Wuzhi beside him which of these Miao girls is the most beautiful, he doesn't care if anyone will choose to protect him.

The leisurely appearance is exactly the same as the old man in the security room at the school gate.

After Xu Tong reminded him like this, Gao Zhuo remembered that the trouble in his stomach had not been resolved yet, and patted his forehead with one hand: "When you say that, I really think it's just a coincidence."

"Get out, it's obviously you who are greedy!"

After the two said this, they walked to the side of the old man. The old man squinted his eyes and looked at Xu Tong. He grinned and showed his black teeth full of wormholes. He wished he could laugh all the way to the back of his head.

Sure enough, when the Miao patriarchs saw that Xu Tong went straight to the old man's side, they couldn't help showing disappointment on their faces, and their eyes were not very friendly when they looked at the old man.

The old man is very indifferent to what a so-called great master is, and he is not a stranger.

Just knowing a little is enough, these three are really not ordinary people, after a round of fighting, these three in my family are the most annoying.

If there is a regret, it is that he failed to give this kid his Gu to eat.

"What's going on with this High Priest??"

Xu Tong half leaned on the coffin, looked at the high priest in the distance and asked the old man.

"We believe in shamanism. Whenever there is a Fa conference, we must ask the teaching staff to preside over it."

The old man explained to them.

Witch religion, also called voodoo religion, is an ancient local sect in China in the true sense.

In terms of inheritance time, it is not even worse than Longhu Mountain, and even longer.

Before the prevalence of Taoism, witchcraft was the mainstream of the world.

There are four levels of staff in the witch religion, witches, mages, priests, and shamans.

Women are shamans, and men are scorpions. These are the most common staff in the shamanism, responsible for some small activities in the village, praying for people, helping people see a doctor and so on.

Going up to mages, basically among these seedlings, there are very few people who can really master Gu insects and witchcraft.

The old man himself can't be counted, because he is relying on his laurels, and the Gu mother was left by his family back then. He knows how to use it, but it is far from a real understanding of Gu art.

As for the priests, there were only six of them, and they rarely showed up. Even the mages in the sect didn't know what the six priests looked like.

Among the six priests, one is the high priest who dominates the religious affairs. Apart from the most powerful shaman, this high priest is the most powerful person in the religion.

It can be seen how respected a person who can become a high priest is in the witch religion.

It's no wonder that although the old man sneered at the chiefs of the Miao tribe, he still respected the high priest.

"So this is ah."

Xu Tong sat aside and nodded thoughtfully.

But I couldn't help but think of what the Xiangxi Five Ghosts said before.

The masters of Fenglailou were wiped out and wiped out by people from unknown organizations, forcing Fenglailou to issue arrest warrants.

These thoughts flickered in Xu Tong's mind, and he hadn't had time to sort out the details in the future.

A person walked up to the old man.

"What are you doing?"

The old man raised his head and saw, isn't this Mei...Du!
The old man was quite impressed with the name.

"You always participate in the god sacrifice, count me in."

"I don't have a baby for you."

"Not lacking, my family has enough." Mei Du said without waiting for the old man to agree, and cupped his hands towards Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo: "Let's join in the fun, and we will need two supporters later."

Gao Zhuo was startled, and looked at Xu Tong unconsciously.

Gao Zhuo carefully looked at the descendant of Plum Blossom Manor in front of him, and he was also full of curiosity about Plum Blossom Manor.

After all, that is also his own sect.

Aside from being curious, he couldn't help but look at Mei Du's fate with his eyes of fate.

What surprised him was that Mei Du's fate didn't exist.

Yes, even more mysterious than the High Priest, who is still covered in mist anyway, this guy simply doesn't have it, his head is empty, and he can't see anything.

Surprised, Xu Tong stretched out his hand to Mei Du and said: "You're welcome, my brothers said that these things are out of the ordinary, but... since it's not you and it's not a treasure, why bother to get into this muddy water?"

When Mei Du appraised ginseng, when he inadvertently said that the ginseng made in his own wine was a little smaller than this one, Xu Tong knew that there was no shortage of treasures in Mei Du's family.

Although Xu Tong didn't know what the so-called god sacrifice was, it must have something to do with the Yin Yang Cave, and it must be very dangerous inside, otherwise he wouldn't have recruited these strangers to be bodyguards in such a big way.

So he didn't know why Meidu wanted to join in, wouldn't it be good to watch the fun and hide outside?


Facing Xu Tong's question, Mei Du had no intention of hiding anything, and leaned forward to look back and forth at Xu Tong.

"Of course I came here for you, but now it seems that I'm just being sentimental. Anyway, I've come here, so let's see what my brother does. It's not in vain for me to come here from such a long distance."

"Heh, you're pretty familiar."

Chang Wuzhi sneered at the side, saying this, his eyes couldn't help aiming at Meidu's buttocks, although Meidu was a man, but his buttocks were round and upturned, Chang Wuzhi couldn't stop the corners of his mouth from raising his eyebrows after taking a look. Come with a smirk with good intentions.

While they were talking, the high priest was chanting something in a strange Miao language, and then he took out a small gourd from his sleeve, opened the stopper of the gourd, and a stream of green liquid poured into the gourd along the mouth of the gourd. The Blackwater Pool below.

To put it bluntly, Heishuitan is at least as big as a football field, and such a small bottle of liquid will be diluted very quickly.

However, what surprised people was that after the liquid was sprinkled, it took only a while to turn the entire black water pool into a green water pool.

Everyone looked at the water pool under the cliff involuntarily. Just when everyone was surprised that the liquid in the little gourd was so powerful, many black spots suddenly appeared on the water surface.

There are more and more black spots, and everyone can't see what they are.

Only when the black dots gradually began to gather, someone finally exclaimed: "Is it a bug?"

That's right, there are densely packed worms, each one the size of a grain of rice, coming out of the water continuously, and the number is increasing.

These bugs seemed to be very interested in the green liquid on the water surface, and quickly covered the water surface, greedily sucking the liquid.

"What kind of bugs are these bugs, why haven't I seen them before??"

On the way up the mountain, many people have already experienced the power of those strange-shaped insects in the mountains.

But no one has ever heard of any bugs that usually hide under the water.

"Wait, look! The water has become clear!"

What is jaw-dropping is that as more and more insects gushed out of the water, the original black water pool gradually turned into clear water.

The crystal clear kind.

But what made people's hair stand on end was that when they saw the picture under the pool, they couldn't help shivering all over their bodies. A chill gushed out from the bottom of their hearts, making them feel uncomfortable all over.

Even when a gust of wind blows through the collar, it makes them shake their clothes like frightened birds.

It was as if he was afraid that some bugs would crawl on his clothes.

The reason for this is precisely because there are a large number of corpses under the water surface, both human and animal. Most importantly, they saw a white skeleton among them, wearing modern clothes.

It was the body that was kicked off the cliff by Xu Tong before and fell into the pool. It has been eaten so long that only a skeleton remains.

Just when people were feeling horrified, they saw a corpse suddenly dropped from midair. Someone threw the corpse of the person Xu Tong killed just now off the cliff to verify their conjecture.

However, the moment the corpse fell, the swarm seemed to have sensed something, and flew up with a "boom!", engulfing the corpse in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the body was swallowed up before it even touched the water surface, leaving only a few bones scattered in the pool...

 This is the third update, although it is a second late.Continue to add more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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