Chapter 457
puff puff!
The sound of bones falling on the water made everyone feel uncomfortable.

"Black Wind! So this is the so-called Black Wind!"

Someone finally remembered the rumors about Heifeng Mountain. It is said that every few years, there will always be a black wind blowing from Heifeng Mountain, and there will be no bones left wherever it passes.

People just think of it as a rumored story, and no one really takes this stuff to heart.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally realized that the so-called black wind was not the wind, but these bugs.

"Hiss!! My darling, it's a good thing we didn't go into the water, otherwise we would have gotten into a bug's nest."

Gao Zhuo gritted his teeth, feeling a little scared in his heart. According to their original plan, they were going to dive directly into the Yin-Yang Cave.

If it really sneaks in, there are so many bugs, even if they don't die, they will peel off their skin.

"You said such important information, why didn't the master say hello to us?"

Thinking of this, Gao Zhuo couldn't help complaining.

"It's hard to say, master and your old man may not just dive in. Don't forget, it is written in the book that this pool will dry up several times a year. If the water source dries up, maybe these insects will fly away temporarily."

At this moment, the high priest dropped the second bottle of liquid. The difference from before was that the liquid this time was dark red, like fresh blood, instantly dyeing the surface of the water completely red.

The densely packed insects on the water surface immediately got into the water again, greedily sucking the red liquid.

What surprised everyone was that after these worms ingested the red liquid, they quickly became silent and lay on the water surface as if they had completely lost their vitality. Insect corpse.

It's poison!

Everyone looked up at the high priest, wondering why the high priest did this.

"Since it's poisonous, just use it directly, why bother?" Chang Wuzhi frowned.

Apparently the high priest's method was not in line with Chang Wuzhi's appetite.

Chang Wuzhi's words seem to have won the approval of many people, who feel that this is purely superfluous by taking off their pants and farting.

The old man curled his lips, and gave Chang Wuzhi a vicious look: "What do you know? If it's as simple as you said, the Holy Land is not as simple as you think?"

Even though the old man himself doesn't understand the art of Gu worms, he is still very clear about these worms, after all, this place used to be his back mountain.

Don't look at these bugs as ugly, but they are the scariest things in these [-] mountains.

Some people also thought about catching them and training them to become Gu worms, but all of them failed without exception.

These bugs cannot be tamed at all, and they are extremely poisonous. There are countless people in Miao Jiang who are good at using poison, and there are very few people who can poison these little guys.

The secret that can really kill these bugs is naturally held in the hands of the high priest of voodoo.

Fortunately, for some unknown reason, these insects are only willing to stay in the black water pool, but occasionally they will run out and become a black wind to prey on them.

But if you take the initiative to throw some animal carcasses in every few years, this situation will be less.

After the old man said this, everyone felt relieved.

"It may not be poisoned to death!"

Meidu looked at the corpse on the pool, thought for a moment before saying.

"I've read a Poison Sutra, and there's a passage on it that states that the most poisonous thing in the world is a great medicine for tigers and wolves.

A little more is invisible to kill, and a little less good fortune saves people, and there is no antidote to make up for the invisible.

So since this thing is not afraid of poison, maybe the thing thrown in is a tonic. "

Mei Du's words surprised everyone.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be true.

Just when everyone was still thinking about whether the high priest threw in poison or tonic, suddenly a lot of bubbles gushed out.

"Look, what is that??"

When everyone looked at it, they were shocked by the strange scene in front of them. They saw that the water level of the pool was dropping at a speed visible to the naked eye. What was even more weird was that some fine hairs appeared in the water.

These hairs rolled up the corpses of the bugs in the water, and as the water level receded, they were dragged into the depths and disappeared.

Such a strange picture, even these strange people feel hairy all over.

"I'm not going, I'm going home."

Seeing this, a strange person felt a sudden retreat in his heart. There are so many weird things before entering such a weird place. It is hard to guarantee that there will not be anything more dangerous inside. No matter how good those treasures are, they will always have their lives. Enjoy it.

As soon as this person's voice came out, there were indeed many people who expressed their intention to leave intermittently.

These people were originally offering rewards for Fenglailou, and wanted to fish in the muddy waters of Hunan. Now that the fish has become a deadly shark, if they are allowed to enter the wolf's den, isn't this clearly killing them?

Immediately, several people turned around decisively to leave here.

But just two steps away, the person suddenly fell to the ground unconscious.

A scorpion came out of the man's clothes and slowly climbed onto the hand of a Miao girl. The girl picked up the scorpion and blocked their way.

The girl seemed weak, but when everyone lowered their heads, they saw countless poisonous scorpions gushing out from under the girl's feet.

Seeing this, everyone's faces turned ugly in an instant.

"Everyone, the god sacrifice has already begun. If you want to leave now, you can only save your life." The high priest said.

"Bitch, what are you doing pretending to be a ghost? I want to leave, and no one can keep me."

One person cursed at the high priest. This person was named Long Fei. He was also a well-known thief in Jianghu. He once climbed a hundred-meter-high building with his bare hands to steal. The police once dispatched [-] policemen to catch him. Rounded up, and finally watched him run away.

I saw Long Fei swearing, and at the same time jumped up on the cliff, and then stepped on the cliff and flew away.

Such attainments in lightness kung fu can be regarded as the best in martial arts today.

It's just that Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo could only shake their heads silently, mourning for this man.

Sure enough, the high priest just popped a stone with his fingers, and everyone heard Long Fei's scream, and a bloody flower burst out from his thigh, followed by the person fell off the cliff and fell into the pool on the spot.

"Ah... help... help me..."

As soon as Long Fei fell into the pool, he immediately felt that something was entangled around him. No matter how much he struggled, it was useless. Instead, there were more and more things entangled on his body. After a few struggles, he was dragged into the water and gradually disappeared. .

Now the faces of the people became even more horrified, they watched Long Fei's body disappear in the thick hair, the whole process didn't even take a minute.

What is under that pool of water, the more everyone thought about it, the more their scalps became numb.

Even Xu Tong and the others frowned, not expecting such a weird thing to exist in reality.

"I haven't heard the master say these things, have I?"

Gao Zhuo inevitably began to mutter in his heart, wondering if they went to the wrong place.

Seeing that it was too hard, someone immediately spoke.

"High Priest, my name is Song Dibei, and my father is Song Tiannan, the Pope of the Northwest God's Way. If I can't go back, I'm afraid my father will come to look for me soon. If there is any misunderstanding, I'm afraid it will be bad." .”

The northwest has always been sparsely populated, and there are many high-level people hiding there. Shen Xing Dao is a small sect that has been reborn in recent years. Although it is small, in reality, it has penetrated through the accumulation of the skills of Shen Xing. He entered the express delivery industry and became a leader in the industry with a lot of money.

Song Dibei came this time because he wanted to learn more, and take the opportunity to make more friends with strangers in the world, but he didn't want to be involved in this troublesome thing right now. The high priest let him go without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, the high priest didn't take this kind of thing at all, instead he teased with a smile: "Since that's the case, Mr. Song must be careful when he goes in later, if there are any problems, it will be really hard to see each other again. "

While talking, I saw that the water on the lake below had receded completely. After the black water disappeared, a huge underground cave was exposed. Looking carefully at the rocks below one layer after another, it seemed like steps that had been polished early.

"Go on, time is limited, two hours, those of you who can't come back, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back."

As the high priest said, someone beside him lit three huge sticks of long incense, which were specially made, as thick as a human calf, and it took exactly four hours to burn them all.

"Let's go!"

The old man couldn't wait to stand up, and pulled Xu Tong down the steps of the cliff on one side.

Gao Zhuo and Mei Du naturally followed closely behind.

"We... shall we go too?"

The Xiangxi Five Ghosts stood behind, eager to bury their heads in the soil. Seeing Chang Wuzhi looking at them, they couldn't help but backed away, obviously not wanting to go down with them.

"You don't need to go, I will carry the coffin."

Seeing this, Chang Wuzhi had a smile on his face, and slowly put his hand into his pocket.

Hearing that he didn't have to follow, the Five Ghosts of Xiangxi were relieved, and when they were about to nod their heads in thanks, a blush flashed across Chang Wuzhi's eyes.

The next moment, the man suddenly rushed in front of the five of them, and he held the screwdriver in his hand, stabbing it out like lightning.

The simple and unpretentious screwdriver, with a silver gleam in Chang Wuzhi's hand, with an elegant and cruel arc, aimed at the throat of the boss of the Xiangxi Five Ghosts with an invincible edge.

Before everyone could react, this guy had already started to kill. His figure crossed the side of the Xiangxi Five Ghosts. The faces of the five people were full of panic and disbelief, and they froze in place.

After a while, a stream of blood spattered from their throats, eyebrows, chests and other vital points.

The blood spattered on Chang Wuzhi's cheeks, but Chang Wuzhi didn't care. He just took out a white handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the blood on the screwdriver carefully, and then said to the five corpses. : "Trash, you don't deserve to walk with me!"

 There are two more updates tonight, but the third update may be later.

(End of this chapter)

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