Infinite script kill

Chapter 458 Shh! !

Chapter 458 Shh! !

Chang Wuju took a pentakill, and the depressed mood in his heart suddenly became much more comfortable.

He picked up the coffin and put it on his shoulders, and then walked down.

Xu Tong and the others walked ahead without noticing what was going on behind them. They waited until they got off the cliff and looked back to find that the Five Ghosts of Xiangxi hadn't followed.

Chang Wuzhi covered his face with the coffin and said, "They didn't dare to come down, I was too embarrassed to force them, so I came down by myself."

Gao Zhuo and the others didn't pay much attention to this, but when Xu Tong heard this, he glanced suspiciously at the blood mark under Chang Wuzhi's feet, frowned, looked up, and saw the aura of the Five Ghosts of Xiangxi He had already disappeared, so he could only curl his lips, and didn't bother to point him out.

The Xiangxi Five Ghosts can only say that they are unlucky, and they have no intention of killing them, but their life or death is also irrelevant to him.

"If you don't get down, just wait for your death on it. Hmph, I still think they are slow in lifting. Let's go quickly, don't waste time here."

The old man urged them to go forward as soon as possible, indicating that the road ahead was very narrow, and it would be difficult to walk when there were too many people behind.

"Grandpa, have you been to this place before?"

Gao Zhuo followed behind and asked the old man.

"No, I just heard from people in my family that I wanted to come when I was five years ago, but I waited until I was this age."

The old man looked more and more excited as he looked at the dark cave in front of him.

It was as if he didn't take the danger of this cave into his heart at all.

The cave is very dark, although the water has receded, water drops continuously dripped from the cave and hit the people's heads. It seemed inconspicuous, but it was terribly icy, and even Gao Zhuo couldn't help shivering when dripped on the top of the head.

Xu Tong walked in the front. He has a dark physique and dark vision, and the dark cave in front of him feels like a fish in water.

Observing along the way, I found that the inside of the cave was unbelievably clean.

It is said that there are so many bones on the lake bed outside, so there must be more bones here.

Surprisingly, when I really walked in, I found that there was not even a dead fish on the ground except for the humidity.

The stone steps under his feet seemed to have been cleaned by those mysterious hairs, waiting for them to come in.

"Brother Monkey, walk slowly!"

Mei Du followed behind.

"Brother Monkey?"

"That's right, look, there are exactly five of us. It just so happens that Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, Monk Sha, Tang Sengzai, and Bailongma, you walk in front and have the highest strength, so you are the senior brother."

Mei Du talked eloquently, and pointed at Gao Zhuo; "Second Senior Brother Ba Jie, the one carrying the coffin is a white dragon horse. I'm the best, so it's best to pretend to be a sand monk."

Xu Tong turned around and saw that it really matched.

Immediately he was happy: "It's just that Tang Seng is a bit old. If the monster eats his meat, I don't know if he will have a stomachache."


The two laughed together, which made the white dragon horse at the back a little unhappy, glaring at Mei Du's butt, if he wasn't still carrying the coffin, he would have gone up to open his eyes to him with his treasure.

"Brother, please slow down a little bit, we don't have your piercing eyes, this place is too dark."

Mei Du's voice changed, and he took out a flashlight from his backpack.

But because the cave was too humid, the light from the flashlight shone hazy.

Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi were fine, but Meidu and the old man had a hard time walking.

"Don't, hurry up, the time to enter the hole is limited, we have to hurry up."

When the old man heard it from behind, he immediately urged him, but his foot slipped, and he almost fell to the ground, but Gao Zhuo who was at the side quickly pulled him into his arms.

Otherwise, if the old man falls at this age, he may fall to his death before reaching the place, and Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi probably have nowhere to cry.

"Bajie, you must be carrying the master on your back."

As Xu Tong said, he put one hand on Meidu's wrist: "I'm holding third junior brother, and the mule in the back walks faster."

Xu Tong always liked acting, and it was rare to meet such a wonderful person as Mei Du, and he quickly entered the role with cooperation.

"My God, why is there another one!"

Gao Zhuo rubbed his forehead, thinking that Meidu, a patient with secondary syndrome, and Xu Tong were a match made in heaven.

But what else could he do? The boss had already opened his mouth, so he could only obediently obediently obediently put the old man on his back, and then stepped forward to catch up.

Only the white dragon horse behind was left with a sulking look on his face. If the old man hadn't cast a spell on him, he would have been unable to bear it by now.

I regret it when I think about it, why did I eat that dish.

The five of them walked down the stone steps, and the air below became increasingly gloomy and cold.


Gao Zhuo walked over with the old man on his back.

"Call me big brother!"

Gao Zhuo: ...

"Eldest brother, this place is so cloudy, let's go down, we have no problem, master can't hold it."

The old man on Gao Zhuo's back had started to tremble uncontrollably, unable to speak.

It is said that the old man's clothes are not thin, even quite thick, but it is not only cold, but also cloudy.

The old man was already old and his yang energy was weak, so he couldn't stand the biting cold below.

"I can do this."

Mei Du took out a bottle from the backpack behind her back, poured out a few small red pills from it, swallowed one first, and then handed it to Xu Tong.

"This is Yin-dispelling Pill, which is specially designed to restrain Yin-cold evil qi, and it will not be affected by Yin qi after eating it."

Xu Tong picked it up and seemed to throw it into his mouth, but in fact he threw it into the item book. Seeing that the entry in the item book was the same as what Mei Du said, he felt relieved and fed it to the old man. one.

Sure enough, after taking the elixir, the old man's face gradually turned rosy.

It's just that if you go down with this physique, I'm afraid it really won't last.

Fortunately, Xu Tong still has a solution for this matter. He has an extra piece of yellow paper in his hand, and after folding it back and forth a few times, a small lotus flower is folded out.

I pulled out a strand of hair to make a twist and stuck it on it. I picked it up casually, and suddenly I saw the strand of hair ignited, and it was really like an oil lamp, shining brilliantly.

It not only sweeps away the haze in front of you, but also illuminates the road ahead.

"Hanging lights to illuminate the road!"

Mei Du's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help being surprised and said, this is the authentic seven skills.

Xu Tong was quite surprised, he didn't expect Mei Du to recognize him.

But after thinking about it, it's called hell if you can't recognize it. Although this was taught to me by my master, it is essentially a stunt created by others.

With this hanging lamp, the five of them continued to walk down much faster.

After walking an unknown number of meters, gradually, several coffins were exposed on the surrounding walls.

I don't know how long these coffins have been soaked in water, but they haven't rotted.

Gao Zhuo walked over, studied the coffin carefully, then looked back at Xu Tong, and said with a joyful smile, "The coffin made of gloomy wood is still buried in this place. I'm afraid it has become a zombie inside."

As he spoke, he knocked on the lid of the coffin: "Hey, is there anyone?? Open the door, I'll bring you food!"

As he spoke, he planned to open the coffin to have a look.

Mei Du and the old man were stunned, thinking: "Are you crazy?"

Needless to say, when Gao Zhuo pulled the coffin casually, a seam was really opened, but just as the seam was opened, it was closed firmly with a sound of "Boom!"

Now Mei Du and the old man stopped talking, especially the old man who was lying on Gao Zhuo's back, even though it was just a crack just now, but he saw it for real.

The moment the coffin was opened, a skinny hand inside pulled the coffin back.

Don't look at the old man's way of coercing the emperor to order the princes, relying on his old life to blackmail the great master Xu Tong, but when he really saw this thing, he said in his heart that he was not afraid that it was a lie.

Seeing that Gao Zhuo was still interested, he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to dismantle the coffin to see what was inside, so he quickly took him by the arm and said, "Stop playing, let's go."

Gao Zhuo saw that the old man was still scared and was proud of himself, he suddenly squinted up and was instantly stunned.

On the roof of the cave above his head, there was actually a huge dragon coiled on it.

Immediately Gao Zhuo was startled, rubbed his eyes and took a closer look, only then did he see clearly that it was not a real dragon, but a natural stone wall, the river channel formed by years of underground river erosion, at first glance it looked like a dragon. Like a dragon.

"Head, look at the top of your head!"

Xu Tong looked up and said, "Call me senior brother!"

Immediately after looking at it, he couldn't help but said in surprise: "The keel clears the way!"

[Lingling Yin-Yang Fengshui Map] It is written clearly, the first sentence about the Yin-Yang Cave is that the keel clears the way.

I didn't understand what it meant before, but now I understand it instantly when I see the stone wall above my head.

The lines on the stone wall are strong, and the cracked lines are like dragon scales. At first glance, it seems that it really looks like a dragon.


Now they don't care about the coffin, and speed up along the keel.

It's just that as we walked, it got darker and darker. The light from the overhead hanging lamp seemed to be absorbed by the darkness. It could have irradiated more than ten meters, but now it has shrunk by more than half.

Even Xu Tong's dark vision looked around, it was pitch black.


At this time, Xu Tong, who was walking in front, suddenly felt cold under his feet, and lowered his head to take a closer look.

It's water!

Looking forward along the water, Xu Tong's pupils gradually tightened.

Gao Zhuo couldn't see the situation clearly from behind, so when he followed up and wanted to ask Xu Tong why he didn't continue walking, Xu Tong covered his mouth.


Xu Tong turned around and made a silence gesture towards everyone.

Then he controlled the hanging lamp and flew forward.

With the light of the hanging lamp, everyone finally saw clearly.

I saw that there was a huge lake in front of me, and what was even more creepy was that the water surface was as black as ink, and under the light of the hanging lamp, densely packed insects could be clearly seen.

Immediately, Gao Zhuo and the others felt their scalps go numb, remembering that the bugs they saw outside were nothing compared to the number in front of them.

Not to mention the great master, even if the master threw Taoist Dragon Xun out, I'm afraid it would not be enough for these bugs to chew on.

When Gao Zhuo and the others were in a state of confusion, Gao Zhuo suddenly froze and turned around suspiciously, only to see a dark hand resting on his buttocks.

 There is another update in the evening, but I don’t know when it will be finished. Don’t wait, everyone, watch it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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