Chapter 459 (Late at night and more monthly tickets...)
scare! !

Gao Zhuo's heart skipped a beat, but before he could take a closer look, the hand disappeared.

As soon as Gao Zhuo raised his head again, he saw behind him that Chang Wuzhi had put down the coffin at some point and was standing behind him.

The two looked at each other for a while, Gao Zhuo's face became serious, and after a while he cursed in a fly-like voice: "Change, pervert!"

Chang Wuzhi: "???"

"Use a coffin!!"

At this time, the old man lying on Gao Zhuo's back finally spoke, and whispered to Xu Tong.


"Yes, the coffin will take us there."

The old man patted Gao Zhuo, motioned to put him down, walked up to Xu Tong and asked with a smile, "Didn't you ask why the coffin is red? Do you have an answer?"

Xu Tong tilted his head: "Oh, because of the celebration."

The old man nodded dully: "Yeah... Huh?? Sun Shaohu told you that!!"

"Hee hee, of course not, it's a pass to somewhere, right?" Xu Tong scratched his head and thought about it carefully.

"Huh..." The old man let out a breath: "That's right, this is the world of the dead, your coffin is our pass, let's paddle across by riding on the coffin."

Xu Tong didn't immediately agree when he heard the words. After all, this matter is not a trivial matter. If it doesn't work, they will be in big trouble.

So I silently used the Plum Blossom Yishu in my heart to make a divination for myself.

Kan Gua Kan up and down.

Seeing the hexagram, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat.

The upper and lower scripture hexagrams are Kanshui, the lower part is thunder, and the upper part is gen.

Judging from the hexagrams, this road is full of risks, but the meaning of the hexagrams cannot be retreated...

After thinking about it, Xu Tong decided that this hexagram was not bad, at least it hadn't reached a dead end, which meant that the old man's words should be credible.

"Bai Longma, move the coffin."

Chang Wuzhi curled his lips and didn't move. What he hated most was Xu Tong's tricks. If he hadn't insisted on acting as a doctor in front of him, he...

Thinking of the experience that he didn't want to look back on, Chang Wuju felt uneasy in his heart.

Seeing that this guy started to show his temper, Xu Tong grinned and bared his teeth, jokingly said to the old man: "Master, you see, this horse is no longer obedient."

The old man turned his head and glared at Chang Wuzhi, and sure enough, seeing the old man's unfriendly eyes, Chang Wuzhi was scared.

After all, he didn't want to experience the feeling that life was worse than death.

I could only turn around and move the coffin over honestly.

Xu Tong gave the old man a thumbs up: "It's still a good thing what Master said."

After speaking, he looked back at Gao Zhuo and Mei Du: "Be careful later, don't let the monsters under the water catch Master away!"

Mei Du is simply a patient with a severe secondary illness, and he said with a hoarse voice, "Don't worry, big brother."

Gao Zhuo stood aside, looking completely unlovable.

Seeing that the coffin was carefully placed on the water, Xu Tong first jumped onto the coffin and tried to push the coffin forward a few times to have a look.

Something strange happened.

The worms on the water surface actively moved out of the way after seeing the coffin.

Seeing that the coffin was indeed effective, Xu Tong let everyone climb onto the coffin with confidence. Fortunately, the coffin was big enough for five people to lie on it without any problem, but the draft was a little deeper.

The coffin glides deep with the water.

The water surface in front of them was endless, and they didn't even have a specific direction. The range illuminated by Xu Tong's hanging lamp became smaller and smaller. As for the flashlight, it was completely useless. On the face, it has no effect at all.

Not long after floating out, Xu Tong heard a sound behind him, looked back, and found sparks behind him.

It should be that the other Miao patriarchs have rushed over.

These people moved very quickly, Xu Tong couldn't help thinking, they were the only people who died in this coffin, what should they do with so many people behind? ?

It's a pity that even his eyesight can only see a little spark in this place, and he can't see anything else.

The yin here is so heavy that one's vision, hearing, and even perception are being blocked.

You know, I have a dark physique, plus the blessing of the archangel Michael, a bonus of 30% increase in perception, plus the strength of the great master of my own practice, so I am still suppressed so much here.

Not to mention Gao Zhuo and you Chang Wuzhi.

He narrowed his eyes and inadvertently glanced at Mei Du behind him, wanting to take this opportunity to see if this guy is a player, if not, how much strength he has, and why he couldn't see his fate.

Mei Du took out a gourd from the backpack behind him, pulled out the cork and poured it into his mouth, then carefully put the gourd away and put it in the backpack.

"Third Junior Brother, Plum Blossom Village has disappeared from the rivers and lakes for a long time. When I chatted with people last time, I said that this village has become a small scenic spot in the scenic spot. Where is Plum Blossom Village now? Can you tell me that I will also visit it some other day?" Come and visit."

Xu Tong asked.

Mei Du smiled and said, "Zhuangzi has long since disappeared. Since the cremation system began, Meihuazhuang has basically changed careers. Now my family is in the business of funeral parlors, and no one touches the old craft of the past."

The so-called Plum Blossom Village was another name for Yizhuang in the past. According to rumors, Taoist Plum Blossom practiced and enlightened Taoism in Yizhuang.

Later, most of the so-called shady magic arts were created by his old man.

It can be said that he is the patriarch of the side door.

I don't know if this patriarch chose Yizhuang as the location for the establishment of the sect because it is more convenient for the corpses in Yizhuang? ?

Xu Tong subconsciously imagined the patriarch. With a kitchen knife and an iron hook, he opened up the fresh corpse and studied the appearance of the corpse carefully.

Nowadays, they are all crematoriums. It is against the law to hide corpses privately in the Yizhuang there.

However, Yizhuang can’t do it anymore, but it’s a good choice to switch to a crematorium. It’s easy to make money, and it’s a good job to play with corpses openly. I don’t know how many times better than most traditional craftsmen. .

"Always have to change with the times to survive. A low-level actor can become a big star, and a lady in a chicken coop can live broadcast and become an Internet celebrity. In short, whether it is a low-level or a small Yin, in the end, the purpose is not the same. Do they all liven up their days?"

As Mei Du spoke, he still didn't forget to take out his business card to share with everyone. Looking at the address above, it turned out to be a crematorium. Surprisingly, Mei Du was even named as a business manager.

"No way, the contract is at home, but it is also a public institution, and if you want to get money, you can only go in and make a name."

Mei Du shook his shoulders and said helplessly.

"I'm jealous!"

Gao Zhuo listened from behind, not to mention how envious and jealous he was, it was also a traditional handicraft, and if people could play with it in accordance with the times, he really could only practice unicorn arms in bed.

Just as he was thinking, Gao Zhuo suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked forward.

In front of him, there seemed to be a faint coffin floating on the water, and what was even weirder was that there were five figures sitting on the coffin.

"Huh?? Why are there still people ahead of us??"

As soon as Gao Zhuo said this, Xu Tong and others looked over.

Sure enough, on the dark water ahead, a coffin was getting closer and closer to them.

"Be careful, something is wrong!"

Xu Tong immediately became alert. They were the first batch to come down, and their speed was even faster than those behind them. It made no sense that they would be overtaken by others.

"Maybe it was left by the people who participated in the god sacrifice before?"

After pondering for a while, the old man signaled them not to be nervous. In the past, there were occasional losers among those who participated in the god sacrifice. What happened to these losers is unknown, but this black shadow may be one of them.

While they were talking, the coffin in front had already floated in front of them.

Just as the old man said, the five people sitting on the coffin in front of him have turned into mummies.

I don't know how long it has passed, but there are five sautéed corpses sitting on the coffin.


After seeing the corpse on the coffin clearly, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Gao Zhuo glanced back and forth over these corpses curiously, and found that these corpses looked older than the old bacon in the old man's kitchen.

He originally had a preference for collecting various corpses. When he saw this and was about to reach out his hand to test the degree of decay of these corpses, he suddenly felt his waist tighten, as if he was entangled by something.

look down

I saw that my waist was wrapped around my waist by a handful of black hair.

Following the sudden pull by him, Gao Zhuo immediately lost his center of gravity, and with a "plop", Gao Zhuo was pulled down from the coffin...

(Note: Let’s change it first, I really can’t stand it anymore, my eyelids are fighting, good night.)
(End of this chapter)

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