Infinite script kill

Chapter 460 There is really a takeaway

Chapter 460 There Are Really Takeaways (Two Chapters In One)

The tiny strands of hair were almost invisible to the naked eye in the dark, but their strength was astonishing, and Gao Zhuo was pulled into the water without any precautions.


Everyone was startled, and then they noticed that Gao Zhuo had fallen into the water, and at the same time, the surrounding water became restless, and the bugs that had been avoiding the coffin from far away rushed towards Gao Zhuo like sharks smelling blood.

"Be careful!!"

Seeing this, Mei Du hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull Gao Zhuo, but Xu Tong dragged him back as soon as he stretched out his hand. Not only did he prevent Mei Du from saving people, but he took out a short knife from the item book and greeted Gao Zhuo. Chop down the water.

Even if he has never learned any sword skills, as long as Xu Tong is strong enough, even if he has no tricks, he will still have great lethality. When he cuts down, the water in front of him will be split into waves one meter high by the blade, and his hand sank just now down.

"Are you crazy??"

Mei Du looked at Xu Tong in shock, not knowing why this guy had a sudden seizure and attacked his companion.

Xu Tong didn't explain, but looked sideways at the coffin beside him.

"One is missing!" The one who spoke was Chang Wuzhi. He sat at the back and was the one who saw the most clearly from the beginning to the end. He said coldly, "There is something wrong with these corpses."

Mei Du and the old man turned their heads when they heard the words, and as expected, there were originally five mummies on the coffin, but now there were four in the blink of an eye.

When I was wondering, I saw a bubble rising from the water surface, followed by a mummy floating out of the water. The arms and chest of the mummy were neatly cut open, which was obviously made by Xu Tong just now. Wound.

Seeing this, Mei Du's face turned pale in an instant, the thing he stretched out his hand to pull just now turned out to be this mummy, thinking of this Mei Du couldn't stop his scalp from getting numb.

Looking at the four corpses in front of him again, he found that the empty eye sockets of the corpses were staring at them, and there was a sudden rattling sound from their mouths. Seeing this, Xu Tong stretched out his hand to grab these corpses. He wanted to see what these corpses were. .

Unexpectedly, just as he started, the hairs under the water surface suddenly wrapped around his wrists.

The dense hair was surprisingly powerful. Fortunately, Xu Tong was prepared to cut off the hair with a backhand.

Taking advantage of the delay, the four mummies in front of them jumped into the water in unison.

At the same time, the coffin under them also began to shake violently. Looking down, there were thick hairs under the black pool, wrapped around the coffin like seaweed, trying to overturn the coffin directly.

"Old man, didn't you say that the red coffin is a pass!!"

Chang Wuju grabbed the old man's shoulders to prevent him from falling.

The old man was also terrified. If he fell down, the bugs in the water would eat them up in a matter of minutes without even thinking about leaving a single hair.

Xu Tong originally wanted to use the power of magic, but he was worried about burning the coffin. Just as he was thinking about countermeasures, Da Ya's voice came from his ear.


At this time, the three little brains lying at the entrance of the hall poked their heads out, and the big girl in the middle shouted to Xu Tong in a low voice: "Headmaster, you have incense merits, just hit him with incense merits, the thing that is most afraid of is this."

Hearing this, Xu Tong had no doubt that he was there, a ball of incense merits appeared in his hand, and he aimed at the hair-like things under the coffin and smashed it down.

Sure enough, those hairs were stained with the merits of incense, and instantly shrank back as if they had touched the nemesis.

Without the interference of these hairs, the coffin quickly stabilized.

At this moment, Xu Tong suddenly felt something, looked back, and saw the four mummified corpses that fell into the water just now, standing on the surface of the water, watching them from a distance.

"Da Ya, what is that!"

"I don't know, but it should be something like a ghost. This thing is most familiar to Jixiang."

Da Ya pointed to Jixiang's chubby head, Jixiang's eyes rolled around, and said in a low voice: "There is something in the water, it is some kind of god."


Hearing this, Xu Tong's pupils were as bright as lightning, and he activated his eyes to look, and indeed he saw a dark shadow under the water.

It's just that this thing is hidden very deeply, and I can't see clearly the body of this thing.

"Look, it's the second brother!!"

At this moment, the surface of the water suddenly exploded, and Gao Zhuo jumped out from under the water, with Buddha light bursting out from his fist, aiming at the black insects behind him, and suddenly a large area of ​​insects was burned to ashes under the Buddha light .

It's just that there were too many bugs behind him, and Gao Zhuo's punch was not effective, but attracted more bugs around him.

Just when he was about to fall into the water, a figure stood up from the water, threw a rope around Gao Zhuo's waist with his backhand, and then pulled Gao Zhuo into his arms.

Gao Zhuo looked back, only to find that the person who shot was actually Mei Du.

Mei Du pulled Gao Zhuo back onto the coffin. As soon as the insects got close to the coffin, they immediately dispersed and swirled around the coffin like a cloud of black wind, but they didn't dare to approach it again.

"Ahem~Thank you."

Gao Zhuo sat down, coughed up two mouthfuls of water to thank Mei Du, and at the same time praised: "I didn't realize that, your lightness kung fu is quite good."

"That's not true, I have this!"

Mei Du pointed to his shoes, and saw that his boots were very ordinary, but there were actually two big shining beads tied on the laces.

"This is a water-repellent bead. After being tied to the shoelace, stepping on the water is like walking on the ground."

"Is there such a baby?"

Gao Zhuo glared, this Meidu is simply too arrogant, this kind of thing is actually tied on the shoelace.

After all, Plum Blossom Village is rich.

"What happened to you underwater just now?" Xu Tong asked at this time.

Gao Zhuo waved his hand. After he fell into the water just now, he wanted to rush out immediately, but the top of his head was covered with hair. Fortunately, he was already in a corpse state, so he was not afraid of drowning.

It's just that those bugs are very annoying, but fortunately he rushed down the water when he saw that he couldn't climb up.

In the end, he avoided those bugs instead, and he discovered that these bugs can only live one or two meters above the water surface, and if the water is deeper, they will not be able to dive down.

He also saw a huge statue underwater, but before he could see it clearly, he found that the hair on the top of his head had disappeared, so he took the opportunity to rush up.


Xu Tong thought of the black shadow he saw just now, and was thinking about it, when he looked up again, he found that the mummified corpses and coffins in the distance had long since disappeared.

Seeing this, they didn't stay here, and quickly paddled the water to swim forward. Seeing that they couldn't eat meat, the insects had to gradually disperse.

Fortunately, they were not far from the shore, and they rushed to the other side in a short while.


As soon as they landed, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Mei Du sat down on the ground, gasping for breath, coming out this time was really eye-opening.

Gao Zhuo also felt that it was very evil just now, and he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle when he thought about it. Fortunately, Xu Tong used incense to get rid of those hairs, otherwise he would really be overturned in the coffin.

Xu Tong could use his strength to force his way out, but the others might be out of luck, especially Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi. It wasn't that they were not strong enough, but that the old man was too deadly.

I don't know how the master and the old man of the Gao family came here back then? ?
Just as Xu Tong was hesitating, there was a scream from a distance. Xu Tong and the others stood up and looked behind them. They were too far away to see what happened.

But it can be seen that those little sparks in the distance are being extinguished in large areas, and I don't know how many people are unlucky here.

"Let's go, we don't have much time, we have to order as soon as possible, otherwise when the time comes, the place will be refilled, and it will be difficult for us to go back when the time comes."

After hearing the old man's words, everyone didn't dare to delay any longer. After Chang Wuzhi lifted the coffin and carried it on his body, he continued to walk down the blue brick and stone road in front of him. After walking for a long time, the air in front of him began to become dry Get up and even start to see some broken buildings.

"The building here..."

Meidu looked at the towering stone sculpture in front of him, and couldn't help but marvel: "It looks like the style of the Tang Dynasty."

"You can see that too?" Gao Zhuo casually walked over.

"I majored in archaeology in college." Mei Du pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose and said.

Good guy, the descendants of Meihuazhuang, the family runs a crematorium, majors in archaeology, and co-authors corpses from ancient to modern times, all arranged clearly.

As he said that, Gao Zhuo walked up to the stone sculpture, raised his head to look at the stone sculpture, and was startled: "I've seen this thing before, it's the thing under the water just now, and it's the hair of this thing that attacked us .”

Gao Zhuo re-described to Xu Tong and the others what he saw just now underwater. His mouth was crooked and his nose was wide. There were two big fish hanging from his ears, and his appearance was exactly the same as the underwater one.

"This is the water god, is the rumor of the water god true??"

The old man recognized the stone statue, but when he heard Gao Zhuo's words, he couldn't help muttering in his heart, and hurriedly bowed towards the direction behind him.

"What kind of water god, I see it is an evil god, don't give me a chance, next time I will blow up his statue."

Gao Zhuo scolded angrily.

In fact, if it weren't for the presence of the old man and Mei Du, Gao Zhuo would have been able to completely transform himself, call out the zombies he made to make bombs, and blow up the underwater god statue to pieces.

"Okay, let's go on, old man, where is the Yinyang Mountain you mentioned?"

Xu Tong asked the old man.

"I don't know, I haven't been here, anyway, let's go ahead."

The old man also admitted frankly that he was thinking about it anyway, since he has reached this age, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Seeing this, Xu Tong really felt that their team really resembled Journey to the West. The master was determined to go to the west, and the four of them would desperately protect him.

"Wait, look at this!"

At this moment, Mei Du suddenly squatted down, pushed aside the gravel, pointed to the imprint on the stone and said, "Our people from Meihua Village have been to this place."

Xu Tong walked over to take a look, and sure enough, he saw a plum blossom carved on the stone.

"Why do people from Plum Blossom Village come to such a place??"

Xu Tong didn't know much about Plum Blossom Manor, but he also knew that the people in Plum Blossom Manor had always lived in seclusion, and would never set foot in the rivers and lakes without necessity.

"I don't know. I've never heard of anyone from our family coming to Xiangxi." Mei Du was also surprised by the appearance of this mark, but he was sure that it was a mark of his own family, and the direction of a petal was missing from the plum blossom. It is the direction pointed.

Only the people in Plum Blossom Village would know this.

It is really surprising to see the imprint of Plum Blossom Village in this place.

"There must be a reason for plum blossoms to lead the way. Let's take a look here."

Mei Du said and walked ahead to lead the way.

The cave in front of you is full of slopes piled up with rubble, and if you are not careful, it is likely to cause the rubble to collapse.

After passing through these complicated environments, an arched doorway appeared in front of them.

There is a sign hanging on the door opening, with three words written on it: "City of Dead Death!"

Seeing the sign on the doorway, Gao Zhuo was delighted: "It's a dead city, I really think this is a sinister place."

However, he also remembered that it was written in [Lingling Yin-Yang Fengshui Diagram] that after crossing the keel and clearing the way, it is a fake Yincao, which should refer to this place.

At this time, Meidu saw the plum blossom mark on an inconspicuous stone again. After comparing the directions, he found that the direction was not for them to enter, but an inconspicuous small hole on the side.

Now the old man stopped doing it: "I want to go to you, but I won't go. I'm in a hurry and must go to Yinyang Mountain as soon as possible."

"Wait, since my senior left the signal, there must be a reason, we shouldn't rush in like this."

Meidu insisted on taking the trail to see what was going on.

Seeing this, Xu Tong thought for a while, let Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuju go in with the old man first, and then he and Mei Du went to see what was going on.

He believed that with the strength of Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi, there would be no problem in keeping the old man.

At the most critical moment, the old man was knocked unconscious, and they could do whatever they wanted.

When Gao Zhuo heard that this was also a solution, he split up with Xu Tongbing.

After watching Xu Tong and Mei Du go into the path, the old man curled his lips and said displeasedly: "This is your brother? You are not afraid that he will lose you."

Gao Zhuo was startled, squinting at the old man, his eyes gradually became unfriendly: "Old man, you can either kill me directly, or shut up. I really think I'm afraid of you. If you kill me, brother, I'll know if I try."

The old man was glared at by Gao Zhuo, his heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and he subconsciously wanted to make Gao Zhuo suffer.

But no matter how he pushed the Gu worms, Gao Zhuo kept staring at him, and his fists rattled.


At this time, Chang Wuzhi suddenly stood in front of the old man, his expression became serious, one hand rested on the old man's shoulder, and the other hand held a stone he picked up from nowhere and held it in his palm. .

"Old people and young people are angry, so don't worry about it!"

As he spoke, Chang Wuzhi pinched the stone with his fingers, and the stone in his hand was crushed into fine powder.

Seeing this, the old man looked at Chang Wuzhi, and saw that Chang Wuzhi's face was expressionless, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Seeing this, the old man finally stopped mobilizing the Gu worms, pretending to be okay, and said: "Okay, you still listen to your words, you have carried the coffin for so long, you should change someone else, let him carry it."

"Hey, it's a good feeling."

When Chang Wuzhi heard this, he grinned, put the coffin on the ground, and followed the old man in front.

Gao Zhuo let out a long breath, and caressed the coffin tremblingly with one hand, only to see a bean-sized drop of cold sweat rolling down his forehead, spit a mouthful of bloody spittle, and followed behind with a dark face.

After the three of them passed through the arched stone gate, they walked a few steps forward, and saw various stone houses on both sides along the way. The stone houses were very large, almost indistinguishable from normal houses.

These stone houses turned out to be carved out after the whole rock was dug open, and their appearance and style are really a bit like the Tang Dynasty.

I just don't know how many people are needed to complete such a large project.

"It's really like that."

Gao Zhuo looked at the stone houses around him, looked left and right, thinking that his grandfather's soul should be lost in this place, but there is not even a ghost here.

The three of them didn't take two steps, when the old man and Chang Wuzhi who were walking in front of them suddenly stopped.

I saw two statues standing at the intersection in front of me.

One of the statues is black and the other is white. They are also surprisingly ugly. They have a round face with a wide nose, big eyes, and a big mouth. Standing there makes people jump.

"Hey, black and white are all set up, old man, is this really your family's holy place?? How did the voodoo sect get involved in Taoism's underworld?"

Gao Zhuo put the coffin on the ground and began to tease.

The old man glared at him, just when he was about to explain something.


Sudden!A sound came from nowhere, and the sound of the gong scared them into a fright. What was even more strange was that the two statues in front of them were actually uttering human voices.

"The gate of ghosts is closed, and all ghosts walk in the night!"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a "cracking..." sound.

Gao Zhuo's heart skipped a beat, a bad premonition welled up in his heart, he quickly grabbed the old man, pulled him to his side, and looked around vigilantly at the same time.

At the end of the street in the distance, a white light flickered like two long dragons, gradually lighting up the dark world in front of us.

It was the lantern hanging in front of the door, and it was lit at the same time.

At this time, Gao Zhuo raised his nose, and a strange smell began to fill the air, which he was familiar with: "Corpse oil!"

The sound of "click, click, click..." was getting louder at this moment, as if something had been opened.

"Something's wrong, something came out."

Chang Wuzhi squinted his eyes and stepped back to the old man's side, glanced at the coffin: "Throw him into the coffin first."

As soon as Gao Zhuo heard that the idea was good, he immediately opened the coffin.

Unexpectedly, just as his hand touched the coffin lid, the coffin lid suddenly opened a seam, followed by a black hand suddenly protruded from the coffin, and grabbed the collar of the old man who was about to enter the coffin.


The sudden change caught both Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi by surprise. The old man was caught directly into the coffin like a marionette, and then a hoarse laughter came from inside the coffin: "Is there really something wrong?" Takeaway to eat..."

(End of this chapter)

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