Chapter 462
Is Yasha strong?
Very strong?

But not as strong as me!
As soon as Xu Tong bowed down, reality and reality intertwined in front of him, a crack and abyss were suddenly torn open, decayed buildings, dilapidated pavilions, and shadows of shadows and shadows shuttled among them.

In an instant, it was like being in hell.

Mei Du stared at him with wide eyes, his body was trembling uncontrollably, trembling with excitement, this is the sorcery rumored to end an era.

As early as a long time ago, the three words Baishankou appeared in the family records.

Just like most people, there are only a few records about Baishankou, not even the Spring and Autumn strokes, and few people will write close-ups of it.

On the one hand, it was because of their hatred towards Xue Gui that they did not want to disclose everything about Xue Gui to the public.

On the other hand, it is also because Xue Gui is dead, and the greatest revenge for a dead person is to make him forget in the long river of history.

So now the younger generation of aliens can know about Baishankou mostly because they know a little bit from the mouths of the family elders.

Meidu's understanding of Baishankou can only be said to be based on one-sided information.

Because Meihuazhuang is not a decent family after all, the family doesn't care whether Baishankou is called magic by the Jianghu people. As a technical school, it wants to bring Baishankou back to the world.

Of course... By the way, they have to name their Plum Blossom Village.

It was only after the research of several elders of the family that it was discovered that this was not the case at all. The information they collected was useless, and even the skins could not be restored.

It wasn't until the moment when Mei Du saw Xu Tong performing the Mountain Blessing Button that he realized why the elders in the family could not undo it, because it was not some sorcery, but an orthodox Taoism.

At this moment, Mei Du was standing beside Xu Tong, observing everything around him empathetically, and she became more certain of her thoughts in her heart, was inevitable that there was more sadness in her heart.

It is too difficult, not to mention that the elders in the family have passed away, even if they are still alive, there is no way to copy Baishankou, not only because it is too difficult and too complicated.

It is because of this era that the great master has become a legend, and this level cannot be broken, let alone learning to worship the mountain buckle.

I really don't know how this guy broke through to the realm of the great master. Is it really like what the rumors say, is it Xue Gui who left behind, or is it the fairy who was taken away from Li Xi back then? Po help? ?

Just when Mei Du was puzzled, the coffin in front of him suddenly stood up.

"Aw!" Under the heart-piercing roar in the coffin, a creature with bat wings and a body like a demon ape directly shattered the coffin lid.

Mei Du took a look, and saw that the zombie was purple all over, with sharp and rough reverse scales on the skin, and the thin face still retained human facial features.

It's just that those eyes are like two red lanterns, exuding a scarlet halo.

This is the complete flying Yaksha.

With the spread of the wings, a black corpse was stirred up, and the place where the devilish energy surged was to forcibly tear apart the world of the underworld that Xu Tong had summoned and turn it into reality again.

This is what makes Yaksha scary.

Although he is not a grand master, but relying on his own immortal characteristics, coupled with his terrifying physical body, he is already difficult to deal with, and with such a powerful corpse that can easily tear the gap between reality and reality, it is no wonder that this thing dares to challenge the great master head-on .


Yasha's eyes were glowing red. After waking up, his eyes immediately locked on Xu Tong's body. He was obviously very dissatisfied with Xu Tong's way of waking him up. His wings spread and moved, swaying the muddy corpse. It actually caused the shattering of hell to return to reality.

Seeing Yasha rushing towards him, Mei Du's muscles froze in an instant, and his blood seemed to freeze. Under fear, he realized that the self-confidence that he was proud of, like the proud son of heaven, was no match for life and death. It is no different from ordinary people.

Fortunately, at this time, Xu Tong moved his palm, and the abyss under his feet quickly sank, opening the distance between the two again.

At the same time, he clasped his fist with his backhand and hit the second mountain worship button, and immediately the cavalry rushed out from the abyss, forming a torrent towards Yasha.

"Aw!!" There was a loud noise, and the universe collapsed in front of him. Yasha's aura of getting up was obviously not normal, and he bumped into the cavalry.

All of a sudden, Xu Tong's Yin soldiers were smashed into pieces. Yasha's black nails were like magical weapons. When he swung them, they turned corpses into sharp blades. Whenever those Yin soldiers were touched, It will be cut into pieces in an instant.

Almost in an instant, Xu Tong's Yin soldiers suffered heavy losses.


Meidu saw the scene in front of her like a fairy tale actually happened in front of her, and her mood was ups and downs beyond words.

It's just that when he saw that Yasha in full body was so terrifying, Mei Du couldn't help retreating in his heart.

After all, I am just an ordinary person, at least in front of Xu Tong and this Yasha, I am no different from those ordinary people.

It's just that before he finished speaking, Xu Tong had already started.

Seeing Xu Tong jumping up, a rotten skeleton warhorse rushed to Xu Tong to sit down as if it had been called, and then rushed towards Yasha head-on with Xu Tong.

When Yasha saw Xu Tong rushing towards him, his eyes were filled with excitement. He fanned his wings and rolled up a large number of corpses.

But Xu Tong was more like a mortal who went up against the sky alone and tried to challenge Tianwei.

This scene almost made Mei Du's eyes widen, his ears were buzzing and he couldn't hear anything for a moment, only the sound of his heart beating faster in his chest echoed in his ears.

At the moment of this confrontation, dark red flames suddenly rose from Xu Tong's body, engulfing Xu Tong and his horse.


The fire ignited and jumped into the sky, making a sound like a tsunami, which was so loud that it made people's ears buzz.


Meidu trembled for a while, and saw a person riding a fire horse in the sea of ​​fire. The fire horse was covered with crimson crystal armor, and its whole body was covered by flames.

What is even more eye-catching is the figure riding on the fire horse, the bright red battle armor, and the sky-covering fire hanging on his shoulders behind him, which is as hot as his cloak.


In an instant, the corpses all over the sky disappeared in the flames, Xu Tong punched Yasha hard on the chest, even though Yasha's sharp claws scratched the crimson armor on his body without even leaving a shallow scratch.

The flames of hell made Flying Yaksha let out a shriek and scream, and turned around to run away.

"Give me down you!"

But how could Xu Tong give him this opportunity, galloping on the horse, he rushed behind Fei Tian Yasha in an instant, and the huge horseshoe with the hot hellfire, stepped on Fei Tian Yasha's face fiercely, directly killing him Kick into the abyss.

Yasha's howling crazily, and the burning of hellfire, even his immortal body couldn't bear it. At the same time, this guy was so unlucky that he even triggered the passive gangrene of [Ember].

There are large wounds under the flesh that look like briquettes, as if they can breathe, one red and one dark, and the hellfire hidden inside makes Yasha feel even more tormented.

It's a pity that this yaksha seems to have been asleep for too long and has forgotten how to speak, otherwise he would definitely start cursing at this moment, he was sleeping soundly, and in his dream he had a big beauty, but he was forcibly awakened by someone, and he pressed his head directly With a hammer, this grievance will be uncomfortable for anyone.

Seeing that Xu Tong had already rushed down, Yasha didn't dare to fight Xu Tong any more, and was about to dive down with his wings flapping.

As a result, Xu Tong stopped chasing after seeing this, and let Yasha go to the bottom of the abyss, and a huge gate appeared in front of Yasha.

"Kick, Kick, Kick..."

At this moment, the gate slowly opened, and a wisp of black spring gushed out, engulfing Yaksha in the black water, and then dragged him directly into the gate.

Yasha didn't know what was behind this door, but the aura coming out of it made Yasha instinctively feel frightened. He waved his wings as hard as he could, rushed out of the black water, and wanted to tear apart Xu Tong's reality and escape. and go.

But before he could fly up, a pair of palms the size of a hill protruded from the gate and grabbed Yaksha's legs. The huge force was going to force Yaksha into the gate.

Yasha screamed again and again, his wings flapped desperately, but right after he saw the door, a golden light flew out in mid-air and turned into a shining Taoist talisman, hitting the top of Yasha's head.

This smashing of the Yasha was instantly blinded, and before he had time to react, he was smashed into the gate by the black water that was against the sky, and the gate was slowly closed.

Three shadows were standing behind the gap in the gate, bending towards Xu Tong in respect.

"Hey, the training is quite fast."

Xu Tong pursed his lips, thinking that the master's methods were superior, and he had tamed Taoist Dragon Xun, the eldest princess, and that stupid mountain ghost in such a short period of time.

Immediately, the hellfire on his body dissipated, and the bright red battle armor on his body also disappeared.

These are the 'rents' promised by Amota to upgrade the Demon King's Advent and Demon Flame to Hell Armor and Hellfire. After the first attempt, the power is much stronger than I imagined. It seems that the contribution of this tenant is still worthy of recognition of.

It seems that without relying on Baishankou, he still has the fighting power to challenge the great master, which Xu Tong is particularly satisfied with.

Flying and jumping down, Mei Du was completely dumbfounded.

At this time Xu Tong received a warning from the item book.

"Warning! If you show the item card skills in front of non-players, if the other party cannot accept this knowledge, you will be severely punished...the recognition is being judged..."

This warning is not unexpected, even in his own expectations.

The ability of item cards is not allowed to be easily displayed in front of non-player crowd, but such a definition is very vague.

After all, strictly speaking, his dark physique is also a prop card ability, which is revealed almost all the time, or it is the magic eye of fate, even the magic flame that has not been upgraded can be revealed in front of strangers.

But to what extent is it considered to have touched the red line?
There was no need to think about it before, but now that the lives of Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi are in the hands of the old man, he has to figure it out, so... Brother Sha, just sacrifice yourself.

Xu Tong waited quietly, when Mei Du suddenly woke up, looking at Xu Tong's trembling lips slowly opened his mouth in shock.

Ren was Fu Wuche from Chest Middle School, but Meidu found that he couldn't find a suitable sentence for a while, so he held back for a while before saying: "Fuck, the great master is really awesome..."

(End of this chapter)

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