Infinite script kill

Chapter 463 3 Plum Blossoms

Chapter 463 Three Plum Blossoms
"The verdict is over, you used the item card in front of non-players, and it didn't cause any impact, so you won't be punished!"

The result obtained was similar to what Xu Tong had imagined. It is not impossible to use the ability of item cards in front of other people.

But if it is used in front of ordinary people, it may be very troublesome. The criterion for judging should be whether the other party can accept such cognition.

If you can't recognize it, you may not only face a high punishment, but also have to kill people to silence them.

Otherwise, the punishment may be higher, even reaching a level that is unacceptable to myself.

I believe this is also the reason why most players rarely show their tracks in reality.

"Hurry up, go see if there are any clues."


Mei Du hurried to the coffin, the lid of the coffin was shattered, but the things under the coffin were intact.

Take a closer look, there is really a wooden cylinder inside, and the wooden box has their special imprint of Meihuazhuang on it.

"It can't be wrong."

Mei Du's eyes lit up, and he carefully opened the wooden tube. Inside was a scroll made of unknown leather. After opening it carefully, what came into view was densely packed and strange characters.


Mei Du glanced over, and after watching for about 2 minutes, his expression gradually became serious.

The font on this is a unique font of their Meihuazhuang, and it needs to be interpreted according to a special formula, but the content inside makes Meidu even more shocked.

After carefully studying the above content, he looked at Xu Tong with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Brother, this not a so-called place of sacrifice, but a prison!"


Xu Tong looked at him suspiciously.

Mei Du handed the scroll to Xu Tong, and helped him interpret the content on it.

In the 27th year of Jiajing, he was summoned to Hunan. There were 78 fellow Taoists along the way. They were responsible for cleaning up Hunan goblins and ghosts, sealing up spiritual caves, and clearing out evil caves.

At the beginning of the familiar content, Xu Tong couldn't help but immediately remembered the content on the [Lingling Yin-Yang Fengshui Map].

It seems that in the 27th year of Jiajing, when Qin Tianjian entered Hunan, he recruited 78 people along the way, and this senior from Meihuazhuang happened to be among them.

It was a bit of a coincidence.

Just listen to Meidu continue to interpret.

In March of the same year, there was a conflict between the thousand-year-old mountain spirit and the voodoo sect. The two sides fought with each other and suffered heavy casualties. More than half of the 78 people were reduced.

In the same year, on the third day of May, the cabinet issued three imperial edicts, strictly admonishing Nan Zhengguo for his ineffectiveness in handling affairs, ordering Zhang Lu, the governor, to go to the mountains to appease him, and bestowing countless golden brocade treasures on Zhang's chieftain, to coordinate Zhang Lu's completion of Xiangxi affairs.

The content of these two paragraphs is very short, but if you read it carefully, you will find that it is very interesting.

The Qin Tianjian at this time is not like that of the Datong Dynasty, where father does not love mother or mother.

It would not be an exaggeration to describe it as being at the peak of power. 78 strangers were called along the way, and even the people from Plum Blossom Village were mobilized. It is conceivable that the people who could participate in this matter were all top experts at that time without exception.

It is no exaggeration to say that no one dares to provoke black and white, and with the backing of the imperial court, such a large-scale team, no one would dare to be dissatisfied along the way.

But in this remote place in western Hunan, he suffered a big loss.

Not only were there heavy casualties, but he was also reprimanded by the court, and finally ordered the governor to come to mediate, which is tantamount to taking away the power of Qin Tianjian.

But it can also be seen from the side that the words of a century-old dynasty and a thousand-year chieftain are not a joke.

Try it in another place, don't care if you are a guard or the leader of a sect, if you see the officials of the Qin Tianjian, don't be short of your head, let alone beat you.

But the voodoo sect fought, not only the fight, but also the imperial court tried to appease them after the fight, which is really interesting.

Things are still normal up to here, but the following content starts to become serious.

The following year, Zhang Lu reached an agreement with the voodoo sect under the mediation of the chieftain Zhang. The specific content is unknown, but there has been no voodoo sect in Qingshan since then.

In March of the following year, the black wind blew up and caused countless casualties. The King Jiue Minggui came out of the mountain and killed countless people.

In June of the following year, Qin Tianjian Nan Zhengguo led 34 aliens to fight the King Jiue Minggui with the Dragon and Tiger Shenwei Banner. Retreat into the Yin-Yang Cave.

In the same month, we attacked the Yinyang Cave again, but a traitor appeared among our fellow travelers, and our success fell short.

I was also seriously injured and had to hide in the cave, but after a few days, when I wanted to leave again, the way to go was blocked, the ground river was flooded, and poisonous insects covered the river surface, and I was in a dead end.

I don't know the origin of the traitor Wang Zhao. This person is despicable, cunning, sinister and vicious, and he has learned the magic of the East. I have fought against this person more than ten times in the cave, and the outcome is hard to tell.

It is difficult to remember the years and months in the cave, I am about to rot, if future generations with my plum blossoms know this news, even though Jiue Mingguida has been cut off two heads, he is powerless to make trouble, but the centipede is dead but not stiff, and he will never die Do not take risks.

He has no long belongings, but he has three jade plum hairpins, which have miraculous effects. They are treasures left by his ancestors, hidden at the bottom of the coffin, and can save his life in critical times.

In Meihuazhuang, Mei Siyuan, an unworthy descendant, left a pen.

After Mei Du translated all the content above, his expression was obviously a little uncomfortable. He didn't know who this Mei Siyuan was, presumably it should be a great-grandfather of his family.

Unexpectedly, he died here in the end.

"How about... I release your ancestor?"

Xu Tong was a little embarrassed. He wanted to take in a younger brother for his master, but he didn't expect to take in his ancestors.

"do not!"

Mei Du refused without thinking.

"Although Plum Blossom Village is the source of evil, but the patriarch, Taoist Plum Blossom, once left an instruction that all descendants and grandchildren of my Plum Blossom Village should not leave their corpses outside, let alone turning themselves into zombies. You let this ancestor out. I will be forced to enforce the family law and destroy it."

Mei Du explained that as for why Taoist Meihua left this family rule back then, Mei Du himself didn't know.

Furthermore, although Mei Siyuan was one of his great-grandfathers, even if he didn't need to enforce the family law, he couldn't bring a zombie back for no apparent reason.

As soon as he opened the door: "Father, you see that I went out to do archaeology and brought back an ancestor by chance, so hurry up and get ready to kowtow."

This is outrageous.

Guessing that his father could feed him seven wolves for a month.

So after much deliberation, Mei Du could think of the most appropriate way... let this ancestor stay under the hands of the elder brother.

Although he was a bit suspected of betraying his ancestors, he was really thinking about his ancestors.

As everyone knows, Xu Tong was relieved to see that Mei Du had no intention of begging his ancestors.

This also saves him from embarrassment.

He was really worried that if Mei Du asked him for his ancestors, he would inevitably have to go to the master to argue, and he didn't know if the master would hand over this little brother.

But having said that, judging from what Mei Siyuan meant, King Jiu'e Minggui hadn't really been beheaded.

That is to say, some of the content on [Lingling Yin-Yang Fengshui Diagram] is false.

At least the above about King Jiue Minggui is false.

Suspected of lying about military achievements.

On the other hand, this place is not a place for god sacrifices. Xu Tong speculates that the river outside is likely to be the result of Nan Zhengguo seeing the plan fail and suffer heavy losses. , It’s just such a thing that was created in conjunction with voodoo.

The purpose is not only to prevent King Jiue Minggui from reappearing, but also to prevent future generations from entering and finding out the truth.

Of course, the above is just Xu Tong's personal speculation. Xu Tong doesn't know what the situation really is, and it's not important. The important thing is that the high priest probably played everyone.

The old man didn't understand the truth here, and he could understand it, but as the high priest of the voodoo sect, could he not know what tricks were hidden in it? ? ?
Since the high priest knew it well, why did he still do this? ?

While Xu Tong was still trying to figure out what the high priest was planning, Mei Du had already found the box left by Mei Siyuan from under the coffin.

The box is made of dark wood, and it has not rotted after being buried in the soil for so many years.

After opening it, there were three jade hairpins lying inside, shaped like dead wood with a plum blossom on each.

The surface is shining with light, vivid and clear, and the flashing fluorescence on each flower is different.

Obviously, this is definitely an amazing treasure.

Meidu took out the three plum blossoms, put them on his hands and wiped them carefully, and the envoy used his own unique secret method to stimulate them, and the plum blossoms suddenly glowed.

"Can you lend me a look!"

Seeing the strange appearance of these three plum blossoms, Xu Tong couldn't help being curious. This thing is obviously much more advanced than the magic weapon produced by the Taoist with a twisted mouth and the patriarch of the Miao people, so he was curious in his heart, what are the three plum blossoms? Function.


Without the slightest hesitation, Mei Du handed the things to Xu Tong directly, and at the same time looked carefully at Xu Tong's expression from the corner of his eye.

Naturally, Mei Du's petty actions couldn't be hidden from him, but Xu Tong was just curious.

Take the plum blossom hairpin in the box to watch, and then try to throw it into the item book, wanting to see if the item book can give a detailed explanation.

【Qingming Plum Blossom Hairpin】

The carrier is not afraid of Yin Qi entering the body, and not afraid of corpse poison.

Active Skill 1: Plum Fragrance Diving into the Quiet

Consumes 10 script points, after activation, all ghosts cannot be seen, and those who are not great gods cannot see their shadows.

Duration: 30 minutes.

Cooling time: 2 minutes.

(Note: It is said that the Plum Blossom Taoist retreated after making a fuss in the underworld with this thing. If there is a technique of inheritance, it can be used instead of the script.)
Active Skill 2: ? ? ?
Passive Skill 1: ? ? ?

Xu Tong couldn't help but be taken aback when he saw the entry. Such an inconspicuous plum hairpin has such a magical effect.

So he threw the other two hairpins into the item book.

These two hairpins are [Huangquan Plum Blossom Hairpin] [Xielang Plum Blossom Hairpin]

The former has the ability to shift shape and position, while the latter has the ability to hit ghosts and gods hard, which seems to be the nemesis of ghosts and gods.

And wearing these three together at the same time will also activate special effects, which can shield all the torture tools of Yin Cao ghosts and gods, such as ecstasy locks, mourning sticks and so on.

Seeing such an entry introduction, they were all stunned. What kind of person is Plum Blossom Taoist, who can leave behind such a heaven-defying treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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