Chapter 464 The Ghost Gate is Closed (Happy New Year!!)
These three plum blossom hairpins are simply the nemesis of the Yin God, and in a certain sense, it is not an exaggeration to describe them as divine weapons.

It also made him have a strong interest in Taoist Plum Blossom. If there is a chance in the script world in the future, he really wants to pay a visit to Taoist Plum Blossom.

Then he put the three hairpins back in the box and returned them to Meidu, and explained the function of each hairpin to Meidu clearly.

"You just gave it back to me??"

If he hadn't heard about the functions of these three hairpins, Mei Du could still maintain a normal mind, but after learning about the magical ability of these three hairpins, Mei Du's whole person was not calm.

How miraculous the old ancestor Plum Blossom Taoist is, he has heard it from his parents since he was a child, but as time goes by, he also feels that there may be exaggeration in it.

For example, in the biography of Meihua, there was a story about Taoist Meihua rioting in the city of death in vain. Meidu has always been suspicious whether this is plagiarizing Monkey King.

It wasn't until she heard about the abilities of these three hairpins that Mei Du really felt that the stories described in Mei Hua's biography might not all be fabricated by nothingness.

But what made him uneasy was that Xu Tong returned these three things to himself.

Isn't it good to kill people and seize treasures?

Isn't it easy to buy and sell by force?

Don't blame him for using such malicious thoughts to figure out Xu Tong, but people's hearts are unpredictable. The uncles in the family have already told him with bloody facts how terrible the greed of people's hearts is.

Besides, speaking in all fairness, if the three plum blossom hairpins fall into his hands, there is also a suspicion that the jewels are dusty, even if he is an upright descendant of plum blossoms.

Even in his heart, he had already prepared the worst plan.

Unexpectedly, Xu Tong generously returned the thing to himself, which really caught him off guard.

Even he couldn't help but ask the question.

"What?? Are you still charging me money??"

Xu Tong looked at Mei Du in shock.

"No no no... I mean..."

Mei Du blushed and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Before Mei Du could finish speaking, Xu Tong slapped him on the back: "Chi Chi Wai Wai, like a girl, let's go, my two good brothers are still foolishly slipping into the cover. "

Faced with Xu Tong's urging, Mei Du didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only follow behind with his head down.

In fact, Xu Tong was tempted for a moment.

Who wouldn't be tempted by this thing?What's more, for me, having this set of things is definitely beneficial and harmless.

But after all, this is the treasure of his ancestors, not to mention that his ancestors were all taken by him.

Taking away their ancestors, and taking away their ancestral property... Xu Tong can't do this.

I am lacking in everything, except virtue.

Hmm... really not lacking...

When the two of them went back along the route they came from, they saw that the fake City of Death was already brightly lit.

The Miao patriarchs who had been left behind by them before had led their men to catch up.

However, the number of these aliens has dropped significantly, at least one-third less than when they were above.

Xu Tong wanted to hide at first, but the high priest was also among the pedestrians, and now he couldn't hide even if he wanted to hide, so he simply walked out generously.

"Huh?? You didn't go in??"

Seeing Xu Tong and Mei Du, everyone was very surprised. They thought the old man had left them far behind, but they were still there.

Facing everyone's eyes, Xu Tong only focused on the high priest, as for the others, Xu Tong believed that they were selectively ignored by Xu Tong.

Is it crazy?

But in the eyes of everyone, it was taken for granted. If I had this ability, I could be crazier than him.

Xu Tong didn't speak because he didn't want to talk to these people.

Those old guys who have a grudge against their master can still hold back their temper.

But for other strangers, Xu Tong has no patience, and if he doesn't close the door and let go, it's enough for him.

It's just that Mei Du, who was following behind, couldn't do this anymore. He still nodded to everyone with a smile on his face and said, "We accidentally got separated, we went around in a big circle, and almost lost our way, so we came here .”


These aliens are not easy-going lamps, so naturally they won't believe what you Mei Du said, but there's no need to expose it.

"Then let's go together, just as everyone is not lonely on the road."

The high priest standing behind spoke.

Although these words sound strange, everyone has no objection. After all, with a great master like Xu Tong leading the battle, they can rest assured.

They even opened their mouths to praise Xu Tong.

"The high priest is right. With Senior Xu with us, we don't have to be afraid of any ghosts."

The speaker is almost fifty years old.

"Senior Xu is young, he is already the best in the world, he is really a god."

"In my opinion, there are only a handful of people in the world who can compare with Senior Xu."

"One school and two generations of great masters, it shows that Xue Lao has great supernatural powers and boundless magic power."

When Xu Tongren walked in the middle, he was instantly overwhelmed by all kinds of flattery sounds, and even Mei Du beside him felt his scalp tingle and goose bumps all over his body.

I thought to myself, good guy, you can become a great master if you work hard with your cheeks.

These people seem to have completely forgotten that they were clamoring to kill Xu Tong before.

"If Senior Xu doesn't dislike it, we are willing to stand up for Senior Xu."

Finally someone took the lead and wanted to bow down.

In the end, Xu Tong fluttered his sleeves lightly, and gently lifted the man up with a soft force. He squinted at the eager eyes of everyone, with a smile on his face, and faintly spit out two words in the eyes of everyone's expectation. Word: "Dislike!"

It's not loud, but everyone can hear it clearly.

In an instant, the smiles on everyone's faces froze on their faces, and they all said that they would not hit the smiling face with their hands, but in the end they leaned forward with their faces covered, and were beaten like a pig's head.

Just when the atmosphere turned cold to freezing point, Xu Tong suddenly changed his voice and smiled brightly on his face: "No wonder! How could I despise you, everyone is so polite."

Hearing this sentence, everyone's tense faces immediately relaxed.

"It's rare for everyone to get together and overcome difficulties together. This is a once-in-a-century fate. In the future, we must share blessings and share hardships."

As soon as Xu Tong said this, everyone immediately applauded.

Only the big girl lying at the entrance of Xu Tong's hall shook her head and sighed: "It's really a bunch of cute little ones, so easy to lie."

"Go to the city, there is not much time, so don't delay here."

At this time, the high priest walking at the end urged.

After hearing the words, everyone seems to have finally remembered that they have been in for an hour, but the journey has not been halfway, and the total time is only four hours. If they continue to waste, they will never want to go back.

Coupled with the addition of great master Xu Tong, everyone's steps became brisk and powerful, and they were no longer as cautious as before.

After passing through the arched stone gate, there is a building carved out of stone in front of you.

As Gao Zhuo and the others lamented before, these pavilion buildings not only restored the real houses one by one, but what is rare is that these houses are all carved out of stone as a whole.

It’s just that there are still white lanterns hanging on the doors of every house. Instead of pasting the word “Fu” on the door, there is a word “Dian” pasted on it. It feels so gloomy that people feel uncomfortable walking here.

"High Priest, is this really a place of sacrifice for the gods? Why do I feel that this is more like a cemetery?"

Xu Tong slowed down, deliberately approached the high priest who was walking behind, and tentatively said with a casual expression.

As soon as the words came out, the several Miao patriarchs who followed the high priest all glared at Xu Tong: "Don't talk nonsense, this is the holy land of our clan, and it has never changed for thousands of years."

"Yeah, here... it seems to be different from the style of the Miao people."

When Xu Tong said this, there were many smart people among the crowd, and they immediately noticed something was wrong.

The high priest couldn't see his expression wearing a mask, but when he heard this sentence, the finger holding the crutch trembled imperceptibly.

But a husky laugh was soon heard from under the mask.

"Fellow Daoist's vision is very accurate. This is a cemetery. Speaking of it, it is also the most painful place for our Miao people."

The voice of the high priest was very hoarse. He first admitted that this is a large tomb, but then said slowly:

"In July of the 12th year of Kaiyuan, Sima Qin Xingzhang of Xizhou revolted against donations. Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, ordered Yang Sixuan, the general of the guards, to recruit envoys for Qianzhong Road, and led [-] troops to suppress. As a result, under the flames of war, our people were also affected. In order to be implicated and seriously injured, the Qianzhong Governor's Mansion was set up later, and this tomb is the damned Qianzhong Governor, who took advantage of the fire to seize it and build a big tomb."

Mentioning this period of history, the high priest gritted his teeth.

Xu Tong couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard the words. He didn't expect that in the Ming Dynasty, the voodoo sect, which still needed to be appeased by the court, was once suppressed to such an extent under the hands of the Tang Dynasty.

But thinking about the national strength of Datang at that time, I felt relieved.

After all, the Tang Dynasty at that time was still at its peak state.

Just when Xu Tong was about to continue asking, a strange sound of gongs and drums came from a distance.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound came suddenly, and what made people feel even more weird was the shouting under the sound of the gong: "The gate of ghosts is closed, and the ghosts are walking at night!"

 I wish everyone a happy new year, and in 2022, we will be even better! !
(End of this chapter)

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