Chapter 465
"Dong dong dong..."

The sound of the gong is getting louder and louder, but I don't know where it is coming from.

Everyone immediately became vigilant and carefully guarded their surroundings.


In the distance, two white lights lit up in unison, turning the world in front of us into daylight.

Everyone's eyes had already adapted to the darkness, but suddenly it was so bright that they couldn't adapt to it all at once, and they all squinted their eyes.

In the dimness, I saw pedestrians approaching in the distance.

When their eyes gradually adapted to the white light in front of them, they were surprised to find that they were in a bustling city.

The houses and pavilions carved out of stone just now have become what they look like in reality.

Pedestrians passed by, and there was a lot of traffic. Except for the weird clothes on their bodies, they were almost the same as in reality.

"Is this... real, or an illusion??"

Everyone was shocked, and they didn't even know whether it was a human or a ghost in front of them.

"This is……"

Xu Tong was also very surprised by the world in front of him. With his current strength, he can naturally tell that everything in front of him is not fake, everything is real.

But how to do it, he couldn't tell for a while, he just felt that this place was very similar to another place, that is...

Ghost city!

In the gap between the present world and the underworld, a place where humans and ghosts meet, with the help of huge resentment, a space is torn apart, connecting the yang world to the underworld, which is an extremely unique existence.

Right now, this world is not a ghost market, but to a certain extent, it is more advanced than a ghost market.

It is a kingdom of the dead that is independent of the underworld.

Can this kind of place actually appear in reality?Xu Tong was really shocked.

But after thinking about it, I felt relieved.

After all, even if the script world is bizarre, it is created based on the projection of the real world.

Perhaps the former real world itself was even weirder than the scripted world.

It's just... By doing this, it is clear that you are prying into the corner of the underworld. Don't the gods in the underworld know this?If you know, don't let this place exist, don't care? ?
When all kinds of doubts came to my mind, the strangers around had gradually begun to adapt.

Although the ghosts were scary, these passers-by looked no different from ordinary people at the moment. Looking at the appearance of living and working in peace, the vigilance in their hearts gradually relaxed.

"what is this??"

At this time, a bold person walked to the booth and looked at the things on the booth curiously.

I saw all kinds of exotic fruits on the stalls, all of which were filled with a unique fragrance, which made people feel light and light all over their bodies after taking a sip, and even felt like they were ecstatic.

The stall owner was honest and honest. Hearing these people's inquiries, he explained: "These are Huangquan fruits, our specialty here. Eating one will help the soul to grow."

As he spoke, he enthusiastically picked up one and handed it over to them for a taste.

"Encourage the primordial spirit?"

There was suspicion in everyone's heart, and some even denied the man's words on the spot.

Yuanshen is the innate nature, also known as "yuan nature"

Taoist secrets to enhance the primordial spirit are all regarded as secrets that cannot be passed on. If this thing can enhance the primordial spirit, it is a priceless treasure.

If these fruits could strengthen the primordial spirit, they would have been snatched away by people a long time ago, so how could they see them.

Everyone turned around and wanted to leave, thinking that there was probably something wrong with this fruit.

Xu Tong followed behind the crowd, his eyes scanning the leaders of Shengmiao and the high priest.

"Brother, look at the things over there..."

At this time, Mei Du who was on the side suddenly pulled Xu Tong's arm and pointed with his hand.

Xu Tong looked at it, and was suddenly taken aback.

I saw that in front of the inconspicuous shop on the left, there were sheets of Ming notes that were as bright as new.

He even wondered for a while whether he had read it wrong, but when he stepped forward to take a look, it turned out to be true.

One by one, there are four big characters written on them, which are oily yellow, and there are four big characters written on them. Whether it is the color of the paper or the unique texture on it, Xu Tong can tell at a glance that these things are real. of.

With so many ghost notes neatly piled up in this place, Xu Tong felt a bit too dreamy.

"Guest officer, take a look. These are genuine treasures. If you like them, just take them."

An old lady with a ruddy complexion sat on a chair and said to Xu Tong with a smile.

Xu Tong didn't speak, but Mei Du couldn't help asking, "How do you plan to sell this thing?"

The old lady looked at Mei Du, and said with a smile: "The treasure is a gift to someone who is destined, you can take it if you like."

Hearing these words, instead of being happy, Mei Du took a few steps back, not daring to take it.

Xu Tong carefully inspected these notes, and said suspiciously: "Old man, where did you buy these things? There are quite a lot of them."

"The Eight Immortals cross the sea and each show their magical powers. A thousand taels of gold is not for sale, but you can give it to an old friend on the street. Young man, if you like it, you can take it. Why bother with the origin of this thing."

The old lady had a calm expression on her face, as if she was not worried about whether Xu Tong and the others would take it.

Seeing this, Xu Tong wanted to continue to test, but a sudden noise came from not far away, interrupting Xu Tong's thoughts.

"My, get out!!"

"Fuck you, I discovered this first."

The two huddled together, and at first they still kept some sense of proportion, but after a while, they turned red-eyed and started to fight each other to death, and then looked at what they were fighting for, it turned out to be an ancient sword, the shape of the ancient sword The shape is extraordinarily simple, and you can tell it is a sword at a glance.

"You see, if you don't take it, someone will naturally take it. If you don't grab it, someone else will. Smart people will act first, and those who know later will never have a bright future."

The old lady sat in a chair and watched the fight with a big smile on her face.

It's just that both Xu Tong and Mei Du ignored her, making her seem more like talking to herself.

"Hey, I obviously came first to get these fruits."

"What you came first, you can't finish it all by yourself, everyone sees that everyone has a share."

Someone on the side couldn't help but fight for Huangquan fruit. If this thing is real, eating it will definitely bring no harm to him.

And in front of the bookstore at the back, the bigger and busier it is, there are a lot of martial arts cheats inside, and some people even found their own lost skills in it, there is absolutely no fake.

"Really, these things are real!!"

Some people were overjoyed and found that the treasures here are all real things, and they are definitely not transformed by ghosts and illusions. There are secrets recorded in our family, and they are definitely not fake.

"This is Shaolin Dharma boxing. It's unmistakable. The above content is almost the same as what I learned at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain. Only the latter moves I haven't learned, and now I have finally learned them all."

Holding the boxing score alone, he studied it carefully, and actually found a trick that he hadn't broken through for a long time.

This undoubtedly dispelled part of the vigilance in their hearts, so that those who were still on the sidelines couldn't help but join in, and said silently in their hearts: "I will take one, wrap it in my clothes, and hide it on my body. Yes, everyone is happy, if it is fake, I am not afraid of hurting me."

The vast majority of people thought this way at first, but after they really took it and saw other treasures, they couldn't help but think:
"Either one is taken, two are also taken, it is better to take one more, yes, I will take another one, and take the best one."

Once the desire is released, no one can control his hand.

Seeing that everyone else is about to go crazy, but there is no movement at home.

Occasionally, a few people looked towards this side, but when they saw Xu Tong standing at the door, they immediately turned their heads and walked away in despair.

Obviously, even for the sake of the baby, his eyes were already red, but in the face of Xu Tong, reason immediately gained the upper hand.

Now the old lady finally couldn't sit still.

"Young man, you can go over there and have a look. There is an old man who sells bamboo baskets. He has three treasures, all of which are rare treasures in the world."

"Young man, you can also go to the west to have a look. There is a peerless beauty in the Xinglai Tower over there. She can make the city fall with a smile, and the country with a smile."

"Young people...Young people...Young people, don't stand here if you don't buy it, aren't you happy to go shopping elsewhere??"

"My leg hurts and I can't walk!"

Seeing that the old lady was getting anxious, Xu Tong took out a piece of yellow paper, folded it into a bench and sat at the door of the shop, even folded one for Mei Du, took out the melon seeds, and looked like he didn't intend to leave at all.

"Young man, this is the kingdom of ten thousand years. There are countless rare treasures. Anything you want can benefit you for the rest of your life. This is a great opportunity. You will regret it if you waste your time here."

Seeing that instead of leaving, the two of them were determined to block the door of their own house, the veins on the old lady's forehead tensed up, but she still suppressed her anger as much as possible and spoke calmly as much as possible.

Xu Tong yawned, with a look of lack of interest, he didn't answer the old lady's words at all, but asked the old lady for advice: "Old man, where is Yinyang Mountain?"

"I don't know, if you don't buy it, you should leave quickly, don't delay my business."

The old lady was obviously really anxious, urging Xu Tong to leave.

It's just that the more anxious the old lady was, the more calm Xu Tong became, and continued to ask: "Old man, how many years have you lived here, why don't you even know where Yinyang Mountain is?"

"Eldest brother, I think the old lady must know, she just doesn't want to tell you, why don't I ask for you."

As Mei Du said, he cleared his throat, raised his pretty face, and asked the old lady the question again.

This time the old lady didn't respond, but her eyes were already bloodshot.

Because she saw that many people had started to compete for red eyes, and even a shop selling Huangquan fruit had been robbed, but her own business was not moving at all.

"Don't worry, old man, no one of us here dares to snatch your things."

Xu Tong half-closed his eyelids and looked at the old lady, as if he was talking about a very just thing, with a righteous voice, without the slightest appearance of leaving, he stayed here with determination to ensure that the treasures in the old lady's booth , put it here intact, don't even try to move a single piece.


The old lady pointed at Xu Tong and Mei Du with trembling hands, her eyes turned red instantly, she changed her benevolent look, glared at Xu Tong and said, "You have ruined my business, I will fight with you!!"

As he spoke, the flesh on his face was split open, and the criss-crossed fangs were torn from the middle of the face, revealing a big bloody mouth. The big mouth opened to reveal a stench, and there were twists and turns in the depths of the mouth. The moving head was making a sharp roar.

"What is this!"

Mei Du was startled, Li Gui had seen it before, but he had never seen such a weird thing.

"It's a beast in the Yin and Yang Dao!"

But Xu Tong recognized it at a glance. The origin of this thing was that the idiot stood alone at the gate of the Yin-Yang Dao, and he saw this kind of mutated evil spirit through the crack of the door.

It's just that I didn't expect to see it here.

"You have ruined my business! You must stay and pay for my life!"

The heads in the depths of the bloody mouth shouted in unison, and their bodies were twisted into a beast-like appearance, filled with a rancid smell. They stepped back and rushed towards Xu Tong with a terrible wind.

Facing the attack of the strange ghost, Mei Du instinctively wanted to dodge, but Xu Tong behind him didn't even have the desire to make a move. With just a thought, the fat man appeared out of the sky, densely packed with tentacles, and instantly threw the The other ghost entwined into a rice dumpling, leaving only the bloody head outside.

Immediately, the big fat tentacles waved in mid-air, and fell fiercely on the ground.

"Boom!" There was a loud vibration.

Everyone was shocked, and they all turned their heads to look at the fat man who appeared out of thin air in horror.

But after everyone saw the big fat paper body, they immediately thought of Xu Tong's identity as a matter of course.

One is an expert in playing with paper, not to mention one is a great master, so it is not surprising to make such a puppet out of paper.

But only Mei Du knows that Fatty is definitely not what everyone thinks, he is just a paper man.

However, everyone's eyes were quickly attracted by the monster wrapped around the big fat tentacles.

When they saw the terrifying appearance of the strange ghost clearly, everyone was also taken aback. They had never seen such a strange thing.

"Could it be...these people...are all..."

Someone swallowed, and moved back, finally remembering what this place is.

He squinted at those pedestrians around him, and found that these people were also staring at him at the moment, and the expressions on their faces became more and more strange.


The old man who sold Huangquan fruit slowly raised his head, the flesh on his face was cracked like ceramics, and a tentacle like an earthworm came out along the gap, twisting in the air...


There were more and more cracking sounds... The ghosts who looked like ordinary people just now gradually began to look hideous.


A shrill scream came out, and instantly the whole world seemed to be exploding. With the sound of shattering, all kinds of strange ghosts revealed their true colors from their original shells.


Inky tentacles gushed out of the body, instantly knocking a stranger to the ground, and then the tentacles opened, revealing a rotten head and grinning sharply: "Start paying the bill!"

 I’m a bit stuck today, and I deleted and rewritten more than half of it, so it’s a lot slower. I’ll update it tonight, and I’ll take a day off tomorrow. I’ll sort out the development of the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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