Infinite script kill

Chapter 466 Yin Yang Mountain

Chapter 466 Yin Yang Mountain


Accompanied by the shrill screams, a fight kicked off, no, it should be a massacre.

To a certain extent, these aliens can be regarded as the first-class masters of today, and they can be said to be able to catch ordinary ghosts with ease.

But... these are not ordinary wandering ghosts, but those wandering in the Yin and Yang Dao, and have long since become another form, the ghosts!
This kind of thing can only appear in the Yin and Yang Dao, but the strange thing is that they actually appear in reality.

What's more, things like strange ghosts are a headache even for the underworld. They generally have low IQs and behave more like wild animals.

What shocked Xu Tong was that these strange ghosts not only had strong thinking, but also knew how to disguise themselves as ordinary wandering spirits, and he didn't even see the flaws.

This shows that not only is someone controlling them, but even training these ghosts.

If this is the case, this Jiue ghost king is going too far. If this matter is known to the Underworld, they will definitely not let him go, but this guy has existed since the Ming Dynasty until now. Something is wrong.

"Help... help..."

Seeing that he was not the opponent of these terrifying ghosts at all, a foreigner struggled and rushed towards Xu Tong.

He wanted to ask Xu Tong to save his life, but he also wanted to bring trouble to the east.

Mei Du couldn't bear to do it, but Xu Tong grabbed his arm and said, "Let's go!"

Saying "Let's go!" Fatty stretched out his tentacles behind him, and after rolling up the two of them, he quickly transformed into a ghost form. One flashed and moved, and the next second he dodged far away.

So much so that the other person rushed to nothing on the spot, seeing that there was no hope for help, the resentment in his heart suddenly burst out uncontrollably, pointing at Xu Tong and sternly cursing: "Bastard, what kind of master are you! ! I will never let you go even if I am a ghost!"

The curser was not alone, and some people also found that the leaders of the seedlings and the high priest were not attacked by the strange ghosts, so they wanted to run to them.

As a result, they were greeted by a uniform array of crossbow arrows.

The arrows of the crossbow arrows have been wound, and the arrows are filled with a dark red luster, obviously poisoned.

Now they were dumbfounded.

Knowing that the seedlings are tough, but they didn't expect that they even had such contraband in their hands. Now they can't advance or retreat, and no one will doubt whether these seedlings dare to shoot arrows.

They could only bite the bullet and turn around to fight these strange ghosts desperately, but how could flesh and blood be the opponents of these monsters? In just a moment, the casualties were already heavy. Dozens of people died and injured more than half in a blink of an eye.

Xu Tong watched coldly, and found that after these ghosts killed each other, they often sucked out their souls together with them, but they didn't swallow the souls directly, but held them in their mouths, not knowing what they were going to do.

"These people are too hateful!!"

Mei Du sat on the big fat shoulders, he couldn't help frowning when he saw this, his eyes became unkind.

Under the slogan of presenting them with treasures, tricking everyone to come down with them, it is clear that these people are going to die.

As if aware of the gazes of the two, the high priest looked sideways at the two of them, even through a thick mask, the gaze of the high priest still made them feel very uncomfortable.


At this time, the gong sounded again, and the surrounding ghosts stopped in unison as if they had heard some order, and then ignored the unkilled strangers, turned around and stood neatly in two teams, facing Walk down the street.

The other aliens who were lucky enough to survive just narrowly escaped death, but before they had time to rejoice, the sound of the gong became more and more urgent, and soon someone noticed that something was wrong with their bodies.

"wait for me……"

Some people felt cold all over, and their bodies unconsciously crawled on the ground, and their limbs became stiff.

Immediately next to my ear, I heard a low voice calling: "Come quickly!"

The sound came into my ears, and I saw strands of fluorescent light coming out of his Tianling acupoint, converging into two light spots, one red and one blue, and then quickly flew into the depths of the street and disappeared.

"The soul has left the body!!"

Xu Tong's expression changed slightly, and he couldn't help but think of the soul that was taken away by the old man of the Gao family.

However, he and Mei Du didn't feel any abnormality. They couldn't help but look at the chiefs of the Shengmiao tribe, and found that not only them, but those who could restrain themselves and didn't take the so-called treasures were also not affected at all. influences.

It seems that these affected people were all greedy and took things they shouldn't have.

No wonder these treasures were just allowed to be seized by them for nothing, and the price turned out to be their souls.

So... the old man of the Gao family must have had this reason. ,

"Not good, fast guard your mind and protect your soul!"

Other aliens also sensed that something was wrong, and they meditated silently in order to stabilize their own souls.

But when the gong sounded, each of them felt uneasy and chilled all over.

Accompanied by the shout in the ear, the souls couldn't hold on any longer, and flew out of the park above their heads one after another, turning into bits of light, and flew into the depths of the street together with the strange ghosts.


The high priest raised his crutches, and with the support of the two young girls, he urged the surrounding students to quickly follow behind the strange ghosts.

Seeing this, Xu Tong naturally wouldn't fall behind, and sat on the big fat shoulders and followed behind.

As for those Jianghu people who had their souls taken away, they looked embarrassed at the moment, looked at the team going away, and looked at the entanglement behind them, some people chose to leave.

No matter what, the treasures in their hands are real, and they are still in their own hands right now.

Leaving with these treasures, they can be regarded as returning with a full reward this time.

But if one soul and one soul are taken away, if they cannot be recovered, there will be endless troubles. The loss of the soul not only means that there is no possibility of breaking through, but also that the soul will not enter the underworld after death, and the end will be worse than that of a lonely ghost. awful.

After struggling for a while, some people chose to leave and continue to follow these seedlings, possibly losing their lives.

Holding these treasures in hand and leaving here, maybe you can still enjoy the prosperity of the world for decades. As for the future, it will not be too late at that time.

It's just that there are only a few people who think this way, even those with a little bit of morality know that although they hold a treasure right now, they will inevitably die, even a great master is no exception, if they can't get their soul back, they will die early What difference does it make to die late.

So after a dozen people chose to leave, others chose to follow.

After everyone passed through the street, the strange ghosts suddenly disappeared.

What came into view was the vast water vapor. When people took a closer look through the vapor, a hill full of hot springs appeared in front of them.

The hill is not high, probably only a hundred meters high.

This height is almost the same as Yingyun Peak in Beiman Mountain, but it is much larger than Yingyun Peak. The mountain is covered with large and small pools. The pool is filled to form a natural hot spring.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, everyone could clearly see a temple being built on the top of the mountain, majestic and majestic standing amidst the white mist.

"What is this place? How could someone build a temple here?"

"Isn't it a big tomb?? Could it be that the tomb is buried here?? Feng Shui is the most taboo water, and the corpse will rot when exposed to water. How can you make a tomb here??"

There are many knowledgeable people present, looking at the hot spring mountain in front of them, thinking that no one will build a tomb on it anyway.

Xu Tong and Mei Du jumped off Fatty, Xu Tong patted Fatty's belly: "You go back first, this place is inconvenient for you!"

The moisture here is too heavy, even the big fat in the ghost state will be very uncomfortable.

The fat and honest nodded, and then disappeared in front of the two of them.

"Headmaster, look at those flowers!"

At this time, Da Ya jumped out from the entrance of the hall, and quickly picked a flower with vermilion fruit from the mountain and handed it to Xu Tong.

"This is an antibacterial fruit. It is said that it can only be found in the Yin and Yang Dao. It is the main food of those ghosts. There are so many of them here! I think there are nine out of ten that those ghosts are kept in captivity here."

Xu Tong casually threw the fruit into the entrance of the hall, only to see a round little guy at the entrance of the hall jumping up and gnawing it in his mouth.

Speaking of getting rich, he is also a creature born and raised in the Yin and Yang Dao, and these things are exactly what he loved to eat in the past.

Da Ya jumped up lightly, her jade feet landed lightly on the entrance of the hall, she turned around and sat on the threshold, and whispered to Xu Tong:
"Teacher, I once heard from my ancestors that the antibacterial fruit is a rotten thing, and it can't be planted with rotten corpses..."

Hearing this, Xu Tong was startled, and instantly understood what Da Ya meant. The mountain-like thing in front of him turned out to be a rotting corpse.

Someone saw a boundary marker under a dead tree, with three big characters [Yinyang Mountain] written in official script on it.

On the side of the boundary monument, there is a line of small characters. Someone read: "There is no shadow in the three realms, and no name for the underworld. The world knows the suffering of the underworld. Why don't you escape into my door, not to increase and destroy the fairyland, and to be free in the three realms and five elements."

"How arrogant!"

When everyone saw this line of small characters, they couldn't help but look at each other.

"That's right, I really think of myself as a god."

Some people sneered, thinking that this was just a bluff. If someone could do this, how could people have never heard of any rumors.

"How dare you compare yourself to the underworld. I'm not afraid of someone going out and sending a copy of the ghost post, so that someone will come and deal with him."

Mingtie is a way for practitioners to inform Yincao. It is burned at a specific time, and it is said that it can go directly to the Hall of Yama.

Of course, whether or not he can reach Yan Luo directly depends on whether this person has a certain level of cultivation and reputation.

Ordinary people definitely can't do it, but if it's a practitioner, or a wealthy family, or even an ancient royal family, it's fine.

According to rumors, a handwritten letter from Taoist Plum Blossom can not only reach the Hall of Yama, but even alarm the Emperor Yin Cao if it is serious.

Of course, these are all off topic. Generally speaking, as long as someone complains about this matter, it will definitely alarm the underworld, so everyone is somewhat disapproving, thinking that the above sentence is exaggerated.

Only Xu Tong and Mei Du looked at each other face to face, yes, these strangers in the world knew the stakes in this, but the King of Jiue Minggui, not only has been around since the Ming Dynasty, but no one has been there until now. tidy.

Is there a missing whistleblower? ?

Xu Tong guessed that there are two possibilities, either there are people below, or it is a real giant crocodile, which even makes Yincao fearful.

In contrast, Xu Tong is more inclined to the former.

"Look, someone is coming down the mountain!"

At this moment, everyone suddenly found a woman walking down from the mountain amidst the clouds and mist. The woman was wearing a long skirt like the ancients. Her long black hair fluttered in the wind, revealing a beautiful face, and her huge eyes swept across her eyes. Clear and traceless, like a fairy in a picture scroll.

Inside and out revealed a kind of natural beauty, I saw the woman flying down lightly, standing in front of everyone, first bowed to everyone, and then said: "Everyone, Your Majesty welcomes you!"

(End of this chapter)

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