Infinite script kill

Chapter 467 The ninth suffering

Chapter 467 The Ninth Suffering

The woman's voice was as clear as a bell, and it felt numb to the ears.

What's more, although the woman's appearance does not give people the feeling of being amazing at first sight, she belongs to the kind that becomes more attractive and likable the more you look at it.

It's just that Xu Tong saw another scene with the help of the Eye of Fate, the woman's face was already rotten, the clothes on her body couldn't see the original color, and there were stains of corpse water everywhere, which was disgusting.

The chiefs of the Miao clan and the high priest raised the coffin and walked up the mountain path after hearing the words.

At this time, Xu Tong suddenly noticed something, and when he looked back, he saw his mistress looking at him with a smile on her face, her two pairs of big eyes glanced at the dead tree beside her, and she went up the mountain with the seedlings go.

"What the hell is this old woman doing here?"

Seeing his mistress twisting her waist like a snake spirit in the movie The Legend of the Green Snake, Xu Tong couldn't help thinking again.


Mei Du looked at him with a puzzled face, followed his gaze, and couldn't help but pouted and teased in a low voice: "Eldest senior brother, you haven't reached the country of daughters yet, besides, you are not Tang Sanzang."

"Oh, you know a hammer!"

Xu Tongbai glanced at him, then rolled his eyes, Jixiang on the hall shook his body, sneaked out and ran towards the dead tree that Mrs. Cai had looked at just now. A note came running back.

The note was opened, and six words were written on it: "This place is dangerous, go quickly!"

Seeing the words on the note, Xu Tong sighed, and then stuffed it into his pocket. He wanted to leave, but could he?

Not to mention whether they can save the life of the old man of the Gao family, Chang Wuju and Gao Zhuo haven't heard any news yet, and they can't leave even if they want to.

But it was a wake-up call for him.

"The front is not safe, you leave as soon as possible!"

Xu Tong whispered in Mei Du's ear, this guy has nothing to restrain him, and his strength is not bad, there is absolutely no problem in wanting to leave, and there is no need to follow him up the mountain to take risks.

"Eldest brother, Master is in trouble, how can I, Lao Sha, ignore it."

Mei Du spread his hands and said in an old-fashioned way.

In fact, he also knows that this matter has nothing to do with him. If he wants to leave now, he can be regarded as retreating, but Xu Tong just returned his baby to him, and he took good care of him along the way. I'm about to run away, how can I be friends in the future? ?

Besides, if he could find such a place, he would also like to see what the King of Jiu'e Minggui really looks like.

Seeing that Mei Du didn't leave, Xu Tong couldn't help laughing, squeezed his throat and lowered his voice: "Okay, okay, Junior Brother Sha, let's go in together and see what the King of Jiu'e Minggui looks like."

"Brother please!"

"Junior Brother Sha, please!"

The two of them played very penetratingly, making everyone present goosebumps and embarrassing, but Xu Tong and Mei Du didn't care about it.

The happiest thing is to have someone to play with you. As for what you are playing, it doesn't matter what others think of it. Being happy is the best.

After Xu Tong and Mei Du went up the mountain, the others felt embarrassed for a while, thinking about it with their toes, they knew that going up the mountain is easy and going down is difficult, but they were unwilling to go back home.

"Hey, why did you take my soul away!"

Someone stepped forward and asked the woman directly.

The woman covered half of her face with her long sleeves when she heard the words, she let out a giggle, and then she said: "The transactions in the market are always coming and going. You have so many treasures on your body, why do you need to ask the little girl?" .”

"But no one said that these things are for us to exchange for one soul, and you didn't declare in advance, this is fraud!"

Facing the woman's explanation, the crowd was not willing to accept it, and even the crowd didn't know which [-] started messing around. They wanted to bring all the consumption laws from outside, and they almost shouted that they would return the product for seven days without reason.

The woman's face gradually turned cold: "One gain and one loss, this is the cycle of heaven. There is nothing in the world to take advantage of for nothing. Didn't you think about it when you got the baby? If you dare to make trouble for no reason, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

As soon as the woman's voice fell, the surrounding spring water was boiling, and the strange ghosts who had just disappeared poked their heads out of the water one after another.

The crowd fell silent for an instant.

Afraid to offend the woman, but there are still some people who are not reconciled, and cautiously stepped forward: "That young lady...Look... Now that we return the things, can we return our souls?"

"Okay, go up the mountain to find my king, my king is the most fair and just, as long as you can pay the corresponding price, he will never bully you."

When everyone heard the woman's words, they didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Go up the mountain!"

Some people struggled for a while, and finally gritted their teeth and decided to go up the mountain to see who took their souls away. If there is a chance, they may be able to exchange their souls back.

Some people took the lead to walk up the mountain, except for a few who chose to leave, the others followed.

Walking up the rugged path, you can see many strange-shaped hot spring pools. If you change it to other places, this is a tourist attraction. At least there is no reason to build a hot spring resort.

Along the way, Meidu did not forget to suggest to Xu Tong that after this matter is over, they can go to the resort at the foot of Mount Emei to soak in hot springs.

At that time, you can call two girls to accompany you, drink during the day, and relax in the hot spring and sauna at night.

Xu Tong is actually not very interested in the so-called girls.

In his heart, there are thousands of beautiful skins, but there are too few interesting souls.

But drinking in the sauna is also a good idea.

While the two were talking, the temple in front of them gradually became clear. At this moment, the temple door was wide open, and two well-behaved and lovely virgins and boys were standing at the door, one on the left and the other on the right. After seeing Xu Tong and Mei Du, the pair of virgins The virgin was stunned for a moment, and said in amazement: "There is still a great master?"

But soon the expressions of the two boys returned to normal, and said: "Welcome distinguished guests, my king has set up a banquet, please invite the two of you."

Xu Tong looked up and down, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found Gao Zhuo's photo and sent it up: "This is my friend. They should have come earlier than us. I wonder where they are now?"

Saying that, Xu Tong did not forget to put two guide money into their hands.

However, when the two looked at the photo, they shook their heads and said, "I haven't seen it before."

"Haven't seen it? They are clearly walking ahead of us, how come you haven't seen them?"

Mei Du stepped forward and asked.

But the two boys still shook their heads and said that they had never seen it before.

Now it's a bit strange, Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi are supposed to be carrying a coffin and an old man, and their speed will never be slow, there's no reason for them to be left behind.

"Brother, do we still want to go in?"

Mei Du looked back at Xu Tong.

Xu Tong looked back at the mountain path behind him, thought for a moment and said, "Come in! If we don't look for it, they will come. Let's go in and have a look."

Although they don't know what's going on with Gao Zhuo and the others, but the source of all problems is here, and they can't get around it no matter what.

Immediately after the two entered the gate of the temple, they walked through the corridor under the leadership of a child, and saw a huge stone wall head-on.

There are eight humanoid statues on the huge stone wall, and each of them looks extremely painful.

The expression of the statue is lifelike. Although there is no sound, the painful visual sense still hits the face, which makes people unconsciously have a strange feeling of empathy.

"The Wall of Nine Sufferings."

Seeing the three characters Jiuku Wall written on the stele next to the stone wall, Xu Tong wondered in his heart what the name of King Jiue Minggui had something to do with Jiuku Wall.

"Old people, sick people, parting, hatred..."

Meidu waited and watched the expressions of these eight people, felt carefully, but could only name four kinds of pain.

When Xu Tong saw this, he opened his mouth and said for him: "You can't be greedy, you can't be widowed, you can't love, you can't keep it, nothing."


Mei Du looked up at Xu Tong suspiciously.

I don't understand, what does the last None mean.


Mei Du tentatively said.

"No, it's a kind of...

Can't say it's bitter! "

Xu Tong looked serious, this kind of suffering was hard to tell, he could only bear it silently.

He used to not be able to figure it out right away, but when he looked at the vacated space, he couldn't help thinking of Master in his mind.

Accept the fate, Xingshajie.

Pulling down the curtain of the old era with one person, but you have to bear the cause and effect alone.

Suffering the rejection and hatred of the strangers all over the world, he was doomed to die in torment. After death, he didn't even have a coffin, and there wasn't even a musical instrument class to bury him.

If the country hadn't implemented the cremation system, the newly established crematoriums would not have been under the old-fashioned control. I'm afraid Master Song would not be able to cremate him even if he wanted to.

Master can only bear this suffering, and he has no one to talk to. This is the last suffering.

"Hey, you can guess it!!"

A girl came out from behind the stone wall with a black cat in her arms, and stared at Xu Tong with wide eyes: "The king once said that there is still relief from the first eight sufferings, but the ninth suffering cannot be solved. Although the Bodhisattva’s heart-inner Vajra means is not Buddha, it is better than Buddha, very few people know it, I didn’t guess it back then, how did you know?”

The girl was only eleven or twelve years old, and she was exquisite and well-behaved, with two red ribbons in her hair. When she walked over, the boy who was in charge of guiding the way was so frightened that she knelt on the ground and shivered.

"I said I have experienced it, do you believe it?"

Xu Tong looked at the girl with his eyes of fate, but he didn't know it. He was shocked when he saw that this eleven or twelve-year-old girl turned out to be a living person!
(End of this chapter)

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