Infinite script kill

Chapter 468 Give You a Chance

Chapter 468 Give You a Chance (Two Chapters In One)

Living people are everywhere, but in this place, people are very surprised.

The fate of the girl in front of him is also very strange. Xu Tong has never seen such a fate. There is a golden-haired and red-scaled lion cub coiled in the auspicious cloud, which looks very festive.

At first glance, I feel that the auspiciousness is compelling and precious, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a lucky star.

The girl looked Xu Tong up and down for a moment before shaking her head, "I don't believe it."

"Hey, don't believe it if you don't believe it, who are you, how can you live in this kind of place??"

Xu Tong asked the girl.

He was sure that this girl was an ordinary person, but how could an ordinary person come here, and judging by her attire, words and deeds, she seemed to have lived here for a long time.


Seeing Xu Tong asking about her origin, the girl shook her head distressedly and said, "I don't know either. Your Majesty said that I am the reincarnation of a god, and one day I will go back to heaven, so I am called Tiannv."

"Pfft..." Hearing this, Mei Du almost laughed out loud, the words became more and more outrageous, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Now there are no goblins, how can there be gods?"

Hearing Meidu's ridicule, the goddess immediately became angry: "Hmph, I knew you didn't believe me, so I ignored you!"

Seeing that the girl was about to leave, Xu Tong pondered for a moment but nodded instead, and said as if something happened: "No! I believe it."

"I don't believe it, you must be coaxing me."

Although the goddess is small, she is eccentric. She sticks her tongue out at Xu Tong and is about to leave with the black cat in her arms.

However, Xu Tong's next words made Tiannv stunned.

"No, because I have seen gods." Turning around, he looked at Xu Tong curiously.

"I have not only met the gods, but also went to heaven, and the gods gave me a treasure."

Xu Tong said confidently that he once ate a Biluo Pill and went to Biluotian, and walked along the corridor with Tiannv while talking.

He spoke so vividly that even the black cat in Tiannv's arms couldn't help raising its head, tilting its head and staring at Xu Tong, with a puzzled look in its eyes.

As for Mei Du, he was even more fascinated by what he heard. At first, he thought it was made up by the elder brother, but after Xu Tong described in detail what he saw and heard in Bi Luotian, even Mei Du doubted whether it was true. .

Could it be that senior brother has really been to Biluotian?
What is Biluodan? It sounds familiar, why can't I remember it for a while.

The three of them and one cat walked to the front of the courtyard, and saw that there were already banquets in the distance.

The strangers who followed behind had already sat down according to their seniority. As for the two seats on the left and right of the first seat, only the high priest sat on one side, and the other side was empty, apparently for Xu Tong. of.

In terms of seniority, he is Xue Gui's disciple, and in terms of strength, he is a contemporary grandmaster. It seems that no one dares to sit in this position except him.

Everyone saw Xu Tong and the three of them approaching from a distance, talking and laughing, they couldn't help but look at each other, wondering where the little girl jumped out from.

"So many people."

It was the first time for Tiannv to see such a scene. Seeing so many people suddenly appearing, she couldn't help but timidly stepped back two steps behind Xu Tong, and then she showed her small head and watched carefully.

Xu Tong took the goddess to the seat and sat down. There were all kinds of weird things on the table. Although these fruits and foods looked very attractive, Xu Tong thought it would be better not to eat them. in sight.

He casually took out a pack of biscuits from the item book, opened it under Tiannu's curious gaze, and gave half of it to Tiannu.


Seeing the biscuits handed by Xu Tong, the black cat in Tiannv's arms immediately became alert, showing its sharp claws and trying to jump out of Tiannv's arms.

"A fish!"

The goddess hurriedly hugged the black cat tightly, and said to Xu Tong embarrassedly: "A Yu doesn't like others giving me food."

Seeing this, Xu Tong was not angry, and looked at the black cat curiously. He took out a ham sausage from the item book, and tried to send it to the black cat.

Instinctively, the black cat was very wary of Xu Tong, but when the tempting smell from the ham sausage wafted, the black cat couldn't help licking its tongue, and carefully poked its head out to bite on it.

After just a small bite, the black cat fell into Xu Tong's food guide, hugged the thick and big ham and began to chew.

Tiannv also took the biscuit from Xu Tong, put it on her mouth and took a bite, a smile suddenly appeared on her little face: "It's delicious."

"It's delicious, you can eat more, I still have it here."

Xu Tong took out two more packs of biscuits and distributed them to Mei Du who was beside him, and at the same time asked about King Jiu'e Minggui.

But Tiannv didn't know much about the King Jiue Minggui, she only knew that the king had adopted her, and about other things, such as the origin of the Jiue Minggui King, and why he wanted to capture people's souls I don't know anything.

Seeing that he couldn't ask any questions, Xu Tong took out Gao Zhuo's photo: "This is my friend, he should have come earlier than us, have you seen them?"

Tiannv looked at the photo curiously, strictly speaking she was staring at Xu Tong's cell phone curiously, as if she was still wondering what it was that could draw a person's appearance so realistically.

But after repeated confirmations, Tiannv said with certainty that she had never seen Gao Zhuo before. She had been hiding behind the Nine Bitter Wall and observed every stranger. If she had really seen Gao Zhuo, she would definitely not remember it wrong.

strangeness!Where did these three guys go? ?

Xu Tong couldn't help muttering in his heart, and began to worry about Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi, or worried that something happened to the old man, after all, these three people were grasshoppers on the same rope.

Just when Xu Tong was worried about the safety of the three of them.

There was a sudden sound of ritual and music around.

Accompanied by the sound of ceremony and music, a girl in a white silk dress stood a screen in front of the main seat, and everyone could only vaguely see a vague outline appearing on the screen with the help of the maids. back.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

After finally going up the mountain, I didn't expect that I didn't even see the real face of the Jiu'e ghost king.

Fluorescence flickered in Xu Tong's eyes, and he wanted to use the eye of fate to see who the King Jiu'e Minggui was, but he was blocked by an invisible breath on the screen instead.

It seems that this screen itself has a very peculiar effect, which can shield one's own life from peeping.

A palm was slowly stretched out from behind the screen, the dark nails were filled with black light, and there were layers of dark scales on the skin, like sharp claws like demons and monsters, which made many people's scalps go numb.

The palm of the hand waved slightly towards the goddess twice. Seeing this, the goddess couldn't help turning her head and sticking out her tongue at Xu Tong. Holding the black cat in her arms, she stood up and ran behind the screen.

At this time, I heard a very lazy voice of inquiry from behind the screen.

"High Priest, I haven't seen you for a long time. When you came last time, you said you would bring me [-] souls. Why are there only these now?"

The voice could not tell whether it was a man or a woman, but the words instantly pointed all the fingers at the high priest.

Now, when the aliens who followed up the mountain looked at the high priest again, they suddenly became unfriendly.

They were originally forced to enter the cave together, and the market was desperate to save them. Only now did they find out that they were treated like cattle and sheep as tributes by the high priest from the very beginning.

"Damn it, I knew that you old lady had bad intentions!"

Angrily, he pulled out the dagger at his waist, but before he could make a move, the young seedlings standing behind the high priest had already raised the crossbow arrows in their hands.

Seeing this, the expressions of the others changed slightly. Although they didn't speak, they put their hands under the table silently.

This is not an open terrain like Fangshi, and there is no White Walker to hunt down, so it may not be impossible to win if they really fight together.

The high priest wore a mask on her face, so that no one could see what she was looking like at the moment.

She stretched out her hand and signaled the people behind to put down the crossbow: "Your Majesty, they are not the sacrifices, they are just the guests I invited to participate in the sacrifice."

As he spoke, he saw the seedlings behind him, and he lifted out the red coffin he was carrying and placed it on the main hall.

"In these coffins, there are a thousand living souls. Besides that, there are many precious treasures, all of which are tributes to the king. Please check them out."

Hearing this, the expressions on everyone's faces softened a little.

But the king behind the screen seemed to be uninterested in it:

"Forget it, what's so good about a thousand living souls? Now it's not the same as it was back then. Every time you came to pay tribute, you had at least a hundred thousand living souls each time. Now this is not enough for me to stick between my teeth. I will accept the things. Yes, but next time I want [-] living souls, if I don’t collect all of them, I will close Yinyang Mountain, and your souls after seedlings will go to the underworld honestly.”

Hearing this, several leaders of Shengmiao immediately became a little anxious. Yinyang Mountain is the holy place of their voodoo religion, and it is the way for Shengmiao's soul to return to nature.

But ever since the King Jiue Minggui took over here, he has used it as a threat, and they have to offer tribute every 44 years.

Otherwise, it will directly block Yinyang Mountain, and even devour the souls of their clansmen.

To put it bluntly, this is the bandit who occupies the mountain as king and blocks roads and robs.

"Why, do you have any opinions?"

The voice behind the screen suddenly became cold and severe, and even the surrounding temperature dropped a lot.

The high priest was silent for a while and then said: "Your Majesty, three thousand is too much. Now that the barbarian country is gone and the chieftains are gone, and the country now promotes cremation, it won't be long before Voodoo will disappear in the long river of history. Three thousand...too much."

"I'm not bargaining with you!"

The voice behind the screen suddenly became irritable. Accompanied by the sound of anger, two dragon-shaped divine lights emerged from behind the screen, as if a real dragon was born, and a huge sense of oppression rumbled.

Xu Tong's mind tightened instantly, and the hairs all over his body stood up, as if he was about to be suppressed by the aura emitted by these two divine lights just like everyone else.

Fortunately, Xu Tong seemed to be aware of the dangerous atmosphere, and Xu Tong's heart beat faster, and a large amount of pure magic energy surged out, covering his body, making his muscles relax again.

As for other people, they don't have such abilities as him. In the two dragon-shaped divine lights, there is a sense of trembling from the depths of the soul instantly, and those strangers with low skills just crawl on the ground and cannot move.

Even the chiefs of the seedlings fell to their knees on the ground in unison at this moment, with bead-sized beads of sweat oozing from their foreheads.

As for the high priest himself, he was the first among them. Under the commentary of the two dragon-shaped divine lights, his body could not move for a while, and blood beads dripped out along the gaps in the mask for a moment, dyeing the entire table red.

After a while, the two dragon-shaped divine lights retracted behind the screen, followed by a strong sense of peeping, but there was an extra layer of black light on Xu Tong's body. In the black light, a black dog was blocking Xu Tong's body. in front of the child.

This is the passive skill Uncrowned King of [Hei Biao Brocade Robe]. After activation, one's own aura will be hidden and cannot be captured by any tracking technique, cannot be calculated by ordinary arithmetic, and cannot be forcibly peeped by others.

"Hey!!! And Hei Biao's fur bodyguard, little guy, are you also her guest?"

The figure behind the screen was a little surprised, and looked at Xu Tong.

"No, I just came to retrieve the soul of a relative or friend who was taken away by the king."

Xu Tong stared at the screen and directly stated his intention of coming.

"Oh, who is it?"

The voice behind the screen eased up.

"Gao Xiao Shan!"

Fortunately, I asked Mr. Gao's name before, otherwise I really couldn't say the name for a while.

But when Xu Tong said the name, there was a sudden silence behind the screen.

"Gao Xiaoshan!! Are you his descendant?"

When Xu Tong heard something was wrong with the tone behind the screen, he immediately became alert, put one hand under the table, and patted Mei Du, who had just recovered from the coercion, to signal him to be careful.

But he still pretended to be ignorant and said: "Yes, he is a senior of my family. Because he lacks a soul, he cannot enter reincarnation, so I came here to look for it."

"Hahahaha~~" There was a burst of loud laughter behind the screen, and then the laughter stopped suddenly: "What if I don't give it!"

Xu Tong's face was slightly cold, he stood up slowly, crossed his hands in front of his chest, and said sharply: "If the king doesn't give it to you, I will take it myself."

Suddenly the surroundings were silent, and no one expected Xu Tong to be so bold.

For a moment, those strangers in the world clapped their hands secretly, for fear that Xu Tong would not do anything.

As long as Xu Tong makes a move, they can win back their souls together if they win. If they lose, the situation will not be any worse, so I wish Xu Tong could quickly compete with the King Jiue Minggui now.

The high priest and other leaders of Shengmiao couldn't help looking at Xu Tong, their eyes full of surprise.

In their eyes, Xu Tong is no different from courting death. King Jiu'e Minggui is not a little devil king. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a god. Otherwise, why would they swallow their breath after so many years of voodoo.

"Hey hey hey..."

There was also a burst of laughter from behind the screen, as if he didn't take Xu Tong's threat to heart: "It's interesting, let me give you a chance."

Speaking of this, the voice paused for a while, and then changed his words:
"This is to give you a chance. There is a river behind Yinyang Mountain, called the River of Rebirth. The river connects Yin and Yang. There are countless strange ghosts under the water. There is a high tower at the end of the river. As long as you can climb the tower, I will send you to Gao Xiaoshan." I will return your soul to you, and your other demands can also be satisfied."

This sentence is not only aimed at Xu Tong, but also for everyone, especially those seedlings. If they can be completed, their next tribute can be exempted.

"The old man is injured, so he won't participate. I will gather three thousand living souls in the next god sacrifice."

Unexpectedly, the high priest did not intend to try this opportunity, which made the leaders of the seedlings behind him suddenly feel a little resentful.

As for other aliens...

"Can we... can we also contribute our living souls to the king in exchange for our souls?"

Someone suddenly asked.

There are very few living souls in the country, and even if there are, they dare not catch them. This kind of thing involves great cause and effect, and they are even suspected of disturbing yin and yang. If they are discovered by the underworld, they will be finished.

But...not in China, but in foreign countries.

There are more souls in the United States, Chechnya, the Middle East, India and other places.

"Yes, three thousand living souls can be exchanged. If there are enough, I can give you more treasures, and even help you break through the shackles. It is not difficult to become a great master."

The voice behind the screen suddenly became gentle. He doesn't care who owns such a living soul or how it came about, as long as it is a living soul.

After getting the answer, these aliens immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and some even couldn't hold back the joy in their eyes.

This is not only a way to get back the living soul, but also help them break through to the Grand Master. This is a great opportunity, so they all handed over their hands and expressed their willingness to sacrifice the living soul next time.

"Actually, you can too. Three thousand living souls are not many."

The voice behind the screen changed to Xu Tong.

"No, I don't have the time and thought, so just do as you say."

Xu Tong put down his hands, whether he can live for 44 years is still unknown, not to mention that the old man of the Gao family does not have the time to wait, even if the soul of the old man is preserved by Gao's special method, but the time is too long, the soul will still be damaged.

"Since you are so confident, let's make it harder for you."

Suddenly, a heavenly girl screamed from behind the screen: "Don't!!"

Immediately afterwards, the scream of the cat was heard, and the black cat held in the arms of the goddess was thrown out, and Xu Tong reached out to catch it.

"Take this cat on the road together, either live or die together."

"No, Your Majesty..."

The celestial girl wanted to chase her out, but she was dragged back by the big hand. Through the screen, only the sobbing of the celestial girl could be heard.

Seeing this, Xu Tong held the trembling black cat in his arms, and was about to go to the back mountain.

But there was a sound of brisk footsteps outside the door.

"Wait, there's us!!"

Everyone followed the prestige and saw two people rushing in carrying a big red coffin, it was Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi who had disappeared before.

 I wanted to finish writing and post it in one breath, but my eyes are not very comfortable, and I don’t know where the eye drops have gone, so I can only write a big chapter today.

(End of this chapter)

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