Infinite script kill

Chapter 469 The Master Was Captured by the Monster

Chapter 469 The Master Was Captured by the Monster
These two guys seemed to have disappeared since Xu Tong went up the mountain, but they rushed out at this juncture, which surprised everyone.

However, seeing the two of them but not the old man, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, knowing that something must have happened.

"We are willing to try together, just ask for one thing from the king!"

Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi ignored Xu Tong and bowed down to the screen.


"Deed of the Ghost King!"

Gao Zhuo took a deep breath and read out these four words.

For a while, everyone looked at each other, no one knew what it was, even Xu Tong heard of it for the first time.

"Hiss~~ What do they want this thing for??"

On the side, Mei Du couldn't help dragging his chin and muttering to himself with a puzzled face.

"You know this thing?" Xu Tong held the black cat in his arms with one hand. The guy seemed to be at ease after something, and lay obediently on Xu Tong's chest, motionless.

Meidu nodded: "I have this thing at home, and there are many related classics, it is clearly written on it that those who enter the Netherland must not go through the five gates, and those who do not have a contract are not allowed to pass, and those who enter without permission will fall into hell forever. .”

Mei Du explained to Xu Tong in a low voice that the underworld is not what people think, it is as small as the city of the dead, on the contrary it is very big.

It is unknown exactly how big it is, but it is indeed very grand. In such a large place, there are countless little ghosts, ghost gods, and even some ghost immortals to manage it.

But such a big place is not where you can come and go as you want. If there is no contract, once it is discovered, it will inevitably attract the arrest of the bad guys, so the contract is needed as a guarantee.

To put it bluntly, this thing is similar to the ancient Luyin, without this thing, you will be treated as a fugitive.

When Mei Du said this, Xu Tong understood that this thing was similar to the contract in his master's hand, but it seemed that the contract in his master's hand was more advanced.

"It's just that not everyone can take out this thing. Although the Underworld Ghost King sounds like a ghost king, he is not a priest of the Underworld. How can he take out this thing?"

Mei Du was pondering with his chin in his hand, and Xu Tong was also pondering, but the direction of his pondering was different from Mei Du's.

How could Gao Zhuo know about this thing, let alone the soul of his old man, why would he want this thing? ?

After a moment of silence behind the screen, he said: "Yes! This thing is not difficult, it's getting late, you guys hurry up, don't delay the big guy's time to go back."

Behind the screen, a woman came out, it was the woman at the bottom of the mountain before, she opened her hand and made a gesture of please: "Please come with me."

Seeing this, Xu Tong stood up, while Mei Du pulled him and said in a low voice, "Be careful."

Xu Tong pushed Mei Du's hand back calmly: "You keep this thing, if something goes wrong, run away quickly."

It turned out that Mei Du wanted to secretly hand him a plum hairpin, but Xu Tong didn't accept it. He always felt that something was wrong, and Mei Du needed this thing to save his life when he stayed here.

After speaking, he patted Mei Du's arm, and followed the woman out of the hall.

Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi picked up the coffin again and followed. Seeing this, the others got up one after another, wanting to see if Xu Tong and the others could succeed.

The three of them walked down the mountain along the path at the back of the mountain. In front of the Yinyang Mountain, there was clearly a scalding hot spring, but the wind behind it was biting cold.

Moreover, the further you go down, the colder it gets. Xu Tong himself is strong, and the item card [Hei Biao Brocade Robe] is immune to water, fire and cold, so it is very easy.

Because Gao Zhuo turned into a corpse, the cold was very comfortable for him, and it didn't affect him at all, only Chang Wuzhi's face had turned pale, and his body trembled from time to time.

It can be seen that although Chang Wuzhi has also become a player, his strength seems to be a little bit weaker. It's just that Chang Wuzhi is still like this, let alone those strangers who wanted to come down to have a look, let alone go down After walking more than ten meters, they couldn't bear the cold below and turned back to the top of the mountain.

"One is cold and the other is hot, there is really a difference between yin and yang." Some people were secretly surprised that there is such a strange place in the world.

Xu Tong slowed down and waited for Gao Zhuo and Gao Zhuo, who were following behind, to approach, then turned around and stared at the two of them: "Idiot, where is the master!!"

The old man's life is related to their life and death. How could Xu Tong not ask if he didn't see the old man at this juncture.

Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi looked strange, as if they wanted to say something, but they didn't know how to explain it when they opened their mouths, so they could only look helplessly at the coffin beside them, and said with aggrieved faces:

"Eldest brother, master was captured by a monster!"

It turned out that when they sensed something was wrong in Fangshi, they wanted to throw the old man into the coffin, but they didn't know that when the coffin was opened, there would be a zombie hidden inside, and they dragged the old man into it.

Fortunately, the zombie didn't eat the old man alive, otherwise the two of them would have to be buried with them.

But the bad news is that this zombie actually used the old man as a threat, forcing them to listen to him too.

"Two unlucky ones!"

Xu Tong didn't know what to say for a while, he could only say that the two of them were really unlucky, such things could happen, but where did this zombie come from, it couldn't be the old man who put a zombie in by himself.

"It should have come from behind. Do you still remember the coffin we saw when we swam across the underground river just now..."

Gao Zhuo lowered his head and his voice became smaller and smaller, Chang Wuju who was beside him could not wait to pick up a screwdriver and poke a few holes in this guy's body.

In the final analysis, it was Gao Zhuo himself who had nothing to do to knock on other people's coffins. This is all right. He was threatening the princes with food delivery, which made them more passive now.


Xu Tong tried to knock on the coffin: "Master, with the queen by your side, you can be a son-in-law inside with peace of mind."


The coffin shook a few times, but soon there was no movement, followed by a small gap opened in the coffin, Xu Tong could feel someone looking at him in the gap.


Then the coffin was closed heavily, and there was no more movement.

Seeing that the zombie in the coffin did not respond, Xu Tong had no choice but to ignore him for the time being.

After following the woman to the bottom of the cliff, the air here is even colder, and even taking a breath, it feels like stuffing a ball of ice lumps into the mouth, which makes the teeth ache from the cold.

The woman pointed to the northwest, and followed her finger, but it was pitch black, and she couldn't see anything.

"Not far away, about 3000 meters away, you can see a high tower. As long as you climb up the high tower and light the glazed lamp on the high tower, your wish will be fulfilled by your majesty, and your majesty will be watching you from above. .”

Xu Tong raised his head and saw a small pavilion beside the cliff. The pavilion was blocked by white screens, so he couldn't see what was going on inside.

The high priest and other Miao clan leaders also stood aside, watching them silently.

"But time is limited, you only have half an hour."

The woman then pointed to a small boat on the shore, reminding Xu Tong that they could swim there by boat.

"No, it's not ready-made."

Xu Tong patted the coffin in Chang Wuzhi's hand, waved and pushed it, and threw the coffin into the water.

The three jumped onto the coffin, and Mei Du stood far away on the mountainside, waving at them and shouting to them to be careful.

It's not that he doesn't want to come down, but it's too cold down there.

Being able to descend to the halfway up the mountain is already the limit that Meidu can descend.

Xu Tong waved towards Mei Du, and the three of them rode on the coffin and rowed towards the depths of the water.

After a while, the shadows of the three of them disappeared into the misty black mist.

Seeing the disappearing figure, the high priest lowered his head, stretched out his hand and took out a bottle from his sleeve. After the bottle was opened, a pungent smell permeated from it.

She reached out and took off the mask on her face, revealing her true face.

At this time, everyone discovered that the high priest was already an old lady with frosty white hair. She seemed to be very old, and she was injured by the two divine lights of King Jiu'e Minggui just now, and her face was still a little pale. .


At this time, Meidu had just climbed up from the bottom of the mountain, and suddenly saw the high priest who took off his mask, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart.

He is not from Xiangxi, but as the descendant of Meihuazhuang, Meidu knows very well that the high priests of the Voodoo Sect never show their true colors to others, and except for the insiders of the Voodoo Sect, almost no one knows their true identities.

At this moment, the high priest took off his mask in public. This behavior was too abnormal.

Thinking of this, Mei Du stepped back a few steps, and quietly hid his figure in an inconspicuous corner.

At the same time, on the other side, the three of Xu Tong sat on the coffin, and the three of them water-skied with their hands, but the speed was not slow at all, but the deeper it went, the colder it became, which made Chang Wuzhi complain: "It's all your fault. It's okay to take pictures of other people's coffin lids."

"I'm happy, just leave me alone. Don't think that you are the brother of the boss. If you make me anxious, you will be finished if I don't take care of you."

Gao Zhuo was more upset than Chang Wuzhi, he thought that if it wasn't for this scammer, maybe the old man wouldn't be able to play Gu.

Chang Wuzhi didn't speak, his eyes showed a murderous look, he wished he could pounce on Gao Zhuo's body right now.

"Stop arguing, hurry up and paddle, if you want to quarrel, wait until the glazed lamp is lit."

Xu Tong turned around and glared at the two of them, only to see that the black cat was stuffed into his clothes by him, only the little fluffy head was poking out from the collar, and his eyes were watching the surrounding water curiously.

However, at this moment, a hoarse laughter suddenly came from inside the coffin.

"why are you laughing?"

Hearing the laughter, Gao Zhuo patted the coffin and said, "You are a corpse, what kind of ghost king's deed do you want? If you want to travel to Yincao, my boss will send you down, ensuring that it will be fast and safe."

Facing Gao Zhuo's complaints, the laughter in the coffin was even harsher: "Don't rush to complain, I am not harming you, I am saving you."

(End of this chapter)

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