Infinite script kill

Chapter 470 Slaughter God

Chapter 470 Slaughter God
"Save us??"

Gao Zhuo pursed his lips: "Then you release my master!"

"This old thing is old and stinky, and I'm too lazy to chew on it, but I throw him out now, are you sure he's still alive?"

Gao Zhuo shut up now.

It's freezing here, it's terribly cold, just look at the way Chang Wuzhang's teeth are shivering like a dog's. If the old man is really released, he might be belching soon.

"What do you mean by saving us?"

Xu Tong frowned and asked, he felt that the zombie in the coffin was not simple, maybe there was something else hidden.

The zombie in the coffin didn't answer Xu Tong, but said coldly: "I think you'd better survive first. Listen, something is coming."

Suddenly there was a crashing sound on the dead water.

The thick and thin blood-red lightning in the water tank, the turbid waves beating fiercely against the rocks, and the entire water surface turned yellow in an instant. When the water waves were raging, hundreds of black bumps could be seen rushing towards the three of them in the water.

"It's a strange ghost!"

With dark vision, Xu Tong could clearly see the black shadows emerging from the water from a distance. They bared their teeth and claws, opened their bloody mouths, and rushed towards them with twisted tentacles.

These ghosts are completely different from the ghosts under the hands of King Jiu'e Minggui. The scarlet eyes reveal primitive madness and wildness, and only killing and destruction are in their minds.

They are the most primitive creatures in the Yin and Yang Dao, dark and cold-blooded, without independent thinking ability at all.

"so much!!"

Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi were taken aback when they saw the terrifying amount of darkness on the surface of the water. They had seen those strange ghosts before, but this was the first time they saw such a large number. Mutter.

Leaving aside the fighting power of these strange ghosts, this number alone is enough to smash the coffins under their bodies.

"You protect the coffin and leave the rest to me."

Xu Tong also knew that these strange ghosts should not be allowed to rush over, so he lifted the black cat in his arms and threw it to Gao Zhuo. Afterwards, his breath overflowed, and the scene became even more chaotic.Jump straight into the water.

Xu Tong, who was submerged in the water, fell rapidly, and then raised a series of water bubbles. In the darkness, a black shadow under the water could be seen quickly rushing towards him.

Xu Tong didn't even want to reach out and grab the nearest strange ghost.

This White Walker looks a bit strange, with a huge humanoid head on his head, but his neck is full of tentacles, and he has no body at all. The huge tentacles roll up an undercurrent under the water like a propeller, and the speed is extremely fast.

It originally wanted to rush up from under the coffin and fly up the top of the coffin, but it didn't want a human to jump into the water suddenly, and when it was about to rejoice and monopolize the flesh and blood, it didn't know that Xu Tong suddenly gushed out a billowing devilish energy.

Terrible demonic energy floated around Xu Tong, and a terrifying aura made him involuntarily feel fear from the bottom of his heart.

This is the special passive effect brought by Lilith's heart, demon blood.

Demon Bloodline LV1: All dark skills are upgraded by one level, and have bloodline suppression.

Low-level demons will have a natural fear of you, as long as you are strong enough, demons will also become your slaves.

Strictly speaking, these strange ghosts are almost the same as those demons. They are naturally afraid of Xu Tong's breath, and their bodies froze. They dare not resist for a while, allowing Xu Tong to grab his hair and step on his head. superior.

However, the benefits of the devil's bloodline are more than that. With the bloodline of the devil, Xu Tong can even hear the voice conveyed by the screams and hisses of this strange ghost.

"Don't kill me...don't kill me..."

"Surrender or die!"

Xu Tong can't speak the words of other ghosts, but don't forget that there is a pure ghost in the hall behind him.

I saw Fa Cai flying out from the entrance of the hall and landed on Xu Tong's shoulder. His chubby body exuded golden light and was only the size of a palm, like a meatball. He opened his mouth and let out a sharp growl. Act as translator for Xu Tong.

Now the ghosts under Xu Tong's feet were even more frightened, trembling and expressing their willingness to surrender.


As soon as Xu Tong stomped his feet, the strange ghost twisted its octopus-like tentacles and swam towards the front quickly.

Fa Cai twisted his body and looked extremely excited, especially after seeing its kind among the other ghosts in front of him, he kept panting: "I want to eat!!"

Since the level of fortune was directly knocked down in order to restrain Taoist Dragon Xun last time, although Xu Tong can feed it incense merit, but incense merit can only improve its quality, but not upgrade it.

If you want to upgrade, the fastest and best way is to let it devour its own kind. Xu Tong has been unable to find suitable food for him.

I saw an extra doll in Xu Tong's hand.

After patting the doll's head, the doll let out a sharp and strange laugh.

The laughter was very ear-piercing, and there was a feeling of inadequacy. Even Xu Tong himself felt an inexplicable urge to shut the baby's mouth when he heard it.

【Mocking Doll】

Active skill 1: What are you looking at! !
Consumes 10 script points. After activation, the doll will focus on itself and emit taunting sound waves, making the surrounding enemies unknowingly attract their attention to themselves.

(Note: If this was in the hands of the gentlemen in the north, this thing would have been dismantled long ago)

I bought this thing from the exhibition a long time ago, and I have never had a suitable opportunity. Today is the first time I use it, but the effect is surprisingly good.

The strange ghosts suddenly changed direction and rushed towards Xu Tong.

"Hey, renter, come out to work!"

In an instant, the Dark Lord was activated, and a burst of exaggerated screams rang in Xu Tong's ears. It was the voice of the Demon Lord Amota.

"Are you breaking into the yin and yang way?"

Amata was also taken aback by the number of strange ghosts in front of him, but soon he took a look at Xu Tong's breath, and his voice suddenly relaxed: "Fortunately not, they are all low-level little guys. "

As he said that, the magic smoke rose from Xu Tong's body, and silver stripes rose from his skin. With Xu Tong's palm raised, the dark red hellfire instantly illuminated the dark river in front of him.

With the power of the devil king and the blessing of the blood of the devil, the aura overflowed, causing the other ghosts rushing in front to panic.

Most of the white ghosts rushing in front wanted to dodge backwards, but the white ghosts behind still rushed forward regardless. As a result, the two collided together, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Xu Tong didn't care about these things, he stepped on the ghosts under his feet and went straight in.

Hellfire waved in his hand, like a fire dragon blasting among the aliens, and a little spark would burn if touched. For these aliens, the fire of hell was their nemesis, and the entire water surface began to rise in an instant red light.


"Huh! Interesting."

The red light flickering on the water surface in the distance became bigger and bigger, and even the King Jiu'e Minggui in the pavilion couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise.

Everyone didn't know what happened, but they could see a large area of ​​red light flickering in the darkness in the distance.

"There are more interesting things."

At this time, the high priest who took off his mask walked to the pavilion and said, "Your Majesty."

The high priest's hands drooped slightly, which seemed to be the reason for the bottle of potion just now. At this moment, the complexion on her face has recovered a lot.


"Your Majesty, after 44 years, we will offer [-] living souls as His Majesty wishes, but... during this period, can Your Majesty be accommodating and let some elders of our clan pass through Yinyang Mountain."

After being silent for a while in the gazebo, he said impatiently: "According to the rules, one stays at seven times, and making an offering is another matter. Do you still want to negotiate terms with me about things like this old lady?"

The high priest lowered his head so that no one could see her expression: "It didn't happen in the past, but not this time."

Everyone around was still looking at the red light in the distance, and no one noticed the movement here.

There was only one person staring at this side intently, and that was Mei Du.

Not only staring, but also listening with ears pricked up, the more I listened, the faster my heart beat, thinking: "Is this old lady crazy??"

Do you want to fight against King Jiue Minggui like this? ?

But after another thought: "No, these old ladies are not that stupid."

From the time Fenglailou dispatched masters into Xiangxi to assassinate Xu Tong, until the four masters in Fenglailou disappeared, forcing Fenglailou to issue a wanted order and a large number of aliens marched into Xiangxi, but murders happened directly on the streets, beating everyone People are caught off guard.

At this time, someone began to introduce them to participate in the so-called god sacrifice. From then on, Mei Du began to suspect that everything was done by the voodoo sect.

Because looking at Xiangxi, only the voodoo sect has such a great ability, dare to kill, and can kill the masters of Fenglailou.

In other words, they were brought to this place by the high priest as pawns from the beginning, so what does the high priest want to do? ?

Mei Du couldn't figure it out, but now judging from the high priest's attitude, this is by no means a good omen.

Thinking of this, Mei Du couldn't help but took out the three plum blossom hairpins and held them in his palm.

"What did you say?"

There was a sound of anger in the gazebo, followed by the sound of something cracking, everyone was startled, and they all looked back, only to see the high priest kneeling on the ground with a cup of tea splashed on his face, There are smashed teacups on the ground.

Seeing blood dripping down the forehead of the high priest, everyone was at a loss for a moment.

The voice in the gazebo was like thunder: "You old bastard, you are so courageous, this seat has already lenient your voodoo sect, and you still dare to go further!!!"

The high priest looked down at the drops of blood dripping on the ground, and even continued: "My lord, please help me, there are a total of 360 seven elderly souls in my clan, and none of them will be missing."

In an instant, the scene fell into a deathly silence, and everyone even held their breath involuntarily, staring at the high priest in stunned amazement.

The chiefs of the Shengmiao tribe had knelt down on the ground trembling, ready to meet the wrath of the god.

"Hehehehe, I haven't seen such a backbone high priest for a long time."

Accompanied by laughter, two maids walked out of the gazebo, one on the left and one on the right, and moved away the screen that blocked everyone.

Everyone stared wide-eyed and looked into the gazebo, wanting to witness the demeanor of the true god.

I saw the white silk fluttering around the pavilion, revealing a body covered with dragon scales, and a stern face looming in the fluttering white silk.

"Old guy, tell me, if I don't agree, what are you going to do to calm my anger."

The cold gaze through the gaps in the white silk made people shudder.

However, what shocked everyone was that the high priest stood up slowly from the ground, with one hand holding the crutch in front of him, the other hand silently grasping the other end of the crutch, and pulling the crutch with both hands, "Ka!" Gradually split open, revealing a dark red blade.

"If the king does not agree.

The old man has only one way to calm the king's anger...

Slaughter God!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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