Chapter 471

The waves of water hit the coffin, and the waves raised unceremoniously poured Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi into drowned chickens.

But the two of them didn't feel cold, instead they felt hot all over.

The hazy seawater in front of him is now burnt into a crimson, this is the strength of the certified player. Once it rises, the situation will change, and the hands and feet will be swallowed up.

The hearts of both of them are full of enthusiasm. Even if Xu Tong has not really become a certified player, it is not an exaggeration to call himself a certified player with such strength.

"This guy……"

Chang Wuzhi's heart was hot, but his eyes were flickering, one hand was unconsciously put into the satchel on his waist, and his fingers wriggled and rubbed back and forth.


Xu Tong poked his head out of the water and stretched out an arm. At this time, Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi instinctively stretched out their hands together, but the three hands paused in the air. Seeing this, Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi couldn't help but look at each other.

Chang Wuzhi frowned, and subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand, but at this time Xu Tong stretched out his other hand from the water and grabbed his wrist.

Grabbing one in each hand, he jumped onto the coffin before taking a deep breath, and then without speaking, he took out food from the item book and stuffed it into his mouth.

Although Amota's power is easy to use, it is not his own power after all. Even though Amota no longer consumes his own flesh and blood, this guy wants to suck the magic energy of his body.

Lilith's heart was beating rapidly, and the devil energy was naturally flowing, but the consumption of her physical strength was also a great test.

Don't think it's fun to kill on the water, but after Amota returned after eating and drinking, he was almost exhausted to the point of collapse.

In the final analysis, it is best to use your own ability.

Xu Tong sighed, and glanced at the entrance.

At the entrance of the hall, Fa Cai was about to go crazy with joy, bouncing around the fairy stove.

I only heard a rattling sound in the fairy furnace.

A steady stream of faint yellow pills rolled out of it.

There are quite a few corpses of other ghosts on the side, and their appearance is basically similar to that of Fa Cai. Although these ghosts have substantial bodies, in essence, they are still within the range of soul bodies. Pills.

Da Ya and Ji Xiang looked at it greedily, but they dared not try it.

A different ghost is a different ghost after all, it is something transformed after the fusion of the filthy aura in the yin and yang and the ray of the yang aura in the yang world, this kind of thing is no less than a croton in the world to their fairies You are thin, two will make your legs weak, and three will make you cry.

"Boom blah blah..."

After eating, I felt that my physical strength has recovered a lot. I took the black cat from Gao Zhuo's hand. This little guy seemed to be unable to get warm in Gao Zhuo's cold clothes. Once Xu Tong picked it up, he immediately Drill into Xu Tong's arms.

"Head! Right in front!"

Gao Zhuo pointed to the front, and the three of them looked, only to see a strange tower on the water.

This high tower is not built on a reef or an island, but rather like a sea needle inserted obliquely in the water.

Xu Tong knocked on the coffin: "Hey, we're almost there, you haven't finished what you just said."

There was silence in the coffin.

At this moment, the black cat ears in Xu Tong's arms moved slightly, and looked behind him.


Immediately after, there was a humming sound coming from Yinyang Mountain behind the three of them.

"Hehehe... I finally couldn't bear it anymore."

There was a low laugh from the coffin.

"What do you mean!" Gao Zhuo felt the fierce murderous aura getting more and more surging, and couldn't help but be shocked by the source of this murderous aura. Looking into his eyes, he saw a bright green light on the Yinyang Mountain in the distance like a jewel in the night sky. Same, shining brightly.

The voice in the coffin became more and more excited, but he was deliberately showing off.

"If you want to know, just keep walking up the tower. Let's talk while walking, who told us that we don't have much time, you should hurry up."


Xu Tong didn't talk nonsense, and jumped onto the tower first, followed by Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi, and the two lifted the coffin out of the water, and the water-stained box was immediately covered with a layer of frost.

Chang Wuzhi trembled all over, his complexion getting worse and worse.

The temperature in the tower was much lower than they had imagined.

Seeing this, Xu Tong took out the [Black Biao Brocade Robe] and put it on Chang Wuzhi's body.

Feeling the long-lost warmth, Chang Wuzhi couldn't help taking a deep breath, his face gradually turned rosy, but he just looked at the black brocade robe on his body and ignored Xu Tong: "Don't think I won't kill you like this."


Xu Tong pouted, stretched out his hand and pinched the guy's face: "I just like the way you want to kill me but can't kill me."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Chang Wuzhi's gritted teeth, and took a picture of the coffin behind him: "Hey, if you don't talk about it, I won't be interested in listening."

"Say, that's it, but I can only make a long story short. After all, it's been too long. Even if I tell you, you may not be interested. To put it simply, King Jiu'e Minggui may not belong to that little girl from the voodoo sect." opponent."


Gao Zhuo turned around and decisively denied his words: "Didn't you say that the King Jiue Minggui is very powerful, and he is backed by a big backer in Yincaoli. He is an upright god with a god status, just rely on that high priest? Killing him, isn't this suicide?"

On the way up the mountain, the zombie in the coffin once told the two of them not to go to this banquet, but to hide outside and wait and see what happened. At the same time, he also told them many unknown things.

For example, the background of this Jiue Minggui King not only has the status of a righteous god, but also must have a backer in the underworld, and it is not an ordinary backer, at least a god at the level of a great god, so he dares to let him be so unscrupulous Here the earth imprisons the living soul, and establishes itself as king.

In contrast, even though the grand master is strong, he is still a mortal, so how could he slaughter a god.

Faced with Gao Zhuo's doubts, the coffin just urged indifferently: "Keep going, keep going, don't stop, let's talk while walking."

Seeing this, Xu Tong nodded towards Gao Zhuo, signaling to continue walking up.

"Ding! Cold Iron Gourd's passive skill [Cold Heart and Warm Body] is activated, and energy is being replenished!"

Passive Skill 1: Cold Heart and Warm Body

The holder can absorb ice damage and convert it into energy. After the energy overflows, it will be temporarily transformed into ice shield.

The temperature of the high tower is extremely cold, but it has just reached the critical point of activating the passive skill of the ice gourd. It can absorb the surrounding cold air to replenish energy for the gourd, which is a surprise.

The voice in the coffin also continued to lazily say: "It is impossible at other times, but today is an exception. Every 44 years, King Jiu'e Minggui will have a period of decline. The so-called god sacrifice is actually that he needs to swallow a lot of food It is the best opportunity to kill him at this time to replenish his decayed body with a living soul."

"If that's the case, why did the voodoo sect wait until today!" Xu Tong asked back as he walked behind the coffin.

Voodoo used to be a great religion, and there were so many masters in it. If it was so simple, it would make people choke their necks for hundreds of years?
"It can only be said that this guy's disguise is too good, and so many people failed to kill him back then, it has left a shadow in the hearts of those young seedlings. It is only during the last two god sacrifices that someone noticed the clue .

But they didn't have the conditions at that time, and they didn't dare to act rashly. This time they came prepared first.

From the time those people came in, I smelled a smell of medicine on these guys. It was the witchcraft of the Miao nationality. When these people came in, they didn't have to think about going back alive. They would inevitably be used as sacrifices later. "

"How do you know these things?"

Gao Zhuo turned around and asked, he had never had time to ask about this guy's background, so he happened to ask about it at the same time.

"Hmph! I just know that I have been buried here longer than your ancestors. I know these things clearly."

When Gao Zhuo heard this, his face darkened, and he cursed in his heart: "Damn it, if my ancestors come here, can you still be so crazy??"

But soon Gao Zhuo frowned and became distressed: "So, King Jiu'e Minggui is dead, so why should we go up, hurry back."

"Don't worry, the ghost king is already on guard. That old woman can't kill him. Let's go up and light the lamp, and go back to ask the king Jiu'e ghost ghost for a reward. We can avoid the center of chaos and get the response." Some rewards kill two birds with one stone.”

The voice in the coffin spoke disapprovingly of his little plan.

Hearing this, Xu Tong thought for a while: "You are... Wang Zhao!"


Hearing Wang Zhao's word "clang" in the coffin, he heard the voice in the coffin anxiously: "Who are you, how do you know my name?"

"Your good friend Mei Siyuan wrote down all your crimes. I happened to read it. You mentioned the war just now. I think it should be the war in the 28th year of Jiajing."

Xu Tong remembered that Mei Siyuan had mentioned in the scroll that both he and Wang Zhao were trapped here, and it seemed that Mei Siyuan did not kill Wang Zhao from the beginning to the end.

Adding what Wang Zhao said, Xu Tong naturally thought of Wang Zhao.

"Nonsense, bastard, I didn't harm him, I was wronged!"

There was a rattling sound in the coffin, and Wang Zhao was heard cursing; "The one who betrayed them is the dog of the Zhang family, the ancestor of this old man's family. If we went the wrong way, even if we couldn’t kill this old ghost back then, we could break his three legs and let him go back to hell.”

Xu Tong compared the content on the skin scroll left by Mei Siyuan in his heart, and he didn't quite believe Wang Zhao's words.

He felt that this guy was full of nonsense. In comparison, he believed in what was written on Mei Siyuan's scroll.

Just as he was about to ask what happened in the first place, there was a sudden burst of green light in the distance, and dots of fluorescent light rushed into the sky, illuminating the entire Yinyang Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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